Bug 38818: Unit tests
Add unit tests for the updated mock module Sponsored-by: PTFS Europe <https://ptfs-europe.com> Signed-off-by: Kyle M Hall <kyle@bywatersolutions.com> Signed-off-by: Katrin Fischer <katrin.fischer@bsz-bw.de>
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 176 additions and 0 deletions
Executable file
Executable file
@ -0,0 +1,176 @@
use Modern::Perl;
use Test::More tests => 10;
use Test::Warn;
# Module under test
use t::lib::Mocks::Logger;
use Koha::Logger;
# Test instantiation
my $logger;
subtest 'Constructor tests' => sub {
plan tests => 2;
$logger = t::lib::Mocks::Logger->new();
isa_ok( $logger, 't::lib::Mocks::Logger', 'Constructor returns expected object' );
$logger, qw(new diag debug_is error_is fatal_is info_is trace_is warn_is
debug_like error_like fatal_like info_like trace_like warn_like
count clear)
# Get a reference to the mocked logger
my $mocked_logger = Koha::Logger->get();
# Test logging at various log levels and verify that the messages are captured
subtest 'Basic logging tests' => sub {
plan tests => 1;
$mocked_logger->debug('Debug message');
$mocked_logger->info('Info message');
$mocked_logger->warn('Warning message');
$mocked_logger->error('Error message');
$mocked_logger->fatal('Fatal message');
$mocked_logger->trace('Trace message');
is( $logger->count, 6, 'All 6 log messages were captured' );
# Test exact message matching methods
subtest 'Exact message matching' => sub {
plan tests => 6;
$mocked_logger->debug('Debug message');
$mocked_logger->info('Info message');
$mocked_logger->warn('Warning message');
$mocked_logger->error('Error message');
$mocked_logger->fatal('Fatal message');
$mocked_logger->trace('Trace message');
$logger->debug_is( 'Debug message', 'Debug message matched exactly' );
$logger->info_is( 'Info message', 'Info message matched exactly' );
$logger->warn_is( 'Warning message', 'Warning message matched exactly' );
$logger->error_is( 'Error message', 'Error message matched exactly' );
$logger->fatal_is( 'Fatal message', 'Fatal message matched exactly' );
$logger->trace_is( 'Trace message', 'Trace message matched exactly' );
# Test regex message matching methods
subtest 'Regex message matching' => sub {
plan tests => 6;
$mocked_logger->debug('Debug message 123');
$mocked_logger->info('Info message 456');
$mocked_logger->warn('Warning message 789');
$mocked_logger->error('Error message abc');
$mocked_logger->fatal('Fatal message def');
$mocked_logger->trace('Trace message ghi');
$logger->debug_like( qr/Debug.*123/, 'Debug message matched regex' );
$logger->info_like( qr/Info.*456/, 'Info message matched regex' );
$logger->warn_like( qr/Warning.*789/, 'Warning message matched regex' );
$logger->error_like( qr/Error.*abc/, 'Error message matched regex' );
$logger->fatal_like( qr/Fatal.*def/, 'Fatal message matched regex' );
$logger->trace_like( qr/Trace.*ghi/, 'Trace message matched regex' );
# Test count method
subtest 'Count method tests' => sub {
plan tests => 7;
is( $logger->count, 0, 'Count is 0 after clear' );
$mocked_logger->debug('Debug message');
is( $logger->count, 1, 'Count is 1 after one message' );
is( $logger->count('debug'), 1, 'Debug count is 1' );
is( $logger->count('error'), 0, 'Error count is 0' );
$mocked_logger->error('Error message');
is( $logger->count, 2, 'Count is 2 after two messages' );
is( $logger->count('debug'), 1, 'Debug count is still 1' );
is( $logger->count('error'), 1, 'Error count is now 1' );
# Test clear method
subtest 'Clear method tests' => sub {
plan tests => 3;
$mocked_logger->debug('Debug message');
$mocked_logger->error('Error message');
is( $logger->count, 2, 'Count is 2 before clear' );
is( $logger->count('debug'), 0, 'Debug count is 0 after specific clear' );
is( $logger->count('error'), 1, 'Error count is still 1 after specific clear' );
# Test method chaining
subtest 'Method chaining tests' => sub {
plan tests => 4;
$mocked_logger->debug('Debug message 1');
$mocked_logger->debug('Debug message 2');
$mocked_logger->error('Error message');
my $result =
$logger->debug_is( 'Debug message 1', 'First debug message matched' )
->debug_is( 'Debug message 2', 'Second debug message matched' )
->error_is( 'Error message', 'Error message matched' );
isa_ok( $result, 't::lib::Mocks::Logger', 'Method chaining returns the logger object' );
# Test diag method (output capture is complex, just verify it runs)
subtest 'Diag method test' => sub {
plan tests => 1;
$mocked_logger->debug('Debug message');
# Just make sure it doesn't throw an exception
eval { $logger->diag(); };
is( $@, '', 'diag() method executed without errors' );
# Test handling of empty log buffers
subtest 'Empty log buffer handling' => sub {
plan tests => 6;
$logger->debug_is( '', 'Empty string returned when no debug messages' );
$logger->info_is( '', 'Empty string returned when no info messages' );
$logger->warn_is( '', 'Empty string returned when no warn messages' );
$logger->error_is( '', 'Empty string returned when no error messages' );
$logger->fatal_is( '', 'Empty string returned when no fatal messages' );
$logger->trace_is( '', 'Empty string returned when no trace messages' );
# Test multiple messages at the same level
subtest 'Multiple messages at same level' => sub {
plan tests => 5;
$mocked_logger->debug('Debug message 1');
$mocked_logger->debug('Debug message 2');
$mocked_logger->debug('Debug message 3');
is( $logger->count('debug'), 3, 'Three debug messages recorded' );
$logger->debug_is( 'Debug message 1', 'First debug message matched' );
$logger->debug_is( 'Debug message 2', 'Second debug message matched' );
$logger->debug_is( 'Debug message 3', 'Third debug message matched' );
is( $logger->count('debug'), 0, 'All debug messages consumed' );
Reference in a new issue