Browse Source

Modifications for new acqui.simple

Database includes new biblio abstract field and biblioitem url field
acqui/ modified to use changed C4/
truth_nz 22 years ago
  1. 315
  2. 472
  3. 9
  4. 2


@ -12,13 +12,14 @@ $VERSION = 0.01;
@ISA = qw(Exporter);
@EXPORT = qw(&getorders &bookseller &breakdown &basket &newbasket &bookfunds
&ordersearch &newbiblio &newbiblioitem &newsubject &newsubtitle &neworder
&newordernum &modbiblio &modorder &getsingleorder &invoice &receiveorder
&bookfundbreakdown &curconvert &updatesup &insertsup &makeitems &modbibitem
&newordernum &modbiblio &modorder &getsingleorder &invoice &receiveorder
&bookfundbreakdown &curconvert &updatesup &insertsup &newitems &modbibitem
&getcurrencies &modsubtitle &modsubject &modaddauthor &moditem &countitems
&findall &needsmod &delitem &delbibitem &delbiblio &delorder &branches
&getallorders &getrecorders &updatecurrencies &getorder &getcurrency &updaterecorder
&updatecost &checkitems &modnote &getitemtypes &getbiblio);
&updatecost &checkitems &modnote &getitemtypes &getbiblio
&getbiblioitem &getitemsbybiblioitem &isbnsearch &keywordsearch
%EXPORT_TAGS = ( ); # eg: TAG => [ qw!name1 name2! ],
# your exported package globals go here,
@ -193,18 +194,18 @@ sub getrecorders {
sub ordersearch {
my ($search,$biblio,$catview)=@_;
my $dbh=C4Connect;
my $query="Select *,biblio.title from aqorders,biblioitems,biblio
where aqorders.biblioitemnumber=
biblioitems.biblioitemnumber and biblio.biblionumber=aqorders.biblionumber
and (datecancellationprinted is NULL or datecancellationprinted =
and ((";
my @data=split(' ',$search);
my $count=@data;
for (my $i=0;$i<$count;$i++){
$query.= "(biblio.title like '$data[$i]%' or biblio.title like '% $data[$i]%') and ";
my ($search,$biblio,$catview) = @_;
my $dbh = C4Connect;
my $query = "Select *,biblio.title from aqorders,biblioitems,biblio
where aqorders.biblioitemnumber = biblioitems.biblioitemnumber
and biblio.biblionumber=aqorders.biblionumber
and ((datecancellationprinted is NULL)
or (datecancellationprinted = '0000-00-00')
and ((";
my @data = split(' ',$search);
my $count = @data;
for (my $i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) {
$query .= "(biblio.title like '$data[$i]%' or biblio.title like '% $data[$i]%') and ";
$query=~ s/ and $//;
$query.=" ) or biblioitems.isbn='$search'
@ -396,6 +397,7 @@ sub newbiblio {
$biblio->{'copyright'} = $dbh->quote($biblio->{'copyright'});
$biblio->{'seriestitle'} = $dbh->quote($biblio->{'seriestitle'});
$biblio->{'notes'} = $dbh->quote($biblio->{'notes'});
$biblio->{'abstract'} = $dbh->quote($biblio->{'abstract'});
if ($biblio->{'seriestitle'}) { $series = 1 };
@ -406,7 +408,8 @@ author = $biblio->{'author'},
copyrightdate = $biblio->{'copyright'},
series = $series;
seriestitle = $biblio->{'seriestitle'},
notes = $biblio->{'notes'}";
notes = $biblio->{'notes'},
abstract = $biblio->{'abstract'}";
$sth = $dbh->prepare($query);
# print $query;
@ -418,18 +421,24 @@ notes = $biblio->{'notes'}";
sub modbiblio {
my ($bibnum,$title,$author,$copyright,$seriestitle,$serial,$unititle,$notes)=@_;
my $dbh=C4Connect;
my $query="update biblio set title='$title',
my $sth=$dbh->prepare($query);
my ($bibnum, $title, $author, $copyright, $seriestitle, $serial, $unititle, $notes)=@_;
my $dbh = C4Connect;
my $query = "Update biblio set
title = '$title',
author = '$author',
copyrightdate = '$copyright',
