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Bug 28370: Rewrite tests

This patch rewrites the tests, and also doesn't enforce
additionalProperties to be false. We could need it, and there are routes
that need to be reviewed that would break otherwise now: error.json, for
example, is used everywhere, and some routes add some payload to it.

The main change this patch introduces is using the resolved spec instead
of finding each .json file, which wasn't even correct as we have .yaml
files already. Parameters and responses are tested.

To test:
1. Apply this patch
2. Run:
   $ kshell
  k$ prove xt/api.t
=> SUCCESS: Tests fail! A nice report on the failures is printed

Signed-off-by: Tomas Cohen Arazi <tomascohen@theke.io>

Signed-off-by: Jonathan Druart <jonathan.druart@bugs.koha-community.org>
Tomás Cohen Arazi преди 3 години
committed by Jonathan Druart
  1. 95


@ -13,63 +13,64 @@
# with Koha; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses>.
use Modern::Perl;
use File::Slurp qw( read_file );
use JSON qw( from_json );
use Test::More tests => 4;
use Test::More tests => 2;
use Test::Mojo;
use Data::Dumper;
my $dh;
my $t = Test::Mojo->new('Koha::REST::V1');
my $spec = $t->get_ok( '/api/v1/', 'Correctly fetched the spec' )->tx->res->json;
my $definitions_dir = 'api/v1/swagger/definitions';
opendir( $dh, $definitions_dir ) or die "$!";
my @files = readdir $dh;
my @wrong_additionalProperties;
ok( @files, "making sure we found definitions files" );
for my $file (@files) {
next unless $file =~ m|\.json$|;
my $spec = from_json read_file("$definitions_dir/$file");
if ( not exists $spec->{additionalProperties}
or $spec->{additionalProperties} != 0 )
push @wrong_additionalProperties, { file => $file, };
is( scalar @wrong_additionalProperties, 0 )
or diag Dumper \@wrong_additionalProperties;
my $paths = $spec->{paths};
my @missing_additionalProperties = ();
foreach my $route ( keys %{$paths} ) {
foreach my $verb ( keys %{ $paths->{$route} } ) {
my $paths_dir = 'api/v1/swagger/paths';
opendir( $dh, $paths_dir ) or die "$!";
@files = readdir $dh;
@wrong_additionalProperties = ();
ok(@files, "making sure we found paths files");
for my $file (@files) {
next unless $file =~ m|\.json$|;
my $spec = from_json read_file("$paths_dir/$file");
for my $route ( keys %$spec ) {
for my $method ( keys %{ $spec->{$route} } ) {
next if $method ne 'post' && $method ne 'put';
for my $parameter ( @{ $spec->{$route}->{$method}->{parameters} } ) {
if ( exists $parameter->{schema} ) {
# p($paths->{$route}->{$verb});
# check parameters []
foreach my $parameter ( @{ $paths->{$route}->{$verb}->{parameters} } ) {
if ( exists $parameter->{schema}
&& exists $parameter->{schema}->{type}
&& ref( $parameter->{schema}->{type} ) ne 'ARRAY'
&& $parameter->{schema}->{type} eq 'object' ) {
# it is an object type definition
if ( not exists $parameter->{schema}->{additionalProperties} ) {
push @missing_additionalProperties,
{ type => 'parameter',
route => $route,
verb => $verb,
name => $parameter->{name}
# If it's a ref we inherit from the definition file
next if exists $parameter->{schema}->{'$ref'};
# check responses {}
my $responses = $paths->{$route}->{$verb}->{responses};
foreach my $response ( keys %{$responses} ) {
if ( exists $responses->{$response}->{schema}
&& exists $responses->{$response}->{schema}->{type}
&& ref( $responses->{$response}->{schema}->{type} ) ne 'ARRAY'
&& $responses->{$response}->{schema}->{type} eq 'object' ) {
if ( not exists $parameter->{schema}->{additionalProperties}
or $parameter->{schema}->{additionalProperties} != 0 )
push @wrong_additionalProperties,
file => "$paths_dir/$file",
route => $route,
method => $method,
# it is an object type definition
if ( not exists $responses->{$response}->{schema}->{additionalProperties} ) {
push @missing_additionalProperties,
{ type => 'response',
route => $route,
verb => $verb,
name => $response
is( scalar @wrong_additionalProperties, 0 )
or diag Dumper \@wrong_additionalProperties;
is( scalar @missing_additionalProperties, 0 )
or diag Dumper \@missing_additionalProperties;
