
Signed-off-by: Chris Cormack <>
This commit is contained in:
Chris Cormack 2007-08-03 16:35:14 -05:00
parent 00005d08c8
commit 852b7d5274

View file

@ -24,12 +24,14 @@ require Exporter;
use C4::Context;
use C4::Stats;
use C4::Members;
#use C4::Circulation;
use vars qw($VERSION @ISA @EXPORT);
# set the version for version checking
$VERSION = do { my @v = '$Revision$' =~ /\d+/g;
shift(@v) . "." . join("_", map {sprintf "%03d", $_ } @v); };
$VERSION = do { my @v = '$Revision$' =~ /\d+/g;
shift(@v) . "." . join( "_", map { sprintf "%03d", $_ } @v );
=head1 NAME
@ -49,10 +51,9 @@ patron.
@ISA = qw(Exporter);
@ISA = qw(Exporter);
@EXPORT = qw(&recordpayment &fixaccounts &makepayment &manualinvoice
&getnextacctno &reconcileaccount);
&getnextacctno &reconcileaccount);
=head2 recordpayment
@ -70,49 +71,64 @@ will be credited to the next one.
sub recordpayment{
#here we update both the accountoffsets and the account lines
my ($borrowernumber,$data)=@_;
my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh;
my $newamtos = 0;
my $accdata = "";
my $branch=C4::Context->userenv->{'branch'};
my $amountleft = $data;
# begin transaction
my $nextaccntno = getnextacctno($borrowernumber);
# get lines with outstanding amounts to offset
my $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT * FROM accountlines
sub recordpayment {
#here we update both the accountoffsets and the account lines
my ( $borrowernumber, $data ) = @_;
my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh;
my $newamtos = 0;
my $accdata = "";
my $branch = C4::Context->userenv->{'branch'};
my $amountleft = $data;
# begin transaction
my $nextaccntno = getnextacctno($borrowernumber);
# get lines with outstanding amounts to offset
my $sth = $dbh->prepare(
"SELECT * FROM accountlines
WHERE (borrowernumber = ?) AND (amountoutstanding<>0)
ORDER BY date");
# offset transactions
while (($accdata=$sth->fetchrow_hashref) and ($amountleft>0)){
if ($accdata->{'amountoutstanding'} < $amountleft) {
$newamtos = 0;
$amountleft -= $accdata->{'amountoutstanding'};
} else {
$newamtos = $accdata->{'amountoutstanding'} - $amountleft;
$amountleft = 0;
my $thisacct = $accdata->{accountno};
my $usth = $dbh->prepare("UPDATE accountlines SET amountoutstanding= ?
WHERE (borrowernumber = ?) AND (accountno=?)");
$usth = $dbh->prepare("INSERT INTO accountoffsets
ORDER BY date"
# offset transactions
while ( ( $accdata = $sth->fetchrow_hashref ) and ( $amountleft > 0 ) ) {
if ( $accdata->{'amountoutstanding'} < $amountleft ) {
$newamtos = 0;
$amountleft -= $accdata->{'amountoutstanding'};
else {
$newamtos = $accdata->{'amountoutstanding'} - $amountleft;
$amountleft = 0;
my $thisacct = $accdata->{accountno};
my $usth = $dbh->prepare(
"UPDATE accountlines SET amountoutstanding= ?
WHERE (borrowernumber = ?) AND (accountno=?)"
$usth->execute( $newamtos, $borrowernumber, $thisacct );
$usth = $dbh->prepare(
"INSERT INTO accountoffsets
(borrowernumber, accountno, offsetaccount, offsetamount)
VALUES (?,?,?,?)");
# create new line
my $usth = $dbh->prepare("INSERT INTO accountlines
VALUES (?,?,?,?)"
$usth->execute( $borrowernumber, $accdata->{'accountno'},
$nextaccntno, $newamtos );
# create new line
my $usth = $dbh->prepare(
"INSERT INTO accountlines
(borrowernumber, accountno,date,amount,description,accounttype,amountoutstanding)
VALUES (?,?,now(),?,'Payment,thanks','Pay',?)");
VALUES (?,?,now(),?,'Payment,thanks','Pay',?)"
$usth->execute( $borrowernumber, $nextaccntno, 0 - $data, 0 - $amountleft );
UpdateStats( $branch, 'payment', $data, '', '', '', $borrowernumber );
=head2 makepayment
@ -133,53 +149,61 @@ was made.
