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Bug 23816: Add minimum password length and require strong password overrides by category

This patch adds the capability to override minPasswordLenth and RequireStrongPassword settings by category

To test:
1. koha-shell kohadev
2. koha-mysql kohadev

3. drop database koha_kohadev;
4. create database koha_kohadev;

5. go to admin page and start webinstaller. There continue the steps until onboarding.
6. reach step 3 of onboarding and create a new administrator patron
CHECH => Password control woks as normal (Minimum length 3 and strong required)

7. finish Koha installation and enter admin with your new administrator
8. set minPasswordLength to 3 and RequireStrongPassword to “Don’t require”
9. Create a new category (CAT2 from now on.. CAT1 is the category you made in onboarding process) and set minimum password length to 8 and require strong password
10. Create two new patrons, one with CAT1(patron1) and one with CAT2 (patron2)
CHECK => In both cases, try different combinations of length and strength. For patron1 the only requirement is to have 3 letters, but for patron2 the minimum length will be 8 and will require strong password.
CHECK => Try changing patron category before saving. Password requirements will change with category change.

11. Edit CAT1 and set minimum password length to 5
12. Go to patron1 details page, and change password.
CHECH => Now password minimum length is 5, but still it doesn’t require strong password

13. Edit CAT1, leave blank minimum password length and set require strong password to yes.
14. Go to patron1 details page, and change password.
CHECH => Password minimum length is back to 3, but now strong password is required

15. Set minimum password length in CAT2 to 12.
16. Go to patron2 details page, and click to fill a random generated password
CHECK => generated password should be 12 characters length

17. Set PatronSelfRegistration to Allow in admin settings
18. Go to OPAC and fill self registration from.
CHECK => Play with patron category. For each change in category, password requirements are modified.
CHECK => Set CAT1 as patron category, set ‘aA1’ as password (or another valid password for CAT1) and before hitting submit button, change to CAT2. Form should enter invalid state, and CAT2 password requirements should be displayed as error in password input.

19. Create a patron for CAT1 and another for CAT2, leaving password blank
CHECK => For CAT1’s patron, generated password length is 8 (minimum length for generated passwords), but for CAT2’s patron should be 12

20. In admin set PatronSelfRegistrationVerifyByEmail to require
21. Fill self registration form again with CAT2 as category
CHECK => Password requirements works as previous case.
22. Leave password blank and click submit

23. select * from message_queue;
24. Copy the link in the message and paste it in OPAC
CHECH => Generated password is 12 characters long. (Copy user id for next steps)

25. In admin set OpacResetPassword to Allow
26. Go back to OPAC, reload and click on “Forgot password?” link
27. Paste user id and click submit
28. Repeat steps 23 and 24
CHECK => Info message says “Your password must contain at least 12 characters, including UPPERCASE, lowercase and numbers.”
CHECK => enter an invalid password and you’ll get the same message in warning.

29. Login OPAC with the last user and your newly created password
30. Go to “Change your password” option
CHECK => Info message says “Your password must contain at least 12 characters, including UPPERCASE, lowercase and numbers.”
CHECK => enter an invalid password and you’ll get the same message in below “New password” input.

31. prove t/db_dependent/AuthUtils.t t/db_dependent/Koha/Patron/Category.t

32. Sign off

Sponsored-by: Northeast Kansas Library - NEKLS

Signed-off-by: Andrew Fuerste-Henry <>

Signed-off-by: Katrin Fischer <>
Signed-off-by: Tomas Cohen Arazi <>

Signed-off-by: Jonathan Druart <>
Agustin Moyano 4 years ago
committed by Jonathan Druart
  1. 19
  2. 4
  3. 32
  4. 8
  5. 40
  6. 37
  7. 15
  8. 7
  9. 5
  10. 44
  11. 35
  12. 9
  13. 6
  14. 6
  15. 13
  16. 8
  17. 15
  18. 3


