Bug 33703: Add Masikto core/kit for date masking
To test: 1. Apply patch 2. Restart all, clear browser cache 3. In the staff interface start testing some flatpickr instances with direct inputs. 4. Try entering your dates without delimiters, '/' or '-', or '.'. 5. Make sure the dates are well formed. 6. Test with each of dateformat's Koha supports. ( system preference 'dateformat'). 7. Add/edit an item with the dateaccessioned.pl plugin loaded, making the dates are well formed. 8. Make an item bookable by going to the item tab of a record and setting at least 1 item to "Bookable:". 9. Now "Place booking", which should trigger a modal. 10. In the "Period" date picker, which is a range, the dates should NOT be formatted. 11. Log in to the OPAC and try some date pickers ( self reg/borrower mod/ect ) Some places to test: -Patron record date of birth -Patron record registration date -Patron record expiry date -Checkouts, manually set a due date -Patron category, enrollment period Signed-off-by: Martin Renvoize <martin.renvoize@ptfs-europe.com> Signed-off-by: Owen Leonard <oleonard@myacpl.org> Signed-off-by: Katrin Fischer <katrin.fischer@bsz-bw.de>
This commit is contained in:
3 changed files with 2290 additions and 0 deletions
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,662 @@
const MASKITO_DEFAULT_ELEMENT_PREDICATE = e => e.querySelector('input,textarea') ||
mask: /^.*$/,
preprocessors: [],
postprocessors: [],
plugins: [],
overwriteMode: 'shift',
class MaskHistory {
constructor() {
this.now = null;
this.past = [];
this.future = [];
undo() {
const state = this.past.pop();
if (state && this.now) {
this.updateElement(state, 'historyUndo');
redo() {
const state = this.future.pop();
if (state && this.now) {
this.updateElement(state, 'historyRedo');
updateHistory(state) {
if (!this.now) {
this.now = state;
const isValueChanged = this.now.value !== state.value;
const isSelectionChanged = this.now.selection.some((item, index) => item !== state.selection[index]);
if (!isValueChanged && !isSelectionChanged) {
if (isValueChanged) {
this.future = [];
this.now = state;
updateElement(state, inputType) {
this.now = state;
this.updateElementState(state, { inputType, data: null });
function areElementValuesEqual(sampleState, ...states) {
return states.every(({ value }) => value === sampleState.value);
function areElementStatesEqual(sampleState, ...states) {
return states.every(({ value, selection }) => value === sampleState.value &&
selection[0] === sampleState.selection[0] &&
selection[1] === sampleState.selection[1]);
function applyOverwriteMode({ value, selection }, newCharacters, mode) {
const [from, to] = selection;
const computedMode = typeof mode === 'function' ? mode({ value, selection }) : mode;
return {
selection: computedMode === 'replace' ? [from, from + newCharacters.length] : [from, to],
function isFixedCharacter(char) {
return typeof char === 'string';
function getLeadingFixedCharacters(mask, validatedValuePart, newCharacter, initialElementState) {
let leadingFixedCharacters = '';
for (let i = validatedValuePart.length; i < mask.length; i++) {
const charConstraint = mask[i];
const isInitiallyExisted = (initialElementState === null || initialElementState === void 0 ? void 0 : initialElementState.value[i]) === charConstraint;
if (!isFixedCharacter(charConstraint) ||
(charConstraint === newCharacter && !isInitiallyExisted)) {
return leadingFixedCharacters;
leadingFixedCharacters += charConstraint;
return leadingFixedCharacters;
function validateValueWithMask(value, maskExpression) {
