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Fund Administration

TIP: Funds may be ignored if you are setting your Global System Preferences for 'Acquisitions' to "simple" acquisitions: the funds are only useful when using "normal" acquisitions.

Funds & Budgets

"Funds" are accounts that you establish to track your expenditures for library materials. They may be used for any kind of material and should match the lines in your materials budget. For instance, if your library establishes a budget line for books, another for audiovisual materials, a third line for magazines, and a fourth budget line for electronic databases, then you would have four funds.

TIP: The first time you access this page, you will be asked to add your first fund -- thereafter you will have the option of editing and deleting funds.

Adding a Fund

From this module you can easily see what has been spent from each budget [% INCLUDE 'help-bottom.inc' %]