@ -139,21 +139,21 @@ sub generate_salt {
=head2 is_password_valid
my ( $is_valid, $error ) = is_password_valid( $password );
my ( $is_valid, $error ) = is_password_valid( $password, $category );
return $is_valid == 1 if the password match minPasswordLength and RequireStrongPassword conditions
return $is_valid == 1 if the password match category's minimum password length and strength if provided, or general minPasswordLength and RequireStrongPassword conditions
otherwise return $is_valid == 0 and $error will contain the error ('too_short' or 'too_weak')
sub is_password_valid {
my ($password) = @_;
my $minPasswordLength = C4::Context->preference('minPasswordLength');
my ($password, $category) = @_;
my $minPasswordLength = $category?$category->effective_min_password_length:C4::Context->preference('minPasswordLength');
$minPasswordLength = 3 if not $minPasswordLength or $minPasswordLength < 3;
if ( length($password) < $minPasswordLength ) {
return ( 0, 'too_short' );
elsif ( C4::Context->preference('RequireStrongPassword') ) {
elsif ( $category?$category->effective_require_strong_password:C4::Context->preference('RequireStrongPassword') ) {
return ( 0, 'too_weak' )
if $password !~ m|(?=.*\d)(?=.*[a-z])(?=.*[A-Z]).{$minPasswordLength,}|;
@ -163,20 +163,21 @@ sub is_password_valid {
=head2 generate_password
my password = generate_password();
my password = generate_password($category);
Generate a password according to the minPasswordLength and RequireStrongPassword.
Generate a password according to category's minimum password length and strength if provided, or to the minPasswordLength and RequireStrongPassword system preferences.
sub generate_password {
my $minPasswordLength = C4::Context->preference('minPasswordLength');
my ($category) = @_;
my $minPasswordLength = $category?$category->effective_min_password_length:C4::Context->preference('minPasswordLength');
$minPasswordLength = 8 if not $minPasswordLength or $minPasswordLength < 8;
my ( $password, $is_valid );
do {
$password = random_string('.' x $minPasswordLength );
( $is_valid, undef ) = is_password_valid( $password );
( $is_valid, undef ) = is_password_valid( $password, $category );
} while not $is_valid;
return $password;


@ -744,11 +744,11 @@ sub set_password {
my $password = $args->{password};
unless ( $args->{skip_validation} ) {
my ( $is_valid, $error ) = Koha::AuthUtils::is_password_valid( $password );
my ( $is_valid, $error ) = Koha::AuthUtils::is_password_valid( $password, $self->category );
if ( !$is_valid ) {
if ( $error eq 'too_short' ) {
my $min_length = C4::Context->preference('minPasswordLength');
my $min_length = $self->category->effective_min_password_length;
$min_length = 3 if not $min_length or $min_length < 3;
my $password_length = length($password);


@ -255,6 +255,38 @@ sub effective_change_password {
: C4::Context->preference('OpacPasswordChange');
=head3 effective_min_password_length
Retrieve category's password length if setted, or minPasswordLength otherwise
sub effective_min_password_length {
my ($self) = @_;
return C4::Context->preference('minPasswordLength') unless defined $self->min_password_length;
return $self->min_password_length;
=head3 effective_require_strong_password
Retrieve category's password strength if setted, or RequireStrongPassword otherwise
sub effective_require_strong_password {
my ($self) = @_;
return C4::Context->preference('RequireStrongPassword') unless defined $self->require_strong_password;
return $self->require_strong_password;
=head3 override_hidden_items
if ( $patron->category->override_hidden_items ) {


@ -94,10 +94,14 @@ elsif ( $op eq 'add_validate' ) {
my $reset_password = $input->param('reset_password');
my $change_password = $input->param('change_password');
my $exclude_from_local_holds_priority = $input->param('exclude_from_local_holds_priority');
my $min_password_length = $input->param('min_password_length');
my $require_strong_password = $input->param('require_strong_password');
my @branches = grep { $_ ne q{} } $input->multi_param('branches');
$reset_password = undef if $reset_password eq -1;
$change_password = undef if $change_password eq -1;
$min_password_length = undef unless length($min_password_length);
$require_strong_password = undef if $require_strong_password eq -1;
my $is_a_modif = $input->param("is_a_modif");
@ -130,6 +134,8 @@ elsif ( $op eq 'add_validate' ) {
eval {
$category->replace_branch_limitations( \@branches );
@ -159,6 +165,8 @@ elsif ( $op eq 'add_validate' ) {
reset_password => $reset_password,
change_password => $change_password,
exclude_from_local_holds_priority => $exclude_from_local_holds_priority,
min_password_length => $min_password_length,
require_strong_password => $require_strong_password,
eval {