seriestitle = '$seriestitle',
serial = '$serial',
unititle = '$unititle',
notes = '$notes'
where biblionumber = $bibnum";
my $sth = $dbh->prepare($query);
sub modsubtitle {
@ -443,20 +452,28 @@ sub modsubtitle {
sub modaddauthor {
my ($bibnum,$author)=@_;
my $dbh=C4Connect;
my $query="Delete from additionalauthors where biblionumber=$bibnum";
my $sth=$dbh->prepare($query);
if ($author ne ''){
$query="insert into additionalauthors (author,biblionumber) values ('$author','$bibnum')";
my ($bibnum, $author) = @_;
my $dbh = C4Connect;
my $query = "Delete from additionalauthors where biblionumber = $bibnum";
my $sth = $dbh->prepare($query);
if ($author ne '') {
$query = "Insert into additionalauthors set
author = '$author',
biblionumber = '$bibnum'";
$sth = $dbh->prepare($query);
} # if
} # sub modaddauthor
sub modsubject {
my ($bibnum,$force,@subject)=@_;
@ -557,6 +574,7 @@ sub newbiblioitem {
$biblioitem->{'number'} = $dbh->quote($biblioitem->{'number'});
$biblioitem->{'classification'} = $dbh->quote($biblioitem->{'classification'});
$biblioitem->{'itemtype'} = $dbh->quote($biblioitem->{'itemtype'});
$biblioitem->{'url'} = $dbh->quote($biblioitem->{'url'});
$biblioitem->{'isbn'} = $dbh->quote($biblioitem->{'isbn'});
$biblioitem->{'issn'} = $dbh->quote($biblioitem->{'issn'});
$biblioitem->{'dewey'} = $dbh->quote($biblioitem->{'dewey'});
@ -583,6 +601,7 @@ volume = $biblioitem->{'volume'},
number = $biblioitem->{'number'},
classification = $biblioitem->{'classification'},
itemtype = $biblioitem->{'itemtype'},
url = $biblioitem->{'url'},
isbn = $biblioitem->{'isbn'},
issn = $biblioitem->{'issn'},
dewey = $biblioitem->{'dewey'},
@ -863,31 +882,53 @@ sub insertsup {
sub makeitems {
my $dbh=C4Connect;
my $sth=$dbh->prepare("Select max(itemnumber) from items");
sub newitems {
my ($item, @barcodes) = @_;
my $dbh = C4Connect;
my $query = "Select max(itemnumber) from items";
my $sth = $dbh->prepare($query);
my $data;
my $itemnumber;
my $error;
my $data=$sth->fetchrow_hashref;
my $item=$data->{'max(itemnumber)'};
$data = $sth->fetchrow_hashref;
$itemnumber = $data->{'max(itemnumber)'} + 1;
my $error;
for (my $i=0;$i<$count;$i++){
$barcodes[$i]=uc $barcodes[$i];
my $query="Insert into items (biblionumber,biblioitemnumber,itemnumber,barcode,
replacementpricedate,notforloan) values
my $sth=$dbh->prepare($query);
$item->{'booksellerid'} = $dbh->quote($item->{'bookselletid'});
$item->{'homebranch'} = $dbh->quote($item->{'homebranch'});
$item->{'price'} = $dbh->quote($item->{'price'});
$item->{'replacementprice'} = $dbh->quote($item->{'replacementprice'});
$item->{'itemnotes'} = $dbh->quote($item->{'itemnotes'});
foreach my $barcode (@barcodes) {
$barcode = uc($barcode);
$query = "Insert into items set
itemnumber = $itemnumber,
biblionumber = $item->{'biblionumber'},
biblioitemnumber = $item->{'biblioitemnumber'},
barcode = $barcode,
booksellerid = $item->{'booksellerid'},
dateaccessioned = NOW(),
homebranch = $item->{'branch'},
holdingbranch = $item->{'branch'},
price = $item->{'price'},
replacementprice = $item->{'replacementprice'},
replacementpricedate = NOW(),
notforloan = $item->{'loan'},
itemnotes = $item->{'itemnotes'}";
$sth = $dbh->prepare($query);
$error .= $sth->errstr;
# print $query;
} # for
@ -1098,12 +1139,12 @@ sub getbiblio {
my $dbh = C4Connect;
my $query = "Select * from biblio where biblionumber = $biblionumber";
my $sth = $dbh->prepare($query);
