Bug 5531: Updated Polish, Ukranian and Russian syspref files

Retrieved from
This commit is contained in:
Chris Cormack 2010-12-22 14:59:11 +13:00
parent c9db18bf0b
commit 0482e53451
3 changed files with 131 additions and 22 deletions

View file

@ -40,7 +40,6 @@ INSERT INTO `systempreferences` (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES
INSERT INTO `systempreferences` (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES('IntranetNav','','Use HTML tabs to add navigational links to the top-hand navigational bar in the Staff Client','70|10','Textarea');
INSERT INTO `systempreferences` (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES('intranetreadinghistory',1,'If ON, Reading History is enabled for all patrons','','YesNo');
INSERT INTO `systempreferences` (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES('intranetstylesheet','','Enter a complete URL to use an alternate layout stylesheet in Intranet','50','free');
INSERT INTO `systempreferences` (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES('IntranetUserCSS','','Add CSS to be included in the intranet in an embedded <style> tag.',NULL,'free');
INSERT INTO `systempreferences` (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES('intranetuserjs','','Custom javascript for inclusion in Intranet','70|10','Textarea');
INSERT INTO `systempreferences` (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES('intranet_includes','includes','The includes directory you want for specific look of Koha (includes or includes_npl for example)',NULL,'Free');
INSERT INTO `systempreferences` (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES('ISBD','#100||{ 100a }{ 100b }{ 100c }{ 100d }{ 110a }{ 110b }{ 110c }{ 110d }{ 110e }{ 110f }{ 110g }{ 130a }{ 130d }{ 130f }{ 130g }{ 130h }{ 130k }{ 130l }{ 130m }{ 130n }{ 130o }{ 130p }{ 130r }{ 130s }{ 130t }|<br/><br/>\r\n#245||{ 245a }{ 245b }{245f }{ 245g }{ 245k }{ 245n }{ 245p }{ 245s }{ 245h }|\r\n#246||{ : 246i }{ 246a }{ 246b }{ 246f }{ 246g }{ 246n }{ 246p }{ 246h }|\r\n#242||{ = 242a }{ 242b }{ 242n }{ 242p }{ 242h }|\r\n#245||{ 245c }|\r\n#242||{ = 242c }|\r\n#250| - |{ 250a }{ 250b }|\r\n#254|, |{ 254a }|\r\n#255|, |{ 255a }{ 255b }{ 255c }{ 255d }{ 255e }{ 255f }{ 255g }|\r\n#256|, |{ 256a }|\r\n#257|, |{ 257a }|\r\n#258|, |{ 258a }{ 258b }|\r\n#260| - |{ 260a }{ 260b }{ 260c }|\r\n#300| - |{ 300a }{ 300b }{ 300c }{ 300d }{ 300e }{ 300f }{ 300g }|\r\n#306| - |{ 306a }|\r\n#307| - |{ 307a }{ 307b }|\r\n#310| - |{ 310a }{ 310b }|\r\n#321| - |{ 321a }{ 321b }|\r\n#340| - |{ 3403 }{ 340a }{ 340b }{ 340c }{ 340d }{ 340e }{ 340f }{ 340h }{ 340i }|\r\n#342| - |{ 342a }{ 342b }{ 342c }{ 342d }{ 342e }{ 342f }{ 342g }{ 342h }{ 342i }{ 342j }{ 342k }{ 342l }{ 342m }{ 342n }{ 342o }{ 342p }{ 342q }{ 342r }{ 342s }{ 342t }{ 342u }{ 342v }{ 342w }|\r\n#343| - |{ 343a }{ 343b }{ 343c }{ 343d }{ 343e }{ 343f }{ 343g }{ 343h }{ 343i }|\r\n#351| - |{ 3513 }{ 351a }{ 351b }{ 351c }|\r\n#352| - |{ 352a }{ 352b }{ 352c }{ 352d }{ 352e }{ 352f }{ 352g }{ 352i }{ 352q }|\r\n#362| - |{ 362a }{ 351z }|\r\n#440| - |{ 440a }{ 440n }{ 440p }{ 440v }{ 440x }|.\r\n#490| - |{ 490a }{ 490v }{ 490x }|.\r\n#800| - |{ 800a }{ 800b }{ 800c }{ 800d }{ 800e }{ 800f }{ 800g }{ 800h }{ 800j }{ 800k }{ 800l }{ 800m }{ 800n }{ 800o }{ 800p }{ 800q }{ 800r }{ 800s }{ 800t }{ 800u }{ 800v }|.\r\n#810| - |{ 810a }{ 810b }{ 810c }{ 810d }{ 810e }{ 810f }{ 810g }{ 810h }{ 810k }{ 810l }{ 810m }{ 810n }{ 810o }{ 810p }{ 810r }{ 810s }{ 810t }{ 810u }{ 810v }|.\r\n#811| - |{ 811a }{ 811c }{ 811d }{ 811e }{ 811f }{ 811g }{ 811h }{ 811k }{ 811l }{ 811n }{ 811p }{ 811q }{ 811s }{ 811t }{ 811u }{ 811v }|.\r\n#830| - |{ 830a }{ 830d }{ 830f }{ 830g }{ 830h }{ 830k }{ 830l }{ 830m }{ 830n }{ 830o }{ 830p }{ 830r }{ 830s }{ 830t }{ 830v }|.\r\n#500|<br/><br/>|{ 5003 }{ 500a }|\r\n#501|\<br/><br/>|{ 501a }|\r\n#502|<br/><br/>|{ 502a }|\r\n#504|<br/><br/>|{ 504a }|\r\n#505|<br/><br/>|{ 505a }{ 505t }{ 505r }{ 505g }{ 505u }|\r\n#506|<br/><br/>|{ 5063 }{ 506a }{ 506b }{ 506c }{ 506d }{ 506u }|\r\n#507|<br/><br/>|{ 507a }{ 507b }|\r\n#508|<br/><br/>|{ 508a }{ 508a }|\r\n#510|<br/><br/>|{ 5103 }{ 510a }{ 510x }{ 510c }{ 510b }|\r\n#511|<br/><br/>|{ 511a }|\r\n#513|<br/><br/>|{ 513a }{513b }|\r\n#514|<br/><br/>|{ 514z }{ 514a }{ 514b }{ 514c }{ 514d }{ 514e }{ 514f }{ 514g }{ 514h }{ 514i }{ 514j }{ 514k }{ 514m }{ 514u }|\r\n#515|<br/><br/>|{ 515a }|\r\n#516|<br/><br/>|{ 516a }|\r\n#518|<br/><br/>|{ 5183 }{ 518a }|\r\n#520|<br/><br/>|{ 5203 }{ 520a }{ 520b }{ 520u }|\r\n#521|<br/><br/>|{ 5213 }{ 521a }{ 521b }|\r\n#522|<br/><br/>|{ 522a }|\r\n#524|<br/><br/>|{ 524a }|\r\n#525|<br/><br/>|{ 525a }|\r\n#526|<br/><br/>|{\\n510i }{\\n510a }{ 510b }{ 510c }{ 510d }{\\n510x }|\r\n#530|<br/><br/>|{\\n5063 }{\\n506a }{ 506b }{ 506c }{ 506d }{\\n506u }|\r\n#533|<br/><br/>|{\\n5333 }{\\n533a }{\\n533b }{\\n533c }{\\n533d }{\\n533e }{\\n533f }{\\n533m }{\\n533n }|\r\n#534|<br/><br/>|{\\n533p }{\\n533a }{\\n533b }{\\n533c }{\\n533d }{\\n533e }{\\n533f }{\\n533m }{\\n533n }{\\n533t }{\\n533x }{\\n533z }|\r\n#535|<br/><br/>|{\\n5353 }{\\n535a }{\\n535b }{\\n535c }{\\n535d }|\r\n#538|<br/><br/>|{\\n5383 }{\\n538a }{\\n538i }{\\n538u }|\r\n#540|<br/><br/>|{\\n5403 }{\\n540a }{ 540b }{ 540c }{ 540d }{\\n520u }|\r\n#544|<br/><br/>|{\\n5443 }{\\n544a }{\\n544b }{\\n544c }{\\n544d }{\\n544e }{\\n544n }|\r\n#545|<br/><br/>|{\\n545a }{ 545b }{\\n545u }|\r\n#546|<br/><br/>|{\\n5463 }{\\n546a }{ 546b }|\r\n#547|<br/><br/>|{\\n547a }|\r\n#550|<br/><br/>|{ 550a }|\r\n#552|<br/><br/>|{ 552z }{ 552a }{ 552b }{ 552c }{ 552d }{ 552e }{ 552f }{ 552g }{ 552h }{ 552i }{ 552j }{ 552k }{ 552l }{ 552m }{ 552n }{ 562o }{ 552p }{ 552u }|\r\n#555|<br/><br/>|{ 5553 }{ 555a }{ 555b }{ 555c }{ 555d }{ 555u }|\r\n#556|<br/><br/>|{ 556a }{ 506z }|\r\n#563|<br/><br/>|{ 5633 }{ 563a }{ 563u }|\r\n#565|<br/><br/>|{ 5653 }{ 565a }{ 565b }{ 565c }{ 565d }{ 565e }|\r\n#567|<br/><br/>|{ 567a }|\r\n#580|<br/><br/>|{ 580a }|\r\n#581|<br/><br/>|{ 5633 }{ 581a }{ 581z }|\r\n#584|<br/><br/>|{ 5843 }{ 584a }{ 584b }|\r\n#585|<br/><br/>|{ 5853 }{ 585a }|\r\n#586|<br/><br/>|{ 5863 }{ 586a }|\r\n#020|<br/><br/><label>ISBN: </label>|{ 020a }{ 020c }|\r\n#022|\
@ -77,7 +76,6 @@ INSERT INTO `systempreferences` (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES
INSERT INTO `systempreferences` (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES('OpacMaintenance',0,'If ON, enables maintenance warning in OPAC','','YesNo');
INSERT INTO `systempreferences` (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES('OpacMainUserBlock','Welcome to Koha...\r\n<hr>','A user-defined block of HTML in the main content area of the opac main page','70|10','Textarea');
INSERT INTO `systempreferences` (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES('OpacNav','Important links here.','Use HTML tags to add navigational links to the left-hand navigational bar in OPAC','70|10','Textarea');
INSERT INTO `systempreferences` (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES('OPACNoResultsFound','','Display this HTML when no results are found for a search in the OPAC','70|10','Textarea');
INSERT INTO `systempreferences` (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES('OpacPasswordChange',1,'If ON, enables patron-initiated password change in OPAC (disable it when using LDAP auth)',NULL,'YesNo');
INSERT INTO `systempreferences` (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES('opacreadinghistory',1,'If ON, enables display of Patron Circulation History in OPAC','','YesNo');
INSERT INTO `systempreferences` (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES('opacsmallimage','','Enter a complete URL to an image to replace the default Koha logo','','free');
@ -168,6 +166,7 @@ INSERT INTO `systempreferences` (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES
INSERT INTO `systempreferences` (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES('OpacRenewalAllowed',0,'If ON, users can renew their issues directly from their OPAC account',NULL,'YesNo');
INSERT INTO `systempreferences` (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES('PatronsPerPage','20','Number of Patrons Per Page displayed by default','20','Integer');
INSERT INTO `systempreferences` (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES('HomeOrHoldingBranch','holdingbranch','Used by Circulation to determine which branch of an item to check with independent branches on, and by search to determine which branch to choose for availability ','holdingbranch|homebranch','Choice');
INSERT INTO `systempreferences` (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES('HomeOrHoldingBranchReturn','homebranch','Used by Circulation to determine which branch of an item to check checking-in items','holdingbranch|homebranch','Choice');
INSERT INTO `systempreferences` (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES('OpacHighlightedWords','1','If Set, then queried words are higlighted in OPAC','','YesNo');
INSERT INTO `systempreferences` (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES('OAI-PMH','0','if ON, OAI-PMH server is enabled',NULL,'YesNo');
@ -262,3 +261,17 @@ INSERT INTO systempreferences (variable,value,explanation,options,type)VALUES('S
INSERT INTO `systempreferences` (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES ('EnableOpacSearchHistory', '1', 'Enable or disable opac search history','', 'YesNo');
INSERT INTO `systempreferences` (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES ('RoutingListAddReserves','1','If ON the patrons on routing lists are automatically added to holds on the issue.','','YesNo');
INSERT INTO `systempreferences` (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES('soundon','0','Enable circulation sounds during checkin and checkout in the staff interface. Not supported by all web browsers yet.','','YesNo');
INSERT INTO `systempreferences` (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES('UseTablesortForCirc','0','If on, use the JQuery tablesort function on the list of current borrower checkouts on the circulation page. Note that the use of this function may slow down circ for patrons with may checkouts.','','YesNo');
INSERT INTO `systempreferences` (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES('OAI-PMH:ConfFile','','If empty, Koha OAI Server operates in normal mode, otherwise it operates in extended mode.',NULL,'File');
('OPACXSLTDetailsDisplay','0','','Enable XSL stylesheet control over details page display on OPAC','YesNo'),
('OPACXSLTResultsDisplay','0','','Enable XSL stylesheet control over results page display on OPAC','YesNo'),
INSERT INTO `systempreferences` (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES('OverdueNoticeBcc','','Email address to bcc outgoing overdue notices sent by email','','free');
INSERT INTO systempreferences VALUES ('ImageLimit',5,'','Limit images stored in the database by the Patron Card image manager to this number.','Integer');
INSERT INTO `systempreferences` (variable,value,options,explanation,type) VALUES ('SpineLabelShowPrintOnBibDetails', '0', '', 'If turned on, a "Print Label" link will appear for each item on the bib details page in the staff interface.', 'YesNo');
INSERT INTO systempreferences (variable,value,explanation,options,type)VALUES('AutoSelfCheckAllowed', '0', 'For corporate and special libraries which want web-based self-check available from any PC without the need for a manual staff login. Most libraries will want to leave this turned off. If on, requires self-check ID and password to be entered in AutoSelfCheckID and AutoSelfCheckPass sysprefs.', '', 'YesNo');
INSERT INTO `systempreferences` (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES('AutoSelfCheckID','','Staff ID with circulation rights to be used for automatic web-based self-check. Only applies if AutoSelfCheckAllowed syspref is turned on.','','free');
INSERT INTO `systempreferences` (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES('AutoSelfCheckPass','','Password to be used for automatic web-based self-check. Only applies if AutoSelfCheckAllowed syspref is turned on.','','free');
INSERT INTO `systempreferences` (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES('ILS-DI','0','Enables ILS-DI services at OPAC.','','YesNo');
INSERT INTO `systempreferences` (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES('ILS-DI:AuthorizedIPs','','.','Restricts usage of ILS-DI to some IPs','Free');
INSERT INTO `systempreferences` (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES ('OverduesBlockCirc','noblock','When checking out an item should overdues block checkout, generate a confirmation dialogue, or allow checkout','noblock|confirmation|block','Choice');
INSERT INTO `systempreferences` (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES ('DisplayMultiPlaceHold','1','Display the ability to place multiple holds or not','','YesNo');

View file

@ -52,7 +52,6 @@ INSERT INTO `systempreferences` (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES
INSERT INTO `systempreferences` (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES('IntranetNav','','Use HTML tabs to add navigational links to the left-hand navigational bar in the Staff Client','70|10','Textarea');
INSERT INTO `systempreferences` (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES('intranetreadinghistory',1,'If ON, Reading History is enabled for all patrons','','YesNo');
INSERT INTO `systempreferences` (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES('intranetstylesheet','','Enter a complete URL to use an alternate layout stylesheet in Intranet',NULL,'free');
INSERT INTO `systempreferences` (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES('IntranetUserCSS','','Add CSS to be included in the intranet in an embedded <style> tag.',NULL,'free');
INSERT INTO `systempreferences` (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES('intranetuserjs','','Custom javascript for inclusion in Intranet','50|10','Textarea');
INSERT INTO `systempreferences` (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES('intranet_includes','includes','The includes directory you want for specific look of Koha (includes or includes_npl for example)',NULL,'Free');
INSERT INTO `systempreferences` (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES('ISBD','#942|<code><b>|{942j}|</b></code><br/>
@ -86,7 +85,6 @@ INSERT INTO `systempreferences` (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES
INSERT INTO `systempreferences` (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES('LibraryName','','Define the library name as displayed on the OPAC','','');
-- this is selected by the web installer now
INSERT INTO `systempreferences` (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES('marcflavour','UNIMARC','Define global MARC flavor (MARC21 or UNIMARC) used for character encoding','MARC21|UNIMARC','Choice');
-- OEGO: фактически не было добавлено установщиком
INSERT INTO `systempreferences` (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES('MARCOrgCode','OSt','Define MARC Organization Code - http://www.loc.gov/marc/organizations/orgshome.html','','free');
@ -107,7 +105,6 @@ INSERT INTO `systempreferences` (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES
INSERT INTO `systempreferences` (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES('OpacMaintenance',0,'If ON, enables maintenance warning in OPAC','','YesNo');
INSERT INTO `systempreferences` (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES('OpacMainUserBlock','Добро пожаловать в АБИС Koha...\r\n<hr>','A user-defined block of HTML in the main content area of the opac main page','50|20','Textarea');