@ -1,20 +1,37 @@
[% USE Koha %]
[% BLOCK add_password_check %]
<!-- -->
var pwd_title = "";
var pattern_title = "";
var new_password_node_name = "[% new_password | html %]";
[% IF Koha.Preference('RequireStrongPassword') %]
pwd_title = _("Password must contain at least %s characters, including UPPERCASE, lowercase and numbers").format([% minPasswordLength | html %]);
pattern_regex = /(?=.*\d)(?=.*[a-z])(?=.*[A-Z]).{[% minPasswordLength | html %],}/;
[% ELSIF minPasswordLength %]
pwd_title = _("Password must contain at least %s characters").format([% minPasswordLength | html %]);
pattern_regex = /.{[% minPasswordLength | html %],}/;
[% END %]
jQuery.validator.addMethod("password_strong", function(value, element){
return this.optional(element) || value == '****' || pattern_regex.test(value);
}, pwd_title);
var category_selector = "[% category_selector | html %]";
var STRONG_MSG = _("Password must contain at least %s characters, including UPPERCASE, lowercase and numbers");
var WEAK_MSG = _("Password must contain at least %s characters");
if(category_selector && $('select'+category_selector).length) {
jQuery.validator.addMethod("password_strong", function(value, element){
var require_strong = $('select'+category_selector+' option:selected').data('pwdStrong');
var min_lenght = $('select'+category_selector+' option:selected').data('pwdLength');
var regex_text = require_strong?"(?=.*\\d)(?=.*[a-z])(?=.*[A-Z]).{"+min_lenght+",}":".{"+min_lenght+",}";
var pattern_regex = new RegExp(regex_text);
return this.optional(element) || pattern_regex.test(value);
}, function(unused, element) {
var require_strong = $('select'+category_selector+' option:selected').data('pwdStrong');
var min_lenght = $('select'+category_selector+' option:selected').data('pwdLength');
return (require_strong?STRONG_MSG:WEAK_MSG).format(min_lenght)
} else {
[% IF RequireStrongPassword %]
pwd_title = STRONG_MSG.format([% minPasswordLength | html %]);
pattern_regex = /(?=.*\d)(?=.*[a-z])(?=.*[A-Z]).{[% minPasswordLength | html %],}/;
[% ELSIF minPasswordLength %]
pwd_title = WEAK_MSG.format([% minPasswordLength | html %]);
pattern_regex = /.{[% minPasswordLength | html %],}/;
[% END %]
jQuery.validator.addMethod("password_strong", function(value, element){
return this.optional(element) || value == '****' || pattern_regex.test(value);
}, pwd_title);
jQuery.validator.addMethod("password_no_spaces", function(value, element){
return ( this.optional(element) || !value.match(/^\s/) && !value.match(/\s$/) );
}, _("Password contains leading and/or trailing spaces"));
@ -24,4 +41,3 @@
}, _("Please enter the same password as above"));
<!-- / -->
[% END %]


@ -229,6 +229,43 @@
[% END %]
<label for="min_password_length">Minimum password length:</label>
<input id="min_password_length" type="number" name="min_password_length" value="[% category.min_password_length | html %]"/>
<span>Leave blank to use system default ([% Koha.Preference('minPasswordLength') | html %])</span>
<li class="pwd_setting_wrapper">
<label for="require_strong_password">Require strong password:</label>
<select id="require_strong_password" name="require_strong_password">
[% IF category.require_strong_password.defined %]
[% IF category.require_strong_password %]
[% IF Koha.Preference('RequireStrongPassword') %]
<option value="-1">Follow system preference RequireStrongPassword (yes)</option>
[% ELSE %]
<option value="-1">Follow system preference RequireStrongPassword (no)</option>
[% END %]
<option value="1" selected="selected">Yes</option>
<option value="0">No</option>
[% ELSE %]
[% IF Koha.Preference('RequireStrongPassword') %]
<option value="-1">Follow system preference RequireStrongPassword (yes)</option>
[% ELSE %]
<option value="-1">Follow system preference RequireStrongPassword (no)</option>
[% END %]
<option value="1">Yes</option>
<option value="0" selected="selected">No</option>
[% END %]
[% ELSE %]
[% IF Koha.Preference('RequireStrongPassword') %]
<option value="-1">Follow system preference RequireStrongPassword (yes)</option>
[% ELSE %]
<option value="-1">Follow system preference RequireStrongPassword (no)</option>
[% END %]
<option value="1">Yes</option>
<option value="0">No</option>
[% END %]
<li><label for="block_expired">Block expired patrons:</label>
<select name="BlockExpiredPatronOpacActions" id="block_expired">
[% IF not category or category.BlockExpiredPatronOpacActions == -1%]