# || die "Cannot prepare $query" . $dbh->errstr;
# || die "Cannot prepare $query\n" . $dbh->errstr;
my $count = 0;
my @results;
# || die "Cannot execute $query" . $sth->errstr;
# || die "Cannot execute $query\n" . $sth->errstr;
while (my $data = $sth->fetchrow_hashref) {
$results[$count] = $data;
@ -1115,4 +1156,158 @@ sub getbiblio {
} # sub getbiblio
sub getbiblioitem {
my ($biblioitemnum) = @_;
my $dbh = C4Connect;
my $query = "Select * from biblioitems where
biblioitemnumber = $biblioitemnum";
my $sth = $dbh->prepare($query);
my $count = 0;
my @results;
while (my $data = $sth->fetchrow_hashref) {
$results[$count] = $data;
} # while
return($count, @results);
} # sub getbiblioitem
sub getitemsbybiblioitem {
my ($biblioitemnum) = @_;
my $dbh = C4Connect;
my $query = "Select * from items, biblio where
biblio.biblionumber = items.biblionumber and biblioitemnumber
= $biblioitemnum";
my $sth = $dbh->prepare($query);
# || die "Cannot prepare $query\n" . $dbh->errstr;
my $count = 0;
my @results;
# || die "Cannot execute $query\n" . $sth->errstr;
while (my $data = $sth->fetchrow_hashref) {
$results[$count] = $data;
} # while
return($count, @results);
} # sub getitemsbybiblioitem
sub isbnsearch {
my ($isbn) = @_;
my $dbh = C4Connect;
my $count = 0;
my $query;
my $sth;
my @results;
$isbn = $dbh->quote($isbn);
$query = "Select * from biblioitems where isbn = $isbn";
$sth = $dbh->prepare($query);
while (my $data = $sth->fetchrow_hashref) {
$results[$count] = $data;
} # while
return($count, @results);
} # sub isbnsearch
sub keywordsearch {
my ($keywordlist) = @_;
my $dbh = C4Connect;
my $query = "Select * from biblio where";
my $count = 0;
my $sth;
my @results;
my @keywords = split(/ +/, $keywordlist);
my $keyword = shift(@keywords);
$keyword =~ s/%/\\%/g;
$keyword =~ s/_/\\_/;
$keyword = "%" . $keyword . "%";
$keyword = $dbh->quote($keyword);
$query .= " (author like $keyword) or
(title like $keyword) or (unititle like $keyword) or
(notes like $keyword) or (seriestitle like $keyword) or
(abstract like $keyword)";
foreach $keyword (@keywords) {
$keyword =~ s/%/\\%/;
$keyword =~ s/_/\\_/;
$keyword = "%" . $keyword . "%";
$keyword = $dbh->quote($keyword);
$query .= " or (author like $keyword) or
(title like $keyword) or (unititle like $keyword) or
(notes like $keyword) or (seriestitle like $keyword) or
(abstract like $keyword)";
} # foreach
$sth = $dbh->prepare($query);
while (my $data = $sth->fetchrow_hashref) {
$results[$count] = $data;
} # while
return($count, @results);
} # sub keywordsearch
sub websitesearch {
my ($keywordlist) = @_;
my $dbh = C4Connect;
my $query = "Select distinct biblio.* from biblio, biblioitems where
biblio.biblionumber = biblioitems.biblionumber and (";
my $count = 0;
my $sth;
my @results;
my @keywords = split(/ +/, $keywordlist);
my $keyword = shift(@keywords);
$keyword =~ s/%/\\%/g;
$keyword =~ s/_/\\_/;
$keyword = "%" . $keyword . "%";
$keyword = $dbh->quote($keyword);
$query .= " (url like $keyword)";
foreach $keyword (@keywords) {
$keyword =~ s/%/\\%/;
$keyword =~ s/_/\\_/;
$keyword = "%" . $keyword . "%";
$keyword = $dbh->quote($keyword);
$query .= " or (url like $keyword)";
} # foreach
$query .= ")";
$sth = $dbh->prepare($query);
while (my $data = $sth->fetchrow_hashref) {
$results[$count] = $data;
} # while
return($count, @results);
} # sub websitesearch
END { } # module clean-up code here (global destructor)


