Bug 27101: Remove fr-CA installer data
With installer data in YAML format and it's translations, there are no need for localized installer files. This patch removes fr-CA installer files. 1) Apply the patch 2) Translate to fr-CA cd misc/translator ./translate update fr-CA ./translate install fr-CA 3) Do a clean install using fr-CA, check no problems during install Signed-off-by: Tomas Cohen Arazi <tomascohen@theke.io> Signed-off-by: Marcel de Rooy <m.de.rooy@rijksmuseum.nl> Signed-off-by: Jonathan Druart <jonathan.druart@bugs.koha-community.org>
This commit is contained in:
39 changed files with 0 additions and 6016 deletions
@ -1,97 +0,0 @@
-- Raisons de l'acceptation ou du rejet d'une suggestion d'achat
INSERT INTO `authorised_values` ( `category`, `authorised_value`, `lib`) VALUES ('SUGGEST','Bestseller','Succès de librairie');
INSERT INTO `authorised_values` ( `category`, `authorised_value`, `lib`) VALUES ('SUGGEST','Endommagé','L\'exemplaire de la bibliothèque endommagé');
INSERT INTO `authorised_values` ( `category`, `authorised_value`, `lib`) VALUES ('SUGGEST','Perdu','L\'exemplaire de la bibliothèque est perdu');
INSERT INTO `authorised_values` ( `category`, `authorised_value`, `lib`) VALUES ('SUGGEST','PEB','Document disponible via le Prêt Entre Bibliothèques');
INSERT INTO `authorised_values` ( `category`, `authorised_value`, `lib`) VALUES ('SUGGEST','Budget','Budget insuffisant');
INSERT INTO `authorised_values` ( `category`, `authorised_value`, `lib`) VALUES ('SUGGEST','Onéreux','Document trop onéreux');
INSERT INTO `authorised_values` ( `category`, `authorised_value`, `lib`) VALUES ('SUGGEST','Poldoc','Document ne correspondant pas à notre politique d\'acquisition');
-- Formats demandés pour la suggestion de nouveaux documents
INSERT INTO `authorised_values` ( `category`, `authorised_value`, `lib`, `lib_opac`) VALUES ('SUGGEST_FORMAT', 'LIVRE', 'Livre', 'Livre');
INSERT INTO `authorised_values` ( `category`, `authorised_value`, `lib`, `lib_opac`) VALUES ('SUGGEST_FORMAT', 'GC', 'Grands caractères', 'Grands caractères');
INSERT INTO `authorised_values` ( `category`, `authorised_value`, `lib`, `lib_opac`) VALUES ('SUGGEST_FORMAT', 'LNUM', 'Livre numérique', 'Livre numérique');
INSERT INTO `authorised_values` ( `category`, `authorised_value`, `lib`, `lib_opac`) VALUES ('SUGGEST_FORMAT', 'LIVAUDIO', 'Livre audio', 'Livre audio');
INSERT INTO `authorised_values` ( `category`, `authorised_value`, `lib`, `lib_opac`) VALUES ('SUGGEST_FORMAT', 'DVD', 'DVD', 'DVD');
-- Raisons de la suggestion d'achat
INSERT INTO `authorised_values` ( `category`, `authorised_value`, `lib`) VALUES ('OPAC_SUG','damaged','L''exemplaire de la bibliothèque est endommagé');
INSERT INTO `authorised_values` ( `category`, `authorised_value`, `lib`) VALUES ('OPAC_SUG','bestseller','Succès de librairie');
-- Statut Perdu
INSERT INTO `authorised_values` ( `category`, `authorised_value`, `lib`) VALUES ('LOST','1','Perdu');
INSERT INTO `authorised_values` ( `category`, `authorised_value`, `lib`) VALUES ('LOST','2','Long retard (perdu)');
INSERT INTO `authorised_values` ( `category`, `authorised_value`, `lib`) VALUES ('LOST','3','Perdu et remboursé');
INSERT INTO `authorised_values` ( `category`, `authorised_value`, `lib`) VALUES ('LOST','4','Introuvable');
-- Statut Endommagé
INSERT INTO `authorised_values` ( `category`, `authorised_value`, `lib`) VALUES ('DAMAGED','1','Endommagé');
-- Localisation d'un exemplaire. Par défaut, celle liste est liée à items.location
INSERT INTO `authorised_values` ( `category`, `authorised_value`, `lib`) VALUES ( 'LOC', 'Magasin', ' Magasin');
INSERT INTO `authorised_values` ( `category`, `authorised_value`, `lib`) VALUES ( 'LOC', 'Salle de lecture', 'Salle de lecture');
INSERT INTO `authorised_values` ( `category`, `authorised_value`, `lib`) VALUES ( 'LOC', 'Magasin des périodiques', 'Magasin des périodiques');
INSERT INTO `authorised_values` ( `category`, `authorised_value`, `lib`) VALUES ( 'LOC', 'Bureau des bibliothécaires', 'Bureau des bibliothécaires');
INSERT INTO `authorised_values` ( `category`, `authorised_value`, `lib`) VALUES ( 'LOC', 'Manquant', 'Manquant');
INSERT INTO `authorised_values` ( `category`, `authorised_value`, `lib`) VALUES ( 'LOC', 'Secrétariat', 'Secrétariat');
INSERT INTO `authorised_values` ( `category`, `authorised_value`, `lib`) VALUES ( 'LOC', 'En reliure', 'En reliure');
-- Codes de collection des exemplaires
INSERT INTO `authorised_values` (category, authorised_value, lib) VALUES ('CCODE','FIC','Fiction');
INSERT INTO `authorised_values` (category, authorised_value, lib) VALUES ('CCODE','REF','Référence');
INSERT INTO `authorised_values` (category, authorised_value, lib) VALUES ('CCODE','NFIC','Non-fiction');
-- Satut Élagué
INSERT INTO authorised_values (category, authorised_value, lib) VALUES ('WITHDRAWN','1','Élagage');
-- Statuts de disponibilités
INSERT INTO `authorised_values` ( `category`, `authorised_value`, `lib`) VALUES ( 'NOT_LOAN', '0', 'Empruntable');
INSERT INTO `authorised_values` ( `category`, `authorised_value`, `lib`) VALUES ( 'NOT_LOAN', '1', 'Prêt restreint');
INSERT INTO `authorised_values` ( `category`, `authorised_value`, `lib`) VALUES ( 'NOT_LOAN', '3', 'En reliure');
INSERT INTO `authorised_values` ( `category`, `authorised_value`, `lib`) VALUES ( 'NOT_LOAN', '4', 'Indisponible');
INSERT INTO `authorised_values` ( `category`, `authorised_value`, `lib`) VALUES ( 'NOT_LOAN', '5', 'En traitement');
INSERT INTO `authorised_values` ( `category`, `authorised_value`, `lib`) VALUES ( 'NOT_LOAN', '6', 'Non communicable');
INSERT INTO `authorised_values` ( `category`, `authorised_value`, `lib`) VALUES ( 'NOT_LOAN', '-1', 'En commande');
-- Statut Limité
INSERT INTO authorised_values (category, authorised_value, lib) VALUES ('RESTRICTED','1','Exclu du prêt');
-- Message personnalisable aux utilisateurs
INSERT INTO `authorised_values` (category, authorised_value, lib) VALUES ('BOR_NOTES','ADDR','Address Notes');
-- Types d'autorité
INSERT INTO `authorised_values` ( `category`, `authorised_value`, `lib`) VALUES ( 'CAND', 'Candidat descripteur', 'Candidat descripteur');
INSERT INTO `authorised_values` ( `category`, `authorised_value`, `lib`) VALUES ( 'CAND', 'Rejeté', 'Mot clé abandonné');
-- Groupes de rapports
INSERT INTO `authorised_values` ( `category`, `authorised_value`, `lib`) VALUES ('REPORT_GROUP', 'CIRC', 'Circulation');
INSERT INTO `authorised_values` ( `category`, `authorised_value`, `lib`) VALUES ('REPORT_GROUP', 'CAT', 'Catalogue');
INSERT INTO `authorised_values` ( `category`, `authorised_value`, `lib`) VALUES ('REPORT_GROUP', 'PAT', 'Adhérents');
INSERT INTO `authorised_values` ( `category`, `authorised_value`, `lib`) VALUES ('REPORT_GROUP', 'ACQ', 'Acquisitions');
INSERT INTO `authorised_values` ( `category`, `authorised_value`, `lib`) VALUES ('REPORT_GROUP', 'ACC', 'Comptes');
-- Types de documents pour SIP2
INSERT INTO authorised_values (category, authorised_value, lib) VALUES ('SIP_MEDIA_TYPE', '000', 'Autre');
INSERT INTO authorised_values (category, authorised_value, lib) VALUES ('SIP_MEDIA_TYPE', '001', 'Livre');
INSERT INTO authorised_values (category, authorised_value, lib) VALUES ('SIP_MEDIA_TYPE', '002', 'Magazine');
INSERT INTO authorised_values (category, authorised_value, lib) VALUES ('SIP_MEDIA_TYPE', '003', 'Périodique relié');
INSERT INTO authorised_values (category, authorised_value, lib) VALUES ('SIP_MEDIA_TYPE', '004', 'Cassette audio');
INSERT INTO authorised_values (category, authorised_value, lib) VALUES ('SIP_MEDIA_TYPE', '005', 'Cassette vidéo');
INSERT INTO authorised_values (category, authorised_value, lib) VALUES ('SIP_MEDIA_TYPE', '006', 'CD/CDROM');
INSERT INTO authorised_values (category, authorised_value, lib) VALUES ('SIP_MEDIA_TYPE', '007', 'Disquette');
INSERT INTO authorised_values (category, authorised_value, lib) VALUES ('SIP_MEDIA_TYPE', '008', 'Livre avec disquette');
INSERT INTO authorised_values (category, authorised_value, lib) VALUES ('SIP_MEDIA_TYPE', '009', 'Livre avec CD');
INSERT INTO authorised_values (category, authorised_value, lib) VALUES ('SIP_MEDIA_TYPE', '010', 'Livre avec cassette audio');
-- return claims
INSERT INTO authorised_values (category, authorised_value, lib) VALUES ('RETURN_CLAIM_RESOLUTION', 'RET_BY_PATRON', 'Returned by patron');
INSERT INTO authorised_values (category, authorised_value, lib) VALUES ('RETURN_CLAIM_RESOLUTION', 'FOUND_IN_LIB', 'Found in library');
-- hold cancellation
INSERT INTO authorised_values (category, authorised_value, lib) VALUES ('HOLD_CANCELLATION','NOT_FOUND','Item could not be located on shelves');
INSERT INTO authorised_values (category, authorised_value, lib) VALUES ('HOLD_CANCELLATION','DAMAGED','Item was found to be too damaged to fill hold');
-- article request cancellation
INSERT INTO authorised_values (category, authorised_value, lib) VALUES ('AR_CANCELLATION','NOT_FOUND','Item could not be located on shelves');
INSERT INTO authorised_values (category, authorised_value, lib) VALUES ('AR_CANCELLATION','DAMAGED','Item was found to be too damaged to fill article request');
INSERT INTO authorised_values (category, authorised_value, lib) VALUES ('AR_CANCELLATION','OPAC','Cancelled from the OPAC user page');
@ -1 +0,0 @@
Quelques valeurs autorisées par défaut pour les localisation, statut perdu des documents, etc. Vous pouvez les changer dès que vous le souhaitez dans votre installation.
@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
INSERT IGNORE INTO export_format( profile, description, content, csv_separator, type, used_for )
VALUES ( "Réclamation de numéros", "Export CSV par défaut pour la réclamation de numéros de périodiques", "FOURNISSEUR=aqbooksellers.name|TITRE=subscription.title|NUMÉRO=serial.serialseq|EN RETARD DEPUIS=serial.planneddate", ",", "sql", "late_issues" ),
("Late orders (CSV profile)", "Default CSV export for late orders", 'Title[% separator %]Author[% separator %]Publication year[% separator %]ISBN[% separator %]Quantity[% separator %]Number of claims
[% FOR order IN orders ~%]
[%~ SET biblio = order.biblio ~%]
"[% biblio.title %]"[% separator ~%]
"[% biblio.author %]"[% separator ~%]
"[% bibio.biblioitem.publicationyear %]"[% separator ~%]
"[% biblio.biblioitem.isbn %]"[% separator ~%]
"[% order.quantity%]"[% separator ~%]
"[% order.claims.count%][% IF order.claims.count %]([% FOR c IN order.claims %][% c.claimed_on | $KohaDates %][% UNLESS loop.last %], [% END %][% END %])[% END %]"
[% END %]', ",", "sql", "late_orders");
@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
Profils CSV
Profils CSV par défaut, inclu un profil pour les réclamations des périodiques.