@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
<li>You have entered a username that already exists. Please choose another one.</li>
[% END %]
[% IF ( ERROR_password_too_short ) %]
<li id="ERROR_short_password">Password must be at least [% Koha.Preference('minPasswordLength') | html %] characters long.</li>
<li id="ERROR_short_password">Password must be at least [% patron.category.effective_min_password_length | html %] characters long.</li>
[% END %]
[% IF ( ERROR_password_too_weak ) %]
<li id="ERROR_weak_password">Password must contain at least one digit, one lowercase and one uppercase.</li>
@ -63,9 +63,9 @@
<li><label for="newuserid">New username:</label>
<input type="hidden" name="member" value="[% patron.borrowernumber | html %]" /><input type="text" id="newuserid" name="newuserid" size="20" value="[% patron.userid | html %]" /></li>
[% SET password_pattern = ".{" _ Koha.Preference('minPasswordLength') _ ",}" %]
[% IF Koha.Preference('RequireStrongPassword') %]
[% SET password_pattern = '(?=.*\d)(?=.*[a-z])(?=.*[A-Z]).{' _ Koha.Preference('minPasswordLength') _ ',}' %]
[% SET password_pattern = ".{" _ patron.category.effective_min_password_length _ ",}" %]
[% IF patron.category.effective_require_strong_password %]
[% SET password_pattern = '(?=.*\d)(?=.*[a-z])(?=.*[A-Z]).{' _ patron.category.effective_min_password_length _ ',}' %]
[% END %]
<label for="newpassword">New password:</label>
@ -105,7 +105,7 @@
function generate_password() {
// Always generate a strong password
var chars = '0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ';
var length = [% Koha.Preference('minPasswordLength') | html %];
var length = [% patron.category.effective_min_password_length | html %];
if ( length < 8 ) length = 8;
var password='';
for ( var i = 0 ; i < length ; i++){
@ -117,7 +117,7 @@
$("body").on('click', "#fillrandom",function(e) {
var password = '';
var pattern_regex = /(?=.*\d)(?=.*[a-z])(?=.*[A-Z]).{[% Koha.Preference('minPasswordLength') | html %],}/;
var pattern_regex = /(?=.*\d)(?=.*[a-z])(?=.*[A-Z]).{[% patron.category.effective_min_password_length | html %],}/;
while ( ! pattern_regex.test( password ) ) {
password = generate_password();
@ -156,8 +156,7 @@
[% PROCESS '' %]
[% PROCESS 'add_password_check' new_password => 'newpassword' %]
[% PROCESS '' new_password => 'newpassword', minPasswordLength => patron.category.effective_min_password_length, RequireStrongPassword => patron.category.effective_require_strong_password %]
[% END %]
[% INCLUDE '' %]


@ -838,9 +838,9 @@ legend:hover {
[% IF ( typeloo.typename_X ) %]<optgroup label="Statistical">[% END %]
[% END %]
[% IF ( categoryloo.categorycodeselected ) %]
<option value="[% categoryloo.categorycode | html %]" selected="selected" data-typename="[% typeloo.typename | html %]">[% categoryloo.categoryname | html %]</option>
<option value="[% categoryloo.categorycode | html %]" selected="selected" data-pwd-length="[% categoryloo.effective_min_password_length | html %]" data-pwd-strong="[% categoryloo.effective_require_strong_password | html %]" data-typename="[% typeloo.typename | html %]">[% categoryloo.categoryname | html %]</option>
[% ELSE %]
<option value="[% categoryloo.categorycode | html %]" data-typename="[% typeloo.typename | html %]">[% categoryloo.categoryname | html %]</option>
<option value="[% categoryloo.categorycode | html %]" data-pwd-length="[% categoryloo.effective_min_password_length | html %]" data-pwd-strong="[% categoryloo.effective_require_strong_password | html %]" data-typename="[% typeloo.typename | html %]">[% categoryloo.categoryname | html %]</option>
[% END %]
[% IF ( loop.last ) %]
@ -1738,8 +1738,7 @@ legend:hover {
[% Asset.js("js/members.js") | $raw %]
[% Asset.js("js/messaging-preference-form.js") | $raw %]
[% PROCESS '' %]
[% PROCESS 'add_password_check' new_password => 'password' %]
[% PROCESS '' new_password => 'password', category_selector => '#categorycode_entry', minPasswordLength => patron.category.effective_min_password_length, RequireStrongPassword => patron.category.effective_require_strong_password %]
[% END %]
[% INCLUDE '' %]


