Browse Source

road to 1.3.2. Full rewrite of

The acquisition system in MARC version will work like this :
* marcimport will put marc records into a "breeding farm" table.
* when the user want to add a biblio, he enters first the ISBN/ISSN of the biblio. koha searches into breeding farm and if the record exists, it is shown to the user to help him adding the biblio. When the biblio is added, it's deleted from the breeding farm.

This commit :
* modify acqui.simple home page  (
* adds import into breeding farm

Please note that :
* z3950 functionnality is dropped from "marcimport" will be added somewhere else.
* templates are in a new acqui.simple sub directory, and the marcimport template directory will become obsolete soon.I think this is more logic
tipaul 22 years ago
  1. 108
  2. 445
  3. 96
  4. 52


@ -38,107 +38,11 @@ use strict;
use C4::Catalogue;
use C4::Biblio;
use C4::Output;
use C4::Circulation::Circ2;
use HTML::Template;
my $input = new CGI;
my $error = $input->param('error');
my $success = $input->param('biblioitem');
my $query = new CGI;
print $input->header;
print startpage();
print startmenu('acquisitions');
print endmenu('acquisitions');
print endpage();
sub searchscreen {
print << "EOF";
<font size="6"><em>Adding new items to the Library Inventory</em></font>
<p />
if ($error eq "notfound") {
print << "EOF";
<font color="red" size="5">No items found</font>
<p />
} elsif ($success eq "added") {
print << "EOF";
<font color="red" size="5">Website Biblioitem Added</font>
<p />
} # elsif
print << "EOF";
<table bgcolor="#ffcc00" width="80%" cellpadding="5">
<tr valign="center">
<td><font size="5">To add a new item, scan or type the ISBN number:</font></td>
<form action="">
<td><input type="text" name="keyword" /></td>
<td><input type="submit" value="Go" /></td>
<form action="">
<td><input type="text" name="isbn" /></td>
<td><input type="submit" value="Go" /></td>
<p />
<hr />
<p />
<table bgcolor="#ffcc00" width="80%" cellpadding"5">
<tr valign="center">
<td><font size="5">Tools for importing MARC records into Koha</font></td>
<br />
<li><a>Z39.50 Search Tool</a></li>
<li><a>Upload MARC records</a></li>
<br clear="all">
<p />
<table bgcolor="#ffcc00" width="80%" cellpadding="5">
<tr valign="center">
<td><FONT SIZE=5>Add New Website</font></td>
<form action="" method="post">
<td><input type="text" name="keyword" /></td>
<td><input type="submit" value="Go" /></td>
<p />
<table bgcolor="#ffcc00" width="80%" cellpadding="5">
<tr valign="center">
<td><FONT SIZE=5>Help</font></td>
<FONT SIZE=5>Koha stores data in three sections</font>
<p />
The first section records bibliographic data such as title, author and copyright for a particular work.
<p />
The second records bibliographic data for a particular publication of that work, such as ISBN number, physical description, publisher information, etc
<p />
The third section holds specific item information, such as the bar code number
<p />
} # sub searchscreen
my $error = $query->param('error');
my $success = $query->param('biblioitem');
my $template= gettemplate("acqui.simple/addbooks.tmpl");
print "Content-Type: text/html\n\n",$template->output;


@ -35,13 +35,13 @@ use DBI;
# Koha modules used
use C4::Context;
use C4::Database;
#use C4::Database;
use C4::Acquisitions;
use C4::Output;
use C4::Input;
use C4::Biblio;
use C4::SimpleMarc;
use C4::Z3950;
#use C4::SimpleMarc;
#use C4::Z3950;
use MARC::File::USMARC;
use HTML::Template;
@ -64,59 +64,82 @@ my $userid=$ENV{'REMOTE_USER'};
my $input = new CGI;
my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh;
# Display output
#print $input->header;
#print startpage();
#print startmenu('acquisitions');
# Process input parameters
my $file=$input->param('file');
my $menu = $input->param('menu');
