Bug 9634: Allow for combining same paraneters in SQL reports
This patch combines report paramters with the same name and data type (authorised value) This presereves the past ability to provide all parameters as 'sql_params' in order to preserve existing public report links To test: 1 - Create a report that takes multiple parameters, e.g.: SELECT <<cat>> AS one, <<dog|branches>> AS two, <<dog|YES_NO>> as three, <<cat>> as four, <<dog|branches>> as five 2 - Run this report, note you are asked for five parameters 3 - Apply patch 4 - Update database 5 - Run report, note you are asked for three params 6 - Verify the results reflect the supplied parameters 7 - Export the report and verify results 8 - Alter the URL and provide 5 params as sql_params and no param_name variables i.e. http://localhost:8081/cgi-bin/koha/reports/guided_reports.pl?reports=1&phase=Run+this+report&sql_params=Banana&sql_params=CPL&sql_params=0&sql_params=Orange&sql_params=LPL 9 - Verify results come out as expected. i.e. 5 different values that are those of the URL. Signed-off-by: Victor Grousset <victor.grousset@biblibre.com> Signed-off-by: Charles Farmer <charles.farmer@inLibro.com> Signed-off-by: Katrin Fischer <katrin.fischer.83@web.de> Signed-off-by: Jonathan Druart <jonathan.druart@bugs.koha-community.org>
This commit is contained in:
3 changed files with 19 additions and 5 deletions
@ -50,6 +50,7 @@
[% IF ( execute ) %]
[% BLOCK params %]
[%- FOREACH param IN sql_params %]&sql_params=[% param %][% END %]
[%- FOREACH param_name IN param_names %]&param_name=[% param_name %][% END %]
[%- END %]
@ -663,6 +663,7 @@ canned reports and writing custom SQL reports.</p>
<fieldset class="rows">
[% FOREACH sql_param IN sql_params %]
<input name="param_name" value="[% sql_param.name %]" type="hidden" />
[% IF sql_param.input == 'date' %]
<label for="date_[% sql_param_entry %][% loop.count %]">[% sql_param.entry %]:</label> <input id="date_[% sql_param_entry %][% loop.count %]" type="text" value="" size="10" name="sql_params" class="datepicker" />
@ -673,6 +673,8 @@ elsif ($phase eq 'Run this report'){
my $offset = 0;
my $report_id = $input->param('reports');
my @sql_params = $input->multi_param('sql_params');
my @param_names = $input->multi_param('param_name');
# offset algorithm
if ($input->param('page')) {
$offset = ($input->param('page') - 1) * $limit;
@ -696,8 +698,13 @@ elsif ($phase eq 'Run this report'){
my @split = split /<<|>>/,$sql;
my @tmpl_parameters;
my @authval_errors;
my %uniq_params;
for(my $i=0;$i<($#split/2);$i++) {
my ($text,$authorised_value) = split /\|/,$split[$i*2+1];
my $sep = $authorised_value ? "|" : "";
if( defined $uniq_params{$text.$sep.$authorised_value} ){
} else { $uniq_params{$text.$sep.$authorised_value} = "$i"; }
my $input;
my $labelid;
if ( not defined $authorised_value ) {
@ -789,7 +796,7 @@ elsif ($phase eq 'Run this report'){
push @tmpl_parameters, {'entry' => $text, 'input' => $input, 'labelid' => $labelid };
push @tmpl_parameters, {'entry' => $text, 'input' => $input, 'labelid' => $labelid, 'name' => $text.$sep.$authorised_value };
$template->param('sql' => $sql,
'name' => $name,
@ -799,7 +806,7 @@ elsif ($phase eq 'Run this report'){
'reports' => $report_id,
} else {
my $sql = get_prepped_report( $sql, @sql_params );
my $sql = get_prepped_report( $sql, \@param_names, \@sql_params);
my ( $sth, $errors ) = execute_query( $sql, $offset, $limit, undef, $report_id );
my $total = nb_rows($sql) || 0;
unless ($sth) {
@ -830,6 +837,7 @@ elsif ($phase eq 'Run this report'){
'pagination_bar' => pagination_bar($url, $totpages, scalar $input->param('page')),
'unlimited_total' => $total,
'sql_params' => \@sql_params,
'param_names' => \@param_names,
@ -844,12 +852,13 @@ elsif ($phase eq 'Export'){
my $report_id = $input->param('report_id');
my $report = get_saved_report($report_id);
my $sql = $report->{savedsql};
my @param_names = $input->multi_param('param_name');
my @sql_params = $input->multi_param('sql_params');
my $format = $input->param('format');
my $reportname = $input->param('reportname');
my $reportfilename = $reportname ? "$reportname-reportresults.$format" : "reportresults.$format" ;
$sql = get_prepped_report( $sql, @sql_params );
$sql = get_prepped_report( $sql, \@param_names, \@sql_params );
my ($sth, $q_errors) = execute_query($sql);
unless ($q_errors and @$q_errors) {
my ( $type, $content );
@ -1061,10 +1070,13 @@ sub create_non_existing_group_and_subgroup {
# pass $sth and sql_params, get back an executable query
sub get_prepped_report {
my ($sql, @sql_params ) = @_;
my ($sql, $param_names, $sql_params ) = @_;
my %lookup;
@lookup{@$param_names} = @$sql_params;
my @split = split /<<|>>/,$sql;
my @tmpl_parameters;
for(my $i=0;$i<$#split/2;$i++) {
my $quoted = $sql_params[$i];
my $quoted = @$param_names ? $lookup{ $split[$i*2+1] } : @$sql_params[$i];
# if there are special regexp chars, we must \ them
$split[$i*2+1] =~ s/(\||\?|\.|\*|\(|\)|\%)/\\$1/g;
if ($split[$i*2+1] =~ /\|\s*date\s*$/) {
Reference in a new issue