if (Array.isArray(maskExpression)) {
return (value.length === maskExpression.length &&
Array.from(value).every((char, i) => {
const charConstraint = maskExpression[i];
return isFixedCharacter(charConstraint)
? char === charConstraint
: char.match(charConstraint);
return maskExpression.test(value);
function guessValidValueByPattern(elementState, mask, initialElementState) {
let maskedFrom = null;
let maskedTo = null;
const maskedValue = Array.from(elementState.value).reduce((validatedCharacters, char, charIndex) => {
const leadingCharacters = getLeadingFixedCharacters(mask, validatedCharacters, char, initialElementState);
const newValidatedChars = validatedCharacters + leadingCharacters;
const charConstraint = mask[newValidatedChars.length];
if (isFixedCharacter(charConstraint)) {
return newValidatedChars + charConstraint;
if (!char.match(charConstraint)) {
return newValidatedChars;
if (maskedFrom === null && charIndex >= elementState.selection[0]) {
maskedFrom = newValidatedChars.length;
if (maskedTo === null && charIndex >= elementState.selection[1]) {
maskedTo = newValidatedChars.length;
return newValidatedChars + char;
}, '');
const trailingFixedCharacters = getLeadingFixedCharacters(mask, maskedValue, '', initialElementState);
return {
value: validateValueWithMask(maskedValue + trailingFixedCharacters, mask)
? maskedValue + trailingFixedCharacters
: maskedValue,
selection: [maskedFrom !== null && maskedFrom !== void 0 ? maskedFrom : maskedValue.length, maskedTo !== null && maskedTo !== void 0 ? maskedTo : maskedValue.length],
function guessValidValueByRegExp({ value, selection }, maskRegExp) {
const [from, to] = selection;
let newFrom = from;
let newTo = to;
const validatedValue = Array.from(value).reduce((validatedValuePart, char, i) => {
const newPossibleValue = validatedValuePart + char;
if (from === i) {
newFrom = validatedValuePart.length;
if (to === i) {
newTo = validatedValuePart.length;
return newPossibleValue.match(maskRegExp) ? newPossibleValue : validatedValuePart;
}, '');
return { value: validatedValue, selection: [newFrom, newTo] };
function calibrateValueByMask(elementState, mask, initialElementState = null) {
if (validateValueWithMask(elementState.value, mask)) {
return elementState;
const { value, selection } = Array.isArray(mask)
? guessValidValueByPattern(elementState, mask, initialElementState)
: guessValidValueByRegExp(elementState, mask);
return {
value: Array.isArray(mask) ? value.slice(0, mask.length) : value,
function removeFixedMaskCharacters(initialElementState, mask) {
if (!Array.isArray(mask)) {
return initialElementState;
const [from, to] = initialElementState.selection;
const selection = [];
const unmaskedValue = Array.from(initialElementState.value).reduce((rawValue, char, i) => {
const charConstraint = mask[i];
if (i === from) {
if (i === to) {
return isFixedCharacter(charConstraint) && charConstraint === char
? rawValue
: rawValue + char;
}, '');
if (selection.length < 2) {
selection.push(...new Array(2 - selection.length).fill(unmaskedValue.length));
return {
value: unmaskedValue,
selection: [selection[0], selection[1]],
class MaskModel {
constructor(initialElementState, maskOptions) {
this.initialElementState = initialElementState;
this.maskOptions = maskOptions;
this.value = '';
this.selection = [0, 0];
const { value, selection } = calibrateValueByMask(initialElementState, this.getMaskExpression(initialElementState));
this.value = value;
this.selection = selection;
addCharacters([from, to], newCharacters) {
const { value } = this;
const maskExpression = this.getMaskExpression({