# FIXME - I'm not at all sure about the above, because I don't
# understand what the acct* tables in the Koha database are for.
sub makepayment{
#here we update both the accountoffsets and the account lines
#updated to check, if they are paying off a lost item, we return the item
# from their card, and put a note on the item record
my ($borrowernumber,$accountno,$amount,$user,$branch)=@_;
my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh;
# begin transaction
my $nextaccntno = getnextacctno($borrowernumber);
my $newamtos=0;
my $sth=$dbh->prepare("SELECT * FROM accountlines WHERE borrowernumber=? AND accountno=?");
my $data=$sth->fetchrow_hashref;
sub makepayment {
$dbh->do("UPDATE accountlines
#here we update both the accountoffsets and the account lines
#updated to check, if they are paying off a lost item, we return the item
# from their card, and put a note on the item record
my ( $borrowernumber, $accountno, $amount, $user, $branch ) = @_;
my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh;
# begin transaction
my $nextaccntno = getnextacctno($borrowernumber);
my $newamtos = 0;
my $sth =
"SELECT * FROM accountlines WHERE borrowernumber=? AND accountno=?");
$sth->execute( $borrowernumber, $accountno );
my $data = $sth->fetchrow_hashref;
"UPDATE accountlines
SET amountoutstanding = 0
WHERE borrowernumber = $borrowernumber
AND accountno = $accountno
# print $updquery;
# print $updquery;
$dbh->do( "
INSERT INTO accountoffsets
(borrowernumber, accountno, offsetaccount,
VALUES ($borrowernumber, $accountno, $nextaccntno, $newamtos)
" );
# create new line
my $payment=0-$amount;
# create new line
my $payment = 0 - $amount;
$dbh->do( "
INSERT INTO accountlines
(borrowernumber, accountno, date, amount,
description, accounttype, amountoutstanding)
VALUES ($borrowernumber, $nextaccntno, now(), $payment,
'Payment,thanks - $user', 'Pay', 0)
" );
# FIXME - The second argument to &UpdateStats is supposed to be the
# branch code.
# UpdateStats is now being passed $accountno too. MTJ
#check to see what accounttype
if ($data->{'accounttype'} eq 'Rep' || $data->{'accounttype'} eq 'L'){
# FIXME - The second argument to &UpdateStats is supposed to be the
# branch code.
# UpdateStats is now being passed $accountno too. MTJ
UpdateStats( $user, 'payment', $amount, '', '', '', $borrowernumber,
$accountno );
#check to see what accounttype
if ( $data->{'accounttype'} eq 'Rep' || $data->{'accounttype'} eq 'L' ) {
returnlost( $borrowernumber, $data->{'itemnumber'} );
=head2 getnextacctno
@ -194,18 +218,20 @@ borrower number.
# FIXME - Okay, so what does the above actually _mean_?
sub getnextacctno {
my ($borrowernumber)=@_;
my $nextaccntno = 1;
my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh;
my $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT * FROM accountlines
my ($borrowernumber) = @_;
my $nextaccntno = 1;
my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh;
my $sth = $dbh->prepare(
"SELECT * FROM accountlines
WHERE (borrowernumber = ?)
ORDER BY accountno DESC");
if (my $accdata=$sth->fetchrow_hashref){
$nextaccntno = $accdata->{'accountno'} + 1;
ORDER BY accountno DESC"
if ( my $accdata = $sth->fetchrow_hashref ) {
$nextaccntno = $accdata->{'accountno'} + 1;
return ($nextaccntno);
=head2 fixaccounts
@ -217,41 +243,48 @@ sub getnextacctno {
# FIXME - I don't understand what this function does.
sub fixaccounts {
my ($borrowernumber,$accountno,$amount)=@_;
my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh;
my $sth=$dbh->prepare("SELECT * FROM accountlines WHERE borrowernumber=?
AND accountno=?");
my $data=$sth->fetchrow_hashref;
# FIXME - Error-checking
my $diff=$amount-$data->{'amount'};
my $outstanding=$data->{'amountoutstanding'}+$diff;
my ( $borrowernumber, $accountno, $amount ) = @_;
my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh;
my $sth = $dbh->prepare(
"SELECT * FROM accountlines WHERE borrowernumber=?
AND accountno=?"