@ -1,424 +1,108 @@
# Modified 12:00 01 April 2001
# The biblioitemnumber was not correctly initialised
# The max(barcode) value was broken - koha 'barcode' is a string value!
# - If left blank, barcode value now defaults to max(biblionumber)
# Error checking for pre-existing barcodes, biblionumbers and maybe others
# Add info on biblioitems and items already entered as you enter new ones
use C4::Database;
use CGI;
use strict;
use C4::Acquisitions;
use C4::Output;
use C4::Circulation::Circ2;
my $input = new CGI;
my $dbh=C4Connect;
my $isbn=$input->param('isbn');
my $q_isbn=$dbh->quote($isbn);
my $biblioitemnumber;
my $error = $input->param('error');
print $input->header;
print startpage();
print startmenu('acquisitions');
($input->param('checkforbiblio')) && (checkforbiblio());
($input->param('newbiblioitem')) && (newbiblioitem());
($input->param('newitem')) && (newitem());
print endmenu();
print endpage();
sub checkforbiblio {
my $title=$input->param('title');
my $q_title=$dbh->quote($title);
my $author=$input->param('author');
my $q_author=$dbh->quote($author);
my $seriestitle=$input->param('seriestitle');
my $serial=0;
($seriestitle) && ($serial=1);
my $q_seriestitle=$dbh->quote($seriestitle);
my $copyrightdate=$input->param('copyrightdate');
my $q_copyrightdate=$dbh->quote($copyrightdate);
my $notes=$input->param('notes');
my $q_notes=$dbh->quote($notes);
my $subtitle=$input->param('subtitle');
my $q_subtitle=$dbh->quote($subtitle);
my $sth=$dbh->prepare("select biblionumber from biblio where title=$q_title
and author=$q_author and copyrightdate=$q_copyrightdate");
my $biblionumber=0;
if ($sth->rows) {
($biblionumber) = $sth->fetchrow;
} else {
print "Adding new biblio for <i>$title</i> by $author<br>\n";
my $sth=$dbh->prepare("select max(biblionumber) from biblio");
($biblionumber) = $sth->fetchrow;
$sth=$dbh->prepare("insert into biblio (biblionumber, title, author,
serial, seriestitle, copyrightdate, notes) values ($biblionumber,
$q_title, $q_author, $serial, $q_seriestitle, $q_copyrightdate,
$sth=$dbh->prepare("insert into bibliosubtitle (subtitle, biblionumber)
values ($q_subtitle, $biblionumber)");
my $itemtypeselect='';
$sth=$dbh->prepare("select itemtype,description from itemtypes");
while (my ($itemtype, $description) = $sth->fetchrow) {
$itemtypeselect.="<option value=$itemtype>$itemtype - $description\n";
my $authortext="by $author";
($author) || ($authortext='');
$sth=$dbh->prepare("select BI.isbn,IT.description,BI.volume,BI.number,BI.volumeddesc,BI.dewey,BI.subclass from biblioitems BI, itemtypes IT where BI.itemtype=IT.itemtype and biblionumber=$biblionumber");
my $biblioitemdata='';
while (my ($isbn, $itemtype, $volume, $number, $volumeddesc, $dewey, $subclass) = $sth->fetchrow) {
my $volumeinfo='';
if ($volume) {
if ($number) {
$volumeinfo="V$volume, N$number";
} else {
$volumeinfo="Vol $volume";
if ($volumeddesc) {
$volumeinfo.=" $volumeddesc";
$biblioitemdata.="<tr><td>$isbn</td><td align=center>$itemtype</td><td align=center>$volumeinfo</td><td align=center>$dewey$subclass</td></tr>\n";
if ($biblioitemdata) {
print << "EOF";
<table border=1 bgcolor=#dddddd>
<th colspan=4>Existing entries using Biblio number $biblionumber</th>
<th>ISBN</th><th>Item Type</th><th>Volume</th><th>Classification</th></tr>
sub searchscreen {
print << "EOF";
<table border=1 bgcolor=#dddddd>
<tr><th colspan=4>Section Two: Publication Information for<br><i>$title</i>
<tr><td align=right>Publisher</td><td colspan=3><input name=publishercode size=30></td></tr>
<tr><td align=right>Publication Year</td><td><input name=publicationyear size=10></td>
<td align=right>Place of Publication</td><td><input name=place size=20></td></tr>
<tr><td align=right>Illustrator</td><td colspan=3><input name=illus size=20></td></tr>
<tr><td align=right>Additional Authors<br>(One author per line)</td><td colspan=3><textarea
