Bug 10431 - Spanish Zebra character sorting file

This patch provides a definition file for Spanish (es) character
sorting in Zebra. It is based on the ideas from Hugo Agud <hagud@orex.es>
and Pablo Bianchi <pablo.bianchi@gmail.com>.

Makefile.PL is fixed to notice the existence of the 'es' language. The
docs for koha-create are touched too.

To test:
- Go through the install process, choosing 'es' for the Zebra's language step
- Koha should work as usual.
- Running this should show the lang definition is properly set.
$ grep -R "lang_defs/es" /etc/koha/*
(stuff like zebradb/zebra-biblios-dom.cfg:profilePath:...etc/koha/zebra/lang_defs/es... should show)
- This file should be present:

- Build your own package, it shouldn't break the packaging
- Try the new package, using koha-create to set an instance using --lang 'es'

Sponsored-by: Universidad Nacional de Córdoba
Signed-off-by: Galen Charlton <gmc@esilibrary.com>
Signed-off-by: Chris Cormack <chris@bigballofwax.co.nz>
Signed-off-by: Kyle M Hall <kyle@bywatersolutions.com>
Signed-off-by: Galen Charlton <gmc@esilibrary.com>
This commit is contained in:
Tomás Cohen Arazi 2013-06-11 10:46:36 -03:00 committed by Galen Charlton
parent 79df5211d6
commit 343c93ea43
3 changed files with 44 additions and 2 deletions

View file

@ -477,7 +477,7 @@ my %valid_config_values = (
'AUTH_INDEX_MODE' => { 'grs1' => 1, 'dom' => 1 },
'BIB_INDEX_MODE' => { 'grs1' => 1, 'dom' => 1 },
'ZEBRA_MARC_FORMAT' => { 'marc21' => 1, 'normarc' => 1, 'unimarc' => 1 }, # FIXME should generate from contents of distributation
'ZEBRA_LANGUAGE' => { 'en' => 1, 'fr' => 1, 'nb' => 1 }, # FIXME should generate from contents of distribution
'ZEBRA_LANGUAGE' => { 'en' => 1, 'es' => 1, 'fr' => 1, 'nb' => 1 }, # FIXME should generate from contents of distribution
'ZEBRA_TOKENIZER' => { chr => 1, icu => 1 },
'RUN_DATABASE_TESTS' => { 'yes' => 1, 'no' => 1 },
'USE_MEMCACHED' => { 'yes' => 1, 'no' => 1 },

View file

@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ set -e
usage="Usage: $0 [--create-db|--request-db|--populate-db|--use-db] \
[--marcflavor marc21|normarc|unimarc] \
[--zebralang en|nb|fr] \
[--zebralang en|nb|fr|es] \
[--defaultsql /path/to/some.sql] \
[--configfile /path/to/config] [--passwdfile /path/to/passwd] \
[--database database] [--adminuser n] instancename"

View file

@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
# Koha's Zebra character map file for spanish
encoding utf-8
# Character sort order definition
lowercase {0-9}{a-y}üzæäøöå
uppercase {0-9}{A-Y}ÜZÆÄØÖÅ
# Breaking characters
space {\001-\040}!"#$%&'\()*+,-./:;<=>?@\[\\]^_`\{|}~
# Characters to be considered equivalent for searching purposes.
equivalent uü
# Supplemental mappings
map (&auml;) a
map (&aelig;) æ
map (&oslash;) ø
map (&aring;) a
map (&ouml;) o
map (&Auml;) A
map (&Aelig;) Æ
map (&Oslash;) Ø
map (&Aring;) A
map (&Ouml;) O
map âàáäÂÀÂÄ a
map êèéëÊÈÉË e
map îïíÎÏ i
map ôöóÔÖ o
map ûùüÛÜÙ u
map çÇ c
map ñ n
map (^El\s) @
map (^En\s) @
map (^La\s) @
map (^Los\s) @
map (^Las\s) @
map (^Un\s) @
map (^Unos\s) @
map (^Una\s) @
map (^Unas\s) @