INSERT INTO `systempreferences` (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES('OpacNav','Здесь будут важные ссылки.','Use HTML tags to add navigational links to the left-hand navigational bar in OPAC','70|10','Textarea');
INSERT INTO `systempreferences` (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES('OPACNoResultsFound','','Display this HTML when no results are found for a search in the OPAC','70|10','Textarea');
INSERT INTO `systempreferences` (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES('OpacPasswordChange',1,'If ON, enables patron-initiated password change in OPAC (disable it when using LDAP auth)',NULL,'YesNo');
INSERT INTO `systempreferences` (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES('opacreadinghistory',1,'If ON, enables display of Patron Circulation History in OPAC','','YesNo');
INSERT INTO `systempreferences` (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES('opacsmallimage','','Enter a complete URL to an image to replace the default Koha logo','','free');
@ -238,7 +235,6 @@ INSERT INTO `systempreferences` (variable,value,options,explanation,type) VALUES
-- FIXME: add FrameworksLoaded, noOPACUserLogin?
INSERT INTO `systempreferences` (variable,value,options,explanation,type) VALUES ('SMSSendDriver','','','Sets which SMS::Send driver is used to send SMS messages.','free');
INSERT INTO systempreferences (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES('AllowRenewalLimitOverride', '0', 'if ON, allows renewal limits to be overridden on the circulation screen',NULL,'YesNo');
INSERT INTO systempreferences (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES('MergeAuthoritiesOnUpdate', '1', 'if ON, Updating authorities will automatically updates biblios',NULL,'YesNo');
INSERT INTO systempreferences (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES('RenewalPeriodBase', 'date_due', 'Set whether the renewal date should be counted from the date_due or from the moment the Patron asks for renewal ','date_due|now','Choice');
INSERT INTO `systempreferences` ( `variable` , `value` , `options` , `explanation` , `type` ) VALUES ( 'AllowNotForLoanOverride', '0', '', 'If ON, Koha will allow the librarian to loan a not for loan item.', 'YesNo');
INSERT INTO `systempreferences` (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES('AWSPrivateKey','','See: http://aws.amazon.com. Note that this is required after 2009/08/15 in order to retrieve any enhanced content other than book covers from Amazon.','','free');
@ -251,7 +247,6 @@ INSERT INTO `systempreferences` (variable,value,options,explanation,type) VALUES
--INSERT INTO `systempreferences` (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES('maxItemsInSearchResults',20,'Specify the maximum number of items to display for each result on a page of results',NULL,'free');
-- fix to 2142: maxItemsInSearchResults No longer used
INSERT INTO `systempreferences` (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES('AuthDisplayHierarchy',0,'Allow the display of hierarchy in Authority details',NULL,'YesNo');
-- from
INSERT INTO systempreferences (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES ('AmazonCoverImages', '0', 'Display Cover Images in Staff Client from Amazon Web Services','','YesNo');
@ -260,25 +255,78 @@ INSERT INTO systempreferences (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES (
INSERT INTO systempreferences (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES ('OPACAmazonCoverImages', '0', 'Display cover images on OPAC from Amazon Web Services','','YesNo');
INSERT INTO `systempreferences` (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES('ReceiveBackIssues', '5', 'Number of Previous journals to display when on subscription detail', '', '');
INSERT INTO systempreferences (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES('AllowHoldPolicyOverride', '0', 'Allow staff to override hold policies when placing holds',NULL,'YesNo');
-- from
INSERT IGNORE INTO systempreferences (variable,explanation,options,type,value)
VALUES('OPACISBD','OPAC ISBD View','90|20', 'Textarea',
'#200|<h2>Заглавие: |{200a}{. 200c}{ : 200e}{200d}{. 200h}{. 200i}|</h2>\r\n#500|<label class="ipt">Унифицированое заглавие: </label>|{500a}{. 500i}{. 500h}{. 500m}{. 500q}{. 500k}<br/>|\r\n#517|<label class="ipt"> </label>|{517a}{ : 517e}{. 517h}{, 517i}<br/>|\r\n#541|<label class="ipt"> </label>|{541a}{ : 541e}<br/>|\r\n#200||<label class="ipt">Автора: </label><br/>|\r\n#700||<a href="opac-search.pl?op=do_search&marclist=7009&operator==&type=intranet&value={7009}"> <img border="0" src="/opac-tmpl/css/en/images/filefind.png" height="15" title="Поиск по автору"></a>{700c}{ 700b}{ 700a}{ 700d}{ (700f)}{. 7004}<br/>|\r\n#701||<a href="opac-search.pl?op=do_search&marclist=7009&operator==&type=intranet&value={7019}"> <img border="0" src="/opac-tmpl/css/en/images/filefind.png" height="15" title="Поиск по автору"></a>{701c}{ 701b}{ 701a}{ 701d}{ (701f)}{. 7014}<br/>|\r\n#702||<a href="opac-search.pl?op=do_search&marclist=7009&operator==&type=intranet&value={7029}"> <img border="0" src="/opac-tmpl/css/en/images/filefind.png" height="15" title="Поиск по автору"></a>{702c}{ 702b}{ 702a}{ 702d}{ (702f)}{. 7024}<br/>|\r\n#710||<a href="opac-search.pl?op=do_search&marclist=7109&operator==&type=intranet&value={7109}"> <img border="0" src="/opac-tmpl/css/en/images/filefind.png" height="15" title="Поиск по автору"></a>{710a}{ (710c)}{. 710b}{ : 710d}{ ; 710f}{ ; 710e}<br/>|\r\n#711||<a href="opac-search.pl?op=do_search&marclist=7109&operator==&type=intranet&value={7119}"> <img border="0" src="/opac-tmpl/css/en/images/filefind.png" height="15" title="Поиск по автору"></a>{711a}{ (711c)}{. 711b}{ : 711d}{ ; 711f}{ ; 711e}<br/>|\r\n#712||<a href="opac-search.pl?op=do_search&marclist=7109&operator==&type=intranet&value={7129}"> <img border="0" src="/opac-tmpl/css/en/images/filefind.png" height="15" title="Поиск по автору"></a>{712a}{ (712c)}{. 712b}{ : 712d}{ ; 712f}{ ; 712e}<br/>|\r\n#210|<label class="ipt">Унифицированная форма заглавия: </label>|{ 210a}<br/>|\r\n#210|<label class="ipt">Издатель: </label>|{ 210c}<br/>|\r\n#210|<label class="ipt">Дата публикации: </label>|{ 210d}<br/>|\r\n#215|<label class="ipt">Физическое описание: </label>|{215a}{ : 215c}{ ; 215d}{ + 215e}|<br/>\r\n#225|<label class="ipt">Серія:</label>|<a href="opac-search.pl?op=do_search&marclist=225a&operator==&type=intranet&value={225a}"> <img border="0" src="/opac-tmpl/css/en/images/filefind.png" height="15" title="Поиск по {225a}"></a>{ (225a}{ = 225d}{ : 225e}{. 225h}{. 225i}{ / 225f}{, 225x}{ ; 225v}|)<br/>\r\n#200||<label class="ipt">Тематические рубрики: </label><br/>|\r\n#600||<a href="opac-search.pl?op=do_search&marclist=6009&operator==&type=intranet&value={6009}"><img border="0" src="/opac-tmpl/css/en/images/filefind.png" height="15" title="Поиск по {6009}"></a>{ 600c}{ 600b}{ 600a}{ 600d}{ (600f)} {-- 600x }{-- 600z }{-- 600y}<br />|\r\n#604||<a href="opac-search.pl?op=do_search&marclist=6049&operator==&type=intranet&value={6049}"><img border="0" src="/opac-tmpl/css/en/images/filefind.png" height="15" title="Поиск по {6049}"></a>{ 604a}{. 604t}<br />|\r\n#601||<a href="opac-search.pl?op=do_search&marclist=6019&operator==&type=intranet&value={6019}"><img border="0" src="/opac-tmpl/css/en/images/filefind.png" height="15" title="Поиск по {6019}"></a>{ 601a}{ (601c)}{. 601b}{ : 601d} { ; 601f}{ ; 601e}{ -- 601x }{-- 601z }{-- 601y}<br />|\r\n#605||<a href="opac-search.pl?op=do_search&marclist=6059&operator==&type=intranet&value={6059}"><img border="0" src="/opac-tmpl/css/en/images/filefind.png" height="15" title="Поиск по {6059}"></a>{ 605a}{. 605i}{. 605h}{. 605k}{. 605m}{. 605q} {-- 605x }{-- 605z }{-- 605y }{-- 605l}<br />|\r\n#606||<a href="opac-search.pl?op=do_search&marclist=6069&operator==&type=intranet&value={6069}"><img border="0" src="/opac-tmpl/css/en/images/filefind.png" height="15" title="Поиск по {6069}">xx</a>{ 606a}{-- 606x }{-- 606z }{606y }<br />|\r\n#607||<a href="opac-search.pl?op=do_search&marclist=6079&operator==&type=intranet&value={6079}"><img border="0" src="/opac-tmpl/css/en/images/filefind.png" height="15" title="Поиск по {6079}"></a>{ 607a}{-- 607x}{-- 607z}{-- 607y}<br />|\r\n#010|<label class="ipt">ISBN: </label>|{010a}|<br/>\r\n#011|<label class="ipt">ISSN: </label>|{011a}|<br/>\r\n#200||<label class="ipt">Заметки: </label>|<br/>\r\n#300||{300a}|<br/>\r\n#320||{320a}|<br/>\r\n#327||{327a}|<br/>\r\n#328||{328a}|<br/>\r\n#200||<br/><h2>Экземпляры</h2>|\r\n#200|<table>|<th>Расположение</th><th>Cote</th>|\r\n#995||<tr><td>{995e}&nbsp;&nbsp;</td><td> {995k}</td></tr>|\r\n#200|||</table>');