@ -61,7 +61,7 @@
<label for="categorycode_entry" class="required"> Patron category</label>
<select id="categorycode_entry" name="categorycode_entry">
[% FOREACH category IN categories %]
<option value = "[% category.categorycode | html %]">[% category.description | html %]</option>
<option value = "[% category.categorycode | html %]" data-pwd-length="[% category.effective_min_password_length | html %]" data-pwd-strong="[% category.effective_require_strong_password | html %]">[% category.description | html %]</option>
[% END %]
<span class="required">Required</span><br><br>
@ -116,8 +116,7 @@
[% INCLUDE '' %]
[% INCLUDE '' %]
[% Asset.js("js/onboarding.js") | $raw %]
[% PROCESS '' %]
[% PROCESS 'add_password_check' new_password => 'password' %]
[% PROCESS '' new_password => 'password', category_selector => '#categorycode_entry', RequireStrongPassword => Koha.Preference('RequireStrongPassword') %]
[% END %]
[% INCLUDE '' %]


@ -1,25 +1,41 @@
[% USE Koha %]
[% BLOCK add_password_check %]
var pwd_title = "";
var pattern_title = "";
var new_password_node_name = "[% new_password | html %]";
[% IF Koha.Preference('RequireStrongPassword') %]
pwd_title = _("Password must contain at least %s characters, including UPPERCASE, lowercase and numbers").format([% minPasswordLength | html %]);
pattern_regex = /(?=.*\d)(?=.*[a-z])(?=.*[A-Z]).{[% minPasswordLength | html %],}/;
[% ELSIF minPasswordLength %]
pwd_title = _("Password must contain at least %s characters").format([% minPasswordLength | html %]);
pattern_regex = /.{[% minPasswordLength | html %],}/;
[% END %]
jQuery.validator.addMethod("password_strong", function(value, element){
return this.optional(element) || pattern_regex.test(value);
}, pwd_title);
var category_selector = "[% category_selector | html %]";
var STRONG_MSG = _("Password must contain at least %s characters, including UPPERCASE, lowercase and numbers");
var WEAK_MSG = _("Password must contain at least %s characters");
if(category_selector && $('select'+category_selector).length) {
jQuery.validator.addMethod("password_strong", function(value, element){
var require_strong = $('select'+category_selector+' option:selected').data('pwdStrong');
var min_lenght = $('select'+category_selector+' option:selected').data('pwdLength');
var regex_text = require_strong?"(?=.*\\d)(?=.*[a-z])(?=.*[A-Z]).{"+min_lenght+",}":".{"+min_lenght+",}";
var pattern_regex = new RegExp(regex_text);
return this.optional(element) || pattern_regex.test(value);
}, function(unused, element) {
var require_strong = $('select'+category_selector+' option:selected').data('pwdStrong');
var min_lenght = $('select'+category_selector+' option:selected').data('pwdLength');
return (require_strong?STRONG_MSG:WEAK_MSG).format(min_lenght)
} else {
[% IF RequireStrongPassword %]
pwd_title = STRONG_MSG.format([% minPasswordLength | html %]);
pattern_regex = /(?=.*\d)(?=.*[a-z])(?=.*[A-Z]).{[% minPasswordLength | html %],}/;
[% ELSIF minPasswordLength %]
pwd_title = WEAK_MSG.format([% minPasswordLength | html %]);
pattern_regex = /.{[% minPasswordLength | html %],}/;
[% END %]
jQuery.validator.addMethod("password_strong", function(value, element){
return this.optional(element) || value == '****' || pattern_regex.test(value);
}, pwd_title);
jQuery.validator.addMethod("password_no_spaces", function(value, element){
return ( this.optional(element) || !value.match(/^\s/) && !value.match(/\s$/) );
}, _("Password contains leading and/or trailing spaces"));
jQuery.validator.addMethod("password_match", function(value, element){
var new_password_node = $("input[name='" + new_password_node_name + "']:first");
return this.optional(element) || value == $(new_password_node).val();
return value == $(new_password_node).val();
}, _("Please enter the same password as above"));
[% END %]


