merging 1-2 and main.

This commit is contained in:
tipaul 2002-06-28 08:53:51 +00:00
parent 46c2ff9804
commit 33947ff039

View file

@ -1,7 +1,4 @@
package C4::Search; #asummes C4/Search
#requires to be installed
#uses DBD:Pg
package C4::Search; #assumes C4/Search
use strict;
require Exporter;
@ -22,39 +19,6 @@ $VERSION = 0.02;
&getboracctrecord &ItemType &itemissues &subject &subtitle
&addauthor &bibitems &barcodes &findguarantees &allissues &systemprefs
&findguarantor &getwebsites &getwebbiblioitems &catalogsearch itemcount2);
%EXPORT_TAGS = ( ); # eg: TAG => [ qw!name1 name2! ],
# your exported package globals go here,
# as well as any optionally exported functions
@EXPORT_OK = qw($Var1 %Hashit);
# non-exported package globals go here
use vars qw(@more $stuff);
# initalize package globals, first exported ones
my $Var1 = '';
my %Hashit = ();
# then the others (which are still accessible as $Some::Module::stuff)
my $stuff = '';
my @more = ();
# all file-scoped lexicals must be created before
# the functions below that use them.
# file-private lexicals go here
my $priv_var = '';
my %secret_hash = ();
# here's a file-private function as a closure,
# callable as &$priv_func; it cannot be prototyped.
my $priv_func = sub {
# stuff goes here.
# make all your functions, whether exported or not;
sub findguarantees{
my ($bornum)=@_;
@ -123,7 +87,7 @@ sub catalogsearch {
# $search->{$key}=$dbh->quote($search->{$key});
# }
my ($count,@results);
print STDERR "Doing a search \n";
# print STDERR "Doing a search \n";
if ($search->{'itemnumber'} ne '' || $search->{'isbn'} ne ''){
print STDERR "Doing a precise search\n";
@ -185,7 +149,7 @@ sub KeywordSearch {
# print $query;
my $sth=$dbh->prepare($query);
my $i=0;
while (my @res=$sth->fetchrow_array){
@ -342,6 +306,156 @@ sub KeywordSearch {
sub KeywordSearch2 {
my ($env,$type,$search,$num,$offset)=@_;
my $dbh = &C4Connect;
$search->{'keyword'}=~ s/ +$//;
$search->{'keyword'}=~ s/'/\\'/;
my @key=split(' ',$search->{'keyword'});
my $count=@key;
my $i=1;
my @results;
my $query ="Select * from biblio,bibliosubtitle,biblioitems where
biblio.biblionumber=biblioitems.biblionumber and
biblio.biblionumber=bibliosubtitle.biblionumber and
(((title like '$key[0]%' or title like '% $key[0]%')";
while ($i < $count){
$query=$query." and (title like '$key[$i]%' or title like '% $key[$i]%')";
$query.= ") or ((subtitle like '$key[0]%' or subtitle like '% $key[0]%')";
for ($i=1;$i<$count;$i++){
$query.= " and (subtitle like '$key[$i]%' or subtitle like '% $key[$i]%')";
$query.= ") or ((seriestitle like '$key[0]%' or seriestitle like '% $key[0]%')";
for ($i=1;$i<$count;$i++){
$query.=" and (seriestitle like '$key[$i]%' or seriestitle like '% $key[$i]%')";
$query.= ") or ((biblio.notes like '$key[0]%' or biblio.notes like '% $key[0]%')";
for ($i=1;$i<$count;$i++){
$query.=" and (biblio.notes like '$key[$i]%' or biblio.notes like '% $key[$i]%')";
$query.= ") or ((biblioitems.notes like '$key[0]%' or biblioitems.notes like '% $key[0]%')";
for ($i=1;$i<$count;$i++){
$query.=" and (biblioitems.notes like '$key[$i]%' or biblioitems.notes like '% $key[$i]%')";
if ($search->{'keyword'} =~ /new zealand/i){
$query.= "or (title like 'nz%' or title like '% nz %' or title like '% nz' or subtitle like 'nz%'
or subtitle like '% nz %' or subtitle like '% nz' or author like 'nz %'
or author like '% nz %' or author like '% nz')"