name=additionalauthors rows=4 cols=30></textarea></td></tr>
<tr><td align=right>Subject Headings<br>(One subject per line)</td><td colspan=3><textarea
name=subjectheadings rows=4 cols=30></textarea></td></tr>
<tr><td align=right>Item Type</td><td colspan=3><select name=itemtype>$itemtypeselect</select></td></tr>
<tr><td align=right>Dewey</td><td><input name=dewey size=10></td>
<td align=right>Dewey Subclass</td><td><input name=subclass size=10></td></tr>
<tr><td align=right>ISSN</td><td colspan=3><input name=issn size=10></td></tr>
<tr><td align=right>LCCN</td><td colspan=3><input name=lccn size=10></td></tr>
<tr><td align=right>Volume</td><td><input name=volume size=10></td>
<td align=right>Number</td><td><input name=number size=10></td></tr>
<tr><td align=right>Volume Description</td><td colspan=3><input name=volumeddesc size=40></td></tr>
<tr><td align=right>Pages</td><td><input name=pages size=10></td>
<td align=right>Size</td><td><input name=size size=10></td></tr>
<tr><td align=right>Notes</td><td colspan=3><textarea name=notes rows=4 cols=50
<input type=submit value="Add New Bibliography Item">
<input type=hidden name=biblionumber value=$biblionumber>
<input type=hidden name=isbn value=$isbn>
<input type=hidden name=newbiblioitem value=1>
<font size="6"><em>Adding new items to the Library Inventory</em></font>
<p />
print endmenu();
print endpage();
sub newbiblioitem {
# print "in here";
my $biblionumber=$input->param('biblionumber');
my $volume=$input->param('volume');
my $q_volume=$dbh->quote($volume);
my $number=$input->param('number');
my $q_number=$dbh->quote($number);
my $classification=$input->param('classification');
my $q_classification=$dbh->quote($classification);
my $itemtype=$input->param('itemtype');
my $q_itemtype=$dbh->quote($itemtype);
my $issn=$input->param('issn');
my $q_issn=$dbh->quote($issn);
my $lccn=$input->param('lccn');
my $q_lccn=$dbh->quote($lccn);
my $dewey=$input->param('dewey');
my $q_dewey=$dbh->quote($dewey);
my $subclass=$input->param('subclass');
my $q_subclass=$dbh->quote($subclass);
my $publicationyear=$input->param('publicationyear');
my $q_publicationyear=$dbh->quote($publicationyear);
my $publishercode=$input->param('publishercode');
my $q_publishercode=$dbh->quote($publishercode);
my $volumedate=$input->param('volumedate');
my $q_volumedate=$dbh->quote($volumedate);
my $volumeddesc=$input->param('volumeddesc');
my $q_volumeddesc=$dbh->quote($volumeddesc);
my $illus=$input->param('illus');
my $q_illus=$dbh->quote($illus);
my $pages=$input->param('pages');
my $q_pages=$dbh->quote($pages);
my $notes=$input->param('notes');
my $q_notes=$dbh->quote($notes);
my $size=$input->param('size');
my $q_size=$dbh->quote($size);
my $place=$input->param('place');
my $q_place=$dbh->quote($place);
my $subjectheadings=$input->param('subjectheadings');
my $additionalauthors=$input->param('additionalauthors');
my $sth=$dbh->prepare("select max(biblioitemnumber) from biblioitems");
($biblioitemnumber) = $sth->fetchrow;
# print STDERR "NEW BiblioItemNumber: $biblioitemnumber \n";
($q_isbn='') if ($q_isbn eq 'NULL');
my $query="insert into biblioitems (biblioitemnumber,
biblionumber, volume, number, classification, itemtype, isbn, issn, lccn, dewey, subclass,
publicationyear, publishercode, volumedate, volumeddesc, illus, pages,
notes, size, place) values ($biblioitemnumber, $biblionumber, $q_volume,
$q_number, $q_classification, $q_itemtype, $q_isbn, $q_issn, $q_lccn, $q_dewey, $q_subclass,
$q_publicationyear, $q_publishercode, $q_volumedate, $q_volumeddesc,
$q_illus, $q_pages, $q_notes, $q_size, $q_place)";
# print $query;
my @subjectheadings=split(/\n/,$subjectheadings);
my $subjectheading;
foreach $subjectheading (@subjectheadings) {