value: value.slice(0, from) + newCharacters + value.slice(to),
selection: [from + newCharacters.length, from + newCharacters.length],
const initialElementState = { value, selection: [from, to] };
const unmaskedElementState = removeFixedMaskCharacters(initialElementState, maskExpression);
const [unmaskedFrom, unmaskedTo] = applyOverwriteMode(unmaskedElementState, newCharacters, this.maskOptions.overwriteMode).selection;
const newUnmaskedLeadingValuePart = unmaskedElementState.value.slice(0, unmaskedFrom) + newCharacters;
const newCaretIndex = newUnmaskedLeadingValuePart.length;
const maskedElementState = calibrateValueByMask({
value: newUnmaskedLeadingValuePart +
selection: [newCaretIndex, newCaretIndex],
}, maskExpression, initialElementState);
const isInvalidCharsInsertion =
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/prefer-string-starts-ends-with
value.slice(0, unmaskedFrom) ===
value: newUnmaskedLeadingValuePart,
selection: [newCaretIndex, newCaretIndex],
}, maskExpression, initialElementState).value;
if (isInvalidCharsInsertion ||
areElementStatesEqual(this, maskedElementState) // If typing new characters does not change value
) {
throw new Error('Invalid mask value');
this.value = maskedElementState.value;
this.selection = maskedElementState.selection;
deleteCharacters([from, to]) {
if (from === to || !to) {
const { value } = this;
const maskExpression = this.getMaskExpression({
value: value.slice(0, from) + value.slice(to),
selection: [from, from],
const initialElementState = { value, selection: [from, to] };
const unmaskedElementState = removeFixedMaskCharacters(initialElementState, maskExpression);
const [unmaskedFrom, unmaskedTo] = unmaskedElementState.selection;
const newUnmaskedValue = unmaskedElementState.value.slice(0, unmaskedFrom) +
const maskedElementState = calibrateValueByMask({ value: newUnmaskedValue, selection: [unmaskedFrom, unmaskedFrom] }, maskExpression, initialElementState);
this.value = maskedElementState.value;
this.selection = maskedElementState.selection;
getMaskExpression(elementState) {
const { mask } = this.maskOptions;
return typeof mask === 'function' ? mask(elementState) : mask;
class EventListener {
constructor(element) {
this.element = element;
this.listeners = [];
listen(eventType, fn, options) {
const untypedFn = fn;
this.element.addEventListener(eventType, untypedFn, options);
this.listeners.push(() => this.element.removeEventListener(eventType, untypedFn));
destroy() {
this.listeners.forEach(stopListen => stopListen());
const HotkeyModifier = {
CTRL: 1 << 0,
ALT: 1 << 1,
SHIFT: 1 << 2,
META: 1 << 3,
// TODO add variants that can be processed correctly
const HotkeyCode = {
Y: 89,
Z: 90,
* Checks if the passed keyboard event match the required hotkey.
* @example
* input.addEventListener('keydown', (event) => {
* if (isHotkey(event, HotkeyModifier.CTRL | HotkeyModifier.SHIFT, HotkeyCode.Z)) {
* // redo hotkey pressed
* }
* })
* @return will return `true` only if the {@link HotkeyCode} matches and only the necessary
* {@link HotkeyModifier modifiers} have been pressed
function isHotkey(event, modifiers, hotkeyCode) {
return (event.ctrlKey === !!(modifiers & HotkeyModifier.CTRL) &&
event.altKey === !!(modifiers & HotkeyModifier.ALT) &&
event.shiftKey === !!(modifiers & HotkeyModifier.SHIFT) &&
event.metaKey === !!(modifiers & HotkeyModifier.META) &&
* We intentionally use legacy {@link KeyboardEvent#keyCode `keyCode`} property. It is more
* "keyboard-layout"-independent than {@link KeyboardEvent#key `key`} or {@link KeyboardEvent#code `code`} properties.