$sth->execute( $borrowernumber, $accountno );
my $data = $sth->fetchrow_hashref;
# FIXME - Error-checking
my $diff = $amount - $data->{'amount'};
my $outstanding = $data->{'amountoutstanding'} + $diff;
UPDATE accountlines
SET amount = '$amount',
amountoutstanding = '$outstanding'
WHERE borrowernumber = $borrowernumber
AND accountno = $accountno
# FIXME - Never used, but not exported, either.
sub returnlost{
my ($borrowernumber,$itemnum)=@_;
my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh;
my $borrower=GetMember($borrowernumber,'borrowernumber');
my $sth=$dbh->prepare("UPDATE issues SET returndate=now() WHERE
borrowernumber=? AND itemnumber=? AND returndate IS NULL");
my @datearr = localtime(time);
my $date = (1900+$datearr[5])."-".($datearr[4]+1)."-".$datearr[3];
my $bor="$borrower->{'firstname'} $borrower->{'surname'} $borrower->{'cardnumber'}";
$sth=$dbh->prepare("UPDATE items SET paidfor=? WHERE itemnumber=?");
$sth->execute("Paid for by $bor $date",$itemnum);
sub returnlost {
my ( $borrowernumber, $itemnum ) = @_;
my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh;
my $borrower = GetMember( $borrowernumber, 'borrowernumber' );
my $sth = $dbh->prepare(
"UPDATE issues SET returndate=now() WHERE
borrowernumber=? AND itemnumber=? AND returndate IS NULL"
$sth->execute( $borrowernumber, $itemnum );
my @datearr = localtime(time);
my $date =
( 1900 + $datearr[5] ) . "-" . ( $datearr[4] + 1 ) . "-" . $datearr[3];
my $bor =
"$borrower->{'firstname'} $borrower->{'surname'} $borrower->{'cardnumber'}";
$sth = $dbh->prepare("UPDATE items SET paidfor=? WHERE itemnumber=?");
$sth->execute( "Paid for by $bor $date", $itemnum );
=head2 manualinvoice
@ -270,58 +303,76 @@ should be the empty string.
# FIXME - Okay, so what does this function do, really?
sub manualinvoice{
my ($borrowernumber,$itemnum,$desc,$type,$amount,$user)=@_;
my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh;
my $notifyid=0;
my $insert;
$itemnum=~ s/ //g;
my $accountno=getnextacctno($borrowernumber);
my $amountleft=$amount;
sub manualinvoice {
my ( $borrowernumber, $itemnum, $desc, $type, $amount, $user ) = @_;
my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh;
my $notifyid = 0;
my $insert;
$itemnum =~ s/ //g;
my $accountno = getnextacctno($borrowernumber);
my $amountleft = $amount;
if ($type eq 'CS' || $type eq 'CB' || $type eq 'CW'
|| $type eq 'CF' || $type eq 'CL'){
my $amount2=$amount*-1; # FIXME - $amount2 = -$amount
if ($type eq 'N'){
$desc.="New Card";
if ($type eq 'F'){
if ($type eq 'A'){
$desc.="Account Management fee";
if ($type eq 'M'){
if ($type eq 'L' && $desc eq ''){
$desc="Lost Item";
if ($type eq 'REF'){
$desc.="Cash Refund";
if(($type eq 'L') or ($type eq 'F') or ($type eq 'A') or ($type eq 'N') or ($type eq 'M') ){
if ($itemnum ne ''){
$desc.=" ".$itemnum;
my $sth=$dbh->prepare("INSERT INTO accountlines
if ( $type eq 'CS'
|| $type eq 'CB'
|| $type eq 'CW'
|| $type eq 'CF'
|| $type eq 'CL' )
my $amount2 = $amount * -1; # FIXME - $amount2 = -$amount
$amountleft =
fixcredit( $borrowernumber, $amount2, $itemnum, $type, $user );
if ( $type eq 'N' ) {
$desc .= "New Card";
if ( $type eq 'F' ) {
$desc .= "Fine";
if ( $type eq 'A' ) {
$desc .= "Account Management fee";
if ( $type eq 'M' ) {
$desc .= "Sundry";
if ( $type eq 'L' && $desc eq '' ) {
$desc = "Lost Item";
if ( $type eq 'REF' ) {
$desc .= "Cash Refund";
$amountleft = refund( '', $borrowernumber, $amount );
if ( ( $type eq 'L' )
or ( $type eq 'F' )
or ( $type eq 'A' )
or ( $type eq 'N' )
or ( $type eq 'M' ) )
$notifyid = 1;
if ( $itemnum ne '' ) {
$desc .= " " . $itemnum;
my $sth = $dbh->prepare(
"INSERT INTO accountlines
(borrowernumber, accountno, date, amount, description, accounttype, amountoutstanding, itemnumber,notify_id)
VALUES (?, ?, now(), ?,?, ?,?,?,?)");
VALUES (?, ?, now(), ?,?, ?,?,?,?)"