# remove any line ending characters (Ctrl-J or M)
# convert to upper case
print STDERR "S: $biblionumber, $subjectheading ";
chomp ($subjectheading);
print STDERR "B: ".ord(substr($subjectheading, length($subjectheading)-1, 1))." ";
while (ord(substr($subjectheading, length($subjectheading)-1, 1))<14) {
chop $subjectheading;
print STDERR "A: ".ord(substr($subjectheading, length($subjectheading)-1, 1))."\n";
# quote value
my $q_subjectheading=$dbh->quote($subjectheading);
$sth=$dbh->prepare("insert into bibliosubject (biblionumber,subject)
values ($biblionumber, $q_subjectheading)");
my @additionalauthors=split(/\n/,$additionalauthors);
my $additionalauthor;
foreach $additionalauthor (@additionalauthors) {
# remove any line ending characters (Ctrl-L or Ctrl-M)
# convert to upper case
# quote value
my $q_additionalauthor=$dbh->quote($additionalauthor);
$sth=$dbh->prepare("insert into additionalauthors (biblionumber,author)
values ($biblionumber, $q_additionalauthor)");
sub newitem {
my $biblionumber=$input->param('biblionumber');
my $biblioitemnumber=$input->param('biblioitemnumber');
my $barcode=$input->param('barcode');
my $itemnotes=$input->param('notes');
my $q_itemnotes=$dbh->quote($itemnotes);
my $replacementprice=$input->param('replacementprice');
($replacementprice) || ($replacementprice=0);
my $sth=$dbh->prepare("select max(itemnumber) from items");
my ($itemnumber) = $sth->fetchrow;
my @datearr=localtime(time);
my $date=(1900+$datearr[5])."-".($datearr[4]+1)."-".$datearr[3];
my $q_homebranch=$dbh->quote($input->param('homebranch'));
my $query="insert into items (itemnumber, biblionumber,
biblioitemnumber,barcode, itemnotes, holdingbranch, homebranch, dateaccessioned, replacementprice) values ($itemnumber,
$biblionumber, $biblioitemnumber, $barcode, $q_itemnotes, $q_homebranch, $q_homebranch, '$date', $replacementprice)";
# print $query;
if ($isbn) {
my $sth;
if ($isbn eq 'NULL') {
# set biblioitemnumber if not already initialised...
if ($biblioitemnumber eq '') {
$sth=$dbh->prepare("select max(biblioitemnumber) from biblioitems");
($biblioitemnumber) = $sth->fetchrow;
# print STDERR "BiblioItemNumber was missing: $biblioitemnumber \n";
$sth=$dbh->prepare("select biblionumber,biblioitemnumber from
biblioitems where biblioitemnumber=$biblioitemnumber");
} else {
$sth=$dbh->prepare("select biblionumber, biblioitemnumber from
biblioitems where isbn=$q_isbn");
if (my ($biblionumber, $biblioitemnumber) = $sth->fetchrow) {
$sth=$dbh->prepare("select I.barcode,I.itemnotes,B.title, from items I, biblio B where B.biblionumber=I.biblionumber and biblioitemnumber=$biblioitemnumber");
my $itemdata='';
while (my ($barcode, $itemnotes, $title, $author) = $sth->fetchrow) {
$itemdata.="<tr><td align=center>$barcode</td><td><u>$title</u></td><td>$author</td><td>$itemnotes</td></tr>\n";
if ($itemdata) {
print << "EOF";
<table border=1 bgcolor=#dddddd>
<th colspan=4>Existing Items with ISBN $isbn</th>
# my $sth=$dbh->prepare("select max(barcode) from items");
# $sth->execute;
# my ($maxbarcode) = $sth->fetchrow;
# $maxbarcode++;
# print STDERR "MaxBarcode: $maxbarcode \n";
if ($error eq "notfound") {
print << "EOF";
<h2>Section Three: Specific Item Information</h2>
<input type=hidden name=newitem value=1>
<input type=hidden name=biblionumber value=$biblionumber>
<input type=hidden name=biblioitemnumber value=$biblioitemnumber>
<!-- tr><td>BARCODE</td><td><input name=barcode size=10 value=\$maxbarcode -->
<tr><td>BARCODE</td><td><input name=barcode size=10 value=$biblionumber>
Home Branch: <select name=homebranch>
<font color="red" size="5">No items found</font>
<p />
my $branches=getbranches();
foreach my $key (sort(keys %$branches)) {
print "<option value=\"$key\">$branches->{$key}->{'branchname'}</option>";
print << "EOF";
</tr><td colspan=2>Replacement Price: <input name=replacementprice size=10></td></tr>