* @see {@link https://github.com/taiga-family/maskito/issues/315 `KeyboardEvent#code` issue}
// eslint-disable-next-line sonar/deprecation
event.keyCode === hotkeyCode);
function isRedo(event) {
return (isHotkey(event, HotkeyModifier.CTRL, HotkeyCode.Y) || // Windows
isHotkey(event, HotkeyModifier.CTRL | HotkeyModifier.SHIFT, HotkeyCode.Z) || // Windows & Android
isHotkey(event, HotkeyModifier.META | HotkeyModifier.SHIFT, HotkeyCode.Z) // macOS & iOS
function isUndo(event) {
return (isHotkey(event, HotkeyModifier.CTRL, HotkeyCode.Z) || // Windows & Android
isHotkey(event, HotkeyModifier.META, HotkeyCode.Z) // macOS & iOS
* Sets value to element, and dispatches input event
* if you passed ELementState, it also sets selection range
* @example
* maskitoUpdateElement(input, newValue);
* maskitoUpdateElement(input, elementState);
* @see {@link https://github.com/taiga-family/maskito/issues/804 issue}
* @return void
function maskitoUpdateElement(element, valueOrElementState) {
var _a;
if (typeof valueOrElementState === 'string') {
element.value = valueOrElementState;
else {
const [from, to] = valueOrElementState.selection;
element.value = valueOrElementState.value;
(_a = element.setSelectionRange) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.call(element, from, to);
element.dispatchEvent(new Event('input',
* React handles this event only on bubbling phase
* here is the list of events that are processed in the capture stage, others are processed in the bubbling stage
* https://github.com/facebook/react/blob/cb2439624f43c510007f65aea5c50a8bb97917e4/packages/react-dom-bindings/src/events/DOMPluginEventSystem.js#L222
{ bubbles: true }));
function getLineSelection({ value, selection }, isForward) {
const [from, to] = selection;
if (from !== to) {
return [from, to];
const nearestBreak = isForward
? value.slice(from).indexOf('\n') + 1 || value.length
: value.slice(0, to).lastIndexOf('\n') + 1;
const selectFrom = isForward ? from : nearestBreak;
const selectTo = isForward ? nearestBreak : to;
return [selectFrom, selectTo];
function getNotEmptySelection({ value, selection }, isForward) {
const [from, to] = selection;
if (from !== to) {
return [from, to];
const notEmptySelection = isForward ? [from, to + 1] : [from - 1, to];
return notEmptySelection.map(x => Math.min(Math.max(x, 0), value.length));
const TRAILING_SPACES_REG = /\s+$/g;
const LEADING_SPACES_REG = /^\s+/g;
const SPACE_REG = /\s/;
function getWordSelection({ value, selection }, isForward) {
const [from, to] = selection;
if (from !== to) {
return [from, to];
if (isForward) {
const valueAfterSelectionStart = value.slice(from);
const [leadingSpaces] = valueAfterSelectionStart.match(LEADING_SPACES_REG) || [
const nearestWordEndIndex = valueAfterSelectionStart
return [
nearestWordEndIndex !== -1
? from + leadingSpaces.length + nearestWordEndIndex
: value.length,
const valueBeforeSelectionEnd = value.slice(0, to);
const [trailingSpaces] = valueBeforeSelectionEnd.match(TRAILING_SPACES_REG) || [''];
const selectedWordLength = valueBeforeSelectionEnd
.findIndex(char => char.match(SPACE_REG));
return [
selectedWordLength !== -1 ? to - trailingSpaces.length - selectedWordLength : 0,
/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/ban-types */
* @internal
function maskitoPipe(processors = []) {
return (initialData, ...readonlyArgs) => processors.reduce((data, fn) => (Object.assign(Object.assign({}, data), fn(data, ...readonlyArgs))), initialData);
function maskitoTransform(valueOrState, maskitoOptions) {
const options = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, MASKITO_DEFAULT_OPTIONS), maskitoOptions);
const preprocessor = maskitoPipe(options.preprocessors);
const postprocessor = maskitoPipe(options.postprocessors);
const initialElementState = typeof valueOrState === 'string'
? { value: valueOrState, selection: [0, 0] }
: valueOrState;
const { elementState } = preprocessor({ elementState: initialElementState, data: '' }, 'validation');