-- from
INSERT INTO `systempreferences` (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES('HomeOrHoldingBranchReturn','homebranch','Used by Circulation to determine which branch of an item to check checking-in items','holdingbranch|homebranch','Choice');
-- from
INSERT INTO `systempreferences` (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES('IndependentBranchPatron',0,'If ON, librarian patron search can only be done on patron of same library as librarian',NULL,'YesNo');
-- from
INSERT INTO systempreferences (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES ('OPACviewISBD','1','Allow display of ISBD view of bibiographic records in OPAC','','YesNo');
-- from
INSERT INTO systempreferences (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES ('OPACviewMARC','1','Allow display of MARC view of bibiographic records in OPAC','','YesNo');
-- from
INSERT INTO `systempreferences` (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES ('AllowHoldDateInFuture','0','If set a date field is displayed on the Hold screen of the Staff Interface, allowing the hold date to be set in the future.','','YesNo');
INSERT INTO `systempreferences` (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES ('OPACAllowHoldDateInFuture','0','If set, along with the AllowHoldDateInFuture system preference, OPAC users can set the date of a hold to be in the future.','','YesNo');
INSERT INTO `systempreferences` (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES('Babeltheque',0,'Turn ON Babeltheque content - See babeltheque.com to subscribe to this service','','YesNo');
INSERT INTO `systempreferences` (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES('casAuthentication', '0', 'Enable or disable CAS authentication', '', 'YesNo');
INSERT INTO `systempreferences` (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES('casLogout', '0', 'Does a logout from Koha should also log the user out of CAS?', '', 'YesNo');
INSERT INTO `systempreferences` (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES('casServerUrl', 'https://localhost:8443/cas', 'URL of the cas server', '', 'Free');
INSERT INTO `systempreferences` (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES ('intranetbookbag','1','If ON, enables display of Cart feature in the intranet','','YesNo');
INSERT INTO `systempreferences` (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES('opacSerialDefaultTab', 'subscriptions', 'Define the default tab for serials in OPAC.', 'holdings|serialcollection|subscriptions', 'Choice');
INSERT INTO `systempreferences` (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES('numReturnedItemsToShow','20','Number of returned items to show on the check-in page',NULL,'Integer');
INSERT INTO `systempreferences` (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES('ceilingDueDate','','If set, date due will not be past this date. Enter date according to the dateformat System Preference',NULL,'free');
INSERT INTO `systempreferences` (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES('OAI-PMH:ConfFile','','If empty, Koha OAI Server operates in normal mode, otherwise it operates in extended mode.',NULL,'File');
('OPACXSLTDetailsDisplay','0','','Enable XSL stylesheet control over details page display on OPAC','YesNo'),
('OPACXSLTResultsDisplay','0','','Enable XSL stylesheet control over results page display on OPAC','YesNo'),
INSERT INTO `systempreferences` (variable,value,options,explanation,type) VALUES ('OrderPdfFormat','pdfformat::layout3pages','Controls what script is used for printing (basketgroups)','','free');
INSERT INTO `systempreferences` (variable,value,options,explanation,type) VALUES ('CurrencyFormat','US','US|FR','Determines the display format of currencies. eg: \'36000\' is displayed as \'360 000,00\' in \'FR\' or \'360,000.00\' in \'US\'.','Choice');
INSERT INTO `systempreferences` (variable,value,options,explanation,type) VALUES ('AcqCreateItem','ordering','ordering|receiving|cataloguing','Define when the item is created : when ordering, when receiving, or in cataloguing module','Choice');
INSERT INTO systempreferences (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES ('SyndeticsClientCode', '0', 'Client Code for using Syndetics Solutions content','','free');
INSERT INTO systempreferences (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES ('SyndeticsEnabled', '0', 'Turn on Syndetics Enhanced Content','','YesNo');
INSERT INTO systempreferences (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES ('SyndeticsCoverImages', '0', 'Display Cover Images from Syndetics','','YesNo');
INSERT INTO systempreferences (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES ('SyndeticsTOC', '0', 'Display Table of Content information from Syndetics','','YesNo');
INSERT INTO systempreferences (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES ('SyndeticsSummary', '0', 'Display Summary Information from Syndetics','','YesNo');
INSERT INTO systempreferences (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES ('SyndeticsEditions', '0', 'Display Editions from Syndetics','','YesNo');
INSERT INTO systempreferences (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES ('SyndeticsExcerpt', '0', 'Display Excerpts and first chapters on OPAC from Syndetics','','YesNo');
INSERT INTO systempreferences (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES ('SyndeticsReviews', '0', 'Display Reviews on OPAC from Syndetics','','YesNo');
INSERT INTO systempreferences (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES ('SyndeticsAuthorNotes', '0', 'Display Notes about the Author on OPAC from Syndetics','','YesNo');
INSERT INTO systempreferences (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES ('SyndeticsAwards', '0', 'Display Awards on OPAC from Syndetics','','YesNo');
INSERT INTO systempreferences (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES ('SyndeticsSeries', '0', 'Display Series information on OPAC from Syndetics','','YesNo');
INSERT INTO systempreferences (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES ('SyndeticsCoverImageSize', 'MC', 'Choose the size of the Syndetics Cover Image to display on the OPAC detail page, MC is Medium, LC is Large','MC|LC','Choice');
INSERT INTO systempreferences (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES ('OPACAmazonReviews', '0', 'Display Amazon readers reviews on OPAC','','YesNo');
INSERT INTO `systempreferences` (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES('OPACShowCheckoutName','0','Displays in the OPAC the name of patron who has checked out the material. WARNING: Most sites should leave this off. It is intended for corporate or special sites which need to track who has the item.','','YesNo');
INSERT INTO systempreferences (variable,value,explanation,options,type)VALUES('LibraryThingForLibrariesID','','See:http://librarything.com/forlibraries/','','free');