<tr><td>Notes</td><td><textarea name=notes rows=4 cols=40
<input type=submit value="Add Item">
<h3>ISBN $isbn Information</h3>
} # if
} else {
print << "EOF";
<input type=hidden name=isbn value='$isbn'>
<input type=hidden name=checkforbiblio value=1>
<table border=0>
<tr><th colspan=2>Section One: Copyright Information</th></tr>
<tr><td>Title</td><td><input name=title size=40></td></tr>
<tr><td>Subtitle</td><td><input name=subtitle size=40></td></tr>
<tr><td>Author</td><td><input name=author size=40></td></tr>
<tr><td>Series Title<br>(if applicable)</td><td><input name=seriestitle
<tr><td>Copyright Date</td><td><input name=copyrightdate size=10></td></tr>
<tr><td>Notes</td><td><textarea name=notes rows=4 cols=40
<input type=submit value="Add new Bibliography">
} else {
print << "EOF";
<h2>Adding new items to the Library Inventory</h2>
To add a new item, scan or type the ISBN number:
ISBN: <input name=isbn>
<table bgcolor="#ffcc00" width="80%" cellpadding="5">
<tr valign="center">
<td><font size="5">To add a new item, scan or type the ISBN number:</font></td>
<form action="">
<td><input type="text" name="isbn" /></td>
<td><input type="submit" value="Go" /></td>
<a>Enter book with no ISBN</a>
<h2>Tools for importing MARC records into Koha</h2>
<form action="">
<td><input type="text" name="keyword" /></td>
<td><input type="submit" value="Go" /></td>
<p />
<hr />
<p />
<table bgcolor="#ffcc00" width="80%" cellpadding"5">
<tr valign="center">
<td><font size="5">Tools for importing MARC records into Koha</font></td>
<br />
<li><a>Z39.50 Search Tool</a>
<li><a>Upload MARC records</a>
<li><a>Z39.50 Search Tool</a></li>
<li><a>Upload MARC records</a></li>
print endmenu();
print endpage();
sub sectioninfo {
print << "EOF";
<table border=1 width=70% bgcolor=#bbddbb>
Koha stores data in three sections.
<li>The first section records bibliographic data such as title, author and
copyright for a particular work.
<li>The second records bibliographic data for a particular publication of that
work, such as ISBN number, physical description, publisher information, etc.
<li>The third section holds specific item information, such as the bar code
<br clear="all">
<p />
<table bgcolor="#ffcc00" width="80%" cellpadding="5">
<tr valign="center">
<td><FONT SIZE=5>Add New Website</font></td>
<form action="" method="post">
<td><input type="text" name="keyword" /></td>
<td><input type="submit" value="Go" /></td>
<p />
<table bgcolor="#ffcc00" width="80%" cellpadding="5">
<tr valign="center">
<td><FONT SIZE=5>Help</font></td>
<FONT SIZE=5>Koha stores data in three sections</font>
<p />
The first section records bibliographic data such as title, author and copyright for a particular work.
<p />
The second records bibliographic data for a particular publication of that work, such as ISBN number, physical description, publisher information, etc
<p />
The third section holds specific item information, such as the bar code number
<p />
} # sub searchscreen


@ -79,7 +79,14 @@ if ($quantity != 0){
# print @barcodes;
# print $barcode;
my ($error)=makeitems($quantrec,$bibitemno,$biblio,$replacement,$cost,$bookseller,$branch,$loan,@barcodes);
my ($error) = newitems({ biblioitemnumber => $bibitemno,
biblionumber => $biblio,
replacementprice => $replacement,
price => $cost,
booksellerid => $bookseller,
homebranch => $branch,
loan => $loan },
if ($error eq ''){
if ($itemtype ne 'PER'){
print $input->redirect("/cgi-bin/koha/acqui/$invoiceno&id=$id&freight=$freight&gst=$gst");


@ -178,6 +178,7 @@ CREATE TABLE biblio (
title text,
unititle text,
notes text,
abstract text,
serial tinyint(1),
seriestitle text,
copyrightdate smallint(6),
@ -205,6 +206,7 @@ CREATE TABLE biblioitems (
number text,
classification varchar(25),
itemtype varchar(4),
url varchar(255),
isbn varchar(14),
issn varchar(9),
dewey double(8,6),