const maskModel = new MaskModel(elementState, options);
const { value, selection } = postprocessor(maskModel, initialElementState);
return typeof valueOrState === 'string' ? value : { value, selection };
function maskitoInitialCalibrationPlugin(customOptions) {
return (element, options) => {
const from = element.selectionStart || 0;
const to = element.selectionEnd || 0;
maskitoUpdateElement(element, {
value: maskitoTransform(element.value, customOptions || options),
selection: [from, to],
function maskitoStrictCompositionPlugin() {
return (element, maskitoOptions) => {
const listener = (event) => {
if (event.inputType !== 'insertCompositionText') {
const selection = [
element.selectionStart || 0,
element.selectionEnd || 0,
const elementState = {
value: element.value,
const validatedState = maskitoTransform(elementState, maskitoOptions);
if (!areElementStatesEqual(elementState, validatedState)) {
maskitoUpdateElement(element, validatedState);
element.addEventListener('input', listener);
return () => element.removeEventListener('input', listener);
class Maskito extends MaskHistory {
constructor(element, maskitoOptions) {
this.element = element;
this.maskitoOptions = maskitoOptions;
this.isTextArea = this.element.nodeName === 'TEXTAREA';
this.eventListener = new EventListener(this.element);
this.options = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, MASKITO_DEFAULT_OPTIONS), this.maskitoOptions);
this.preprocessor = maskitoPipe(this.options.preprocessors);
this.postprocessor = maskitoPipe(this.options.postprocessors);
this.teardowns = this.options.plugins.map(plugin => plugin(this.element, this.options));
this.eventListener.listen('keydown', event => {
if (isRedo(event)) {
return this.redo();
if (isUndo(event)) {
return this.undo();
this.eventListener.listen('beforeinput', event => {
const isForward = event.inputType.includes('Forward');
switch (event.inputType) {
// historyUndo/historyRedo will not be triggered if value was modified programmatically
case 'historyUndo':
return this.undo();
case 'historyRedo':
return this.redo();
case 'deleteByCut':
case 'deleteContentBackward':
case 'deleteContentForward':
return this.handleDelete({
selection: getNotEmptySelection(this.elementState, isForward),
case 'deleteWordForward':
case 'deleteWordBackward':
return this.handleDelete({
selection: getWordSelection(this.elementState, isForward),
force: true,
case 'deleteSoftLineBackward':
case 'deleteSoftLineForward':
case 'deleteHardLineBackward':
case 'deleteHardLineForward':
return this.handleDelete({
selection: getLineSelection(this.elementState, isForward),
force: true,
case 'insertCompositionText':
return; // will be handled inside `compositionend` event
case 'insertLineBreak':
return this.handleEnter(event);
case 'insertFromPaste':
case 'insertText':
case 'insertFromDrop':
return this.handleInsert(event, event.data || '');
this.eventListener.listen('input', ({ inputType }) => {
if (inputType === 'insertCompositionText') {
return; // will be handled inside `compositionend` event
this.eventListener.listen('compositionend', () => {
get elementState() {
const { value, selectionStart, selectionEnd } = this.element;
return {
selection: [selectionStart || 0, selectionEnd || 0],
get maxLength() {
const { maxLength } = this.element;
return maxLength === -1 ? Infinity : maxLength;
destroy() {
this.teardowns.forEach(teardown => teardown === null || teardown === void 0 ? void 0 : teardown());
updateElementState({ value, selection }, eventInit = {
inputType: 'insertText',
data: null,
}) {
const initialValue = this.elementState.value;
if (initialValue !== value) {
updateSelectionRange([from, to]) {
var _a, _b;
if (this.element.selectionStart !== from || this.element.selectionEnd !== to) {
(_b = (_a = this.element).setSelectionRange) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.call(_a, from, to);
updateValue(value) {
this.element.value = value;