@ -1,144 +0,0 @@
-- Valeurs codées conformes aux mentions de fonds Z39.71-2006 pour les éléments bibliographiques
-- ISSN: 1041-5653
-- Voir to https://www.niso.org/publications/standards
-- Fonds général : Désignateur de type d'unité
INSERT INTO `authorised_values` (category, authorised_value, lib) VALUES ('HINGS_UT','0','Information non disponible; Non applicable');
INSERT INTO `authorised_values` (category, authorised_value, lib) VALUES ('HINGS_UT','a','Unité bibliographique de base');
INSERT INTO `authorised_values` (category, authorised_value, lib) VALUES ('HINGS_UT','c','Unité bibliographique secondaire : suppléments, numéros spéciaux, matériel d\'accompagnement, autres unités bibliographiques secondaires');
INSERT INTO `authorised_values` (category, authorised_value, lib) VALUES ('HINGS_UT','d','Index');
-- Désignateur de forme physique :
INSERT INTO `authorised_values` (category, authorised_value, lib) VALUES ('HINGS_PF','au','Matériel cartographique');
INSERT INTO `authorised_values` (category, authorised_value, lib) VALUES ('HINGS_PF','ad','Matériel cartographique, atlas');
INSERT INTO `authorised_values` (category, authorised_value, lib) VALUES ('HINGS_PF','ag' ,'Matériel cartographique, diagramme');
INSERT INTO `authorised_values` (category, authorised_value, lib) VALUES ('HINGS_PF','aj' ,'Matériel cartographique, carte');
INSERT INTO `authorised_values` (category, authorised_value, lib) VALUES ('HINGS_PF','ak' ,'Matériel cartographique, profil');
INSERT INTO `authorised_values` (category, authorised_value, lib) VALUES ('HINGS_PF','aq' ,'Matériel cartographique, modèle');
INSERT INTO `authorised_values` (category, authorised_value, lib) VALUES ('HINGS_PF','ar' ,'Matériel cartographique, image de télédétection');
INSERT INTO `authorised_values` (category, authorised_value, lib) VALUES ('HINGS_PF','as' ,'Matériel cartographique, section');
INSERT INTO `authorised_values` (category, authorised_value, lib) VALUES ('HINGS_PF','ay' ,'Matériel cartographique, vue');
INSERT INTO `authorised_values` (category, authorised_value, lib) VALUES ('HINGS_PF','az' ,'Matériel cartographique, autre');
INSERT INTO `authorised_values` (category, authorised_value, lib) VALUES ('HINGS_PF','cu' ,'Fichiers d\'ordinateur');
INSERT INTO `authorised_values` (category, authorised_value, lib) VALUES ('HINGS_PF','ca' ,'Fichiers d\'ordinateur, cartouche de bande magnétique');
INSERT INTO `authorised_values` (category, authorised_value, lib) VALUES ('HINGS_PF','cb' ,'Fichiers d\'ordinateur, cartouche de mémoire');
INSERT INTO `authorised_values` (category, authorised_value, lib) VALUES ('HINGS_PF','cc' ,'Fichiers d\'ordinateur, cartouche de disque optique');
INSERT INTO `authorised_values` (category, authorised_value, lib) VALUES ('HINGS_PF','cf' ,'Fichiers d\'ordinateur, bande en cassette');
INSERT INTO `authorised_values` (category, authorised_value, lib) VALUES ('HINGS_PF','ch' ,'Fichiers d\'ordinateur, bande sur bobine');
INSERT INTO `authorised_values` (category, authorised_value, lib) VALUES ('HINGS_PF','cj' ,'Fichiers d\'ordinateur, disque magnétique');
INSERT INTO `authorised_values` (category, authorised_value, lib) VALUES ('HINGS_PF','cm' ,'Fichiers d\'ordinateur, disque magnéto-optique');
INSERT INTO `authorised_values` (category, authorised_value, lib) VALUES ('HINGS_PF','co' ,'Fichiers d\'ordinateur, disque optique');
INSERT INTO `authorised_values` (category, authorised_value, lib) VALUES ('HINGS_PF','cr' ,'Fichiers d\'ordinateur, accès à distance');
INSERT INTO `authorised_values` (category, authorised_value, lib) VALUES ('HINGS_PF','cz' ,'Fichiers d\'ordinateur, autre');
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INSERT INTO `authorised_values` (category, authorised_value, lib) VALUES ('HINGS_PF','da' ,'Globe, céleste');
INSERT INTO `authorised_values` (category, authorised_value, lib) VALUES ('HINGS_PF','db' ,'Globe, planétaire ou lunaire');
INSERT INTO `authorised_values` (category, authorised_value, lib) VALUES ('HINGS_PF','dc' ,'Globe, terrestre');
INSERT INTO `authorised_values` (category, authorised_value, lib) VALUES ('HINGS_PF','de' ,'Globe, lunaire de la Terre');
INSERT INTO `authorised_values` (category, authorised_value, lib) VALUES ('HINGS_PF','dz' ,'Globe, autre');
INSERT INTO `authorised_values` (category, authorised_value, lib) VALUES ('HINGS_PF','ou' ,'Kit');
INSERT INTO `authorised_values` (category, authorised_value, lib) VALUES ('HINGS_PF','hu' ,'Microforme');
INSERT INTO `authorised_values` (category, authorised_value, lib) VALUES ('HINGS_PF','ha' ,'Microforme, carte à fenêtres ');
INSERT INTO `authorised_values` (category, authorised_value, lib) VALUES ('HINGS_PF','hb',' Microforme, microfilm en cartouche');
INSERT INTO `authorised_values` (category, authorised_value, lib) VALUES ('HINGS_PF','hc',' Microforme, microfilm en cassette');
INSERT INTO `authorised_values` (category, authorised_value, lib) VALUES ('HINGS_PF','hd',' Microforme, bobine de microfilm');
INSERT INTO `authorised_values` (category, authorised_value, lib) VALUES ('HINGS_PF','he' ,'Microforme, microfiche');
INSERT INTO `authorised_values` (category, authorised_value, lib) VALUES ('HINGS_PF','hf' ,'Microforme, microfiche en cassette');
INSERT INTO `authorised_values` (category, authorised_value, lib) VALUES ('HINGS_PF','hg' ,'Microforme, microcopie opaque');
INSERT INTO `authorised_values` (category, authorised_value, lib) VALUES ('HINGS_PF','hz' ,'Microforme, autre');
INSERT INTO `authorised_values` (category, authorised_value, lib) VALUES ('HINGS_PF','mu' ,'Film cinématographique');
INSERT INTO `authorised_values` (category, authorised_value, lib) VALUES ('HINGS_PF','mc' ,'Film cinématographique, film en cartouche');
INSERT INTO `authorised_values` (category, authorised_value, lib) VALUES ('HINGS_PF','mf' ,'Film cinématographique, film en cassette');
INSERT INTO `authorised_values` (category, authorised_value, lib) VALUES ('HINGS_PF','mr' ,'Film cinématographique, rouleau de film');
INSERT INTO `authorised_values` (category, authorised_value, lib) VALUES ('HINGS_PF','mz' ,'Film cinématographique, autre');
INSERT INTO `authorised_values` (category, authorised_value, lib) VALUES ('HINGS_PF','ku' ,'Document iconique non projeté');
INSERT INTO `authorised_values` (category, authorised_value, lib) VALUES ('HINGS_PF','kc' ,'Document iconique non projeté, collage');
INSERT INTO `authorised_values` (category, authorised_value, lib) VALUES ('HINGS_PF','kd' ,'Document iconique non projeté, dessin');
INSERT INTO `authorised_values` (category, authorised_value, lib) VALUES ('HINGS_PF','ke' ,'Document iconique non projeté, tableau');
INSERT INTO `authorised_values` (category, authorised_value, lib) VALUES ('HINGS_PF','kf' ,'Document iconique non projeté, reproduction photomécanique');
INSERT INTO `authorised_values` (category, authorised_value, lib) VALUES ('HINGS_PF','kg' ,'Document iconique non projeté, négatif');
INSERT INTO `authorised_values` (category, authorised_value, lib) VALUES ('HINGS_PF','kh' ,'Document iconique non projeté, épreuve photographique');
INSERT INTO `authorised_values` (category, authorised_value, lib) VALUES ('HINGS_PF','ki' ,'Document iconique non projeté, image');
INSERT INTO `authorised_values` (category, authorised_value, lib) VALUES ('HINGS_PF','kj' ,'Document iconique non projeté, tirage');
INSERT INTO `authorised_values` (category, authorised_value, lib) VALUES ('HINGS_PF','kl' ,'Document iconique non projeté, dessin technique');
INSERT INTO `authorised_values` (category, authorised_value, lib) VALUES ('HINGS_PF','kn' ,'Document iconique non projeté, graphique');
INSERT INTO `authorised_values` (category, authorised_value, lib) VALUES ('HINGS_PF','ko' ,'Document iconique non projeté, carte éclair');
INSERT INTO `authorised_values` (category, authorised_value, lib) VALUES ('HINGS_PF','kz' ,'Document iconique non projeté, autre');
INSERT INTO `authorised_values` (category, authorised_value, lib) VALUES ('HINGS_PF','qu' ,'Notation musicale');
INSERT INTO `authorised_values` (category, authorised_value, lib) VALUES ('HINGS_PF','gu' ,'Document iconique projeté');
INSERT INTO `authorised_values` (category, authorised_value, lib) VALUES ('HINGS_PF','gc' ,'Document iconique projeté, film fixe en cartouche');
INSERT INTO `authorised_values` (category, authorised_value, lib) VALUES ('HINGS_PF','gd' ,'Document iconique projeté, film fixe court');
INSERT INTO `authorised_values` (category, authorised_value, lib) VALUES ('HINGS_PF','gf' ,'Document iconique projeté, film fixe, genre non précisé');
INSERT INTO `authorised_values` (category, authorised_value, lib) VALUES ('HINGS_PF','go' ,'Document iconique projeté, film fixe en rouleau');
INSERT INTO `authorised_values` (category, authorised_value, lib) VALUES ('HINGS_PF','gs' ,'Document iconique projeté, diapositive');
INSERT INTO `authorised_values` (category, authorised_value, lib) VALUES ('HINGS_PF','gt' ,'Document iconique projeté, transparent');
INSERT INTO `authorised_values` (category, authorised_value, lib) VALUES ('HINGS_PF','gz' ,'Document iconique projeté, autre');
INSERT INTO `authorised_values` (category, authorised_value, lib) VALUES ('HINGS_PF','ru' ,'Image de télédétection');
INSERT INTO `authorised_values` (category, authorised_value, lib) VALUES ('HINGS_PF','su' ,'Enregistrement sonore');
INSERT INTO `authorised_values` (category, authorised_value, lib) VALUES ('HINGS_PF','sd' ,'Enregistrement sonore, disque sonore');
INSERT INTO `authorised_values` (category, authorised_value, lib) VALUES ('HINGS_PF','se' ,'Enregistrement sonore, cylindre');
INSERT INTO `authorised_values` (category, authorised_value, lib) VALUES ('HINGS_PF','sg' ,'Enregistrement sonore, cartouche sonore');
INSERT INTO `authorised_values` (category, authorised_value, lib) VALUES ('HINGS_PF','si' ,'Enregistrement sonore, piste sonore d\'un film');
INSERT INTO `authorised_values` (category, authorised_value, lib) VALUES ('HINGS_PF','sq' ,'Enregistrement sonore, rouleau');
INSERT INTO `authorised_values` (category, authorised_value, lib) VALUES ('HINGS_PF','ss' ,'Enregistrement sonore, audio cassette');
INSERT INTO `authorised_values` (category, authorised_value, lib) VALUES ('HINGS_PF','st' ,'Enregistrement sonore, bobine de bande sonore');
INSERT INTO `authorised_values` (category, authorised_value, lib) VALUES ('HINGS_PF','sw' ,'Enregistrement sonore, wire recording');
INSERT INTO `authorised_values` (category, authorised_value, lib) VALUES ('HINGS_PF','sz' ,'Enregistrement sonore, autre');
INSERT INTO `authorised_values` (category, authorised_value, lib) VALUES ('HINGS_PF','tu' ,'Document textuel');
INSERT INTO `authorised_values` (category, authorised_value, lib) VALUES ('HINGS_PF','ta' ,'Document textuel, caractères normaux');
INSERT INTO `authorised_values` (category, authorised_value, lib) VALUES ('HINGS_PF','tb' ,'Document textuel, gros caractères');
INSERT INTO `authorised_values` (category, authorised_value, lib) VALUES ('HINGS_PF','tc' ,'Document textuel, braille');
INSERT INTO `authorised_values` (category, authorised_value, lib) VALUES ('HINGS_PF','td' ,'Document textuel, feuille mobile');
INSERT INTO `authorised_values` (category, authorised_value, lib) VALUES ('HINGS_PF','tz' ,'Document textuel, autre');
INSERT INTO `authorised_values` (category, authorised_value, lib) VALUES ('HINGS_PF','vu' ,'Enregistrement vidéo');
INSERT INTO `authorised_values` (category, authorised_value, lib) VALUES ('HINGS_PF','vc' ,'Enregistrement vidéo, vidéo en cartouche');
INSERT INTO `authorised_values` (category, authorised_value, lib) VALUES ('HINGS_PF','vd' ,'Enregistrement vidéo, vidéodisque');
INSERT INTO `authorised_values` (category, authorised_value, lib) VALUES ('HINGS_PF','vf' ,'Enregistrement vidéo, vidéocassette');
INSERT INTO `authorised_values` (category, authorised_value, lib) VALUES ('HINGS_PF','vr' ,'Enregistrement vidéo, bobine vidéo');
INSERT INTO `authorised_values` (category, authorised_value, lib) VALUES ('HINGS_PF','vz' ,'Enregistrement vidéo, autre');
INSERT INTO `authorised_values` (category, authorised_value, lib) VALUES ('HINGS_PF','zu' ,'Forme physique non indiquée');
INSERT INTO `authorised_values` (category, authorised_value, lib) VALUES ('HINGS_PF','zm' ,'Formes physiques multiples');
INSERT INTO `authorised_values` (category, authorised_value, lib) VALUES ('HINGS_PF','zz' ,'Autre média physique');
-- Fonds général : Désignateur d'intégralité
INSERT INTO `authorised_values` (category, authorised_value, lib) VALUES ('HINGS_C','0','Information non disponible, ou conservation limitée');
INSERT INTO `authorised_values` (category, authorised_value, lib) VALUES ('HINGS_C','1','Complet (détient 95%-100%)');
INSERT INTO `authorised_values` (category, authorised_value, lib) VALUES ('HINGS_C','2','Incomplet (détient 50%-94%)');
INSERT INTO `authorised_values` (category, authorised_value, lib) VALUES ('HINGS_C','3','Fragmenté (détient moins de 50%)');
INSERT INTO `authorised_values` (category, authorised_value, lib) VALUES ('HINGS_C','4','Sans objet');
-- Fonds général : Désignateur de statut d'acquisitions
-- Cette donnée indique le statut d'acquisitions de l'unité au moment du rapport sur les fonds.
INSERT INTO `authorised_values` (category, authorised_value, lib) VALUES ('HINGS_AS','0','Information non disponible, ou conservation limitée');
INSERT INTO `authorised_values` (category, authorised_value, lib) VALUES ('HINGS_AS','1','Autre');
INSERT INTO `authorised_values` (category, authorised_value, lib) VALUES ('HINGS_AS','2','Reçu et complété ou interrompu');
INSERT INTO `authorised_values` (category, authorised_value, lib) VALUES ('HINGS_AS','3','Commandé');
INSERT INTO `authorised_values` (category, authorised_value, lib) VALUES ('HINGS_AS','4','Reçu actuellement');
INSERT INTO `authorised_values` (category, authorised_value, lib) VALUES ('HINGS_AS','5','N\'est pas reçu actuellement');
-- Fonds général : Désignateur de conservation
-- Cette donnée indique la politique de conservation pour cette unité au moment du rapport sur les fonds.
INSERT INTO `authorised_values` (category, authorised_value, lib) VALUES ('HINGS_RD','0','Information non disponible');
INSERT INTO `authorised_values` (category, authorised_value, lib) VALUES ('HINGS_RD','1','Autre');
INSERT INTO `authorised_values` (category, authorised_value, lib) VALUES ('HINGS_RD','2','Conservé sauf lorsque remplacé par des mises à jour');
INSERT INTO `authorised_values` (category, authorised_value, lib) VALUES ('HINGS_RD','3','Échantillon conservé');
INSERT INTO `authorised_values` (category, authorised_value, lib) VALUES ('HINGS_RD','4','Conservé jusqu\'au remplacement par microforme, ou un autre format de conservation');
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INSERT INTO `authorised_values` (category, authorised_value, lib) VALUES ('HINGS_RD','7','N\'est pas conservé ');
INSERT INTO `authorised_values` (category, authorised_value, lib) VALUES ('HINGS_RD','8','Conservé en permanence');
@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
Valeurs codées conformes aux mentions de fonds Z39.71-2006 pour les éléments bibliographiques
Consulter https://www.niso.org/publications/standards pour plus de détails.