@ -92,7 +92,7 @@
[% IF field == "B_email" %]<li>Alternate address information: <a href="#borrower_B_email">email address</a></li>[% END %]
[% IF field == "password_match" %]<li>Passwords do not match! <a href="#password">password</a></li>[% END %]
[% IF field == "password_too_short" %]
<li>Password must be at least [% minPasswordLength | html %] characters long.</li>
<li>Password must be at least [% patron.category.effective_min_password_length | html %] characters long.</li>
[% END %]
[% IF field == "password_too_weak" %]
<li>Password must contain at least one digit, one lowercase and one uppercase.</li>
@ -269,9 +269,9 @@
<select id="borrower_categorycode" name="borrower_categorycode">
[% FOREACH c IN Categories.all() %]
[% IF c.categorycode == Koha.Preference('PatronSelfRegistrationDefaultCategory') %]
<option value="[% c.categorycode | html %]" selected="selected">[% c.description | html %]</option>
<option value="[% c.categorycode | html %]" data-pwd-length="[% c.effective_min_password_length | html %]" data-pwd-strong="[% c.effective_require_strong_password | html %]" selected="selected">[% c.description | html %]</option>
[% ELSE %]
<option value="[% c.categorycode | html %]">[% c.description | html %]</option>
<option value="[% c.categorycode | html %]" data-pwd-length="[% c.effective_min_password_length | html %]" data-pwd-strong="[% c.effective_require_strong_password | html %]">[% c.description | html %]</option>
[% END %]
[% END %]
@ -896,10 +896,14 @@
<fieldset class="rows" id="memberentry_password">
<legend id="contact_legend">Password</legend>
<div class="alert alert-info">
[% IF ( Koha.Preference('RequireStrongPassword') ) %]
<p>Your password must contain at least [% Koha.Preference('minPasswordLength') | html %] characters, including UPPERCASE, lowercase and numbers.</p>
[% IF patron %]
[% IF ( patron.category.effective_require_strong_password ) %]
<p>Your password must contain at least [% patron.category.effective_min_password_length | html %] characters, including UPPERCASE, lowercase and numbers.</p>
[% ELSE %]
<p>Your password must be at least [% patron.category.effective_min_password_length | html %] characters long.</p>
[% END %]
[% ELSE %]
<p>Your password must be at least [% Koha.Preference('minPasswordLength') | html %] characters long.</p>
<p id="password_alert"></p>
[% END %]
[% UNLESS mandatory.defined('password') %]
<p>If you do not enter a password a system generated password will be created.</p>
@ -1064,9 +1068,8 @@
[% INCLUDE '' %]
[% BLOCK jsinclude %]
[% Asset.js("lib/jquery/plugins/jquery.validate.min.js") | $raw %]
[% PROCESS '' %]
[% PROCESS 'add_password_check' new_password => 'borrower_password' %]
[% INCLUDE '' %]
$(document).ready(function() {
@ -1228,5 +1231,21 @@
[% END %]
[% UNLESS patron %]
var PWD_STRONG_MSG = _("Password must contain at least %s characters, including UPPERCASE, lowercase and numbers");
var PWD_WEAK_MSG = _("Password must contain at least %s characters");
$(document).ready(function() {
var setPwdMessage = function() {
var require_strong = $('select#borrower_categorycode option:selected').data('pwdStrong');
var min_lenght = $('select#borrower_categorycode option:selected').data('pwdLength');
[% END %]
[% PROCESS '' new_password => 'borrower_password', category_selector => '#borrower_categorycode', RequireStrongPassword => patron.category.effective_require_strong_password, minPasswordLength => patron.category.effective_min_password_length %]
[% END %]


@ -63,10 +63,10 @@
[% IF ( Ask_data ) %]
<form action="/cgi-bin/koha/" name="mainform" id="mainform" method="post" autocomplete="off">
[% IF ( Koha.Preference('RequireStrongPassword') ) %]
<div class="alert alert-info">Your password must contain at least [% Koha.Preference('minPasswordLength') | html %] characters, including UPPERCASE, lowercase and numbers.</div>
[% IF ( logged_in_user.category.effective_require_strong_password ) %]
<div class="alert alert-info">Your password must contain at least [% logged_in_user.category.effective_min_password_length | html %] characters, including UPPERCASE, lowercase and numbers.</div>
[% ELSE %]
<div class="alert alert-info">Your password must be at least [% Koha.Preference('minPasswordLength') | html %] characters long.</div>
<div class="alert alert-info">Your password must be at least [% logged_in_user.category.effective_min_password_length | html %] characters long.</div>
[% END %]
<div class="form-group">
<label for="Oldkey">Current password:</label>
@ -112,8 +112,7 @@
[% INCLUDE '' %]
[% BLOCK jsinclude %]
[% Asset.js("lib/jquery/plugins/jquery.validate.min.js") | $raw %]
[% PROCESS '' %]
[% PROCESS 'add_password_check' new_password => 'Newkey' %]
[% PROCESS '' new_password => 'Newkey', minPasswordLength => logged_in_user.category.effective_min_password_length, RequireStrongPassword => logged_in_user.category.effective_require_strong_password %]
$(document).ready(function() {


