Bug 28167: Remove uninitialized variable warnings from circ/set-library.pl

With UseCashRegisters syspref disabled going to the page
/cgi-bin/koha/circ/set-library.pl in staff interface and setting a
library gives the following errors in plack-intranet-error.log:

Use of uninitialized value $register_id in string ne at /kohadevbox/koha/circ/set-library.pl line 79.
Use of uninitialized value $referer in pattern match (m//) at /kohadevbox/koha/circ/set-library.pl line 114.

In the if clause $userenv_register_id appears to be typoed, it should have
been $register_id as $userenv_register_id is always defined. As for the
$referer variable, it is undef if there is no referer so let's just initialize
it to an empty string for the regex so it doesn't give the warning.

To test:
 1) Go directly to /cgi-bin/koha/circ/set-library.pl by typing it in
    the URL bar and set a library
 2) Make sure plack-intranet-error.log doesn't contain the above mentioned errors
    after applying this patch

Signed-off-by: David Nind <david@davidnind.com>
Signed-off-by: Martin Renvoize <martin.renvoize@ptfs-europe.com>
Signed-off-by: Tomas Cohen Arazi <tomascohen@theke.io>
This commit is contained in:
Joonas Kylmälä 2022-08-29 20:39:13 +00:00 committed by Tomas Cohen Arazi
parent 49577829d9
commit 8e25fa1dc5
Signed by: tomascohen
GPG key ID: 0A272EA1B2F3C15F

View file

@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ if ( $branch and my $library = Koha::Libraries->find($branch) ) {
old_desk => $old_desk_name,
if ( defined($userenv_register_id)
if ( defined($register_id)
&& ( $userenv_register_id ne $register_id ) )
my $old_register_name = C4::Context->userenv->{'register_name'} || '';
@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ foreach ($query->param()) {
my $referer = $query->param('oldreferer') || $ENV{HTTP_REFERER};
my $referer = $query->param('oldreferer') || $ENV{HTTP_REFERER} || '';
$referer =~ /set-library\.pl/ and undef $referer; # avoid sending them back to this same page.
if (scalar @updated and not scalar @recycle_loop) {