@ -1,133 +0,0 @@
-- Liste des codes de relation prise à l'adresse
-- http://www.marc21.ca/M21/COD/REL-C.html
INSERT INTO authorised_values (category, authorised_value, lib) VALUES ('RELTERMS','dtm','Gestionnaire de données');
INSERT INTO authorised_values (category, authorised_value, lib) VALUES ('RELTERMS','dto','Auteur d''une dédicace');
INSERT INTO authorised_values (category, authorised_value, lib) VALUES ('RELTERMS','dub','Auteur douteux');
INSERT INTO authorised_values (category, authorised_value, lib) VALUES ('RELTERMS','edt','Éditeur intellectuel');
INSERT INTO authorised_values (category, authorised_value, lib) VALUES ('RELTERMS','egr','Graveur');
INSERT INTO authorised_values (category, authorised_value, lib) VALUES ('RELTERMS','elg','Électricien');
INSERT INTO authorised_values (category, authorised_value, lib) VALUES ('RELTERMS','elt','Galvanotypeur');
INSERT INTO authorised_values (category, authorised_value, lib) VALUES ('RELTERMS','eng','Ingénieur');
INSERT INTO authorised_values (category, authorised_value, lib) VALUES ('RELTERMS','etr','Aquafortiste');
INSERT INTO authorised_values (category, authorised_value, lib) VALUES ('RELTERMS','exp','Expert');
INSERT INTO authorised_values (category, authorised_value, lib) VALUES ('RELTERMS','fac','Copiste');
INSERT INTO authorised_values (category, authorised_value, lib) VALUES ('RELTERMS','fld','Directeur local');
INSERT INTO authorised_values (category, authorised_value, lib) VALUES ('RELTERMS','flm','Monteur de film');
INSERT INTO authorised_values (category, authorised_value, lib) VALUES ('RELTERMS','fmo','Ancien propriétaire');
INSERT INTO authorised_values (category, authorised_value, lib) VALUES ('RELTERMS','fnd','Bailleur de fonds');
INSERT INTO authorised_values (category, authorised_value, lib) VALUES ('RELTERMS','fpy','Première partie');
INSERT INTO authorised_values (category, authorised_value, lib) VALUES ('RELTERMS','frg','Faussaire');
INSERT INTO authorised_values (category, authorised_value, lib) VALUES ('RELTERMS','gis','Spécialiste d''information géographique');
INSERT INTO authorised_values (category, authorised_value, lib) VALUES ('RELTERMS','hnr','Personne honorée');
INSERT INTO authorised_values (category, authorised_value, lib) VALUES ('RELTERMS','hst','Hôte');
INSERT INTO authorised_values (category, authorised_value, lib) VALUES ('RELTERMS','ill','Illustrateur');
INSERT INTO authorised_values (category, authorised_value, lib) VALUES ('RELTERMS','ilu','Enlumineur');
INSERT INTO authorised_values (category, authorised_value, lib) VALUES ('RELTERMS','ins','Auteur d''une mention de représentation');
INSERT INTO authorised_values (category, authorised_value, lib) VALUES ('RELTERMS','inv','Inventeur');
INSERT INTO authorised_values (category, authorised_value, lib) VALUES ('RELTERMS','itr','Instrumentiste');
INSERT INTO authorised_values (category, authorised_value, lib) VALUES ('RELTERMS','ive','Personne interrogée');
INSERT INTO authorised_values (category, authorised_value, lib) VALUES ('RELTERMS','ivr','Interviewer');
INSERT INTO authorised_values (category, authorised_value, lib) VALUES ('RELTERMS','lbr','Laboratoire');
INSERT INTO authorised_values (category, authorised_value, lib) VALUES ('RELTERMS','lbt','Librettiste');
INSERT INTO authorised_values (category, authorised_value, lib) VALUES ('RELTERMS','ldr','Directeur de laboratoire');
INSERT INTO authorised_values (category, authorised_value, lib) VALUES ('RELTERMS','led','Chef');
INSERT INTO authorised_values (category, authorised_value, lib) VALUES ('RELTERMS','lee','Partie adverse-intimé');
INSERT INTO authorised_values (category, authorised_value, lib) VALUES ('RELTERMS','lel','Partie adverse');
INSERT INTO authorised_values (category, authorised_value, lib) VALUES ('RELTERMS','len','Prêteur');
INSERT INTO authorised_values (category, authorised_value, lib) VALUES ('RELTERMS','let','Partie adverse-appelant');
INSERT INTO authorised_values (category, authorised_value, lib) VALUES ('RELTERMS','lgd','Éclairagiste');
INSERT INTO authorised_values (category, authorised_value, lib) VALUES ('RELTERMS','lie','Requérant-intimé');
INSERT INTO authorised_values (category, authorised_value, lib) VALUES ('RELTERMS','lil','Requérant');
INSERT INTO authorised_values (category, authorised_value, lib) VALUES ('RELTERMS','lit','Requérant-appelant');
INSERT INTO authorised_values (category, authorised_value, lib) VALUES ('RELTERMS','lsa','Architecte-paysagiste');
INSERT INTO authorised_values (category, authorised_value, lib) VALUES ('RELTERMS','lse','Preneur de licence');
INSERT INTO authorised_values (category, authorised_value, lib) VALUES ('RELTERMS','lso','Donneur de licence');
INSERT INTO authorised_values (category, authorised_value, lib) VALUES ('RELTERMS','ltg','Lithographe');
INSERT INTO authorised_values (category, authorised_value, lib) VALUES ('RELTERMS','lyr','Parolier');
INSERT INTO authorised_values (category, authorised_value, lib) VALUES ('RELTERMS','mcp','Copiste de musique');
INSERT INTO authorised_values (category, authorised_value, lib) VALUES ('RELTERMS','mdc','Agent de liaison sur les métadonnées');
INSERT INTO authorised_values (category, authorised_value, lib) VALUES ('RELTERMS','mfr','Fabricant');
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INSERT INTO authorised_values (category, authorised_value, lib) VALUES ('RELTERMS','mrk','Éditeur de langage balisé');
INSERT INTO authorised_values (category, authorised_value, lib) VALUES ('RELTERMS','msd','Directeur musical');
INSERT INTO authorised_values (category, authorised_value, lib) VALUES ('RELTERMS','mte','Graveur sur métal');
INSERT INTO authorised_values (category, authorised_value, lib) VALUES ('RELTERMS','mus','Musicien');
INSERT INTO authorised_values (category, authorised_value, lib) VALUES ('RELTERMS','nrt','Narrateur');
INSERT INTO authorised_values (category, authorised_value, lib) VALUES ('RELTERMS','opn','Opposant');
INSERT INTO authorised_values (category, authorised_value, lib) VALUES ('RELTERMS','org','Initiateur');
INSERT INTO authorised_values (category, authorised_value, lib) VALUES ('RELTERMS','orm','Organisateur de réunion');
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INSERT INTO authorised_values (category, authorised_value, lib) VALUES ('RELTERMS','pat','Mécène (remplace « Protecteur »)');
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INSERT INTO authorised_values (category, authorised_value, lib) VALUES ('RELTERMS','pbl','Éditeur');
INSERT INTO authorised_values (category, authorised_value, lib) VALUES ('RELTERMS','pdr','Directeur de projet');
INSERT INTO authorised_values (category, authorised_value, lib) VALUES ('RELTERMS','pfr','Correcteur d''épreuves');
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INSERT INTO authorised_values (category, authorised_value, lib) VALUES ('RELTERMS','plt','Clicheur');
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INSERT INTO authorised_values (category, authorised_value, lib) VALUES ('RELTERMS','pop','Imprimeur de planches');
INSERT INTO authorised_values (category, authorised_value, lib) VALUES ('RELTERMS','ppm','Papetier');
INSERT INTO authorised_values (category, authorised_value, lib) VALUES ('RELTERMS','ppt','Marionnettiste');
INSERT INTO authorised_values (category, authorised_value, lib) VALUES ('RELTERMS','prc','Agent de liaison du processus');
INSERT INTO authorised_values (category, authorised_value, lib) VALUES ('RELTERMS','prd','Personnel de la réalisation');
INSERT INTO authorised_values (category, authorised_value, lib) VALUES ('RELTERMS','prf','Interprète');
INSERT INTO authorised_values (category, authorised_value, lib) VALUES ('RELTERMS','prg','Programmeur');
INSERT INTO authorised_values (category, authorised_value, lib) VALUES ('RELTERMS','prm','Graveur (arts visuels)');
INSERT INTO authorised_values (category, authorised_value, lib) VALUES ('RELTERMS','pro','Producteur');
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INSERT INTO authorised_values (category, authorised_value, lib) VALUES ('RELTERMS','ptf','Demandeur');
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INSERT INTO authorised_values (category, authorised_value, lib) VALUES ('RELTERMS','ptt','Demandeur-appelant');
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INSERT INTO authorised_values (category, authorised_value, lib) VALUES ('RELTERMS','rse','Répondant-intimé');
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INSERT INTO authorised_values (category, authorised_value, lib) VALUES ('RELTERMS','rst','Répondant-appelant');
INSERT INTO authorised_values (category, authorised_value, lib) VALUES ('RELTERMS','rth','Chef d''équipe de chercheur');
INSERT INTO authorised_values (category, authorised_value, lib) VALUES ('RELTERMS','rtm','Membre d''équipe de chercheurs');
INSERT INTO authorised_values (category, authorised_value, lib) VALUES ('RELTERMS','sad','Conseiller scientifique');
INSERT INTO authorised_values (category, authorised_value, lib) VALUES ('RELTERMS','sce','Scénariste');
INSERT INTO authorised_values (category, authorised_value, lib) VALUES ('RELTERMS','scl','Sculpteur');
INSERT INTO authorised_values (category, authorised_value, lib) VALUES ('RELTERMS','scr','Scribe');
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INSERT INTO authorised_values (category, authorised_value, lib) VALUES ('RELTERMS','sec','Secrétaire');
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INSERT INTO authorised_values (category, authorised_value, lib) VALUES ('RELTERMS','sht','Organisme de soutien');
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INSERT INTO authorised_values (category, authorised_value, lib) VALUES ('RELTERMS','srv','Arpenteur');
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INSERT INTO authorised_values (category, authorised_value, lib) VALUES ('RELTERMS','stn','Organisme de normalisation');
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INSERT INTO authorised_values (category, authorised_value, lib) VALUES ('RELTERMS','tyg','Typographe');
INSERT INTO authorised_values (category, authorised_value, lib) VALUES ('RELTERMS','vdg','Vidéaste');
INSERT INTO authorised_values (category, authorised_value, lib) VALUES ('RELTERMS','voc','Vocaliste');
INSERT INTO authorised_values (category, authorised_value, lib) VALUES ('RELTERMS','wam','Auteur du matériel d''appoint');
INSERT INTO authorised_values (category, authorised_value, lib) VALUES ('RELTERMS','wdc','Xylographe');
INSERT INTO authorised_values (category, authorised_value, lib) VALUES ('RELTERMS','wde','Graveur sur bois de bout');
INSERT INTO authorised_values (category, authorised_value, lib) VALUES ('RELTERMS','wit','Témoin');
@ -1 +0,0 @@
Liste des codes de relantion MARC, tel qu'indiqué dans http://www.marc21.ca/M21/COD/REL-C.html
@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
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Quelques devises par défaut avec le $ canadien par défaut.
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Exemple de modèles pour l'impression d'étiquettes et de cartes lecteur.
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@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
Exemple de vacances :
Nouvel an
@ -1 +0,0 @@
Exemples de nouvelles
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Bibliothèque du Congrès
Bibliothèque du Congrès NOMS (notices d'autorité)
Bibliothèque du Congrès SUJETS (notices d'autorité)
Université Columbia
Bibliothèques de l'institution Smithsonian
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-- Codes de fonction UNIMARC
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INSERT INTO `authorised_values` ( `category`, `authorised_value`, `lib`) VALUES ( 'qualif', '205', 'Collaborateur');
INSERT INTO `authorised_values` ( `category`, `authorised_value`, `lib`) VALUES ( 'qualif', '206', 'Collecteur');
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INSERT INTO `authorised_values` ( `category`, `authorised_value`, `lib`) VALUES ( 'qualif', '240', 'Compositeur typographe');
INSERT INTO `authorised_values` ( `category`, `authorised_value`, `lib`) VALUES ( 'qualif', '245', 'Concepteur');
INSERT INTO `authorised_values` ( `category`, `authorised_value`, `lib`) VALUES ( 'qualif', '250', 'Chef d''orchestre');
INSERT INTO `authorised_values` ( `category`, `authorised_value`, `lib`) VALUES ( 'qualif', '255', 'Consultant de projet');
INSERT INTO `authorised_values` ( `category`, `authorised_value`, `lib`) VALUES ( 'qualif', '257', 'Continuateur');
INSERT INTO `authorised_values` ( `category`, `authorised_value`, `lib`) VALUES ( 'qualif', '260', 'Détenteur du copyright');
INSERT INTO `authorised_values` ( `category`, `authorised_value`, `lib`) VALUES ( 'qualif', '270', 'Correcteur (manuscrits)');
INSERT INTO `authorised_values` ( `category`, `authorised_value`, `lib`) VALUES ( 'qualif', '273', 'Commissaire d''exposition');
INSERT INTO `authorised_values` ( `category`, `authorised_value`, `lib`) VALUES ( 'qualif', '275', 'Danseur');
INSERT INTO `authorised_values` ( `category`, `authorised_value`, `lib`) VALUES ( 'qualif', '280', 'Dédicataire');
INSERT INTO `authorised_values` ( `category`, `authorised_value`, `lib`) VALUES ( 'qualif', '290', 'Auteur d''une dédicace');
INSERT INTO `authorised_values` ( `category`, `authorised_value`, `lib`) VALUES ( 'qualif', '295', 'Organisme de soutenance');
INSERT INTO `authorised_values` ( `category`, `authorised_value`, `lib`) VALUES ( 'qualif', '300', 'Metteur en scène ou Réalisateur');
INSERT INTO `authorised_values` ( `category`, `authorised_value`, `lib`) VALUES ( 'qualif', '303', 'Disc jockey');
INSERT INTO `authorised_values` ( `category`, `authorised_value`, `lib`) VALUES ( 'qualif', '305', 'Doctorant');
INSERT INTO `authorised_values` ( `category`, `authorised_value`, `lib`) VALUES ( 'qualif', '310', 'Distributeur');
INSERT INTO `authorised_values` ( `category`, `authorised_value`, `lib`) VALUES ( 'qualif', '320', 'Donateur');
INSERT INTO `authorised_values` ( `category`, `authorised_value`, `lib`) VALUES ( 'qualif', '330', 'Auteur présumé');
INSERT INTO `authorised_values` ( `category`, `authorised_value`, `lib`) VALUES ( 'qualif', '340', 'Éditeur scientifique');
INSERT INTO `authorised_values` ( `category`, `authorised_value`, `lib`) VALUES ( 'qualif', '350', 'Graveur');
INSERT INTO `authorised_values` ( `category`, `authorised_value`, `lib`) VALUES ( 'qualif', '360', 'Aquafortiste');
INSERT INTO `authorised_values` ( `category`, `authorised_value`, `lib`) VALUES ( 'qualif', '365', 'Expert (catalogue de vente)');
INSERT INTO `authorised_values` ( `category`, `authorised_value`, `lib`) VALUES ( 'qualif', '370', 'Monteur');
INSERT INTO `authorised_values` ( `category`, `authorised_value`, `lib`) VALUES ( 'qualif', '370', 'Réalisateur');
INSERT INTO `authorised_values` ( `category`, `authorised_value`, `lib`) VALUES ( 'qualif', '380', 'Faussaire');
INSERT INTO `authorised_values` ( `category`, `authorised_value`, `lib`) VALUES ( 'qualif', '390', 'Ancien possesseur');
INSERT INTO `authorised_values` ( `category`, `authorised_value`, `lib`) VALUES ( 'qualif', '395', 'Fondateur (publication en série)');
INSERT INTO `authorised_values` ( `category`, `authorised_value`, `lib`) VALUES ( 'qualif', '400', 'Mécène');
INSERT INTO `authorised_values` ( `category`, `authorised_value`, `lib`) VALUES ( 'qualif', '410', 'Technicien graphique');
INSERT INTO `authorised_values` ( `category`, `authorised_value`, `lib`) VALUES ( 'qualif', '420', 'Personne honorée');
INSERT INTO `authorised_values` ( `category`, `authorised_value`, `lib`) VALUES ( 'qualif', '430', 'Enlumineur');
INSERT INTO `authorised_values` ( `category`, `authorised_value`, `lib`) VALUES ( 'qualif', '440', 'Illustrateur');
INSERT INTO `authorised_values` ( `category`, `authorised_value`, `lib`) VALUES ( 'qualif', '445', 'Imprésario');
INSERT INTO `authorised_values` ( `category`, `authorised_value`, `lib`) VALUES ( 'qualif', '450', 'Auteur de l''envoi');
INSERT INTO `authorised_values` ( `category`, `authorised_value`, `lib`) VALUES ( 'qualif', '460', 'Personne interviewée');
INSERT INTO `authorised_values` ( `category`, `authorised_value`, `lib`) VALUES ( 'qualif', '470', 'Interviewer');
INSERT INTO `authorised_values` ( `category`, `authorised_value`, `lib`) VALUES ( 'qualif', '475', 'Collectivité éditrice');
INSERT INTO `authorised_values` ( `category`, `authorised_value`, `lib`) VALUES ( 'qualif', '480', 'Librettiste');
INSERT INTO `authorised_values` ( `category`, `authorised_value`, `lib`) VALUES ( 'qualif', '490', 'Détenteur de la licence');
INSERT INTO `authorised_values` ( `category`, `authorised_value`, `lib`) VALUES ( 'qualif', '500', 'Concédant de licence');