ensureValueFitsMask() {
this.updateElementState(maskitoTransform(this.elementState, this.options));
dispatchInputEvent(eventInit = {
inputType: 'insertText',
data: null,
}) {
if (globalThis.InputEvent) {
this.element.dispatchEvent(new InputEvent('input', Object.assign(Object.assign({}, eventInit), { bubbles: true, cancelable: false })));
handleDelete({ event, selection, isForward, force = false, }) {
const initialState = {
value: this.elementState.value,
const [initialFrom, initialTo] = initialState.selection;
const { elementState } = this.preprocessor({
elementState: initialState,
data: '',
}, isForward ? 'deleteForward' : 'deleteBackward');
const maskModel = new MaskModel(elementState, this.options);
const [from, to] = elementState.selection;
maskModel.deleteCharacters([from, to]);
const newElementState = this.postprocessor(maskModel, initialState);
const newPossibleValue = initialState.value.slice(0, initialFrom) +
if (newPossibleValue === newElementState.value && !force) {
if (areElementValuesEqual(initialState, elementState, maskModel, newElementState)) {
// User presses Backspace/Delete for the fixed value
return this.updateSelectionRange(isForward ? [to, to] : [from, from]);
this.updateElementState(newElementState, {
inputType: event.inputType,
data: null,
handleInsert(event, data) {
const initialElementState = this.elementState;
const { elementState, data: insertedText = data } = this.preprocessor({
elementState: initialElementState,
}, 'insert');
const maskModel = new MaskModel(elementState, this.options);
try {
maskModel.addCharacters(elementState.selection, insertedText);
catch (_a) {
return event.preventDefault();
const [from, to] = elementState.selection;
const newPossibleValue = initialElementState.value.slice(0, from) +
data +
const newElementState = this.postprocessor(maskModel, initialElementState);
if (newElementState.value.length > this.maxLength) {
return event.preventDefault();
if (newPossibleValue !== newElementState.value) {
this.updateElementState(newElementState, {
inputType: event.inputType,
handleEnter(event) {
if (this.isTextArea) {
this.handleInsert(event, '\n');
//export { MASKITO_DEFAULT_ELEMENT_PREDICATE, MASKITO_DEFAULT_OPTIONS, Maskito, maskitoInitialCalibrationPlugin, maskitoPipe, maskitoStrictCompositionPlugin, maskitoTransform, maskitoUpdateElement };
Normal file
Normal file
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load diff
@ -7,18 +7,28 @@
var debug = "[% debug | html %]";
var dateformat_pref = "[% Koha.Preference('dateformat') | html %]";
var flatpickr_dateformat_string = "";
var delimter = "";
var altinput_dateformat = "";
switch ( dateformat_pref ){
case "us":
flatpickr_dateformat_string = "m/d/Y";
altinput_dateformat = 'mm/dd/yyyy';
delimiter = "/";
case "metric":
flatpickr_dateformat_string = "d/m/Y";
altinput_dateformat = 'dd/mm/yyyy';
delimiter = "/";
case "dmydot":
flatpickr_dateformat_string = "d.m.Y";
altinput_dateformat = 'dd/mm/yyyy';
delimiter = ".";
flatpickr_dateformat_string = "Y-m-d";
altinput_dateformat = 'yyyy/mm/dd';
delimiter = "-";
var sentmsg = 0;
var bidi = [% IF(bidi) %] true[% ELSE %] false[% END %];
@ -30,6 +40,8 @@
[% Asset.js("js/calendar.js") | $raw %]
[% Asset.js("lib/flatpickr/flatpickr.min.js") | $raw %]
[% Asset.js("lib/flatpickr/shortcut-buttons-flatpickr.min.js") | $raw %]
[% Asset.js("lib/maskito/maskito.core.js") | $raw %]
[% Asset.js("lib/maskito/maskito.kit.js") | $raw %]
flatpickr.l10ns.default.weekdays = flatpickr_weekdays;
flatpickr.l10ns.default.months = flatpickr_months;
@ -80,6 +92,14 @@
onOpen: function( selectedDates, dateText, instance ) {
let element = instance.altInput;
let options = maskitoDateOptionsGenerator({
mode: altinput_dateformat,
separator: delimiter,
new Maskito( instance.altInput, options );
onClose: function( selectedDates, dateText, instance) {
validate_date( dateText, instance );
var thisInput = instance.input;
Reference in a new issue