INSERT INTO systempreferences (variable,value,explanation,options,type)VALUES('LibraryThingForLibrariesEnabled','0','Enable or Disable Library Thing for Libraries Features','','YesNo');
INSERT INTO systempreferences (variable,value,explanation,options,type)VALUES('LibraryThingForLibrariesTabbedView','0','Put LibraryThingForLibraries Content in Tabs.','','YesNo');
INSERT INTO systempreferences (variable,value,explanation,options,type)VALUES('FilterBeforeOverdueReport','0','Do not run overdue report until filter selected','','YesNo');
INSERT INTO systempreferences (variable,value,options,explanation,type)VALUES('SpineLabelFormat', '<itemcallnumber><copynumber>', '30|10', 'This preference defines the format for the quick spine label printer. Just list the fields you would like to see in the order you would like to see them, surrounded by <>, for example <itemcallnumber>.', 'Textarea');
INSERT INTO systempreferences (variable,value,options,explanation,type)VALUES('SpineLabelAutoPrint', '0', '', 'If this setting is turned on, a print dialog will automatically pop up for the quick spine label printer.', 'YesNo');
INSERT INTO `systempreferences` (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES('OPACFineNoRenewals','100','Fine limit above which user cannot renew books via OPAC','','Integer');
INSERT INTO `systempreferences` (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES('OverdueNoticeBcc','','Email address to bcc outgoing overdue notices sent by email','','free');
INSERT INTO systempreferences (variable,value,options,explanation,type)VALUES('HidePatronName', '0', '', 'If this is switched on, patron''s cardnumber will be shown instead of their name on the holds and catalog screens', 'YesNo');
INSERT INTO `systempreferences` (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES ('OPACSearchForTitleIn','<li><a href="http://worldcat.org/search?q={TITLE}" target="_blank">Other Libraries (WorldCat)</a></li>\n<li><a href="http://www.scholar.google.com/scholar?q={TITLE}" target="_blank">Other Databases (Google Scholar)</a></li>\n<li><a href="http://www.bookfinder.com/search/?author={AUTHOR}&amp;title={TITLE}&amp;st=xl&amp;ac=qr" target="_blank">Online Stores (Bookfinder.com)</a></li>','Enter the HTML that will appear in the \'Search for this title in\' box on the detail page in the OPAC. Enter {TITLE}, {AUTHOR}, or {ISBN} in place of their respective variables in the URL. Leave blank to disable \'More Searches\' menu.','70|10','Textarea');
INSERT INTO `systempreferences` (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES ('OPACPatronDetails','1','If OFF the patron details tab in the OPAC is disabled.','','YesNo');
INSERT INTO `systempreferences` (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES ('OPACFinesTab','1','If OFF the patron fines tab in the OPAC is disabled.','','YesNo');
INSERT INTO systempreferences (variable,value,options,explanation,type)VALUES('DisplayOPACiconsXSLT', '1', '', 'If ON, displays the format, audience, type icons in XSLT MARC21 results and display pages.', 'YesNo');
INSERT INTO systempreferences (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES('AllowAllMessageDeletion','0','Allow any Library to delete any message','','YesNo');
INSERT INTO systempreferences (variable,value,explanation,options,type)VALUES('ShowPatronImageInWebBasedSelfCheck', '0', 'If ON, displays patron image when a patron uses web-based self-checkout', '', 'YesNo');
INSERT INTO `systempreferences` (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES ('EnableOpacSearchHistory', '1', 'Enable or disable opac search history', 'YesNo','');
INSERT INTO `systempreferences` (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES ('RoutingListAddReserves','1','If ON the patrons on routing lists are automatically added to holds on the issue.','','YesNo');
INSERT INTO systempreferences VALUES ('ImageLimit',5,'','Limit images stored in the database by the Patron Card image manager to this number.','Integer');
INSERT INTO `systempreferences` (variable,value,options,explanation,type) VALUES ('SpineLabelShowPrintOnBibDetails', '0', '', 'If turned on, a "Print Label" link will appear for each item on the bib details page in the staff interface.', 'YesNo');
INSERT INTO systempreferences (variable,value,explanation,options,type)VALUES('AutoSelfCheckAllowed', '0', 'For corporate and special libraries which want web-based self-check available from any PC without the need for a manual staff login. Most libraries will want to leave this turned off. If on, requires self-check ID and password to be entered in AutoSelfCheckID and AutoSelfCheckPass sysprefs.', '', 'YesNo');
INSERT INTO `systempreferences` (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES('AutoSelfCheckID','','Staff ID with circulation rights to be used for automatic web-based self-check. Only applies if AutoSelfCheckAllowed syspref is turned on.','','free');
INSERT INTO `systempreferences` (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES('AutoSelfCheckPass','','Password to be used for automatic web-based self-check. Only applies if AutoSelfCheckAllowed syspref is turned on.','','free');
INSERT INTO `systempreferences` (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES('soundon','0','Enable circulation sounds during checkin and checkout in the staff interface. Not supported by all web browsers yet.','','YesNo');
INSERT INTO `systempreferences` (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES('UseTablesortForCirc','0','If on, use the JQuery tablesort function on the list of current borrower checkouts on the circulation page. Note that the use of this function may slow down circ for patrons with may checkouts.','','YesNo');
INSERT INTO `systempreferences` (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES('ILS-DI','0','Enables ILS-DI services at OPAC.','','YesNo');
INSERT INTO `systempreferences` (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES('ILS-DI:AuthorizedIPs','','.','Restricts usage of ILS-DI to some IPs','Free');
INSERT INTO `systempreferences` (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES ('OverduesBlockCirc','noblock','When checking out an item should overdues block checkout, generate a confirmation dialogue, or allow checkout','noblock|confirmation|block','Choice');
INSERT INTO `systempreferences` (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES ('DisplayMultiPlaceHold','1','Display the ability to place multiple holds or not','','YesNo');

View file

@ -52,7 +52,6 @@ INSERT INTO `systempreferences` (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES
INSERT INTO `systempreferences` (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES('IntranetNav','','Use HTML tabs to add navigational links to the left-hand navigational bar in the Staff Client','70|10','Textarea');
INSERT INTO `systempreferences` (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES('intranetreadinghistory',1,'If ON, Reading History is enabled for all patrons','','YesNo');
INSERT INTO `systempreferences` (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES('intranetstylesheet','','Enter a complete URL to use an alternate layout stylesheet in Intranet',NULL,'free');
INSERT INTO `systempreferences` (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES('IntranetUserCSS','','Add CSS to be included in the intranet in an embedded <style> tag.',NULL,'free');
INSERT INTO `systempreferences` (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES('intranetuserjs','','Custom javascript for inclusion in Intranet','50|10','Textarea');
INSERT INTO `systempreferences` (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES('intranet_includes','includes','The includes directory you want for specific look of Koha (includes or includes_npl for example)',NULL,'Free');