INSERT INTO `authorised_values` ( `category`, `authorised_value`, `lib`) VALUES ( 'qualif', '510', 'Lithographe');
INSERT INTO `authorised_values` ( `category`, `authorised_value`, `lib`) VALUES ( 'qualif', '520', 'Parolier');
INSERT INTO `authorised_values` ( `category`, `authorised_value`, `lib`) VALUES ( 'qualif', '530', 'Graveur sur métal');
INSERT INTO `authorised_values` ( `category`, `authorised_value`, `lib`) VALUES ( 'qualif', '535', 'Mime');
INSERT INTO `authorised_values` ( `category`, `authorised_value`, `lib`) VALUES ( 'qualif', '540', 'Moniteur');
INSERT INTO `authorised_values` ( `category`, `authorised_value`, `lib`) VALUES ( 'qualif', '545', 'Musicien');
INSERT INTO `authorised_values` ( `category`, `authorised_value`, `lib`) VALUES ( 'qualif', '555', 'Membre du jury');
INSERT INTO `authorised_values` ( `category`, `authorised_value`, `lib`) VALUES ( 'qualif', '557', 'Organisateur de congrès');
INSERT INTO `authorised_values` ( `category`, `authorised_value`, `lib`) VALUES ( 'qualif', '560', 'Instigateur');
INSERT INTO `authorised_values` ( `category`, `authorised_value`, `lib`) VALUES ( 'qualif', '570', 'Autres');
INSERT INTO `authorised_values` ( `category`, `authorised_value`, `lib`) VALUES ( 'qualif', '580', 'Fabriquant du papier');
INSERT INTO `authorised_values` ( `category`, `authorised_value`, `lib`) VALUES ( 'qualif', '582', 'Demandeur du brevet');
INSERT INTO `authorised_values` ( `category`, `authorised_value`, `lib`) VALUES ( 'qualif', '584', 'Inventeur');
INSERT INTO `authorised_values` ( `category`, `authorised_value`, `lib`) VALUES ( 'qualif', '587', 'Titulaire du brevet');
INSERT INTO `authorised_values` ( `category`, `authorised_value`, `lib`) VALUES ( 'qualif', '590', 'Interprète');
INSERT INTO `authorised_values` ( `category`, `authorised_value`, `lib`) VALUES ( 'qualif', '595', 'Directeur de la recherche');
INSERT INTO `authorised_values` ( `category`, `authorised_value`, `lib`) VALUES ( 'qualif', '600', 'Photographe');
INSERT INTO `authorised_values` ( `category`, `authorised_value`, `lib`) VALUES ( 'qualif', '605', 'Présentateur');
INSERT INTO `authorised_values` ( `category`, `authorised_value`, `lib`) VALUES ( 'qualif', '610', 'Imprimeur');
INSERT INTO `authorised_values` ( `category`, `authorised_value`, `lib`) VALUES ( 'qualif', '620', 'Imprimeur de gravures');
INSERT INTO `authorised_values` ( `category`, `authorised_value`, `lib`) VALUES ( 'qualif', '630', 'Producteur');
INSERT INTO `authorised_values` ( `category`, `authorised_value`, `lib`) VALUES ( 'qualif', '632', 'Directeur artistique, scénographe');
INSERT INTO `authorised_values` ( `category`, `authorised_value`, `lib`) VALUES ( 'qualif', '633', 'Membre de l’équipe de production');
INSERT INTO `authorised_values` ( `category`, `authorised_value`, `lib`) VALUES ( 'qualif', '635', 'Programmeur');
INSERT INTO `authorised_values` ( `category`, `authorised_value`, `lib`) VALUES ( 'qualif', '637', 'Chef de projet');
INSERT INTO `authorised_values` ( `category`, `authorised_value`, `lib`) VALUES ( 'qualif', '640', 'Correcteur sur épreuves');
INSERT INTO `authorised_values` ( `category`, `authorised_value`, `lib`) VALUES ( 'qualif', '650', 'Éditeur commercial');
INSERT INTO `authorised_values` ( `category`, `authorised_value`, `lib`) VALUES ( 'qualif', '651', 'Directeur de la publication');
INSERT INTO `authorised_values` ( `category`, `authorised_value`, `lib`) VALUES ( 'qualif', '655', 'Marionnettiste');
INSERT INTO `authorised_values` ( `category`, `authorised_value`, `lib`) VALUES ( 'qualif', '660', 'Destinataire de lettres');
INSERT INTO `authorised_values` ( `category`, `authorised_value`, `lib`) VALUES ( 'qualif', '670', 'Ingénieur du son');
INSERT INTO `authorised_values` ( `category`, `authorised_value`, `lib`) VALUES ( 'qualif', '672', 'Remixeur');
INSERT INTO `authorised_values` ( `category`, `authorised_value`, `lib`) VALUES ( 'qualif', '673', 'Directeur de recherches');
INSERT INTO `authorised_values` ( `category`, `authorised_value`, `lib`) VALUES ( 'qualif', '675', 'Critique');
INSERT INTO `authorised_values` ( `category`, `authorised_value`, `lib`) VALUES ( 'qualif', '677', 'Chercheur');
INSERT INTO `authorised_values` ( `category`, `authorised_value`, `lib`) VALUES ( 'qualif', '680', 'Rubricateur');
INSERT INTO `authorised_values` ( `category`, `authorised_value`, `lib`) VALUES ( 'qualif', '690', 'Scénariste');
INSERT INTO `authorised_values` ( `category`, `authorised_value`, `lib`) VALUES ( 'qualif', '695', 'Conseiller scientifique');
INSERT INTO `authorised_values` ( `category`, `authorised_value`, `lib`) VALUES ( 'qualif', '700', 'Copiste');
INSERT INTO `authorised_values` ( `category`, `authorised_value`, `lib`) VALUES ( 'qualif', '705', 'Sculpteur');
INSERT INTO `authorised_values` ( `category`, `authorised_value`, `lib`) VALUES ( 'qualif', '710', 'Rédacteur');
INSERT INTO `authorised_values` ( `category`, `authorised_value`, `lib`) VALUES ( 'qualif', '720', 'Signataire');
INSERT INTO `authorised_values` ( `category`, `authorised_value`, `lib`) VALUES ( 'qualif', '721', 'Chanteur');
INSERT INTO `authorised_values` ( `category`, `authorised_value`, `lib`) VALUES ( 'qualif', '723', 'Commanditaire');
INSERT INTO `authorised_values` ( `category`, `authorised_value`, `lib`) VALUES ( 'qualif', '725', 'Organisme de normalisation');
INSERT INTO `authorised_values` ( `category`, `authorised_value`, `lib`) VALUES ( 'qualif', '726', 'Cascadeur');
INSERT INTO `authorised_values` ( `category`, `authorised_value`, `lib`) VALUES ( 'qualif', '727', 'Directeur de thèse');
INSERT INTO `authorised_values` ( `category`, `authorised_value`, `lib`) VALUES ( 'qualif', '730', 'Traducteur');
INSERT INTO `authorised_values` ( `category`, `authorised_value`, `lib`) VALUES ( 'qualif', '740', 'Concepteur de caractères');
INSERT INTO `authorised_values` ( `category`, `authorised_value`, `lib`) VALUES ( 'qualif', '750', 'Typographe');
INSERT INTO `authorised_values` ( `category`, `authorised_value`, `lib`) VALUES ( 'qualif', '753', 'Vendeur');
INSERT INTO `authorised_values` ( `category`, `authorised_value`, `lib`) VALUES ( 'qualif', '755', 'Exécutant vocal');
INSERT INTO `authorised_values` ( `category`, `authorised_value`, `lib`) VALUES ( 'qualif', '760', 'Graveur sur bois');
INSERT INTO `authorised_values` ( `category`, `authorised_value`, `lib`) VALUES ( 'qualif', '770', 'Auteur du matériel d''accompagnement');
INSERT INTO `authorised_values` ( `category`, `authorised_value`, `lib`) VALUES ( 'qualif', '571', 'Coordinateur');
INSERT INTO `authorised_values` ( `category`, `authorised_value`, `lib`) VALUES ( 'qualif', '573', 'Diffuseur');
INSERT INTO `authorised_values` ( `category`, `authorised_value`, `lib`) VALUES ( 'qualif', '574', 'Présentateur');
INSERT INTO `authorised_values` ( `category`, `authorised_value`, `lib`) VALUES ( 'qualif', '575', 'Responsable');
@ -1 +0,0 @@
Liste des codes de fonction UNIMARC
@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-- Default MARC matching rules for Koha
-- Copyright (C) 2007 LiblimeA
-- This file is part of Koha.
-- Koha is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
-- under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-- the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
-- (at your option) any later version.
-- Koha is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
-- WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-- GNU General Public License for more details.
-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-- along with Koha; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses>.
INSERT INTO marc_matchers (code, description, record_type, threshold)
VALUES ('ISBN', '020$a', 'biblio', 1000);
INSERT INTO matchpoints (matcher_id, search_index, score) SELECT MAX(matcher_id), 'isbn', 1000 FROM marc_matchers;
INSERT INTO matcher_matchpoints SELECT MAX(matcher_id), MAX(matchpoint_id) FROM matchpoints;
INSERT INTO matchpoint_components (matchpoint_id, sequence, tag, subfields)
SELECT MAX(matchpoint_id), 1, '020', 'a' FROM matchpoints;
INSERT INTO matchpoint_component_norms (matchpoint_component_id, sequence, norm_routine)
SELECT MAX(matchpoint_component_id), 1, 'ISBN' FROM matchpoint_components;
INSERT INTO marc_matchers (code, description, record_type, threshold)
VALUES ('ISSN', '022$a', 'biblio', 1000);
INSERT INTO matchpoints (matcher_id, search_index, score) SELECT MAX(matcher_id), 'issn', 1000 FROM marc_matchers;
INSERT INTO matcher_matchpoints SELECT MAX(matcher_id), MAX(matchpoint_id) FROM matchpoints;
INSERT INTO matchpoint_components (matchpoint_id, sequence, tag, subfields)
SELECT MAX(matchpoint_id), 1, '022', 'a' FROM matchpoints;
INSERT INTO matchpoint_component_norms (matchpoint_component_id, sequence, norm_routine)
SELECT MAX(matchpoint_component_id), 1, 'ISSN' FROM matchpoint_components;
INSERT INTO marc_matchers (code, description, record_type, threshold)
VALUES ('KohaBiblio', '999$c', 'biblio', 1000);
INSERT INTO matchpoints (matcher_id, search_index, score) SELECT MAX(matcher_id), 'local-number', 1000 FROM marc_matchers;
INSERT INTO matcher_matchpoints SELECT MAX(matcher_id), MAX(matchpoint_id) FROM matchpoints;
INSERT INTO matchpoint_components (matchpoint_id, sequence, tag, subfields)
SELECT MAX(matchpoint_id), 1, '999', 'c' FROM matchpoints;
INSERT INTO matchpoint_component_norms (matchpoint_component_id, sequence, norm_routine)
SELECT MAX(matchpoint_component_id), 1, 'Biblionumber' FROM matchpoint_components;
@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
Règles de concordances pour les notices bibliographiques au format MARC 21 :
Numéro de notice dans Koha (biblionumber)
@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
('SIMP', 'Grille simplifiée');
INSERT IGNORE INTO marc_tag_structure (tagfield, liblibrarian, libopac, repeatable, mandatory, authorised_value, frameworkcode)
SELECT tagfield, liblibrarian, libopac, repeatable, mandatory, authorised_value, 'SIMP'
FROM marc_tag_structure
WHERE frameworkcode = '';
INSERT IGNORE INTO marc_subfield_structure (tagfield, tagsubfield, liblibrarian, libopac, repeatable, mandatory, kohafield, tab, authorised_value, authtypecode, value_builder, isurl, hidden, frameworkcode, seealso, link, defaultvalue)
SELECT tagfield, tagsubfield, liblibrarian, libopac, repeatable, mandatory, kohafield, tab, authorised_value, authtypecode, value_builder, isurl, hidden, 'SIMP', seealso, link, defaultvalue
FROM marc_subfield_structure
WHERE frameworkcode = '';
-- ********************************************
-- ********************************************
UPDATE marc_subfield_structure SET tab='-1', hidden = 8 WHERE frameworkcode = 'SIMP';
UPDATE marc_subfield_structure SET tab='0',hidden='0' WHERE frameworkcode = 'SIMP' AND tagfield='000' AND tagsubfield = '@';
UPDATE marc_subfield_structure SET tab='0',hidden='0' WHERE frameworkcode = 'SIMP' AND tagfield='001' AND tagsubfield = '@';
UPDATE marc_subfield_structure SET tab='0',hidden='0' WHERE frameworkcode = 'SIMP' AND tagfield='008' AND tagsubfield = '@';
UPDATE marc_subfield_structure SET tab='0',hidden='0' WHERE frameworkcode = 'SIMP' AND tagfield='020' AND tagsubfield = 'a';
UPDATE marc_subfield_structure SET tab='0',hidden='0' WHERE frameworkcode = 'SIMP' AND tagfield='022' AND tagsubfield = 'a';
UPDATE marc_subfield_structure SET tab='0',hidden='0' WHERE frameworkcode = 'SIMP' AND tagfield='050' AND tagsubfield = 'a';
UPDATE marc_subfield_structure SET tab='0',hidden='0' WHERE frameworkcode = 'SIMP' AND tagfield='080' AND tagsubfield = 'a';
UPDATE marc_subfield_structure SET tab='0',hidden='0' WHERE frameworkcode = 'SIMP' AND tagfield='082' AND tagsubfield = 'a';
UPDATE marc_subfield_structure SET tab='0',hidden='0' WHERE frameworkcode = 'SIMP' AND tagfield='100' AND tagsubfield = 'a';
UPDATE marc_subfield_structure SET tab='0',hidden='0' WHERE frameworkcode = 'SIMP' AND tagfield='110' AND tagsubfield = 'a';
UPDATE marc_subfield_structure SET tab='0',hidden='0' WHERE frameworkcode = 'SIMP' AND tagfield='245' AND tagsubfield = 'a';
UPDATE marc_subfield_structure SET tab='0',hidden='0' WHERE frameworkcode = 'SIMP' AND tagfield='245' AND tagsubfield = 'b';
UPDATE marc_subfield_structure SET tab='0',hidden='0' WHERE frameworkcode = 'SIMP' AND tagfield='245' AND tagsubfield = 'c';
UPDATE marc_subfield_structure SET tab='0',hidden='0' WHERE frameworkcode = 'SIMP' AND tagfield='260' AND tagsubfield = 'a';
UPDATE marc_subfield_structure SET tab='0',hidden='0' WHERE frameworkcode = 'SIMP' AND tagfield='260' AND tagsubfield = 'b';
UPDATE marc_subfield_structure SET tab='0',hidden='0' WHERE frameworkcode = 'SIMP' AND tagfield='260' AND tagsubfield = 'c';
UPDATE marc_subfield_structure SET tab='0',hidden='0' WHERE frameworkcode = 'SIMP' AND tagfield='264' AND tagsubfield = 'a';
UPDATE marc_subfield_structure SET tab='0',hidden='0' WHERE frameworkcode = 'SIMP' AND tagfield='264' AND tagsubfield = 'b';
UPDATE marc_subfield_structure SET tab='0',hidden='0' WHERE frameworkcode = 'SIMP' AND tagfield='264' AND tagsubfield = 'c';
UPDATE marc_subfield_structure SET tab='0',hidden='0' WHERE frameworkcode = 'SIMP' AND tagfield='300' AND tagsubfield = 'a';
UPDATE marc_subfield_structure SET tab='0',hidden='0' WHERE frameworkcode = 'SIMP' AND tagfield='300' AND tagsubfield = 'b';
UPDATE marc_subfield_structure SET tab='0',hidden='0' WHERE frameworkcode = 'SIMP' AND tagfield='300' AND tagsubfield = 'c';
UPDATE marc_subfield_structure SET tab='0',hidden='0' WHERE frameworkcode = 'SIMP' AND tagfield='490' AND tagsubfield = 'a';
UPDATE marc_subfield_structure SET tab='0',hidden='0' WHERE frameworkcode = 'SIMP' AND tagfield='490' AND tagsubfield = 'v';
UPDATE marc_subfield_structure SET tab='0',hidden='0' WHERE frameworkcode = 'SIMP' AND tagfield='500' AND tagsubfield = 'a';
UPDATE marc_subfield_structure SET tab='0',hidden='0' WHERE frameworkcode = 'SIMP' AND tagfield='520' AND tagsubfield = 'a';
UPDATE marc_subfield_structure SET tab='0',hidden='0' WHERE frameworkcode = 'SIMP' AND tagfield='650' AND tagsubfield = 'a';
UPDATE marc_subfield_structure SET tab='0',hidden='0' WHERE frameworkcode = 'SIMP' AND tagfield='650' AND tagsubfield = 'x';
UPDATE marc_subfield_structure SET tab='0',hidden='0' WHERE frameworkcode = 'SIMP' AND tagfield='650' AND tagsubfield = 'y';
UPDATE marc_subfield_structure SET tab='0',hidden='0' WHERE frameworkcode = 'SIMP' AND tagfield='650' AND tagsubfield = 'z';
UPDATE marc_subfield_structure SET tab='0',hidden='0' WHERE frameworkcode = 'SIMP' AND tagfield='700' AND tagsubfield = 'a';
UPDATE marc_subfield_structure SET tab='0',hidden='0' WHERE frameworkcode = 'SIMP' AND tagfield='710' AND tagsubfield = 'a';
UPDATE marc_subfield_structure SET tab='0',hidden='0' WHERE frameworkcode = 'SIMP' AND tagfield='942' AND tagsubfield = '2';
UPDATE marc_subfield_structure SET tab='0',hidden='0' WHERE frameworkcode = 'SIMP' AND tagfield='942' AND tagsubfield = 'c';
UPDATE marc_subfield_structure SET tab='0',hidden='0' WHERE frameworkcode = 'SIMP' AND tagfield='942' AND tagsubfield = 'n';
UPDATE marc_subfield_structure SET tab='10',hidden='0' WHERE frameworkcode = 'SIMP' AND tagfield='952' AND tagsubfield = '2';
UPDATE marc_subfield_structure SET tab='10',hidden='0' WHERE frameworkcode = 'SIMP' AND tagfield='952' AND tagsubfield = '3';
UPDATE marc_subfield_structure SET tab='10',hidden='0' WHERE frameworkcode = 'SIMP' AND tagfield='952' AND tagsubfield = '7';
UPDATE marc_subfield_structure SET tab='10',hidden='0' WHERE frameworkcode = 'SIMP' AND tagfield='952' AND tagsubfield = '8';
UPDATE marc_subfield_structure SET tab='10',hidden='0' WHERE frameworkcode = 'SIMP' AND tagfield='952' AND tagsubfield = 'a';
UPDATE marc_subfield_structure SET tab='10',hidden='0' WHERE frameworkcode = 'SIMP' AND tagfield='952' AND tagsubfield = 'b';
UPDATE marc_subfield_structure SET tab='10',hidden='0' WHERE frameworkcode = 'SIMP' AND tagfield='952' AND tagsubfield = 'c';
UPDATE marc_subfield_structure SET tab='10',hidden='0' WHERE frameworkcode = 'SIMP' AND tagfield='952' AND tagsubfield = 'h';
UPDATE marc_subfield_structure SET tab='10',hidden='0' WHERE frameworkcode = 'SIMP' AND tagfield='952' AND tagsubfield = 'o';
UPDATE marc_subfield_structure SET tab='10',hidden='0' WHERE frameworkcode = 'SIMP' AND tagfield='952' AND tagsubfield = 'p';
UPDATE marc_subfield_structure SET tab='10',hidden='0' WHERE frameworkcode = 'SIMP' AND tagfield='952' AND tagsubfield = 'x';
UPDATE marc_subfield_structure SET tab='10',hidden='0' WHERE frameworkcode = 'SIMP' AND tagfield='952' AND tagsubfield = 'y';
UPDATE marc_subfield_structure SET tab='10',hidden='0' WHERE frameworkcode = 'SIMP' AND tagfield='952' AND tagsubfield = 'z';
@ -1 +0,0 @@
Grille simplifiée au format marc21.