# TODO : parameter decoding and function call is quite dirty.
# should be rewritten...
if ($input->param('z3950queue')) {
if ($input->param('uploadmarc')) {
if ($input->param('insertnewrecord')) {
# Add biblio item, and set up menu for adding item copies
my ($biblionumber,$biblioitemnumber)=AcceptBiblioitem($dbh,$input);
my $uploadmarc=$input->param('uploadmarc');
my $overwrite_biblio = $input->param('overwrite_biblio');
my $filename = $input->param('filename');
my $template = gettemplate("acqui.simple/marcimport.tmpl");
$template->param(SCRIPT_NAME => $ENV{'SCRIPT_NAME'},
uploadmarc => $uploadmarc);
if ($uploadmarc && length($uploadmarc)>0) {
my $marcrecord='';
while (<$uploadmarc>) {
my @marcarray = split /\x1D/, $marcrecord;
my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh;
my $searchisbn = $dbh->prepare("select biblioitemnumber from biblioitems where isbn=?");
my $searchissn = $dbh->prepare("select biblioitemnumber from biblioitems where issn=?");
my $searchbreeding = $dbh->prepare("select isbn from marc_breeding where isbn=?");
my $insertsql = $dbh->prepare("replace into marc_breeding (file,isbn,marc) values(?,?,?)");
# fields used for import results
my $imported=0;
my $alreadyindb = 0;
my $alreadyinfarm = 0;
my $notmarcrecord = 0;
for (my $i=0;$i<=$#marcarray;$i++) {
my $marcrecord = MARC::File::USMARC::decode($marcarray[$i]."\x1D");
if (ref($marcrecord) eq undef) {
} else {
my $oldbiblio = MARCmarc2koha($dbh,$marcrecord);
# if isbn found and biblio does not exist, add it. If isbn found and biblio exists, overwrite or ignore depending on user choice
if ($oldbiblio->{isbn} || $oldbiblio->{issn}) {
# search if biblio exists
my $biblioitemnumber;
if ($oldbiblio->{isbn}) {
($biblioitemnumber) = $searchisbn->fetchrow;
} else {
($biblioitemnumber) = $searchissn->fetchrow;
if ($biblioitemnumber) {
} else {
# search in breeding farm
my $breedingresult;
if ($oldbiblio->{isbn}) {
($breedingresult) = $searchbreeding->fetchrow;
} else {
($breedingresult) = $searchbreeding->fetchrow;
if (!$breedingresult || $overwrite_biblio) {
$insertsql ->execute($filename,$oldbiblio->{isbn}.$oldbiblio->{issn},$marcarray[$i]."\x1D')");
} else {
} else {
$template->param(imported => $imported,
alreadyindb => $alreadyindb,
alreadyinfarm => $alreadyinfarm,
notmarcrecord => $notmarcrecord,
total => $imported+$alreadyindb+$alreadyinfarm+$notmarcrecord,
if ($input->param('newitem')) {
# Add item copy
} # if newitem
if ($file) {
} else {
if ($menu eq 'z3950') { z3950menu($dbh,$input); last SWITCH; }
if ($menu eq 'uploadmarc') { uploadmarc($dbh); last SWITCH; }
if ($menu eq 'manual') { manual(); last SWITCH; }
#print endmenu();
#print endpage();
print "Content-Type: text/html\n\n",$template->output;
my $menu;
my $file;
# Process a MARC file : show list of records, of 1 record detail, if numrecord exists
sub ProcessFile {
@ -124,7 +147,6 @@ sub ProcessFile {
use strict;
# Input params
my (
$dbh, # FIXME - Unused argument
@ -136,8 +158,6 @@ sub ProcessFile {
my $debug=0;
$dbh = C4::Context->dbh;
# See if a particular result item was specified
my $numrecord = $input->param('numrecord');
if ($numrecord) {
@ -172,8 +192,7 @@ sub ProcessRecord {
my $file=MARC::File::USMARC->indata ($data);
my $oldkoha;
# FIXME - This "==" should be "=", right?
for (my $i==1;$i<$numrecord;$i++) {
for (my $i=1;$i<$numrecord;$i++) {
$record = $file->next;
if ($record) {
@ -423,162 +442,6 @@ sub ResultRecordLink {
sub z3950menu {
use strict;
my (
$dbh, # FIXME - Unused argument
my (
$sth, $sti,
$resultstatus, $statuscolor,
$id, $term, $type, $done,
$startdate, $enddate, $servers,
$dbh = C4::Context->dbh;
# FIXME - This print statement doesn't belong here. It's just here
# so the script will display SOMEthing. But this section really
# ought to be properly templated.
print <<EOT;
Content-Type: text/html;
print "<a href=$ENV{'SCRIPT_NAME'}>Main Menu</a><hr>\n";
print "<table border=0><tr><td valign=top>\n";
print "<h2>Results of Z39.50 searches</h2>\n";
print "<a href=$ENV{'SCRIPT_NAME'}?menu=z3950>Refresh</a><br>\n" .