@ -119,10 +119,10 @@
<form action="/cgi-bin/koha/" method="post" autocomplete="off">
<input type="hidden" name="koha_login_context" value="opac" />
<fieldset class="brief">
[% IF ( Koha.Preference('RequireStrongPassword') ) %]
<div class="alert alert-info">Your password must contain at least [% Koha.Preference('minPasswordLength') | html %] characters, including UPPERCASE, lowercase and numbers.</div>
[% IF ( RequireStrongPassword ) %]
<div class="alert alert-info">Your password must contain at least [% minPasswordLength | html %] characters, including UPPERCASE, lowercase and numbers.</div>
[% ELSE %]
<div class="alert alert-info">Your password must be at least [% Koha.Preference('minPasswordLength') | html %] characters long.</div>
<div class="alert alert-info">Your password must be at least [% minPasswordLength | html %] characters long.</div>
[% END %]
<div class="form-group">
<label for="password">New password:</label>


@ -373,7 +373,7 @@ if ($op eq 'save' || $op eq 'insert'){
# the edited values list when editing certain sub-forms. Get it straight
# from the DB if absent.
my $userid = $newdata{ userid } // $borrower_data->{ userid };
my $p = $borrowernumber ? Koha::Patrons->find( $borrowernumber ) : Koha::Patron->new;
my $p = $borrowernumber ? Koha::Patrons->find( $borrowernumber ) : Koha::Patron->new();
$p->userid( $userid );
unless ( $p->has_valid_userid ) {
push @errors, "ERROR_login_exist";
@ -384,7 +384,7 @@ if ($op eq 'save' || $op eq 'insert'){
push @errors, "ERROR_password_mismatch" if ( $password ne $password2 );
if ( $password and $password ne '****' ) {
my ( $is_valid, $error ) = Koha::AuthUtils::is_password_valid( $password );
my ( $is_valid, $error ) = Koha::AuthUtils::is_password_valid( $password, Koha::Patron::Categories->find($categorycode) );
unless ( $is_valid ) {
push @errors, 'ERROR_password_too_short' if $error eq 'too_short';
push @errors, 'ERROR_password_too_weak' if $error eq 'too_weak';
@ -682,6 +682,8 @@ foreach my $category_type (qw(C A S P I X)) {
push @categoryloop,
{ 'categorycode' => $patron_category->categorycode,
'categoryname' => $patron_category->description,
'effective_min_password_length' => $patron_category->effective_min_password_length,
'effective_require_strong_password' => $patron_category->effective_require_strong_password,
'categorycodeselected' =>
( defined($categorycode) && $patron_category->categorycode eq $categorycode ),


@ -44,11 +44,6 @@ unless ( $userid or $patron_id or $cardnumber ) {
pod2usage("cardnumber is mandatory") unless $cardnumber;
unless ($password) {
my $generator = String::Random->new( rand_gen => \&alt_rand );
$password = $generator->randregex('[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9_]{6}.[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9_]{6}\d');
my $filter;
if ( $userid ) {
@ -70,6 +65,14 @@ unless ( $patrons->count > 0 ) {
my $patron = $patrons->next;
unless ($password) {
my $generator = String::Random->new( rand_gen => \&alt_rand );
my $n = $patron->category->effective_min_password_length;
$n = $n<6?6:$n;
$password = $generator->randregex('[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9_]{6}.[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9_]{'.$n.'}\d');
$patron->set_password({ password => $password, skip_validation => 1 });
print $patron->userid . " " . $password . "\n";