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load diff
@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
Contient les grilles d'autorités :
Grille par défaut
Terme chronologique
Nom de collectivité
Terme de genre/forme
Nom géographique
Nom de réunion
Nom de personne
Nom commun
Titre uniforme
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load diff
@ -1 +0,0 @@
Contient la grille de catalogage par défaut.
@ -1,88 +0,0 @@
('FA', 'Grille d\'ajout rapide');
INSERT IGNORE INTO marc_tag_structure (tagfield, liblibrarian, libopac, repeatable, mandatory, authorised_value, frameworkcode)
SELECT tagfield, liblibrarian, libopac, repeatable, mandatory, authorised_value, 'FA'
FROM marc_tag_structure
WHERE frameworkcode = '' AND
tagfield IN ('000', '008', '010', '020', '022', '050', '082', '090', '099', '100', '245', '250', '260', '300', '500', '942', '952', '999');
INSERT IGNORE INTO marc_subfield_structure (tagfield, tagsubfield, liblibrarian, libopac, repeatable, mandatory, kohafield, tab, authorised_value, authtypecode, value_builder, isurl, hidden, frameworkcode, seealso, link, defaultvalue)
SELECT tagfield, tagsubfield, liblibrarian, libopac, repeatable, mandatory, kohafield, tab, authorised_value, authtypecode, value_builder, isurl, hidden, 'FA', seealso, link, defaultvalue
FROM marc_subfield_structure
WHERE frameworkcode = '' AND
tagfield IN ('000', '008', '010', '020', '022', '050', '082', '090', '099', '100', '245', '250', '260', '300', '500', '942', '952', '999');
-- ****************************************
-- ****************************************
UPDATE marc_subfield_structure SET tab = 0 WHERE tagfield IN ('100','245','250','260','300','500','942') AND frameworkcode = 'FA';
UPDATE marc_subfield_structure SET hidden ='0' WHERE tagfield = '010' AND tagsubfield = '8' AND frameworkcode = 'FA';
UPDATE marc_subfield_structure SET hidden ='0' WHERE tagfield = '010' AND tagsubfield = 'b' AND frameworkcode = 'FA';
UPDATE marc_subfield_structure SET hidden ='0' WHERE tagfield = '010' AND tagsubfield = 'z' AND frameworkcode = 'FA';
UPDATE marc_subfield_structure SET hidden ='0' WHERE tagfield = '020' AND tagsubfield = '6' AND frameworkcode = 'FA';
UPDATE marc_subfield_structure SET hidden ='0' WHERE tagfield = '020' AND tagsubfield = '8' AND frameworkcode = 'FA';
UPDATE marc_subfield_structure SET hidden ='0' WHERE tagfield = '020' AND tagsubfield = 'z' AND frameworkcode = 'FA';
UPDATE marc_subfield_structure SET hidden ='0' WHERE tagfield = '082' AND tagsubfield = '6' AND frameworkcode = 'FA';
UPDATE marc_subfield_structure SET hidden ='0' WHERE tagfield = '082' AND tagsubfield = '8' AND frameworkcode = 'FA';
UPDATE marc_subfield_structure SET hidden ='5' WHERE tagfield = '090' AND tagsubfield = 'a' AND frameworkcode = 'FA';
UPDATE marc_subfield_structure SET hidden ='5' WHERE tagfield = '090' AND tagsubfield = 'b' AND frameworkcode = 'FA';
UPDATE marc_subfield_structure SET hidden ='0' WHERE tagfield = '100' AND tagsubfield = '6' AND frameworkcode = 'FA';
UPDATE marc_subfield_structure SET hidden ='0' WHERE tagfield = '100' AND tagsubfield = '8' AND frameworkcode = 'FA';
UPDATE marc_subfield_structure SET hidden ='0' WHERE tagfield = '100' AND tagsubfield = '9' AND frameworkcode = 'FA';
UPDATE marc_subfield_structure SET hidden ='0' WHERE tagfield = '100' AND tagsubfield = 'b' AND frameworkcode = 'FA';
UPDATE marc_subfield_structure SET hidden ='0' WHERE tagfield = '100' AND tagsubfield = 'c' AND frameworkcode = 'FA';
UPDATE marc_subfield_structure SET hidden ='0' WHERE tagfield = '100' AND tagsubfield = 'f' AND frameworkcode = 'FA';
UPDATE marc_subfield_structure SET hidden ='0' WHERE tagfield = '100' AND tagsubfield = 'g' AND frameworkcode = 'FA';
UPDATE marc_subfield_structure SET hidden ='0' WHERE tagfield = '100' AND tagsubfield = 'j' AND frameworkcode = 'FA';
UPDATE marc_subfield_structure SET hidden ='0' WHERE tagfield = '100' AND tagsubfield = 'k' AND frameworkcode = 'FA';
UPDATE marc_subfield_structure SET hidden ='0' WHERE tagfield = '100' AND tagsubfield = 'l' AND frameworkcode = 'FA';
UPDATE marc_subfield_structure SET hidden ='0' WHERE tagfield = '100' AND tagsubfield = 'n' AND frameworkcode = 'FA';
UPDATE marc_subfield_structure SET hidden ='0' WHERE tagfield = '100' AND tagsubfield = 'p' AND frameworkcode = 'FA';
UPDATE marc_subfield_structure SET hidden ='0' WHERE tagfield = '100' AND tagsubfield = 't' AND frameworkcode = 'FA';
UPDATE marc_subfield_structure SET hidden ='0' WHERE tagfield = '100' AND tagsubfield = 'u' AND frameworkcode = 'FA';
UPDATE marc_subfield_structure SET hidden ='0' WHERE tagfield = '245' AND tagsubfield = '6' AND frameworkcode = 'FA';
UPDATE marc_subfield_structure SET hidden ='0' WHERE tagfield = '245' AND tagsubfield = '8' AND frameworkcode = 'FA';
UPDATE marc_subfield_structure SET hidden ='0' WHERE tagfield = '245' AND tagsubfield = 'd' AND frameworkcode = 'FA';
UPDATE marc_subfield_structure SET hidden ='0' WHERE tagfield = '245' AND tagsubfield = 'e' AND frameworkcode = 'FA';
UPDATE marc_subfield_structure SET hidden ='0' WHERE tagfield = '245' AND tagsubfield = 'f' AND frameworkcode = 'FA';
UPDATE marc_subfield_structure SET hidden ='0' WHERE tagfield = '245' AND tagsubfield = 'g' AND frameworkcode = 'FA';
UPDATE marc_subfield_structure SET hidden ='0' WHERE tagfield = '245' AND tagsubfield = 'k' AND frameworkcode = 'FA';
UPDATE marc_subfield_structure SET hidden ='0' WHERE tagfield = '245' AND tagsubfield = 'n' AND frameworkcode = 'FA';
UPDATE marc_subfield_structure SET hidden ='0' WHERE tagfield = '245' AND tagsubfield = 'p' AND frameworkcode = 'FA';
UPDATE marc_subfield_structure SET hidden ='0' WHERE tagfield = '245' AND tagsubfield = 's' AND frameworkcode = 'FA';
UPDATE marc_subfield_structure SET hidden ='0' WHERE tagfield = '250' AND tagsubfield = '6' AND frameworkcode = 'FA';
UPDATE marc_subfield_structure SET hidden ='0' WHERE tagfield = '250' AND tagsubfield = '8' AND frameworkcode = 'FA';
UPDATE marc_subfield_structure SET hidden ='0' WHERE tagfield = '260' AND tagsubfield = '6' AND frameworkcode = 'FA';
UPDATE marc_subfield_structure SET hidden ='0' WHERE tagfield = '260' AND tagsubfield = '8' AND frameworkcode = 'FA';
UPDATE marc_subfield_structure SET hidden ='0' WHERE tagfield = '260' AND tagsubfield = 'd' AND frameworkcode = 'FA';
UPDATE marc_subfield_structure SET hidden ='0' WHERE tagfield = '260' AND tagsubfield = 'e' AND frameworkcode = 'FA';
UPDATE marc_subfield_structure SET hidden ='0' WHERE tagfield = '260' AND tagsubfield = 'f' AND frameworkcode = 'FA';
UPDATE marc_subfield_structure SET hidden ='0' WHERE tagfield = '260' AND tagsubfield = 'g' AND frameworkcode = 'FA';
UPDATE marc_subfield_structure SET hidden ='0' WHERE tagfield = '260' AND tagsubfield = 'k' AND frameworkcode = 'FA';
UPDATE marc_subfield_structure SET hidden ='0' WHERE tagfield = '260' AND tagsubfield = 'l' AND frameworkcode = 'FA';
UPDATE marc_subfield_structure SET hidden ='0' WHERE tagfield = '500' AND tagsubfield = '3' AND frameworkcode = 'FA';
UPDATE marc_subfield_structure SET hidden ='0' WHERE tagfield = '500' AND tagsubfield = '5' AND frameworkcode = 'FA';
UPDATE marc_subfield_structure SET hidden ='0' WHERE tagfield = '500' AND tagsubfield = '6' AND frameworkcode = 'FA';
UPDATE marc_subfield_structure SET hidden ='0' WHERE tagfield = '500' AND tagsubfield = '8' AND frameworkcode = 'FA';
UPDATE marc_subfield_structure SET hidden ='0' WHERE tagfield = '500' AND tagsubfield = 'l' AND frameworkcode = 'FA';
UPDATE marc_subfield_structure SET hidden ='0' WHERE tagfield = '500' AND tagsubfield = 'n' AND frameworkcode = 'FA';
UPDATE marc_subfield_structure SET hidden ='0' WHERE tagfield = '500' AND tagsubfield = 'x' AND frameworkcode = 'FA';
UPDATE marc_subfield_structure SET hidden ='0' WHERE tagfield = '500' AND tagsubfield = 'z' AND frameworkcode = 'FA';
UPDATE marc_subfield_structure SET hidden ='5' WHERE tagfield = '942' AND tagsubfield = '0' AND frameworkcode = 'FA';
UPDATE marc_subfield_structure SET hidden ='5' WHERE tagfield = '942' AND tagsubfield = 'c' AND frameworkcode = 'FA';
UPDATE marc_subfield_structure SET hidden ='5' WHERE tagfield = '942' AND tagsubfield = 'n' AND frameworkcode = 'FA';
UPDATE marc_subfield_structure SET hidden ='5' WHERE tagfield = '942' AND tagsubfield = 's' AND frameworkcode = 'FA';
UPDATE marc_subfield_structure SET hidden ='0' WHERE tagfield = '952' AND tagsubfield = '1' AND frameworkcode = 'FA';
UPDATE marc_subfield_structure SET hidden ='0' WHERE tagfield = '952' AND tagsubfield = '3' AND frameworkcode = 'FA';
UPDATE marc_subfield_structure SET hidden ='0' WHERE tagfield = '952' AND tagsubfield = '6' AND frameworkcode = 'FA';
UPDATE marc_subfield_structure SET hidden ='0' WHERE tagfield = '952' AND tagsubfield = '9' AND frameworkcode = 'FA';
UPDATE marc_subfield_structure SET hidden ='0' WHERE tagfield = '952' AND tagsubfield = 'j' AND frameworkcode = 'FA';
UPDATE marc_subfield_structure SET hidden ='0' WHERE tagfield = '952' AND tagsubfield = 'l' AND frameworkcode = 'FA';
UPDATE marc_subfield_structure SET hidden ='0' WHERE tagfield = '952' AND tagsubfield = 'm' AND frameworkcode = 'FA';
UPDATE marc_subfield_structure SET hidden ='0' WHERE tagfield = '952' AND tagsubfield = 'n' AND frameworkcode = 'FA';
UPDATE marc_subfield_structure SET hidden ='0' WHERE tagfield = '952' AND tagsubfield = 'q' AND frameworkcode = 'FA';
UPDATE marc_subfield_structure SET hidden ='0' WHERE tagfield = '952' AND tagsubfield = 'r' AND frameworkcode = 'FA';
UPDATE marc_subfield_structure SET hidden ='0' WHERE tagfield = '952' AND tagsubfield = 's' AND frameworkcode = 'FA';
UPDATE marc_subfield_structure SET hidden ='0' WHERE tagfield = '952' AND tagsubfield = 'x' AND frameworkcode = 'FA';
@ -1 +0,0 @@
Grille d'ajout rapide FA pour cataloguer à la volée.
@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
INSERT INTO authorised_values (category,authorised_value,lib,lib_opac) VALUES ('YES_NO','0','Non','Non');
INSERT INTO authorised_values (category,authorised_value,lib,lib_opac) VALUES ('YES_NO','1','Oui','Oui');
INSERT INTO authorised_values (category, authorised_value, lib) VALUES ('HSBND_FREQ','EW','Chaque Semaine');
@ -1 +0,0 @@
Default Koha system authorised values
@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
-- Default classification sources and filing rules
-- for Koha.
-- Copyright (C) 2007 LiblimeA
-- This file is part of Koha.
-- Koha is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
-- under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-- the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
-- (at your option) any later version.
-- Koha is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
-- WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-- GNU General Public License for more details.
-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-- along with Koha; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses>.
-- class sorting (filing) rules
INSERT INTO `class_sort_rules` (`class_sort_rule`, `description`, `sort_routine`) VALUES
('dewey', 'Règle de classement par défaut DCC', 'Dewey'),
('lcc', 'Régle de classement par déf. Bibliothèque du Congrès', 'LCC'),
('generic', 'Règle de classement par défaut générique', 'Generic');
-- splitting rules
INSERT INTO `class_split_rules` (`class_split_rule`, `description`, `split_routine`) VALUES
('dewey', 'Default splitting rules for DDC', 'Dewey'),
('lcc', 'Default splitting rules for LCC', 'LCC'),
('generic', 'Generic call number splitting rules', 'Generic');
-- classification schemes or sources
INSERT INTO `class_sources` (`cn_source`, `description`, `used`, `class_sort_rule`, `class_split_rule`) VALUES
('ddc', 'Classification décimale Dewey', 1, 'dewey', 'dewey'),
('lcc', 'Classification de la Bibliothèque du Congrès', 1, 'lcc', 'lcc'),
('udc', 'Classification décimale universelle', 0, 'generic', 'generic'),
('sudocs', 'SuDoc Classification (U.S. GPO)', 0, 'generic', 'generic'),
('anscr', 'ANSCR (Sound Recordings)', 0, 'generic', 'generic'),
('z', 'Autre schéma générique de classification', 0, 'generic', 'generic');
@ -1 +0,0 @@
Sources de classification et règles de classement par défaut.