INSERT INTO `systempreferences` (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES('ISBD','#942|<code><b>|{942j}|</b></code><br/>
@ -86,7 +85,6 @@ INSERT INTO `systempreferences` (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES
INSERT INTO `systempreferences` (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES('LibraryName','','Define the library name as displayed on the OPAC','','');
-- this is selected by the web installer now
INSERT INTO `systempreferences` (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES('marcflavour','UNIMARC','Define global MARC flavor (MARC21 or UNIMARC) used for character encoding','MARC21|UNIMARC','Choice');
-- OEGO: фактично не було додано встановлювачем
INSERT INTO `systempreferences` (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES('MARCOrgCode','OSt','Define MARC Organization Code - http://www.loc.gov/marc/organizations/orgshome.html','','free');
@ -107,7 +105,6 @@ INSERT INTO `systempreferences` (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES
INSERT INTO `systempreferences` (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES('OpacMaintenance',0,'If ON, enables maintenance warning in OPAC','','YesNo');
INSERT INTO `systempreferences` (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES('OpacMainUserBlock','Вітаємо у АБІС Koha...\r\n<hr>','A user-defined block of HTML in the main content area of the opac main page','50|20','Textarea');
INSERT INTO `systempreferences` (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES('OpacNav','Тут будуть важливі посилання.','Use HTML tags to add navigational links to the left-hand navigational bar in OPAC','70|10','Textarea');
INSERT INTO `systempreferences` (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES('OPACNoResultsFound','','Display this HTML when no results are found for a search in the OPAC','70|10','Textarea');
INSERT INTO `systempreferences` (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES('OpacPasswordChange',1,'If ON, enables patron-initiated password change in OPAC (disable it when using LDAP auth)',NULL,'YesNo');
INSERT INTO `systempreferences` (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES('opacreadinghistory',1,'If ON, enables display of Patron Circulation History in OPAC','','YesNo');
INSERT INTO `systempreferences` (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES('opacsmallimage','','Enter a complete URL to an image to replace the default Koha logo','','free');
@ -264,7 +261,6 @@ INSERT INTO `systempreferences` (variable,value,options,explanation,type) VALUES
-- FIXME: add FrameworksLoaded, noOPACUserLogin?
INSERT INTO `systempreferences` (variable,value,options,explanation,type) VALUES ('SMSSendDriver','','','Sets which SMS::Send driver is used to send SMS messages.','free');
INSERT INTO systempreferences (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES('AllowRenewalLimitOverride', '0', 'if ON, allows renewal limits to be overridden on the circulation screen',NULL,'YesNo');
INSERT INTO systempreferences (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES('MergeAuthoritiesOnUpdate', '1', 'if ON, Updating authorities will automatically updates biblios',NULL,'YesNo');
INSERT INTO systempreferences (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES('RenewalPeriodBase', 'date_due', 'Set whether the renewal date should be counted from the date_due or from the moment the Patron asks for renewal ','date_due|now','Choice');
INSERT INTO `systempreferences` ( `variable` , `value` , `options` , `explanation` , `type` ) VALUES ( 'AllowNotForLoanOverride', '0', '', 'If ON, Koha will allow the librarian to loan a not for loan item.', 'YesNo');
INSERT INTO `systempreferences` (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES('AWSPrivateKey','','See: http://aws.amazon.com. Note that this is required after 2009/08/15 in order to retrieve any enhanced content other than book covers from Amazon.','','free');
@ -277,7 +273,6 @@ INSERT INTO `systempreferences` (variable,value,options,explanation,type) VALUES
-- INSERT INTO `systempreferences` (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES('maxItemsInSearchResults',20,'Specify the maximum number of items to display for each result on a page of results',NULL,'free');
-- fix to 2142: maxItemsInSearchResults No longer used
INSERT INTO `systempreferences` (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES('AuthDisplayHierarchy',0,'Allow the display of hierarchy in Authority details',NULL,'YesNo');
-- from
INSERT INTO systempreferences (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES ('AmazonCoverImages', '0', 'Display Cover Images in Staff Client from Amazon Web Services','','YesNo');
@ -286,25 +281,78 @@ INSERT INTO systempreferences (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES (
INSERT INTO systempreferences (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES ('OPACAmazonCoverImages', '0', 'Display cover images on OPAC from Amazon Web Services','','YesNo');
INSERT INTO `systempreferences` (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES('ReceiveBackIssues', '5', 'Number of Previous journals to display when on subscription detail', '', '');
INSERT INTO systempreferences (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES('AllowHoldPolicyOverride', '0', 'Allow staff to override hold policies when placing holds',NULL,'YesNo');
-- from
INSERT IGNORE INTO systempreferences (variable,explanation,options,type,value)
VALUES('OPACISBD','OPAC ISBD View','90|20', 'Textarea',
'#200|<h2>Заголовок: |{200a}{. 200c}{ : 200e}{200d}{. 200h}{. 200i}|</h2>\r\n#500|<label class="ipt">Уніфікована назва: </label>|{500a}{. 500i}{. 500h}{. 500m}{. 500q}{. 500k}<br/>|\r\n#517|<label class="ipt"> </label>|{517a}{ : 517e}{. 517h}{, 517i}<br/>|\r\n#541|<label class="ipt"> </label>|{541a}{ : 541e}<br/>|\r\n#200||<label class="ipt">Автори: </label><br/>|\r\n#700||<a href="opac-search.pl?op=do_search&marclist=7009&operator==&type=intranet&value={7009}"> <img border="0" src="/opac-tmpl/css/en/images/filefind.png" height="15" title="Пошук за автором"></a>{700c}{ 700b}{ 700a}{ 700d}{ (700f)}{. 7004}<br/>|\r\n#701||<a href="opac-search.pl?op=do_search&marclist=7009&operator==&type=intranet&value={7019}"> <img border="0" src="/opac-tmpl/css/en/images/filefind.png" height="15" title="Пошук за автором"></a>{701c}{ 701b}{ 701a}{ 701d}{ (701f)}{. 7014}<br/>|\r\n#702||<a href="opac-search.pl?op=do_search&marclist=7009&operator==&type=intranet&value={7029}"> <img border="0" src="/opac-tmpl/css/en/images/filefind.png" height="15" title="Пошук за автором"></a>{702c}{ 702b}{ 702a}{ 702d}{ (702f)}{. 7024}<br/>|\r\n#710||<a href="opac-search.pl?op=do_search&marclist=7109&operator==&type=intranet&value={7109}"> <img border="0" src="/opac-tmpl/css/en/images/filefind.png" height="15" title="Пошук за автором"></a>{710a}{ (710c)}{. 710b}{ : 710d}{ ; 710f}{ ; 710e}<br/>|\r\n#711||<a href="opac-search.pl?op=do_search&marclist=7109&operator==&type=intranet&value={7119}"> <img border="0" src="/opac-tmpl/css/en/images/filefind.png" height="15" title="Пошук за автором"></a>{711a}{ (711c)}{. 711b}{ : 711d}{ ; 711f}{ ; 711e}<br/>|\r\n#712||<a href="opac-search.pl?op=do_search&marclist=7109&operator==&type=intranet&value={7129}"> <img border="0" src="/opac-tmpl/css/en/images/filefind.png" height="15" title="Пошук за автором"></a>{712a}{ (712c)}{. 712b}{ : 712d}{ ; 712f}{ ; 712e}<br/>|\r\n#210|<label class="ipt">Уніфікована форма назви: </label>|{ 210a}<br/>|\r\n#210|<label class="ipt">Видавець: </label>|{ 210c}<br/>|\r\n#210|<label class="ipt">Дата публікації: </label>|{ 210d}<br/>|\r\n#215|<label class="ipt">Фізичний опис: </label>|{215a}{ : 215c}{ ; 215d}{ + 215e}|<br/>\r\n#225|<label class="ipt">Серія:</label>|<a href="opac-search.pl?op=do_search&marclist=225a&operator==&type=intranet&value={225a}"> <img border="0" src="/opac-tmpl/css/en/images/filefind.png" height="15" title="Пошук за {225a}"></a>{ (225a}{ = 225d}{ : 225e}{. 