if ($search->{'keyword'} eq 'nz' || $search->{'keyword'} eq 'NZ' ||
$search->{'keyword'} =~ /nz /i || $search->{'keyword'} =~ / nz /i ||
$search->{'keyword'} =~ / nz/i){
$query.= "or (title like 'new zealand%' or title like '% new zealand %'
or title like '% new zealand' or subtitle like 'new zealand%' or
subtitle like '% new zealand %'
or subtitle like '% new zealand' or author like 'new zealand%'
or author like '% new zealand %' or author like '% new zealand' or
seriestitle like 'new zealand%' or seriestitle like '% new zealand %'
or seriestitle like '% new zealand')"
if ($search->{'class'} ne ''){
my @temp=split(/\|/,$search->{'class'});
my $count=@temp;
$query.= "and ( itemtype='$temp[0]'";
for (my $i=1;$i<$count;$i++){
$query.=" or itemtype='$temp[$i]'";
if ($search->{'dewey'} ne ''){
$query.= "and (dewey like '$search->{'dewey'}%') ";
$query.="group by biblio.biblionumber";
#$query.=" order by author,title";
# print $query;
my $sth=$dbh->prepare($query);
while (my $data=$sth->fetchrow_hashref){
# my $sti=$dbh->prepare("select dewey,subclass from biblioitems where biblionumber=$data->{'biblionumber'}
# ");
# $sti->execute;
# my ($dewey, $subclass) = $sti->fetchrow;
my $dewey=$data->{'dewey'};
my $subclass=$data->{'subclass'};
($dewey == 0) && ($dewey='');
($dewey) && ($dewey.=" $subclass");
# $sti->finish;
# print $results[$i];
$sth=$dbh->prepare("Select biblionumber from bibliosubject where subject
like '%$search->{'keyword'}%' group by biblionumber");
while (my $data=$sth->fetchrow_hashref){
$query="Select * from biblio,biblioitems where
biblio.biblionumber=$data->{'biblionumber'} and
biblio.biblionumber=biblioitems.biblionumber ";
if ($search->{'class'} ne ''){
my @temp=split(/\|/,$search->{'class'});
my $count=@temp;
$query.= " and ( itemtype='$temp[0]'";
for (my $i=1;$i<$count;$i++){
$query.=" or itemtype='$temp[$i]'";
if ($search->{'dewey'} ne ''){
$query.= "and (dewey like '$search->{'dewey'}%') ";
my $sth2=$dbh->prepare($query);
# print $query;
while (my $data2=$sth2->fetchrow_hashref){
my $dewey= $data2->{'dewey'};
my $subclass=$data2->{'subclass'};
($dewey == 0) && ($dewey='');
($dewey) && ($dewey.=" $subclass") ;
# $sti->finish;
# print $results[$i];
my $i2=1;
@results=sort @results;
my @res;
if ($count > 0){
while ($i2 < $count){
if ($results[$i2] ne $res[$i-1]){
my @res2;
while ($i2 < $num && $i2 < $count){
# print $res2[$i2];
# $i--;
# $i++;
sub CatSearch {
my ($env,$type,$search,$num,$offset)=@_;
my $dbh = &C4Connect;
@ -478,8 +592,6 @@ sub CatSearch {
} elsif ($search->{'abstract'} ne ''){
$query.= "Select * from biblio where abstract like '%$search->{'abstract'}%'";
$query .=" group by biblio.biblionumber";
@ -517,7 +629,7 @@ sub CatSearch {
my $search2=uc $search->{'isbn'};
my $query1 = "select * from biblioitems where isbn='$search2'";
my $sth1=$dbh->prepare($query1);
print STDERR "$query1\n";
# print STDERR "$query1\n";
my $i2=0;
while (my $data=$sth1->fetchrow_hashref) {
@ -552,7 +664,7 @@ if ($type ne 'precise' && $type ne 'subject'){
$query=$query." order by subject";
print STDERR "$query\n";
#print STDERR "$query\n";
my $sth=$dbh->prepare($query);
my $count=1;
@ -578,7 +690,7 @@ while (my $data=$sth->fetchrow_hashref){
if ($search->{'publisher'} ne ''){
$query.= " and (publishercode like '%$search->{'publisher'}%')";
print STDERR "$query\n";
#print STDERR "$query\n";
my $sti=$dbh->prepare($query);
my $dewey;