@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
INSERT INTO subscription_frequencies
(description, unit, unitsperissue, issuesperunit, displayorder)
('2/jour', 'day', 1, 2, 1),
('1/jour', 'day', 1, 1, 2),
('3/semaine', 'week', 1, 3, 3),
('1/semaine', 'week', 1, 1, 4),
('1/2 semaines', 'week', 2, 1, 5),
('1/3 semaines', 'week', 3, 1, 6),
('1/mois', 'month', 1, 1, 7),
('1/2 mois', 'month', 2, 1, 8),
('1/3 mois', 'month', 3, 1, 9),
('2/an', 'month', 6, 1, 10),
('1/an', 'year', 1, 1, 11),
('1/2 ans', 'year', 2, 1, 12),
('Irrégulier', NULL, 1, 1, 13);
@ -1 +0,0 @@
Exemples de fréquences d'abonnement pour le module périodiques.
@ -1,364 +0,0 @@
INSERT INTO `letter` (module, code, branchcode, name, is_html, title, content, message_transport_type) VALUES
('circulation','CHECKIN','','Retours (Résumé)',0,'Retours','Bonjour <<borrowers.firstname>> <<borrowers.surname>>,\r\n\r\nVous venez de rendre les documents suivants :\r\n----\r\n<<biblio.title>>\r\n----\r\nMerci.\r\n\r\n<<branches.branchname>>','email'),
('circulation','CHECKOUT','','Emprunts (Résumé)',0,'Emprunts','Bonjour <<borrowers.firstname>> <<borrowers.surname>>,\r\n\r\nVous venez d\'emprunter les documents suivants :\r\n----\r\n<<biblio.title>>\r\n----\r\nMerci.\r\n\r\n<<branches.branchname>>','email'),
('circulation','DUE','','Document à rendre aujourd\'hui',0,'Document à rendre aujourd\'hui','Bonjour <<borrowers.firstname>> <<borrowers.surname>>,\r\n\r\nLe prêt de ce document arrive à expiration aujourd\'hui.\r\n\r\n<<biblio.title>>, <<biblio.author>> (<<items.barcode>>)\r\n\r\nMerci de nous le retourner.\r\n\r\n<<branches.branchname>>','email'),
('circulation','DUEDGST','','Document à rendre aujourd\'hui (Résumé)',0,'Document à rendre aujourd\'hui','Bonjour <<borrowers.firstname>> <<borrowers.surname>>,\r\n\r\nVous avez <<count>> document(s) dont le prêt arrive à expiration.\r\n\r\nMerci de nous le(s) retourner rapidement.\r\n\r\n<<branches.branchname>>','email'),
('circulation','ISSUEQSLIP','','Ticket rapide de prêts',1,'Ticket rapide de prêts','<h3><<branches.branchname>></h3>\r\nEmprunté par <<borrowers.firstname>> <<borrowers.surname>> <br />\r\n(<<borrowers.cardnumber>>) <br />\r\n\r\n<<today>><br />\r\n\r\n<h4>Emprunté(s) aujourd\'hui</h4>\r\n<checkedout>\r\n<p>\r\n<<biblio.title>><br />\r\nCode-barres : <<items.barcode>><br />\r\nDate de retour : <<issues.date_due>><br />\r\n</p>\r\n</checkedout>','email'),
('circulation','ISSUESLIP','','Ticket de prêts',1,'Ticket de prêts','<h3><<branches.branchname>></h3>\r\nEmprunté par <<borrowers.firstname>> <<borrowers.surname>> <br />\r\n(<<borrowers.cardnumber>>) <br />\r\n\r\n<<today>><br />\r\n\r\n<h4>Emprunté(s) aujourd\'hui</h4>\r\n<checkedout>\r\n<p>\r\n<<biblio.title>> <br />\r\nCode-barres : <<items.barcode>><br />\r\nDate de retour : <<issues.date_due>><br />\r\n</p>\r\n</checkedout>\r\n\r\n<h4>Retards</h4>\r\n<overdue>\r\n<p>\r\n<<biblio.title>> <br />\r\nCode-barres : <<items.barcode>><br />\r\nDate de retour : <<issues.date_due>><br />\r\n</p>\r\n</overdue>\r\n\r\n<hr>\r\n\r\n<h4 style=\"text-align: center; font-style:italic;\">Nouvelles</h4>\r\n<news>\r\n<div class=\"newsitem\">\r\n<h5 style=\"margin-bottom: 1px; margin-top: 1px\"><b><<additional_contents.title>></b></h5>\r\n<p style=\"margin-bottom: 1px; margin-top: 1px\"><<additional_contents.content>></p>\r\n<p class=\"newsfooter\" style=\"font-size: 8pt; font-style:italic; margin-bottom: 1px; margin-top: 1px\">Publiée le <<additional_contents.published_on>></p>\r\n<hr />\r\n</div>\r\n</news>','email'),
('circulation','ODUE','','Document(s) en retard',0,'Document(s) en retard','Bonjour <<borrowers.firstname>> <<borrowers.surname>>,\r\n\r\nSelon nos informations, vous avez au moins un document en retard. Merci de retourner ou renouveller ce ou ces documents dans votre bibliothèque le plus rapidement possible.\r\n\r\n<<branches.branchname>>\r\n<<branches.branchaddress1>>\r\n<<branches.branchaddress2>> <<branches.branchaddress3>>\r\nTél : <<branches.branchphone>>\r\nFax : <<branches.branchfax>>\r\nCourriel : <<branches.branchemail>>\r\n\r\nSi vous avez le mot de passe de votre compte lecteur, vous pouvez renouveler directement en ligne. Sinon, merci de nous contacter.\r\n\r\nLe ou les documents suivants sont en retard :\r\n\r\n<item>\"<<biblio.title>>\" par <<biblio.author>>, <<items.itemcallnumber>>, code-barres : <<items.barcode>> Amende : <<items.fine>></item>\r\n\r\nMerci de votre attention.\r\n\r\n<<branches.branchname>>','email'),
('circulation','PREDUE','','Document à rendre bientôt',0,'Document à rendre bientôt','Bonjour <<borrowers.firstname>> <<borrowers.surname>>,\r\n\r\nNous souhaitons vous informer que le prêt de ce document arrive bientôt à expiration :\r\n\r\n<<biblio.title>>, <<biblio.author>> (<<items.barcode>>)\r\n\r\nMerci.\r\n\r\n<<branches.branchname>>','email'),
('circulation','PREDUEDGST','','Document à rendre bientôt (Résumé)',0,'Document(s) à rendre bientôt','Bonjour <<borrowers.firstname>> <<borrowers.surname>>,\r\n\r\nVous avez <<count>> document(s) dont le prêt arrive bientôt à expiration.\r\n\r\n<<branches.branchname>>','email'),
('circulation','RENEWAL','','Renouvellements',0,'Renouvellements','Bonjour <<borrowers.firstname>> <<borrowers.surname>>,\r\n\r\nVous avez renouvelé les documents suivants :\r\n----\r\n<<biblio.title>>\r\n----\r\nMerci.\r\n\r\n<<branches.branchname>>.','email'),
('circulation','HOLD_SLIP','','Ticket de réservation',1,'Ticket de réservation','<h5>Date : <<today>></h5>\r\n\r\n<h3> Transfert / Réservation disponible à <<branches.branchname>></h3>\r\n\r\n<h3><<borrowers.surname>>, <<borrowers.firstname>> </h3>\r\n\r\n<ul>\r\n <li><<borrowers.cardnumber>></li>\r\n <li><<borrowers.phone>></li>\r\n <li> <<borrowers.address>><br />\r\n <<borrowers.address2>><br />\r\n <<borrowers.city >> <<borrowers.zipcode>>\r\n </li>\r\n <li><<borrowers.email>></li>\r\n</ul>\r\n<br />\r\n<h3>DOCUMENT RÉSERVÉ</h3>\r\n<h4><<biblio.title>></h4>\r\n<h5><<biblio.author>></h5>\r\n<ul>\r\n <li><<items.barcode>></li>\r\n <li><<items.itemcallnumber>></li>\r\n <li><<reserves.waitingdate>></li>\r\n</ul>\r\n<p>Notes :\r\n<pre><<reserves.reservenotes>></pre>\r\n</p>\r\n','email'),
('circulation','TRANSFERSLIP','','Ticket de transfert',1,'Ticket de transfert','<h5>Date : <<today>></h5>\r\n\r\n<h3>Transfert à <<branches.branchname>></h3>\r\n\r\n<h3>DOCUMENT</h3>\r\n<h4><<biblio.title>></h4>\r\n<h5><<biblio.author>></h5>\r\n<ul>\r\n <li><<items.barcode>></li>\r\n <li><<items.itemcallnumber>></li>\r\n</ul>','email'),
('claimacquisition','ACQCLAIM','','Réclamation d\'une commande',0,'Document non reçu','<<aqbooksellers.name>>\r\n<<aqbooksellers.address1>>\r\n<<aqbooksellers.address2>>\r\n<<aqbooksellers.address3>>\r\n<<aqbooksellers.address4>>\r\n<<aqbooksellers.phone>>\r\n\r\nBonjour,\r\n\r\nLa commande suivante n\'a pas été reçue par notre service d\'acquisitions.\r\n\r\n<order>Commande n. <<aqorders.ordernumber>> (<<biblio.title>>) (<<aqorders.quantity>> exemplaire(s) commandé(s)) ($<<aqorders.listprice>> / unité).</order>\r\n\r\nMerci de faire le nécessaire pour nous la faire parvenir rapidement.\r\n\r\nEn cas de problème, veuillez nous contacter à l\'adresse ci-dessous.\r\n\r\nCordialement,\r\n\r\n<<branches.branchname>>\r\n<<branches.branchaddress1>>\r\n<<branches.branchaddress2>>\r\n<<branches.branchaddress3>>\r\n<<branches.branchcity>> <<branches.branchzip>>\r\n<<branches.branchphone>>\r\n<<branches.branchemail>>\r\n','email'),
('orderacquisition','ACQORDER','','Commande',0,'Commande','<<aqbooksellers.name>>\r\n<<aqbooksellers.address1>>\r\n<<aqbooksellers.address2>>\r\n<<aqbooksellers.address3>>\r\n<<aqbooksellers.address4>>\r\n<<aqbooksellers.phone>>\r\n\r\nLa bibliothèque désire commander :\r\n\r\n<order>Ordernumber <<aqorders.ordernumber>> (<<biblio.title>>) (quantity: <<aqorders.quantity>>) ($<<aqorders.listprice>> chacun).</order>\r\n\r\nMerci,\n\n<<branches.branchname>>', 'email'),
('members','ACCTDETAILS','','Modèle de message pour les détails d\'un compte lecteur - DEFAULT',0,'Votre compte Koha','Bonjour <<borrowers.firstname>> <<borrowers.surname>>,\r\n\r\nLes informations pour vous connecter à votre compte lecteur sont :\r\n\r\nIdentifiant : <<borrowers.userid>>\r\nMot de passe: <<borrowers.password>>\r\n\r\nSi vous rencontrez des problèmes ou avez des questions concernant votre compte, veuillez contacter l\'administrateur de Koha.\r\n\r\nMerci, \r\nL\'administrateur de Koha\r\nkohaadmin@yoursite.org','email'),
('reserves','HOLD','','Réservation en attente de retrait',0,'Réservation en attente de retrait à <<branches.branchname>>','Bonjour <<borrowers.firstname>> <<borrowers.surname>>,\r\n\r\nVotre réservation est disponible depuis le <<reserves.waitingdate>> :\r\n\r\nTitre : <<biblio.title>>\r\nAuteur : <<biblio.author>>\r\nCopie : <<items.copynumber>>\r\nLocalisation : <<branches.branchname>>\r\n<<branches.branchaddress1>>\r\n<<branches.branchaddress2>>\r\n<<branches.branchaddress3>>\r\n<<branches.branchcity>> <<branches.branchzip>>\r\n\r\nNous vous invitons à venir emprunter votre document rapidement.\r\n\r\nMerci.\r\n\r\n<<branches.branchname>>','email'),
('reserves','HOLD','','Réservation en attente de retrait',0,'Réservation en attente de retrait à <<branches.branchname>>','Bonjour <<borrowers.firstname>> <<borrowers.surname>>,\r\n\r\nVotre réservation est disponible depuis le <<reserves.waitingdate>> :\r\n\r\nTitre : <<biblio.title>>\r\nAuteur : <<biblio.author>>\r\nCopie : <<items.copynumber>>\r\nLocalisation : <<branches.branchname>>\r\n<<branches.branchaddress1>>\r\n<<branches.branchaddress2>>\r\n<<branches.branchaddress3>>\r\n<<branches.branchcity>> <<branches.branchzip>>\r\n\r\nNous vous invitons à venir emprunter votre document rapidement.\r\n\r\nMerci.\r\n\r\n<<branches.branchname>>','print'),
('reserves','HOLDPLACED','','Réservation sur un document',0,'Un document a été réservé','Le document suivant a été réservé : \r\n<<biblio.title>> (<<biblio.biblionumber>>) par l\'adhérent <<borrowers.firstname>> <<borrowers.surname>> (<<borrowers.cardnumber>>).','email'),
('reserves','HOLD_REMINDER','','Waiting hold reminder',0,'You have waiting holds.','Dear [% borrower.firstname %] [% borrower.surname %],\r\n\r\nThe following holds are waiting at [% branch.branchname %]:\r\n\\r\n[% FOREACH hold IN holds %]\r\n [% hold.biblio.title %] : waiting since [% hold.waitingdate | $KohaDates %]\r\n[% END %]','email'),
('reserves', 'CANCEL_HOLD_ON_LOST', '','Réservation annulée',0,"Réservation annulée", "Bonjour [% borrower.firstname %] [% borrower.surname %],\n\nVotre réservation pour le document suivant ne peut malheureusement pas être comblée parce que le document est introuvable.\n\nTitre : [% biblio.title %]\nAuteur : [% biblio.author %]\nExemplaire : [% item.copynumber %]\nLocalisation : [% branch.branchname %]", 'email'),
('serial','SERIAL_ALERT','','Liste de circulation',0,'Le nouveau numéro de <<biblio.title>> est disponible','Bonjour <<borrowers.firstname>> <<borrowers.surname>>,\r\n\r\nLe nouveau numéro de <<biblio.title>> est disponible.\r\n\r\nVous pouvez venir à la bilbliothèque pour le consulter.\r\n\r\nMerci.\r\n\r\n<<branches.branchname>>','email'),
('suggestions','ACCEPTED','','Suggestion d\'achat acceptée',0,'Suggestion d\'achat acceptée','Bonjour <<borrowers.firstname>> <<borrowers.surname>>,\r\n\r\nVous nous avez suggéré l\'achat du document <<suggestions.title>> par <<suggestions.author>>.\r\n\r\nNous avons évalué votre suggestion aujourdhui. Le document sera commandé dès que possible. Vous serez tenu au courant par courriel quand le document aura été commandé et quand il sera disponible à la bibliothèque.\r\n\r\nPour toute question, veuillez nous contacter à l\'adresse suivante : <<branches.branchemail>>.\r\n\r\nMerci.\r\n\r\n<<branches.branchname>>','email'),
('suggestions','AVAILABLE','','Suggestion d\'achat disponible',0,'Suggestion d\'achat disponible','Bonjour <<borrowers.firstname>> <<borrowers.surname>>,\r\n\r\nVous nous avez suggéré l\'achat du document <<suggestions.title>> par <<suggestions.author>>.\r\n\r\nNous avons le plaisir de vous informer que le document fait aujourd\'hui partie de nos collection et qu\'il est disponible à la bibliothèque.\r\n\r\nPour toute question, veuillez nous contacter à l\'adresse suivante : <<branches.branchemail>>.\r\n\r\nMerci.\r\n\r\n<<branches.branchname>>','email'),
('suggestions','ORDERED','','Suggestion d\'achat commandée',0,'Suggestion d\'achat commandée','Bonjour <<borrowers.firstname>> <<borrowers.surname>>,\r\n\r\nVous nous avez suggéré l\'achat du document <<suggestions.title>> par <<suggestions.author>>.\r\n\r\nNous avons le plaisir de vous informer que le document a été commandé.\r\n\r\nVous recevrez une nouvelle notification quand le document sera disponible à bibliothèque.\r\n\r\nPour toute question, veuillez nous contacter à l\'adresse suivante : <<branches.branchemail>>.\r\n\r\nMerci.\r\n\r\n<<branches.branchname>>','email'),
('suggestions','REJECTED','','Suggestion d\'achat rejetée',0,'Suggestion d\'achat rejetée','Bonjour <<borrowers.firstname>> <<borrowers.surname>>,\r\n\r\nVous nous avez suggéré l\'achat du document <<suggestions.title>> par <<suggestions.author>>.\r\n\r\nNous avons évalué votre suggestion aujourd\'hui et décidé de ne pas l\'acheter cette fois.\r\n\r\nLa raison de notre refus est : <<suggestions.reason>>\r\n\r\nPour toute question, veuillez nous contacter à l\'adresse suivante : <<branches.branchemail>>.\r\n\r\nMerci.\r\n\r\n<<branches.branchname>>','email'),
('circulation','CHECKINSLIP','','Checkin slip',1,'Checkin slip',"<h3>[% branch.branchname %]</h3>