# $sth->execute($borrowernumber, $accountno, $amount, $desc, $type, $amountleft, $data->{'itemnumber'});
$sth->execute($borrowernumber, $accountno, $amount, $desc, $type, $amountleft, $itemnum,$notifyid);
} else {
my $sth=$dbh->prepare("INSERT INTO accountlines
$sth->execute( $borrowernumber, $accountno, $amount, $desc, $type,
$amountleft, $itemnum, $notifyid );
else {
my $sth = $dbh->prepare(
"INSERT INTO accountlines
(borrowernumber, accountno, date, amount, description, accounttype, amountoutstanding,notify_id)
VALUES (?, ?, now(), ?, ?, ?, ?,?)");
$sth->execute($borrowernumber, $accountno, $amount, $desc, $type, $amountleft,$notifyid);
VALUES (?, ?, now(), ?, ?, ?, ?,?)"
$sth->execute( $borrowernumber, $accountno, $amount, $desc, $type,
$amountleft, $notifyid );
=head2 fixcredit
@ -333,82 +384,103 @@ sub manualinvoice{
sub fixcredit{
#here we update both the accountoffsets and the account lines
my ($borrowernumber,$data,$barcode,$type,$user)=@_;
my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh;
my $newamtos = 0;
my $accdata = "";
my $amountleft = $data;
if ($barcode ne ''){
my $item=GetBiblioFromItemNumber('',$barcode);
my $nextaccntno = getnextacctno($borrowernumber);
my $query="SELECT * FROM accountlines WHERE (borrowernumber=?
sub fixcredit {
#here we update both the accountoffsets and the account lines
my ( $borrowernumber, $data, $barcode, $type, $user ) = @_;
my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh;
my $newamtos = 0;
my $accdata = "";
my $amountleft = $data;
if ( $barcode ne '' ) {
my $item = GetBiblioFromItemNumber( '', $barcode );
my $nextaccntno = getnextacctno($borrowernumber);
my $query = "SELECT * FROM accountlines WHERE (borrowernumber=?
AND itemnumber=? AND amountoutstanding > 0)";
if ($type eq 'CL'){
$query.=" AND (accounttype = 'L' OR accounttype = 'Rep')";
} elsif ($type eq 'CF'){
$query.=" AND (accounttype = 'F' OR accounttype = 'FU' OR
if ( $type eq 'CL' ) {
$query .= " AND (accounttype = 'L' OR accounttype = 'Rep')";
elsif ( $type eq 'CF' ) {
$query .= " AND (accounttype = 'F' OR accounttype = 'FU' OR
accounttype='Res' OR accounttype='Rent')";
} elsif ($type eq 'CB'){
$query.=" and accounttype='A'";
elsif ( $type eq 'CB' ) {
$query .= " and accounttype='A'";
# print $query;
my $sth = $dbh->prepare($query);
$sth->execute( $borrowernumber, $item->{'itemnumber'} );
$accdata = $sth->fetchrow_hashref;
if ( $accdata->{'amountoutstanding'} < $amountleft ) {
$newamtos = 0;
$amountleft -= $accdata->{'amountoutstanding'};
else {
$newamtos = $accdata->{'amountoutstanding'} - $amountleft;
$amountleft = 0;
my $thisacct = $accdata->{accountno};
my $usth = $dbh->prepare(
"UPDATE accountlines SET amountoutstanding= ?
WHERE (borrowernumber = ?) AND (accountno=?)"
$usth->execute( $newamtos, $borrowernumber, $thisacct );
$usth = $dbh->prepare(
"INSERT INTO accountoffsets
(borrowernumber, accountno, offsetaccount, offsetamount)
VALUES (?,?,?,?)"
$usth->execute( $borrowernumber, $accdata->{'accountno'},
$nextaccntno, $newamtos );
# print $query;
my $sth=$dbh->prepare($query);
if ($accdata->{'amountoutstanding'} < $amountleft) {
$newamtos = 0;
$amountleft -= $accdata->{'amountoutstanding'};
} else {
$newamtos = $accdata->{'amountoutstanding'} - $amountleft;
$amountleft = 0;
my $thisacct = $accdata->{accountno};
my $usth = $dbh->prepare("UPDATE accountlines SET amountoutstanding= ?
WHERE (borrowernumber = ?) AND (accountno=?)");
$usth = $dbh->prepare("INSERT INTO accountoffsets
(borrowernumber, accountno, offsetaccount, offsetamount)
VALUES (?,?,?,?)");
# begin transaction
my $nextaccntno = getnextacctno($borrowernumber);
# get lines with outstanding amounts to offset
my $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT * FROM accountlines
# begin transaction
my $nextaccntno = getnextacctno($borrowernumber);
# get lines with outstanding amounts to offset
my $sth = $dbh->prepare(
"SELECT * FROM accountlines
WHERE (borrowernumber = ?) AND (amountoutstanding >0)
ORDER BY date");
# print $query;
# offset transactions
while (($accdata=$sth->fetchrow_hashref) and ($amountleft>0)){
if ($accdata->{'amountoutstanding'} < $amountleft) {
$newamtos = 0;
$amountleft -= $accdata->{'amountoutstanding'};
} else {
$newamtos = $accdata->{'amountoutstanding'} - $amountleft;
$amountleft = 0;
my $thisacct = $accdata->{accountno};
my $usth = $dbh->prepare("UPDATE accountlines SET amountoutstanding= ?
