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Budget Planning

When viewing the list of funds click the 'Planning' button and choose how you would like to plan to spend your budget.

If you choose 'Plan by MONTHS' you will see the budgeted amount broken down by months.

To hide some of the columns you can click the minus sign (-) to the right (or below as in the screenshot above) the dates. To add more columns you can click the plus sign (+) found above the 'Auto-fill row' buttons.

From here you can plan your budget spending by manually entering values or by clicking the 'Auto-fill row' button. If you choose to auto-fill the form the system will try to divide the amount accordingly, you may have to make some edits to split things more accurately.

Once your changes are made, click the 'Save' button. If you would like to export your data as a CSV file you can do so by entering a file name in the 'Output to a file named' field and clicking the 'Output' button.

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