@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ use Koha::Patron::Attributes;
use Koha::Patron::Images;
use Koha::Patron::Modification;
use Koha::Patron::Modifications;
use Koha::Patrons;
use Koha::Patron::Categories;
use Koha::Token;
my $cgi = new CGI;
@ -178,7 +178,7 @@ if ( $action eq 'create' ) {
$verification_token = md5_hex( time().{}.rand().{}.$$ );
$borrower{password} = Koha::AuthUtils::generate_password unless $borrower{password};
$borrower{password} = Koha::AuthUtils::generate_password(Koha::Patron::Categories->find($borrower{categorycode})) unless $borrower{password};
$borrower{verification_token} = $verification_token;
Koha::Patron::Modification->new( \%borrower )->store();
@ -217,7 +217,7 @@ if ( $action eq 'create' ) {
$borrower{categorycode} ||= C4::Context->preference('PatronSelfRegistrationDefaultCategory');
$borrower{password} ||= Koha::AuthUtils::generate_password;
$borrower{password} ||= Koha::AuthUtils::generate_password(Koha::Patron::Categories->find($borrower{categorycode}));
my $consent_dt = delete $borrower{gdpr_proc_consent};
my $patron = Koha::Patron->new( \%borrower )->store;
Koha::Patron::Consent->new({ borrowernumber => $patron->borrowernumber, type => 'GDPR_PROCESSING', given_on => $consent_dt })->store if $consent_dt;
@ -476,7 +476,7 @@ sub CheckForInvalidFields {
push( @invalidFields, "password_match" );
if ( $borrower->{'password'} ) {
my ( $is_valid, $error ) = Koha::AuthUtils::is_password_valid( $borrower->{password} );
my ( $is_valid, $error ) = Koha::AuthUtils::is_password_valid( $borrower->{password}, Koha::Patron::Categories->find($borrower->{categorycode}) );
unless ( $is_valid ) {
push @invalidFields, 'password_too_short' if $error eq 'too_short';
push @invalidFields, 'password_too_weak' if $error eq 'too_weak';


@ -54,7 +54,6 @@ if ( $query->param('sendEmail') || $query->param('resendEmail') ) {
#try with the main email
my $borrower;
my $search_results;
# Find the borrower by userid, card number, or email
if ($username) {
$search_results = Koha::Patrons->search( { -or => { userid => $username, cardnumber => $username }, login_attempts => { '!=', Koha::Patron::ADMINISTRATIVE_LOCKOUT } } );
@ -124,6 +123,7 @@ if ( $query->param('sendEmail') || $query->param('resendEmail') ) {
if ($hasError) {
hasError => 1,
errNoBorrowerFound => $errNoBorrowerFound,
errTooManyEmailFound => $errTooManyEmailFound,
errAlreadyStartRecovery => $errAlreadyStartRecovery,
@ -154,13 +154,18 @@ elsif ( $query->param('passwordReset') ) {
( $borrower_number, $username ) = GetValidLinkInfo($uniqueKey);
my $error;
my $min_password_length = C4::Context->preference('minPasswordPreference');
my $require_strong_password = C4::Context->preference('RequireStrongPassword');
if ( not $borrower_number ) {
$error = 'errLinkNotValid';
} elsif ( $password ne $repeatPassword ) {
$error = 'errPassNotMatch';
} else {
my $borrower = Koha::Patrons->find($borrower_number);
$min_password_length = $borrower->category->effective_min_password_length;
$require_strong_password = $borrower->category->effective_require_strong_password;
try {
Koha::Patrons->find($borrower_number)->set_password({ password => $password });
$borrower->set_password({ password => $password });
@ -187,6 +192,8 @@ elsif ( $query->param('passwordReset') ) {
uniqueKey => $uniqueKey,
hasError => 1,
$error => 1,
minPasswordLength => $min_password_length,
RequireStrongPassword => $require_strong_password
@ -198,6 +205,8 @@ elsif ($uniqueKey) { #reset password form
$errLinkNotValid = 1;
my $borrower = Koha::Patrons->find($borrower_number);
new_password => 1,
email => $email,
@ -205,6 +214,8 @@ elsif ($uniqueKey) { #reset password form
username => $username,
errLinkNotValid => $errLinkNotValid,
hasError => ( $errLinkNotValid ? 1 : 0 ),
minPasswordLength => $borrower->category->effective_min_password_length,
RequireStrongPassword => $borrower->category->effective_require_strong_password
else { #password recovery form (to send email)


@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ use Koha::AuthUtils;
use Koha::Patrons;
use Koha::Patron::Consent;
use Koha::Patron::Modifications;
use Koha::Patron::Categories;
my $cgi = new CGI;
my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh;
@ -59,7 +60,7 @@ if (
my $patron_attrs = $m->unblessed;
$patron_attrs->{password} ||= Koha::AuthUtils::generate_password;
$patron_attrs->{password} ||= Koha::AuthUtils::generate_password(Koha::Patron::Categories->find($patron_attrs->{categorycode}));
my $consent_dt = delete $patron_attrs->{gdpr_proc_consent};
$patron_attrs->{categorycode} ||= C4::Context->preference('PatronSelfRegistrationDefaultCategory');
delete $patron_attrs->{timestamp};