WHERE (borrowernumber = ?) AND (accountno=?)");
$usth = $dbh->prepare("INSERT INTO accountoffsets
ORDER BY date"
# print $query;
# offset transactions
while ( ( $accdata = $sth->fetchrow_hashref ) and ( $amountleft > 0 ) ) {
if ( $accdata->{'amountoutstanding'} < $amountleft ) {
$newamtos = 0;
$amountleft -= $accdata->{'amountoutstanding'};
else {
$newamtos = $accdata->{'amountoutstanding'} - $amountleft;
$amountleft = 0;
my $thisacct = $accdata->{accountno};
my $usth = $dbh->prepare(
"UPDATE accountlines SET amountoutstanding= ?
WHERE (borrowernumber = ?) AND (accountno=?)"
$usth->execute( $newamtos, $borrowernumber, $thisacct );
$usth = $dbh->prepare(
"INSERT INTO accountoffsets
(borrowernumber, accountno, offsetaccount, offsetamount)
VALUE (?,?,?,?)");
$type="Credit ".$type;
VALUE (?,?,?,?)"
$usth->execute( $borrowernumber, $accdata->{'accountno'},
$nextaccntno, $newamtos );
$type = "Credit " . $type;
UpdateStats( $user, $type, $data, $user, '', '', $borrowernumber );
$amountleft *= -1;
return ($amountleft);
@ -418,49 +490,60 @@ sub fixcredit{
sub refund{
#here we update both the accountoffsets and the account lines
my ($borrowernumber,$data)=@_;
my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh;
my $newamtos = 0;
my $accdata = "";
my $amountleft = $data *-1;
sub refund {
# begin transaction
my $nextaccntno = getnextacctno($borrowernumber);
# get lines with outstanding amounts to offset
my $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT * FROM accountlines
#here we update both the accountoffsets and the account lines
my ( $borrowernumber, $data ) = @_;
my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh;
my $newamtos = 0;
my $accdata = "";
my $amountleft = $data * -1;
# begin transaction
my $nextaccntno = getnextacctno($borrowernumber);
# get lines with outstanding amounts to offset
my $sth = $dbh->prepare(
"SELECT * FROM accountlines
WHERE (borrowernumber = ?) AND (amountoutstanding<0)
ORDER BY date");
# print $amountleft;
# offset transactions
while (($accdata=$sth->fetchrow_hashref) and ($amountleft<0)){
if ($accdata->{'amountoutstanding'} > $amountleft) {
$newamtos = 0;
$amountleft -= $accdata->{'amountoutstanding'};
} else {
$newamtos = $accdata->{'amountoutstanding'} - $amountleft;
$amountleft = 0;
# print $amountleft;
my $thisacct = $accdata->{accountno};
my $usth = $dbh->prepare("UPDATE accountlines SET amountoutstanding= ?
WHERE (borrowernumber = ?) AND (accountno=?)");
$usth = $dbh->prepare("INSERT INTO accountoffsets
ORDER BY date"
# print $amountleft;
# offset transactions
while ( ( $accdata = $sth->fetchrow_hashref ) and ( $amountleft < 0 ) ) {
if ( $accdata->{'amountoutstanding'} > $amountleft ) {
$newamtos = 0;
$amountleft -= $accdata->{'amountoutstanding'};
else {
$newamtos = $accdata->{'amountoutstanding'} - $amountleft;
$amountleft = 0;
# print $amountleft;
my $thisacct = $accdata->{accountno};
my $usth = $dbh->prepare(
"UPDATE accountlines SET amountoutstanding= ?
WHERE (borrowernumber = ?) AND (accountno=?)"
$usth->execute( $newamtos, $borrowernumber, $thisacct );
$usth = $dbh->prepare(
"INSERT INTO accountoffsets
(borrowernumber, accountno, offsetaccount, offsetamount)
VALUES (?,?,?,?)");
VALUES (?,?,?,?)"
$usth->execute( $borrowernumber, $accdata->{'accountno'},
$nextaccntno, $newamtos );
return ($amountleft);
END { } # module clean-up code here (global destructor)
END { } # module clean-up code here (global destructor)