# Check queued queries
$sth=$dbh->prepare("select id,term,type,done,
from z3950queue
order by id desc
limit 20 ");
while ( ($id, $term, $type, $done,
$startdate, $enddate, $servers) = $sth->fetchrow) {
# See if query produced results
$sti=$dbh->prepare("select id,server,startdate,enddate,numrecords,results
from z3950results
where queryid=?");
if ($sti->rows) {
while (my ($r_id,$r_server,$r_startdate,$r_enddate,$r_numrecords,$r_marcdata)
= $sti->fetchrow) {
if ($r_enddate==0) {
# It hasn't finished yet
} else {
# It finished, see how long it took.
if ($r_enddate>$realenddate) {
# Snag any title from the results if there were any
if ( ! $title && $r_marcdata ) {
if ( $bib->{title} ) { $title=$bib->{title} };
} # if no title yet
} # if finished
} # while results
if ($processing) {
} else {
if ($elapsed>60) {
$elapsedtime=sprintf "%d minutes",($elapsed/60);
} else {
$elapsedtime=sprintf "%d seconds",$elapsed;
if ($totalrecords) {
$totalrecords="$totalrecords found.";
} else {
print "<li><a href=$ENV{'SCRIPT_NAME'}?file=Z-$id&menu=$menu>".
"$type=$term</a>" .
"<font size=-1 color=$statuscolor>$resultstatus $totalrecords " .
"($elapsedtime) $title </font><br>\n";
} else {
print "<li><a href=$ENV{'SCRIPT_NAME'}?file=Z-$id&menu=$menu>
$type=$term</a> <font size=-1>Pending</font><br>\n";
} # if results done
} # while queries
print "</ul> </td>\n";
# End of query listing
# Search input form
print "<td valign=top width=30%>\n";
my $sth=$dbh->prepare("select id,name,checked
from z3950servers
order by rank");
# FIXME - There's already a $sth in this function.
my $serverlist='';
while (my ($id, $name, $checked) = $sth->fetchrow) {
($checked) ? ($checked='checked') : ($checked='');
$serverlist.="<input type=checkbox name=S-$id $checked> $name<br>\n";
$serverlist.="<input type=checkbox name=S-MAN> <input name=manualz3950server size=25 value=otherserver:210/DATABASE>\n";
my $rand=rand(1000000000);
print << "EOF";
<form action=$ENV{'SCRIPT_NAME'} method=GET>
<input type=hidden name=z3950queue value=1>
<input type=hidden name=menu value=$menu>
<input type=hidden name=test value=testvalue>
<input type=hidden name=rand value=$rand>
<table border=1 bgcolor=#dddddd>
<tr><th bgcolor=#bbbbbb colspan=2>Search for MARC records</th></tr>
<tr><td>Query Term</td><td><input name=query></td></tr>
<tr><td colspan=2 align=center>
<input type=radio name=type value=isbn checked>&nbsp;ISBN
<input type=radio name=type value=lccn >&nbsp;LCCN<br>
<input type=radio name=type value=author >&nbsp;Author
<input type=radio name=type value=title >&nbsp;Title
<input type=radio name=type value=keyword >&nbsp;Keyword</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan=2> $serverlist </td></tr>
<tr><td colspan=2 align=center> <input type=submit> </td></tr>
print "</td></tr></table>\n";
} # sub z3950menu
sub uploadmarc {
use strict;
@ -615,75 +478,6 @@ sub mainmenu {
print "Content-Type: text/html\n\n", $template->output;
} # sub mainmenu
# Accept form results to add query to z3950 queue
sub AcceptZ3950Queue {
use strict;
# input parameters
my (
$dbh, # DBI handle
# FIXME - Unused argument
$input, # CGI parms
my @serverlist;
my $error;
$dbh = C4::Context->dbh;
my $query=$input->param('query');
my $isbngood=1;
if ($input->param('type') eq 'isbn') {
if ($isbngood) {
foreach ($input->param) {
if (/S-(.*)/) {
my $server=$1;
if ($server eq 'MAN') {
push @serverlist, "MAN/".$input->param('manualz3950server')."//"
} else {
push @serverlist, $server;
$error=addz3950queue($dbh,$input->param('query'), $input->param('type'),
$input->param('rand'), @serverlist);
if ( $error ) {
print qq|
<table border=1 cellpadding=5 cellspacing=0 align=center>
<tr><td bgcolor=#99cc33 background=/images/background-acq.gif colspan=2><font color=red><b>Error</b></font></td></tr>
<tr><td colspan=2>
if ( $error =~ /daemon/i ) {
print qq|
There is a launcher for the Z39.50 client daemon in your intranet installation<br>
directory under <b>./scripts/z3950daemon/</b>. This<br>
script should be run as root, and it will start up the program running with the<br>
privileges of your apache user. Ideally, this script should be started from a<br>
system init directory so that is running after the machine starts up.
