Bug 35641: Reduce DB lookups when sending a list of barcodes to inventory
This patch does three things: 1 - Removes a specific query for withdrawn status of each item scanned - we can use the withdrawn field 2 - Removes a specific query for checkouts on each item scanned - we can use the onloan field a - additionally we don't need to fetch the checkout as we check it in to the homebranch, this is likely incorrect - we should use the current branch, but I preserve behavior for now 3 - Fetches the items ahead of time and builds a hash based on barcode, reduces DB lookups, may raise memory usage To test: 1 - Checkout some items 2 - Withdraw some items 3 - Generate a lsit of barcodes including some checked out items and some withdrawn items 4 - Enter that list of barcodes into inventory tool 5 - Note your results 6 - Apply patch 7 - Issue the items again 8 - Repeat inventory 9 - Confirm results are the same as before patch Signed-off-by: Andrew Fuerste-Henry <andrewfh@dubcolib.org> Signed-off-by: Jonathan Druart <jonathan.druart@bugs.koha-community.org> Signed-off-by: Katrin Fischer <katrin.fischer@bsz-bw.de>
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 24 additions and 28 deletions
@ -167,11 +167,6 @@ if ( ($uploadbarcodes && length($uploadbarcodes) > 0) || ($barcodelist && length
my $date = $input->param('setdate');
my $date_dt = dt_from_string($date);
my $strsth = "select * from issues, items where items.itemnumber=issues.itemnumber and items.barcode =?";
my $qonloan = $dbh->prepare($strsth);
$strsth="select * from items where items.barcode =? and items.withdrawn = 1";
my $qwithdrawn = $dbh->prepare($strsth);
my @barcodes;
my @uploadedbarcodes;
@ -218,33 +213,34 @@ if ( ($uploadbarcodes && length($uploadbarcodes) > 0) || ($barcodelist && length
$template->param( err_length => $err_length,
err_data => $err_data );
my @items = Koha::Items->search( { barcode => { -in => \@barcodes } } )->as_list;
my %items = map { $_->barcode => $_ } @items;
foreach my $barcode (@barcodes) {
if ( $qwithdrawn->execute($barcode) && $qwithdrawn->rows ) {
push @errorloop, { 'barcode' => $barcode, 'ERR_WTHDRAWN' => 1 };
} else {
my $item = Koha::Items->find({barcode => $barcode});
if ( $item ) {
# Modify date last seen for scanned items, remove lost status
$item->set({ itemlost => 0, datelastseen => $date_dt })->store;
my $item_unblessed = $item->unblessed;
unless ( $dont_checkin ) {
if ($qonloan->rows){
my $data = $qonloan->fetchrow_hashref;
my ($doreturn, $messages, $iteminformation, $borrower) =AddReturn($barcode, $data->{homebranch});
if( $doreturn ) {
$item_unblessed->{onloan} = undef;
$item_unblessed->{datelastseen} = dt_from_string;
} else {
push @errorloop, { barcode => $barcode, ERR_ONLOAN_NOT_RET => 1 };
my $item = $items{ $barcode };
if ( $item ) {
if ( $item->withdrawn ) {
push @errorloop, { 'barcode' => $barcode, 'ERR_WTHDRAWN' => 1 };
# Modify date last seen for scanned items, remove lost status
$item->set({ itemlost => 0, datelastseen => $date_dt })->store;
my $item_unblessed = $item->unblessed;
unless ( $dont_checkin ) {
if ( $item->onloan ){
#FIXME Is this correct? Shouldn't the item be checked in at the branch we are signed in at?
my ($doreturn, $messages, $iteminformation, $borrower) =AddReturn($barcode, $item->homebranch);
if( $doreturn ) {
$item_unblessed->{onloan} = undef;
$item_unblessed->{datelastseen} = dt_from_string;
} else {
push @errorloop, { barcode => $barcode, ERR_ONLOAN_NOT_RET => 1 };
push @scanned_items, $item_unblessed;
} else {
push @errorloop, { barcode => $barcode, ERR_BARCODE => 1 };
push @scanned_items, $item_unblessed;
} else {
push @errorloop, { barcode => $barcode, ERR_BARCODE => 1 };
$template->param( date => $date );
Reference in a new issue