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Bug 27971: Enhance unit tests

This patch adds some additional unit tests for extra functionality
included with this patchset.

Test plan
1/ t/db_dependent/Koha/Account/Line.t should pass

Signed-off-by: Kyle M Hall <>
Signed-off-by: Tomas Cohen Arazi <>

Signed-off-by: Jonathan Druart <>
Martin Renvoize 3 years ago
committed by Jonathan Druart
  1. 51


@ -719,7 +719,7 @@ subtest 'credits() and debits() tests' => sub {
subtest "void() tests" => sub {
plan tests => 16;
plan tests => 23;
@ -777,9 +777,35 @@ subtest "void() tests" => sub {
is( $line1->amountoutstanding+0, 0, 'First fee has amount outstanding of 0' );
is( $line2->amountoutstanding+0, 0, 'Second fee has amount outstanding of 0' );
my $ret = $account_payment->void({ interface => 'test' });
throws_ok {
$line1->void( { interface => 'test' } );
'->void() can only be used with credits';
throws_ok {
"->void() requires the `interface` parameter is passed";
throws_ok {
$account_payment->void( { interface => 'intranet' } );
"->void() requires the `staff_id` parameter is passed when `interface` equals 'intranet'";
throws_ok {
$account_payment->void( { interface => 'intranet', staff_id => $borrower->borrowernumber } );
"->void() requires the `branch` parameter is passed when `interface` equals 'intranet'";
my $void = $account_payment->void({ interface => 'test' });
is( ref($ret), 'Koha::Account::Line', 'Void returns the account line' );
is( ref($void), 'Koha::Account::Line', 'Void returns the account line' );
is( $void->debit_type_code, 'VOID', 'Void returns the VOID account line' );
is( $void->manager_id, undef, 'Void proceeds without manager_id OK if interface is not "intranet"' );
is( $void->branchcode, undef, 'Void proceeds without branchcode OK if interface is not "intranet"' );
is( $account->balance(), 30, "Account balance is again 30" );
@ -788,19 +814,22 @@ subtest "void() tests" => sub {
is( $account_payment->credit_type_code, 'PAYMENT', 'Voided payment credit_type_code is still PAYMENT' );
is( $account_payment->status, 'VOID', 'Voided payment status is VOID' );
is( $account_payment->amount+0, -30, 'Voided payment amount is -30' );
is( $account_payment->amount+0, -30, 'Voided payment amount is still -30' );
is( $account_payment->amountoutstanding+0, 0, 'Voided payment amount outstanding is 0' );
is( $line1->amountoutstanding+0, 10, 'First fee again has amount outstanding of 10' );
is( $line2->amountoutstanding+0, 20, 'Second fee again has amount outstanding of 20' );
# Accountlines that are not credits should be un-voidable
my $line1_pre = $line1->unblessed();
$ret = $line1->void({ interface => 'test' });
my $line1_post = $line1->unblessed();
is( $ret, undef, 'Attempted void on non-credit returns undef' );
is_deeply( $line1_pre, $line1_post, 'Non-credit account line cannot be voided' );
my $credit2 = $account->add_credit( { interface => 'test', amount => 10 } );
$void = $credit2->void(
interface => 'intranet',
staff_id => $borrower->borrowernumber,
branch => $branchcode
is( $void->manager_id, $borrower->borrowernumber, "->void stores the manager_id when it's passed");
is( $void->branchcode, $branchcode, "->void stores the branchcode when it's passed");