} # if daemon
print qq|
<table border
} # if error
} else {
print "<font color=red size=+1>$query is not a valid ISBN
} # sub AcceptZ3950Queue
sub AcceptMarcUpload {
use strict;
@ -995,80 +789,19 @@ sub FormatMarcText {
# log cleared, as marcimport is (almost) rewritten from scratch.
# $Log$
# Revision 1.18 2002/10/14 07:41:04 tipaul
# merging arens + my modifs/bugfixes
# Revision 1.17 2002/10/13 07:39:26 arensb
# Added magic RCS comment.
# Removed trailing whitespace.
# Revision 1.16 2002/10/11 12:45:10 arensb
# Replaced &requireDBI with C4::Context->dbh, thus making the "use
# Fixed muffed quotes in &gettemplate calls.
# Added a temporary print statement in &z3950menu, so it'll print
# something instead of giving a browser error.
# Revision 1.15 2002/10/09 18:09:16 tonnesen
# switched from picktemplate() to gettemplate()
# Revision 1.14 2002/10/05 09:56:14 arensb
# Merged with arensb-context branch: use C4::Context->dbh instead of
# &C4Connect, and generally prefer C4::Context over C4::Database.
# Revision 2002/10/04 02:52:50 arensb
# Use C4::Connect instead of C4::Database, C4::Connect->dbh instead
# C4Connect.
# Removed old code for reading /etc/koha.conf.
# Revision 1.13 2002/08/14 18:12:52 tonnesen
# Added copyright statement to all .pl and .pm files
# Revision 1.12 2002/07/24 16:24:20 tipaul
# Now, the acqui.simple system...
# has been almost completly rewritten, so LOT OF BUGS TO COME !!! You've been warned. It seems to work, but...
# As with my former messages, nothing seems to have been changed... but ...
# * marcimport now uses HTML::Template.
# * marcimport now uses MARC::Record. that means that when you import a record, the old-DB is populated with the data as in version 1.2, but the MARC-DB part is filled with full MARC::Record.
# to get correct response times, you MUST add an index on isbn, issn and lccn rows in biblioitem table. Note this should be done in 1.2 too...
# acqui.simple manage biblio, biblioitems and items tables quite properly. Normal acquisition system manages biblio, biblioitems BUT NOT items. That will be done in the near future...
# what's next now ?
# * bug tracking, of course... Surely a dozen of dozens...
# * LOT of developpments, i'll surely write a mail to koha-devel tomorrow (as it's time for dinner in France, and i plan to play NeverwinterNights after dinner ;-) ...
# Revision 2002/06/29 17:33:47 amillar
# Allow DEFAULT as input to addz3950search.
# Check for existence of pid file (cat crashed otherwise).
# Return error messages in addz3950search.
# Revision 2002/06/28 18:50:46 tonnesen
# Got rid of white text on black, replaced with black on background-acq.gif
# Revision 2002/06/28 18:07:27 tonnesen
# will print an error message if it can not signal the
# processz3950queue program. The message contains instructions for starting the
# daemon.
# Revision 2002/06/27 18:35:01 tonnesen
# $deweyinput was always defined (it's an HTML input field). Check against
# $bib->{dewey} instead.
# Revision 2002/06/27 17:41:26 tonnesen
# Applying patch from Matt Kraai to pick F or NF based on presense of a dewey
# number when adding a book via
# Revision 1.19 2002/10/15 10:14:44 tipaul
# road to 1.3.2. Full rewrite of
# The acquisition system in MARC version will work like this :
# * marcimport will put marc records into a "breeding farm" table.
# * when the user want to add a biblio, he enters first the ISBN/ISSN of the biblio. koha searches into breeding farm and if the record exists, it is shown to the user to help him adding the biblio. When the biblio is added, it's deleted from the breeding farm.