Checked in items for [% borrower.title %] [% borrower.firstname %] [% borrower.initials %] [% borrower.surname %] <br />
([% borrower.cardnumber %]) <br />
[% today | $KohaDates %]<br />
<h4>Checked in today</h4>
[% FOREACH checkin IN old_checkouts %]
[% SET item = checkin.item %]
[% item.biblio.title %] <br />
Barcode: [% item.barcode %] <br />
[% END %]", 'print');
INSERT INTO `letter` (module, code, name, title, content, is_html, message_transport_type)
VALUES ('suggestions','NEW_SUGGESTION','Nouvelle suggestion','Nouvelle suggestion','<h3>Suggestion en attente</h3>
<p><h4>Suggestion de</h4>
<li><<borrowers.firstname>> <<borrowers.surname>></li>
<p><h4>Titre suggéré</h4>
<li><b>Bibliothèque :</b> <<branches.branchname>></li>
<li><b>Titre :</b> <<suggestions.title>></li>
<li><b>Auteur :</b> <<suggestions.author>></li>
<li><b>Date de droit d\'auteur:</b> <<suggestions.copyrightdate>></li>
<li><b>Numéro standard (ISBN, ISSN ou autre) :</b> <<suggestions.isbn>></li>
<li><b>Éditeur :</b> <<suggestions.publishercode>></li>
<li><b>Collection :</b> <<suggestions.collectiontitle>></li>
<li><b>Lieu de publication :</b> <<suggestions.place>></li>
<li><b>Quantité :</b> <<suggestions.quantity>></li>
<li><b>Type de document :</b> <<suggestions.itemtype>></li>
<li><b>Raison de la suggestion :</b> <<suggestions.patronreason>></li>
<li><b>Notes :</b> <<suggestions.note>></li>
</p>',1, 'email');
INSERT INTO `letter` (module, code, branchcode, name, is_html, title, content, message_transport_type) VALUES
('members','DISCHARGE','','Quittance',0,'Quittance pour <<borrowers.firstname>> <<borrowers.surname>>','Quittance\r\n\r\nLa bibliothèque <<borrowers.branchcode>> certifie que l\'utilisateur suivant :\r\n\r\n<<borrowers.firstname>> <<borrowers.surname>>\r\nCardnumber : <<borrowers.cardnumber>>\r\n\r\na rendu tous ses documents.','email');
INSERT INTO `letter` (module, code, branchcode, name, is_html, title, content, message_transport_type) VALUES
('members','OPAC_REG_VERIFY','','Courriel de vérification lors d\'une auto-inscription',1,'Vérification de votre compte','Bonjour <<borrowers.firstname>> <<borrowers.surname>>,\r\n\r\nVotre compte lecteur a été créé. Pour terminer votre inscription, veuillez confirmer votre courriel en cliquant sur ce lien : \r\n\r\n<<OPACBaseURL>>/cgi-bin/koha/opac-registration-verify.pl?token=<<borrower_modifications.verification_token>>\r\n\r\nSi vous n\'êtes pas à l\'origine de cette inscription, vous pouvez ignorer ce message. Le lien expirera sous peu.\r\n\r\nMerci.\r\n\r\n<<branches.branchname>>','email');
INSERT INTO `letter` (module, code, branchcode, name, is_html, title, content, message_transport_type) VALUES
('members','SHARE_INVITE','','Invitation pour partager une liste',0,'Partage de la liste <<listname>>','Bonjour <<borrowers.firstname>> <<borrowers.surname>>,\r\n\r\nUn de nos lecteurs, <<borrowers.firstname>> <<borrowers.surname>>, vous invite à partager la liste <<listname>> dans le catalogue de la bibliothèque.\r\n\r\nPour voir cette liste, veuillez cliquer sur le lien suivant ou le copier/coller dans la barre d\'adresse de votre navigateur.\r\n\r\n<<shareurl>>\r\n\r\nSi vous n\'êtes pas un adhérent de notre bibliothèque ou si vous ne souhaitez pas accepter cette invitation, merci d\'ignorer ce message. Veuillez noter également que cette invitation expirera dans deux semaines.\r\n\r\nMerci.\r\n\r\n<<branches.branchname>>','email');
INSERT INTO `letter` (module, code, branchcode, name, is_html, title, content, message_transport_type) VALUES
('members','SHARE_ACCEPT','','Notification d\'acception de partage d\'une liste',0,'Le partage de la liste <<listname>> a été accepté','Bonjour <<borrowers.firstname>> <<borrowers.surname>>,\r\n\r\nNous vous informons que <<borrowers.firstname>> <<borrowers.surname>> a accepté votre invitation à partager la liste <<listname>> dans le catalogue de la bibliothèque.\r\n\r\nMerci.\r\n\r\n<<branches.branchname>>','email');
INSERT INTO `letter` (module, code, branchcode, name, is_html, title, content, message_transport_type) VALUES
('acquisition','ACQ_NOTIF_ON_RECEIV','','Notification lors de la réception',0,'Commande reçue','Bonjour <<borrowers.firstname>> <<borrowers.surname>bbbb>,\r\n\r\nLa commande <<aqorders.ordernumber>> (<<biblio.title>>) a été reçue.\r\n\r\n<<branches.branchname>>','email');
INSERT INTO `letter` (module, code, name, title, content, message_transport_type) VALUES
('suggestions','TO_PROCESS','Notification pour le responsable du poste budgétaire', 'Une suggestion est prête à être traitée','Bonjour <<borrowers.firstname>> <<borrowers.surname>>,\n\nUne nouvelle suggestion est prête à être traitée : <<suggestions.title>> par <<suggestions.author>>.\n\nMerci,\n\n<<branches.branchname>>', 'email'),
('members', 'PROBLEM_REPORT','OPAC problem report','OPAC problem report','Username: <<problem_reports.username>>\n\nProblem page: <<problem_reports.problempage>>\n\nTitle: <<problem_reports.title>>\n\nMessage: <<problem_reports.content>>','email');
INSERT INTO `letter` (module, code, name, title, content, message_transport_type) VALUES
('suggestions', 'NOTIFY_MANAGER', 'Notify manager of a suggestion', "A suggestion has been assigned to you", "Dear [% borrower.firstname %] [% borrower.surname %],\nA suggestion has been assigned to you: [% suggestion.title %].\nThank you,\n[% branch.branchname %]", 'email');
INSERT INTO letter ( module, code, branchcode, name, is_html, title, content, message_transport_type ) VALUES
('circulation', 'OVERDUES_SLIP', '', 'Ticket pour les documents en retard', '0', 'Ticket pour les documents en retard', 'Le(s) document(s) est/sont présentement en retard :
<item>"<<biblio.title>>" par <<biblio.author>>, <<items.itemcallnumber>>, Code-barres : <<items.barcode>> Amendes : <<items.fine>></item>
', 'print' );
INSERT INTO `letter` (`module`, `code`, `branchcode`, `name`, `is_html`, `title`, `content`, `message_transport_type`) VALUES
('circulation', 'AR_CANCELED', '', 'Demande d\'article - annulation', 0, 'Demande d\'article annulée', 'Bonjour <<borrowers.firstname>> <<borrowers.surname>> (<<borrowers.cardnumber>>),\r\n\r\nVotre demande d\'article de <<biblio.title>> (<<items.barcode>>) a été annulée pour la raison suivante :\r\n\r\n<<article_requests.notes>>\r\n\r\nArticle demandé :\r\nTitre : <<article_requests.title>>\r\nAuteur : <<article_requests.author>>\r\nVolume : <<article_requests.volume>>\r\nNuméro : <<article_requests.issue>>\r\nDate : <<article_requests.date>>\r\nPages : <<article_requests.pages>>\r\nChapitres : <<article_requests.chapters>>\r\nNotes : <<article_requests.patron_notes>>\r\nFormat: [% IF article_request.format == \'PHOTOCOPY\' %]Copy[% ELSIF article_request.format == \'SCAN\' %]Scan[% END %]\r\n\r\nVotre bibliothèque.', 'email'),
('circulation', 'AR_COMPLETED', '', 'Demande d\'article - disponible', 0, 'L\'article demandé est disponible', 'Bonjour <<borrowers.firstname>> <<borrowers.surname>> (<<borrowers.cardnumber>>),\r\n\r\nL\'article de <<biblio.title>> (<<items.barcode>>) que vous avez demandé est maintenant disponible.\r\n\r\nArticle demandé :\r\nTitre : <<article_requests.title>>\r\nAuteur : <<article_requests.author>>\r\nVolume : <<article_requests.volume>>\r\nNuméro : <<article_requests.issue>>\r\nDate : <<article_requests.date>>\r\nPages : <<article_requests.pages>>\r\nChapitres : <<article_requests.chapters>>\r\nNotes : <<article_requests.patron_notes>>\r\nFormat: [% IF article_request.format == \'PHOTOCOPY\' %]Copy[% ELSIF article_request.format == \'SCAN\' %]Scan[% END %]\r\n\r\n[% IF article_request.format == \'PHOTOCOPY\' %]Vous pouvez venir chercher votre article à [% branch.branchname %].[% ELSIF article_request.format == \'SCAN\' %]You can download the scanned materials via the following url(s): [% article_request.urls %].[% END %]\r\n\r\nMerci.', 'email'),
('circulation', 'AR_PENDING', '', 'Demande d\'article - en attente', 0, 'Demande d\'article reçue', 'Bonjour <<borrowers.firstname>> <<borrowers.surname>> (<<borrowers.cardnumber>>)\r\n\r\nNous avons bien reçu votre demande d\'article de <<biblio.title>> (<<items.barcode>>).\r\n\r\nArticle demandé :\r\nTitre : <<article_requests.title>>\r\nAuteur : <<article_requests.author>>\r\nVolume : <<article_requests.volume>>\r\nNuméro : <<article_requests.issue>>\r\nDate : <<article_requests.date>>\r\nPages : <<article_requests.pages>>\r\nChapitres : <<article_requests.chapters>>\r\nNotes : <<article_requests.patron_notes>>\r\nFormat: [% IF article_request.format == \'PHOTOCOPY\' %]Copy[% ELSIF article_request.format == \'SCAN\' %]Scan[% END %]\r\n\r\n\r\nMerci.', 'email'),
('circulation', 'AR_SLIP', '', 'Demande d\'article - ticket', 0, 'Demande d\'article', 'Demande d\'article :\r\n\r\n<<borrowers.firstname>> <<borrowers.surname>> (<<borrowers.cardnumber>>),\r\n\r\nTitre : <<biblio.title>>\r\nCode-barres : <<items.barcode>>\r\n\r\nArticle demandé :\r\nTitre : <<article_requests.title>>\r\nAuteur : <<article_requests.author>>\r\nVolume : <<article_requests.volume>>\r\nNuméro : <<article_requests.issue>>\r\nDate : <<article_requests.date>>\r\nPages : <<article_requests.pages>>\r\nChapitres : <<article_requests.chapters>>\r\nNotes : <<article_requests.patron_notes>>\r\nFormat: [% IF article_request.format == \'PHOTOCOPY\' %]Copy[% ELSIF article_request.format == \'SCAN\' %]Scan[% END %]\r\n', 'print'),
('circulation', 'AR_PROCESSING', '', 'Demande d\'article - en traitement', 0, 'Demande d\'article en traitement', 'Bonjour <<borrowers.firstname>> <<borrowers.surname>> (<<borrowers.cardnumber>>),\r\n\r\nNous traitons votre demande d\'article de <<biblio.title>> (<<items.barcode>>).\r\n\r\nArticle demandé :\r\nTitre : <<article_requests.title>>\r\nAuteur : <<article_requests.author>>\r\nVolume : <<article_requests.volume>>\r\nNuméro : <<article_requests.issue>>\r\nDate : <<article_requests.date>>\r\nPages : <<article_requests.pages>>\r\nChapitres : <<article_requests.chapters>>\r\nNotes : <<article_requests.patron_notes>>\r\nFormat: [% IF article_request.format == \'PHOTOCOPY\' %]Copy[% ELSIF article_request.format == \'SCAN\' %]Scan[% END %]\r\n\r\nMerci.', 'email'),
('circulation', 'CHECKOUT_NOTE', '', 'Notes d\'un utilisateur sur les documents en prêt', '0', 'Notes sur les documents en prêts', '<<borrowers.firstname>> <<borrowers.surname>> a ajouté une note sur un exemplaire de <<biblio.title>> - <<biblio.author>> (<<biblio.biblionumber>>).','email');
INSERT INTO `letter` (module, code, branchcode, name, is_html, title, content, message_transport_type)
VALUES ('members','PASSWORD_RESET','','Récupération de mot de passe en ligne',1,'Récupération de mot de passe','<html>\r\n<p>Ce courriel vous a été envoyé suite à une demande de récupération de mot de passe pour le compte de <strong><<user>></strong>.\r\n</p>\r\n<p>\r\nVous pouvez créer un nouveau mot de passe en cliquant le lien suivant :\r\n<br/><a href=\"<<passwordreseturl>>\"><<passwordreseturl>></a>\r\n</p>\r\n<p>Ce lien sera valide pour 2 jours après la réception de ce courriel. Si vous ne changez pas votre mot de passe d\'ici deux jours, vous devrez faire une nouvelle demande de récuération de mot de passe..</p>\r\n<p>Merci.</p>\r\n</html>\r\n','email'),
('members','MEMBERSHIP_EXPIRY','','Expiration du compte',0,'Expitation prochaine de votre abonnement à la bibliothèque','Bonjour <<borrowers.title>> <<borrowers.firstname>> <<borrowers.surname>>,.\r\n\r\nVotre carte de bibliothèque expirera prochainement, le :\r\n\r\n<<borrowers.dateexpiry>>\r\n\r\nMerci,\r\n\r\nVotre bibliothèque\r\n\r\n<<branches.branchname>>','email');
INSERT INTO `letter` (`module`, `code`, `branchcode`, `name`, `is_html`, `title`, `content`, `message_transport_type`, `lang`) VALUES
('circulation', 'ACCOUNT_PAYMENT', '', 'Paiement', 0, 'Paiement', '[%- USE Price -%]\r\nVous avez fait un paiement de [% credit.amount * -1 | $Price %].\r\n\r\nLes frais suivants ont été acquittés :\r\n[%- FOREACH o IN offsets %]\r\nDescription : [% o.debit.description %]\r\nMontant payé : [% o.amount * -1 | $Price %]\r\nMontant en souffrance : [% o.debit.amountoutstanding | $Price %]\r\n[% END %]', 'email', 'default'),
('circulation', 'ACCOUNT_WRITEOFF', '', 'Amnistie', 0, 'Amnistie', '[%- USE Price -%]\r\nNous avons accordé une amnistie de [% credit.amount * -1 | $Price %] à votre compte.\r\n\r\nLes frais suivants ont été amnistiés :\r\n[%- FOREACH o IN offsets %]\r\nDescription: [% o.debit.description %]\r\nMontant payé : [% o.amount * -1 | $Price %]\r\nMontant en souffrance : [% o.debit.amountoutstanding | $Price %]\r\n[% END %]', 'email', 'default');
INSERT INTO `letter` (`module`, `code`, `branchcode`, `name`, `is_html`, `title`, `content`, `message_transport_type`, `lang`) VALUES
('circulation', 'ACCOUNT_CREDIT', '', 'Confirmation de paiement', 0, 'Confirmation de paiement', '[% USE Price %]
[% PROCESS \"accounts.inc\" %]
[% IF ( LibraryName ) %]
<th colspan=\"5\" class=\"centerednames\">
<h3>[% LibraryName | html %]</h3>
[% END %]
<th colspan=\"5\" class=\"centerednames\">
<h2><u>Fee receipt</u></h2>
<th colspan=\"5\" class=\"centerednames\">
<h2>[% Branches.GetName( credit.patron.branchcode ) | html %]</h2>
<th colspan=\"5\">
Received with thanks from [% credit.patron.firstname | html %] [% credit.patron.surname | html %] <br />
Card number: [% credit.patron.cardnumber | html %]<br />
<th>Description of charges</th>
<tr class=\"highlight\">
<td>[% credit.date | $KohaDates %]</td>
<td>[% credit.timestamp | $KohaDates with_hours = 1 %]</td>
[% PROCESS account_type_description account=credit %]
[%- IF credit.description %], [% credit.description | html %][% END %]
<td>[% credit.note | html %]</td>
<td class=\"credit\">[% credit.amount | $Price %]</td>