225h}{. 225i}{ / 225f}{, 225x}{ ; 225v}|)<br/>\r\n#200||<label class="ipt">Предметні рубрики: </label><br/>|\r\n#600||<a href="opac-search.pl?op=do_search&marclist=6009&operator==&type=intranet&value={6009}"><img border="0" src="/opac-tmpl/css/en/images/filefind.png" height="15" title="Пошук за {6009}"></a>{ 600c}{ 600b}{ 600a}{ 600d}{ (600f)} {-- 600x }{-- 600z }{-- 600y}<br />|\r\n#604||<a href="opac-search.pl?op=do_search&marclist=6049&operator==&type=intranet&value={6049}"><img border="0" src="/opac-tmpl/css/en/images/filefind.png" height="15" title="Пошук за {6049}"></a>{ 604a}{. 604t}<br />|\r\n#601||<a href="opac-search.pl?op=do_search&marclist=6019&operator==&type=intranet&value={6019}"><img border="0" src="/opac-tmpl/css/en/images/filefind.png" height="15" title="Пошук за {6019}"></a>{ 601a}{ (601c)}{. 601b}{ : 601d} { ; 601f}{ ; 601e}{ -- 601x }{-- 601z }{-- 601y}<br />|\r\n#605||<a href="opac-search.pl?op=do_search&marclist=6059&operator==&type=intranet&value={6059}"><img border="0" src="/opac-tmpl/css/en/images/filefind.png" height="15" title="Пошук за {6059}"></a>{ 605a}{. 605i}{. 605h}{. 605k}{. 605m}{. 605q} {-- 605x }{-- 605z }{-- 605y }{-- 605l}<br />|\r\n#606||<a href="opac-search.pl?op=do_search&marclist=6069&operator==&type=intranet&value={6069}"><img border="0" src="/opac-tmpl/css/en/images/filefind.png" height="15" title="Пошук за {6069}">xx</a>{ 606a}{-- 606x }{-- 606z }{606y }<br />|\r\n#607||<a href="opac-search.pl?op=do_search&marclist=6079&operator==&type=intranet&value={6079}"><img border="0" src="/opac-tmpl/css/en/images/filefind.png" height="15" title="Пошук за {6079}"></a>{ 607a}{-- 607x}{-- 607z}{-- 607y}<br />|\r\n#010|<label class="ipt">ISBN: </label>|{010a}|<br/>\r\n#011|<label class="ipt">ISSN: </label>|{011a}|<br/>\r\n#200||<label class="ipt">Нотатки: </label>|<br/>\r\n#300||{300a}|<br/>\r\n#320||{320a}|<br/>\r\n#327||{327a}|<br/>\r\n#328||{328a}|<br/>\r\n#200||<br/><h2>Примірники</h2>|\r\n#200|<table>|<th>Місцезнаходження</th><th>Cote</th>|\r\n#995||<tr><td>{995e}&nbsp;&nbsp;</td><td> {995k}</td></tr>|\r\n#200|||</table>');
-- from
INSERT INTO `systempreferences` (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES('HomeOrHoldingBranchReturn','homebranch','Used by Circulation to determine which branch of an item to check checking-in items','holdingbranch|homebranch','Choice');
-- from
INSERT INTO `systempreferences` (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES('IndependentBranchPatron',0,'If ON, librarian patron search can only be done on patron of same library as librarian',NULL,'YesNo');
-- from
INSERT INTO systempreferences (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES ('OPACviewISBD','1','Allow display of ISBD view of bibiographic records in OPAC','','YesNo');
-- from
INSERT INTO systempreferences (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES ('OPACviewMARC','1','Allow display of MARC view of bibiographic records in OPAC','','YesNo');
-- from
INSERT INTO `systempreferences` (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES ('AllowHoldDateInFuture','0','If set a date field is displayed on the Hold screen of the Staff Interface, allowing the hold date to be set in the future.','','YesNo');
INSERT INTO `systempreferences` (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES ('OPACAllowHoldDateInFuture','0','If set, along with the AllowHoldDateInFuture system preference, OPAC users can set the date of a hold to be in the future.','','YesNo');
INSERT INTO `systempreferences` (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES('Babeltheque',0,'Turn ON Babeltheque content - See babeltheque.com to subscribe to this service','','YesNo');
INSERT INTO `systempreferences` (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES('casAuthentication', '0', 'Enable or disable CAS authentication', '', 'YesNo');
INSERT INTO `systempreferences` (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES('casLogout', '0', 'Does a logout from Koha should also log the user out of CAS?', '', 'YesNo');
INSERT INTO `systempreferences` (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES('casServerUrl', 'https://localhost:8443/cas', 'URL of the cas server', '', 'Free');
INSERT INTO `systempreferences` (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES ('intranetbookbag','1','If ON, enables display of Cart feature in the intranet','','YesNo');
INSERT INTO `systempreferences` (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES('opacSerialDefaultTab', 'subscriptions', 'Define the default tab for serials in OPAC.', 'holdings|serialcollection|subscriptions', 'Choice');
INSERT INTO `systempreferences` (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES('numReturnedItemsToShow','20','Number of returned items to show on the check-in page',NULL,'Integer');
INSERT INTO `systempreferences` (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES('ceilingDueDate','','If set, date due will not be past this date. Enter date according to the dateformat System Preference',NULL,'free');
INSERT INTO `systempreferences` (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES('OAI-PMH:ConfFile','','If empty, Koha OAI Server operates in normal mode, otherwise it operates in extended mode.',NULL,'File');
('OPACXSLTDetailsDisplay','0','','Enable XSL stylesheet control over details page display on OPAC','YesNo'),
('OPACXSLTResultsDisplay','0','','Enable XSL stylesheet control over results page display on OPAC','YesNo'),
INSERT INTO `systempreferences` (variable,value,options,explanation,type) VALUES ('OrderPdfFormat','pdfformat::layout3pages','Controls what script is used for printing (basketgroups)','','free');
INSERT INTO `systempreferences` (variable,value,options,explanation,type) VALUES ('CurrencyFormat','US','US|FR','Determines the display format of currencies. eg: \'36000\' is displayed as \'360 000,00\' in \'FR\' or \'360,000.00\' in \'US\'.','Choice');
INSERT INTO `systempreferences` (variable,value,options,explanation,type) VALUES ('AcqCreateItem','ordering','ordering|receiving|cataloguing','Define when the item is created : when ordering, when receiving, or in cataloguing module','Choice');
INSERT INTO systempreferences (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES ('SyndeticsClientCode', '0', 'Client Code for using Syndetics Solutions content','','free');
INSERT INTO systempreferences (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES ('SyndeticsEnabled', '0', 'Turn on Syndetics Enhanced Content','','YesNo');
INSERT INTO systempreferences (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES ('SyndeticsCoverImages', '0', 'Display Cover Images from Syndetics','','YesNo');
INSERT INTO systempreferences (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES ('SyndeticsTOC', '0', 'Display Table of Content information from Syndetics','','YesNo');
INSERT INTO systempreferences (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES ('SyndeticsSummary', '0', 'Display Summary Information from Syndetics','','YesNo');
INSERT INTO systempreferences (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES ('SyndeticsEditions', '0', 'Display Editions from Syndetics','','YesNo');
INSERT INTO systempreferences (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES ('SyndeticsExcerpt', '0', 'Display Excerpts and first chapters on OPAC from Syndetics','','YesNo');
INSERT INTO systempreferences (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES ('SyndeticsReviews', '0', 'Display Reviews on OPAC from Syndetics','','YesNo');
INSERT INTO systempreferences (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES ('SyndeticsAuthorNotes', '0', 'Display Notes about the Author on OPAC from Syndetics','','YesNo');