# Revision 2002/06/26 15:52:55 amillar
# Fix display of marc tag labels and indicators
# This commit :
# * modify acqui.simple home page (
# * adds import into breeding farm
# Revision 2002/06/26 14:28:35 amillar
# Removed subroutines now existing in modules: extractmarcfields,
# parsemarcfileformat, addz3950queue, getkeytableselectoptions
# Please note that :
# * z3950 functionnality is dropped from "marcimport" will be added somewhere else.
# * templates are in a new acqui.simple sub directory, and the marcimport template directory will become obsolete soon.I think this is more logic


@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
<font size="5"><em>MARC import and BIBLIO management</em></font>
<TMPL_IF name="noitemsfound">
<p />
<font color="red" size="4">No items found</font>
<TMPL_IF name="websiteadded">
<p />
<font color="red" size="4">Website Biblioitem Added</font>
<p />
<table bgcolor="#ffcc00" width="80%" cellpadding="3">
<tr valign="center">
<td><font size="4">To add a new biblio/item, scan or type the ISBN number:</font></td>
<table cellpadding="3" border=0 width="100%">
<tr valign="top">
<form action="">
<td width="5%">ISBN:</td>
<td width="20%"><input type="text" name="isbn" /></td>
<td width="10%"><input type="submit" value="Go" /></td>
<td>If the ISBN is found into the biblio table, it will be retrieved and can be modified.<br/>
If the ISBN is found into the breeding farm, it will be retrieved. and a biblio added.<br/>
Otherwise, a biblio can be added from scratch.</td>
<p />
<p />
<table bgcolor="#ffcc00" width="80%" cellpadding="3">
<tr valign="center">
<td><font size="4">Tools for importing MARC records into breeding farm</font></td>
<table cellpadding="3" border=0 width="100%">
<tr valign="top">
<td width="5%">&nbsp;</td>
<td width="20%"><li><a>Upload MARC records</a></li></td>
<td width="10%">&nbsp;</td>
<td>The breeding farm is a table where are stored imported MARC records.<br/>
A MARC record is stored in the breeding farm as long as you've no item. When you type the ISBN of a biblio, it's searched in the breeding farm.
If found, the biblio is added to koha active table, and removed from breeding farm.
<table bgcolor="#ffcc00" width="80%" cellpadding"5">
<td><font size="4">Tools for importing MARC from a z3950 server</font></td>
<table cellpadding="3" border=0 width="100%">
<tr valign="top">
<td width="5%">&nbsp;</td>
<td width="20%"><li><a>Z39.50 Search Tool</a></li></td>
<td width="10%">&nbsp;</td>
<td>does not work</td>
<table bgcolor="#ffcc00" width="80%" cellpadding="3">
<tr valign="center">
<td><FONT SIZE=4>Add New Website</font></td>
<form action="" method="post">
<td><input type="text" name="keyword" /></td>
<td><input type="submit" value="Go" /></td>
<p />
<table bgcolor="#ffcc00" width="80%" cellpadding="3">
<tr valign="center">
<td><FONT SIZE=4>Help</font></td>
<FONT SIZE=5>Koha stores data in three sections</font>
<p />
The first section records bibliographic data such as title, author and copyright for a particular work.
<p />
The second records bibliographic data for a particular publication of that work, such as ISBN number, physical description, publisher information, etc
<p />
The third section holds specific item information, such as the bar code number
<p />


@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
<h1>MARC acquisition system</h1>
<table bgcolor="#ffcc00" width="80%" cellpadding="3">
<tr valign="center">
<td><font size="4">Import into breeding farm</font></td>
<TMPL_IF name="uploadmarc">
<p>Import results :</p>
<p><TMPL_VAR name="imported"> imported records</p>
<p><TMPL_VAR name="alreadyindb"> not imported because already in DB</p>
<p><TMPL_VAR name="alreadyinfarm"> not imported because already in farm</p>
<p><TMPL_VAR name="notmarcrecord"> not imported because they seems not to be MARC format (or ISBN/ISSN missing) !</p>
<p><TMPL_VAR name="total"> records parsed</p>
<p><a href="">Back to acquisition</a>
<ul>Select a file to import into breeding farm. It will be parsed, and for each ISBN found, a new baby will be created in breeding farm.
If an ISBN already exists in the breeding farm, you can choose wether to ignore the new one, or overwrite the old one.<br/>
You can enter a name for this import. It may be useful, when creating a biblio, to remember where the suggested marc data comes !<br/>
Of course, if the ISBN already exists in active DB, the biblio will be ignored.<br/></ul>
<form method="post" action="<TMPL_VAR name="SCRIPT_NAME">" enctype="multipart/form-data">
<table cellpadding="3" border=0>
<tr valign="top">
<td>Select the file to import :</td>
<input type="file" name="uploadmarc"/><br/>
<tr valign="top">
<td>Name of this import :</td>
<input type="text" name="filename"/><br/>
<tr valign="top">
<td>If ISBN already in breeding farm : </td>
<td><input type="radio" name="overwrite_biblio" value="0" checked>Ignore this one, keep the existing one<br/>
<input type="radio" name="overwrite_biblio" value="1">Overwrite the existing one with this</td>
<tr valign="top">
<td>&nbsp; </td>
<td><input type="submit" value="import"></td>