[% IF ( tendered ) %]
<td colspan=\"3\">Amount tendered: </td>
<td>[% tendered | $Price %]</td>
<td colspan=\"3\">Change given: </td>
<td>[% change | $Price %]</td>
[% END %]
<td colspan=\"4\">Total outstanding dues as on date: </td>
[% IF ( credit.patron.account.balance >= 0 ) %]<td class=\"credit\">[% ELSE %]<td class=\"debit\">[% END %][% credit.patron.account.balance | $Price %]</td>
</table>', 'print', 'default');
INSERT IGNORE INTO `letter` (`module`, `code`, `branchcode`, `name`, `is_html`, `title`, `content`, `message_transport_type`, `lang`) VALUES
('circulation', 'ACCOUNT_DEBIT', '', 'Account fee', 0, 'Account fee', '[% USE Price %]
[% PROCESS \"accounts.inc\" %]
[% IF ( LibraryName ) %]
<th colspan=\"6\" class=\"centerednames\">
<h3>[% LibraryName | html %]</h3>
[% END %]
<th colspan=\"6\" class=\"centerednames\">
<th colspan=\"6\" class=\"centerednames\">
<h2>[% Branches.GetName( debit.patron.branchcode ) | html %]</h2>
<th colspan=\"6\" >
Bill to: [% debit.patron.firstname | html %] [% debit.patron.surname | html %] <br />
Card number: [% debit.patron.cardnumber | html %]<br />
<th>Description of charges</th>
<th style=\"text-align:right;\">Amount</th>
<th style=\"text-align:right;\">Amount outstanding</th>
<tr class=\"highlight\">
<td>[% debit.date | $KohaDates%]</td>
<td>[% debit.timestamp | $KohaDates with_hours = 1 %]</td>
[% PROCESS account_type_description account=debit %]
[%- IF debit.description %], [% debit.description | html %][% END %]
<td>[% debit.note | html %]</td>
<td class=\"debit\">[% debit.amount | $Price %]</td>
<td class=\"debit\">[% debit.amountoutstanding | $Price %]</td>
<td colspan=\"5\">Total outstanding dues as on date: </td>
[% IF ( debit.patron.account.balance <= 0 ) %]<td class=\"credit\">[% ELSE %]<td class=\"debit\">[% END %][% debit.patron.account.balance | $Price %]</td>
</table>', 'print', 'default');
INSERT INTO `letter` (`module`, `code`, `branchcode`, `name`, `is_html`, `title`, `content`, `message_transport_type`) VALUES
('circulation', 'SR_SLIP', '', 'Ticket de rotation automatique d\'exemplaires', 0, 'Rapport de rotation automatique d\'exemplaires', 'Rapport de rotation automatique d\'exemplaires pour [% branch.name %]:\r\n\r\n[% IF branch.items.size %][% branch.items.size %] exemplaires de cette bibliothèque à traiter.\r\n[% ELSE %]Aucun exemplaire de cette bibliothèque à traiter\r\n[% END %][% FOREACH item IN branch.items %][% IF item.reason != \'in-demand\' %]Titre : [% item.title %]\r\nAuteur : [% item.author %]\r\nCote : [% item.callnumber %]\r\nLocalisation : [% item.location %]\r\nCode-barres: [% item.barcode %]\r\nEn prêt? : [% item.onloan %]\r\nStatut : [% item.reason %]\r\nBibliothèque dépositaire : [% item.branch.branchname %] [% item.branch.branchcode %]\r\n\r\n[% END %][% END %]', 'email');
INSERT IGNORE INTO `letter` (`module`, `code`, `branchcode`, `name`, `is_html`, `title`, `content`, `message_transport_type`, `lang`) VALUES
('pos', 'RECEIPT', '', 'Point of sale receipt', 0, 'Receipt', '[% PROCESS "accounts.inc" %]
[% IF ( LibraryName ) %]
<th colspan="2" class="centerednames">
<h3>[% LibraryName | html %]</h3>
[% END %]
<th colspan="2" class="centerednames">
<h2>[% Branches.GetName( payment.branchcode ) | html %]</h2>
<th colspan="2" class="centerednames">
<h3>[% payment.date | $KohaDates %]</h3>
<td>Transaction ID: </td>
<td>[% payment.accountlines_id %]</td>
<td>Operator ID: </td>
<td>[% payment.manager_id %]</td>
<td>Payment type: </td>
<td>[% payment.payment_type %]</td>
<th colspan="2" class="centerednames">
<h2><u>Fee receipt</u></h2>
<th>Description of charges</th>
[% FOREACH offset IN offsets %]
<td>[% PROCESS account_type_description account=offset.debit %]</td>
<td>[% offset.amount * -1 | $Price %]</td>
[% END %]
<tr class="highlight">
<td>Total: </td>
<td>[% payment.amount * -1| $Price %]</td>
<td>Tendered: </td>
<td>[% collected | $Price %]</td>
<td>Change: </td>
<td>[% change | $Price %]</td>
</table>', 'print', 'default');
INSERT INTO letter (module, code, name, title, content, message_transport_type) VALUES ('circulation', 'AUTO_RENEWALS', 'Notification of automatic renewal', 'Automatic renewal notice',
"Dear [% borrower.firstname %] [% borrower.surname %],
[% IF checkout.auto_renew_error %]
The following item, [% biblio.title %], has not been renewed because:
[% IF checkout.auto_renew_error == 'too_many' %]
You have reached the maximum number of checkouts possible.
[% ELSIF checkout.auto_renew_error == 'on_reserve' %]
This item is on hold for another patron.
[% ELSIF checkout.auto_renew_error == 'restriction' %]
You are currently restricted.
[% ELSIF checkout.auto_renew_error == 'overdue' %]
You have overdue items.
[% ELSIF checkout.auto_renew_error == 'auto_too_late' %]
It\'s too late to renew this item.
[% ELSIF checkout.auto_renew_error == 'auto_too_much_oweing' %]
Your total unpaid fines are too high.
[% ELSIF checkout.auto_renew_error == 'too_unseen' %]
This item must be renewed at the library.
[% END %]
[% ELSE %]
The following item, [% biblio.title %], has correctly been renewed and is now due on [% checkout.date_due | $KohaDates as_due_date => 1 %]
[% END %]", 'email');
INSERT IGNORE INTO letter(module, code, branchcode, name, is_html, title, content, message_transport_type, lang) VALUES ('ill', 'ILL_PICKUP_READY', '', 'ILL request ready for pickup', 0, "Interlibrary loan request ready for pickup", "Dear [% borrower.firstname %] [% borrower.surname %],\n\nThe Interlibrary loans request number [% illrequest.illrequest_id %] you placed for:\n\n- [% ill_bib_title %] - [% ill_bib_author %]\n\nis ready for pick up from [% branch.branchname %].\n\nKind Regards\n\n[% branch.branchname %]\n[% branch.branchaddress1 %]\n[% branch.branchaddress2 %]\n[% branch.branchaddress3 %]\n[% branch.branchcity %]\n[% branch.branchstate %]\n[% branch.branchzip %]\n[% branch.branchphone %]\n[% branch.branchillemail %]\n[% branch.branchemail %]", 'email', 'default');
INSERT IGNORE INTO letter(module, code, branchcode, name, is_html, title, content, message_transport_type, lang) VALUES ('ill', 'ILL_REQUEST_UNAVAIL', '', 'ILL request unavailable', 0, "Interlibrary loan request unavailable", "Dear [% borrower.firstname %] [% borrower.surname %],\n\nThe Interlibrary loans request number [% illrequest.illrequest_id %] you placed for\n\n- [% ill_bib_title %] - [% ill_bib_author %]\n\nis unfortunately unavailable.\n\nKind Regards\n\n[% branch.branchname %]\n[% branch.branchaddress1 %]\n[% branch.branchaddress2 %]\n[% branch.branchaddress3 %]\n[% branch.branchcity %]\n[% branch.branchstate %]\n[% branch.branchzip %]\n[% branch.branchphone %]\n[% branch.branchillemail %]\n[% branch.branchemail %]", 'email', 'default');
INSERT IGNORE INTO letter(module, code, branchcode, name, is_html, title, content, message_transport_type, lang) VALUES ('ill', 'ILL_REQUEST_CANCEL', '', 'ILL request cancelled', 0, "Interlibrary loan request cancelled", "The patron for interlibrary loans request [% illrequest.illrequest_id %], with the following details, has requested cancellation of this ILL request:\n\n[% ill_full_metadata %]", 'email', 'default');
INSERT IGNORE INTO letter(module, code, branchcode, name, is_html, title, content, message_transport_type, lang) VALUES ('ill', 'ILL_REQUEST_MODIFIED', '', 'ILL request modified', 0, "Interlibrary loan request modified", "The patron for interlibrary loans request [% illrequest.illrequest_id %], with the following details, has modified this ILL request:\n\n[% ill_full_metadata %]", 'email', 'default');
INSERT IGNORE INTO letter(module, code, branchcode, name, is_html, title, content, message_transport_type, lang) VALUES ('ill', 'ILL_PARTNER_REQ', '', 'ILL request to partners', 0, "Interlibrary loan request to partners", "Dear Sir/Madam,\n\nWe would like to request an interlibrary loan for a title matching the following description:\n\n[% ill_full_metadata %]\n\nPlease let us know if you are able to supply this to us.\n\nKind Regards\n\n[% branch.branchname %]\n[% branch.branchaddress1 %]\n[% branch.branchaddress2 %]\n[% branch.branchaddress3 %]\n[% branch.branchcity %]\n[% branch.branchstate %]\n[% branch.branchzip %]\n[% branch.branchphone %]\n[% branch.branchillemail %]\n[% branch.branchemail %]", 'email', 'default');
INSERT IGNORE INTO letter(module, code, branchcode, name, is_html, title, content, message_transport_type, lang) VALUES ('ill', 'ILL_PICKUP_READY', '', 'ILL request ready for pickup', 0, "Interlibrary loan request ready for pickup", "Dear [% borrower.firstname %] [% borrower.surname %],\n\nThe Interlibrary loans request number [% illrequest.illrequest_id %] you placed for:\n\n- [% ill_bib_title %] - [% ill_bib_author %]\n\nis ready for pick up from [% branch.branchname %].\n\nKind Regards\n\n[% branch.branchname %]\n[% branch.branchaddress1 %]\n[% branch.branchaddress2 %]\n[% branch.branchaddress3 %]\n[% branch.branchcity %]\n[% branch.branchstate %]\n[% branch.branchzip %]\n[% branch.branchphone %]\n[% branch.branchillemail %]\n[% branch.branchemail %]", 'sms', 'default');
INSERT IGNORE INTO letter(module, code, branchcode, name, is_html, title, content, message_transport_type, lang) VALUES ('ill', 'ILL_REQUEST_UNAVAIL', '', 'ILL request unavailable', 0, "Interlibrary loan request unavailable", "Dear [% borrower.firstname %] [% borrower.surname %],\n\nThe Interlibrary loans request number [% illrequest.illrequest_id %] you placed for\n\n- [% ill_bib_title %] - [% ill_bib_author %]\n\nis unfortunately unavailable.\n\nKind Regards\n\n[% branch.branchname %]\n[% branch.branchaddress1 %]\n[% branch.branchaddress2 %]\n[% branch.branchaddress3 %]\n[% branch.branchcity %]\n[% branch.branchstate %]\n[% branch.branchzip %]\n[% branch.branchphone %]\n[% branch.branchillemail %]\n[% branch.branchemail %]", 'sms', 'default');
INSERT IGNORE INTO letter(module, code, branchcode, name, is_html, title, content, message_transport_type, lang) VALUES ('ill', 'ILL_REQUEST_CANCEL', '', 'ILL request cancelled', 0, "Interlibrary loan request cancelled", "The patron for interlibrary loans request [% illrequest.illrequest_id %], with the following details, has requested cancellation of this ILL request:\n\n[% ill_full_metadata %]", 'sms', 'default');
INSERT IGNORE INTO letter(module, code, branchcode, name, is_html, title, content, message_transport_type, lang) VALUES ('ill', 'ILL_REQUEST_MODIFIED', '', 'ILL request modified', 0, "Interlibrary loan request modified", "The patron for interlibrary loans request [% illrequest.illrequest_id %], with the following details, has modified this ILL request:\n\n[% ill_full_metadata %]", 'sms', 'default');
INSERT IGNORE INTO letter(module, code, branchcode, name, is_html, title, content, message_transport_type, lang) VALUES ('ill', 'ILL_PARTNER_REQ', '', 'ILL request to partners', 0, "Interlibrary loan request to partners", "Dear Sir/Madam,\n\nWe would like to request an interlibrary loan for a title matching the following description:\n\n[% ill_full_metadata %]\n\nPlease let us know if you are able to supply this to us.\n\nKind Regards\n\n[% branch.branchname %]\n[% branch.branchaddress1 %]\n[% branch.branchaddress2 %]\n[% branch.branchaddress3 %]\n[% branch.branchcity %]\n[% branch.branchstate %]\n[% branch.branchzip %]\n[% branch.branchphone %]\n[% branch.branchillemail %]\n[% branch.branchemail %]", 'sms', 'default');
INSERT IGNORE INTO letter (module, code, name, title, content, message_transport_type) VALUES ('circulation', 'AUTO_RENEWALS_DGST', 'Notification on auto renewals', 'Auto renewals (Digest)',
"Dear [% borrower.firstname %] [% borrower.surname %],
[% IF error %]
There were [% error %] items that were not renewed.
[% END %]
[% IF success %]
There were [% success %] items that were renewed.
[% END %]
[% FOREACH checkout IN checkouts %]
[% checkout.item.biblio.title %] : [% checkout.item.barcode %]
[% IF !checkout.auto_renew_error %]
was renewed until [% checkout.date_due | $KohaDates as_due_date => 1%]
[% ELSIF checkout.auto_renew_error == 'too_many' %]
You have reached the maximum number of checkouts possible.
[% ELSIF checkout.auto_renew_error == 'on_reserve' %]
This item is on hold for another patron.
[% ELSIF checkout.auto_renew_error == 'restriction' %]
You are currently restricted.
[% ELSIF checkout.auto_renew_error == 'overdue' %]
You have overdue items.
[% ELSIF checkout.auto_renew_error == 'auto_too_late' %]
It's too late to renew this item.
[% ELSIF checkout.auto_renew_error == 'auto_too_much_oweing' %]
Your total unpaid fines are too high.
[% ELSIF checkout.auto_renew_error == 'too_unseen' %]
This item must be renewed at the library.
[% END %]
[% END %]
", 'email');
@ -1 +0,0 @@
Exemples de lettres de notifications et de messages de courtoisie.
@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
INSERT INTO subscription_numberpatterns
(label, displayorder, description, numberingmethod,
label1, add1, every1, whenmorethan1, setto1, numbering1,
label2, add2, every2, whenmorethan2, setto2, numbering2,
label3, add3, every3, whenmorethan3, setto3, numbering3)
('Numéro', 1, 'Numérotation simple', 'No.{X}',
'Numéro', 1, 1, 99999, 1, NULL,
('Volume, Numéro, Fascicule', 2, 'Volume Numéro Fascicule 1', 'Vol.{X}, No.{Y}, Fasc.{Z}',
'Volume', 1, 48, 99999, 1, NULL,
'Numéro', 1, 4, 12, 1, NULL,
'Fascicule', 1, 1, 4, 1, NULL),
('Volume, Numéro', 3, 'Volume Numéro 1', 'Vol.{X}, No.{Y}',
'Volume', 1, 12, 99999, 1, NULL,
'Numéro', 1, 1, 12, 1, NULL,
('Saisonnier', 4, 'Saison Année', '{X} {Y}',
'Saison', 1, 1, 3, 0, 'season',
'Year', 1, 4, 99999, 1, NULL,
@ -1 +0,0 @@
Exemples de modèles de numérotation pour le module périodiques.
Reference in a new issue