INSERT INTO systempreferences (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES ('SyndeticsAwards', '0', 'Display Awards on OPAC from Syndetics','','YesNo');
INSERT INTO systempreferences (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES ('SyndeticsSeries', '0', 'Display Series information on OPAC from Syndetics','','YesNo');
INSERT INTO systempreferences (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES ('SyndeticsCoverImageSize', 'MC', 'Choose the size of the Syndetics Cover Image to display on the OPAC detail page, MC is Medium, LC is Large','MC|LC','Choice');
INSERT INTO systempreferences (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES ('OPACAmazonReviews', '0', 'Display Amazon readers reviews on OPAC','','YesNo');
INSERT INTO `systempreferences` (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES('OPACShowCheckoutName','0','Displays in the OPAC the name of patron who has checked out the material. WARNING: Most sites should leave this off. It is intended for corporate or special sites which need to track who has the item.','','YesNo');
INSERT INTO systempreferences (variable,value,explanation,options,type)VALUES('LibraryThingForLibrariesID','','See:http://librarything.com/forlibraries/','','free');
INSERT INTO systempreferences (variable,value,explanation,options,type)VALUES('LibraryThingForLibrariesEnabled','0','Enable or Disable Library Thing for Libraries Features','','YesNo');
INSERT INTO systempreferences (variable,value,explanation,options,type)VALUES('LibraryThingForLibrariesTabbedView','0','Put LibraryThingForLibraries Content in Tabs.','','YesNo');
INSERT INTO systempreferences (variable,value,explanation,options,type)VALUES('FilterBeforeOverdueReport','0','Do not run overdue report until filter selected','','YesNo');
INSERT INTO systempreferences (variable,value,options,explanation,type)VALUES('SpineLabelFormat', '<itemcallnumber><copynumber>', '30|10', 'This preference defines the format for the quick spine label printer. Just list the fields you would like to see in the order you would like to see them, surrounded by <>, for example <itemcallnumber>.', 'Textarea');
INSERT INTO systempreferences (variable,value,options,explanation,type)VALUES('SpineLabelAutoPrint', '0', '', 'If this setting is turned on, a print dialog will automatically pop up for the quick spine label printer.', 'YesNo');
INSERT INTO `systempreferences` (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES('OPACFineNoRenewals','100','Fine limit above which user cannot renew books via OPAC','','Integer');
INSERT INTO `systempreferences` (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES('OverdueNoticeBcc','','Email address to bcc outgoing overdue notices sent by email','','free');
INSERT INTO systempreferences (variable,value,options,explanation,type)VALUES('HidePatronName', '0', '', 'If this is switched on, patron''s cardnumber will be shown instead of their name on the holds and catalog screens', 'YesNo');
INSERT INTO `systempreferences` (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES ('OPACSearchForTitleIn','<li><a href="http://worldcat.org/search?q={TITLE}" target="_blank">Other Libraries (WorldCat)</a></li>\n<li><a href="http://www.scholar.google.com/scholar?q={TITLE}" target="_blank">Other Databases (Google Scholar)</a></li>\n<li><a href="http://www.bookfinder.com/search/?author={AUTHOR}&amp;title={TITLE}&amp;st=xl&amp;ac=qr" target="_blank">Online Stores (Bookfinder.com)</a></li>','Enter the HTML that will appear in the \'Search for this title in\' box on the detail page in the OPAC. Enter {TITLE}, {AUTHOR}, or {ISBN} in place of their respective variables in the URL. Leave blank to disable \'More Searches\' menu.','70|10','Textarea');
INSERT INTO `systempreferences` (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES ('OPACPatronDetails','1','If OFF the patron details tab in the OPAC is disabled.','','YesNo');
INSERT INTO `systempreferences` (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES ('OPACFinesTab','1','If OFF the patron fines tab in the OPAC is disabled.','','YesNo');
INSERT INTO systempreferences (variable,value,options,explanation,type)VALUES('DisplayOPACiconsXSLT', '1', '', 'If ON, displays the format, audience, type icons in XSLT MARC21 results and display pages.', 'YesNo');
INSERT INTO systempreferences (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES('AllowAllMessageDeletion','0','Allow any Library to delete any message','','YesNo');
INSERT INTO systempreferences (variable,value,explanation,options,type)VALUES('ShowPatronImageInWebBasedSelfCheck', '0', 'If ON, displays patron image when a patron uses web-based self-checkout', '', 'YesNo');
INSERT INTO `systempreferences` (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES ('EnableOpacSearchHistory', '1', 'Enable or disable opac search history', 'YesNo','');
INSERT INTO `systempreferences` (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES ('RoutingListAddReserves','1','If ON the patrons on routing lists are automatically added to holds on the issue.','','YesNo');
INSERT INTO systempreferences VALUES ('ImageLimit',5,'','Limit images stored in the database by the Patron Card image manager to this number.','Integer');
INSERT INTO `systempreferences` (variable,value,options,explanation,type) VALUES ('SpineLabelShowPrintOnBibDetails', '0', '', 'If turned on, a "Print Label" link will appear for each item on the bib details page in the staff interface.', 'YesNo');
INSERT INTO systempreferences (variable,value,explanation,options,type)VALUES('AutoSelfCheckAllowed', '0', 'For corporate and special libraries which want web-based self-check available from any PC without the need for a manual staff login. Most libraries will want to leave this turned off. If on, requires self-check ID and password to be entered in AutoSelfCheckID and AutoSelfCheckPass sysprefs.', '', 'YesNo');
INSERT INTO `systempreferences` (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES('AutoSelfCheckID','','Staff ID with circulation rights to be used for automatic web-based self-check. Only applies if AutoSelfCheckAllowed syspref is turned on.','','free');
INSERT INTO `systempreferences` (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES('AutoSelfCheckPass','','Password to be used for automatic web-based self-check. Only applies if AutoSelfCheckAllowed syspref is turned on.','','free');
INSERT INTO `systempreferences` (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES('soundon','0','Enable circulation sounds during checkin and checkout in the staff interface. Not supported by all web browsers yet.','','YesNo');
INSERT INTO `systempreferences` (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES('UseTablesortForCirc','0','If on, use the JQuery tablesort function on the list of current borrower checkouts on the circulation page. Note that the use of this function may slow down circ for patrons with may checkouts.','','YesNo');
INSERT INTO `systempreferences` (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES('ILS-DI','0','Enables ILS-DI services at OPAC.','','YesNo');
INSERT INTO `systempreferences` (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES('ILS-DI:AuthorizedIPs','','.','Restricts usage of ILS-DI to some IPs','Free');
INSERT INTO `systempreferences` (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES ('OverduesBlockCirc','noblock','When checking out an item should overdues block checkout, generate a confirmation dialogue, or allow checkout','noblock|confirmation|block','Choice');
INSERT INTO `systempreferences` (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES ('DisplayMultiPlaceHold','1','Display the ability to place multiple holds or not','','YesNo');