Bug 22031: Add SQL::Abstract like syntax to haspermission
This patch adds an SQL::Abstract inspired query syntax to the haspermission method in C4::Auth. One can now pass Arrayrefs to denote an OR list of flags, a Hashref to denote a AND list of flags. Structures can be nested at arbitrary depth. Signed-off-by: Nick Clemens <nick@bywatersolutions.com> Signed-off-by: Jonathan Druart <jonathan.druart@bugs.koha-community.org> Signed-off-by: Nick Clemens <nick@bywatersolutions.com>
This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 208 additions and 87 deletions
@ -19,6 +19,8 @@ package C4::Auth;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Carp qw/croak/;
use Digest::MD5 qw(md5_base64);
use JSON qw/encode_json/;
use URI::Escape;
@ -2025,12 +2027,49 @@ sub get_all_subpermissions {
$flags = ($userid, $flagsrequired);
C<$userid> the userid of the member
C<$flags> is a hashref of required flags like C<$borrower-<{authflags}>
C<$flags> is a query structure similar to that used by SQL::Abstract that
denotes the combination of flags required.
The main logic of this method is that things in arrays are OR'ed, and things
in hashes are AND'ed.
Returns member's flags or 0 if a permission is not met.
sub _dispatch {
my ($required, $flags) = @_;
my $ref = ref($required);
if ($ref eq '') {
if ($required eq '*') {
return 0 unless ( $flags or ref( $flags ) );
} else {
return 0 unless ( $flags and (!ref( $flags ) || $flags->{$required} ));
} elsif ($ref eq 'HASH') {
foreach my $key (keys %{$required}) {
my $require = $required->{$key};
my $rflags = $flags->{$key};
return 0 unless _dispatch($require, $rflags);
} elsif ($ref eq 'ARRAY') {
my $satisfied = 0;
foreach my $require ( @{$required} ) {
my $rflags =
( ref($flags) && !ref($require) && ( $require ne '*' ) )
? $flags->{$require}
: $flags;
$satisfied++ if _dispatch( $require, $rflags );
return 0 unless $satisfied;
} else {
croak "Unexpected structure found: $ref";
return $flags;
sub haspermission {
my ( $userid, $flagsrequired ) = @_;
my $sth = C4::Context->dbh->prepare("SELECT flags FROM borrowers WHERE userid=?");
@ -2039,23 +2078,7 @@ sub haspermission {
my $flags = getuserflags( $row, $userid );
return $flags if $flags->{superlibrarian};
foreach my $module ( keys %$flagsrequired ) {
my $subperm = $flagsrequired->{$module};
if ( $subperm eq '*' ) {
return 0 unless ( $flags->{$module} == 1 or ref( $flags->{$module} ) );
} else {
return 0 unless (
( defined $flags->{$module} and
$flags->{$module} == 1 )
( ref( $flags->{$module} ) and
exists $flags->{$module}->{$subperm} and
$flags->{$module}->{$subperm} == 1 )
return $flags;
return _dispatch($flagsrequired, $flags);
#FIXME - This fcn should return the failed permission so a suitable error msg can be delivered.
@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
# along with Koha; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses>.
use Modern::Perl;
use Test::More tests => 13;
use Test::More tests => 3;
use Koha::Database;
use t::lib::TestBuilder;
@ -31,78 +31,176 @@ $schema->storage->txn_begin;
# Adding two borrowers and granular permissions for the second borrower
my $builder = t::lib::TestBuilder->new();
my $borr1 = $builder->build({
source => 'Borrower',
value => {
surname => 'Superlib',
flags => 1,
my $borr2 = $builder->build({
source => 'Borrower',
value => {
surname => 'Bor2',
flags => 2 + 4 + 2**11, # circulate, catalogue, acquisition
source => 'UserPermission',
value => {
borrowernumber => $borr2->{borrowernumber},
module_bit => 13, # tools
code => 'upload_local_cover_images',
source => 'UserPermission',
value => {
borrowernumber => $borr2->{borrowernumber},
module_bit => 13, # tools
code => 'batch_upload_patron_images',
my $borr1 = $builder->build(
source => 'Borrower',
value => {
surname => 'Superlib',
flags => 1,
my $borr2 = $builder->build(
source => 'Borrower',
value => {
surname => 'Bor2',
flags => 2 + 4 + 2**11, # circulate, catalogue, acquisition
source => 'UserPermission',
value => {
borrowernumber => $borr2->{borrowernumber},
module_bit => 13, # tools
code => 'upload_local_cover_images',
source => 'UserPermission',
value => {
borrowernumber => $borr2->{borrowernumber},
module_bit => 13, # tools
code => 'batch_upload_patron_images',
# Check top level permission for superlibrarian
my $r = haspermission( $borr1->{userid},
{ circulate => 1, editcatalogue => 1 } );
is( ref($r), 'HASH', 'Superlibrarian/circulate' );
subtest 'scalar top level tests' => sub {
# Check specific top level permission(s) for borr2
$r = haspermission( $borr2->{userid},
{ circulate => 1, catalogue => 1 } );
is( ref($r), 'HASH', 'Borrower2/circulate' );
$r = haspermission( $borr2->{userid}, { updatecharges => 1 } );
is( $r, 0, 'Borrower2/updatecharges should fail' );
plan tests => 3;
# Check granular permission with 1: means all subpermissions
$r = haspermission( $borr1->{userid}, { tools => 1 } );
is( ref($r), 'HASH', 'Superlibrarian/tools granular all' );
$r = haspermission( $borr2->{userid}, { tools => 1 } );
is( $r, 0, 'Borrower2/tools granular all should fail' );
# Check top level permission for superlibrarian
my $r = haspermission( $borr1->{userid}, 'circulate' );
is( ref($r), 'HASH', 'Superlibrarian/circulate' );
# Check granular permission with *: means at least one subpermission
$r = haspermission( $borr1->{userid}, { tools => '*' } );
is( ref($r), 'HASH', 'Superlibrarian/tools granular *' );
$r = haspermission( $borr2->{userid}, { acquisition => '*' } );
is( ref($r), 'HASH', 'Borrower2/acq granular *' );
$r = haspermission( $borr2->{userid}, { tools => '*' } );
is( ref($r), 'HASH', 'Borrower2/tools granular *' );
$r = haspermission( $borr2->{userid}, { serials => '*' } );
is( $r, 0, 'Borrower2/serials granular * should fail' );
# Check specific top level permission(s) for borr2
$r = haspermission( $borr2->{userid}, 'circulate' );
is( ref($r), 'HASH', 'Borrower2/circulate' );
$r = haspermission( $borr2->{userid}, 'updatecharges' );
is( $r, 0, 'Borrower2/updatecharges should fail' );
# Check granular permission with one or more specific subperms
$r = haspermission( $borr1->{userid}, { tools => 'edit_news' } );
is( ref($r), 'HASH', 'Superlibrarian/tools edit_news' );
$r = haspermission( $borr2->{userid}, { acquisition => 'budget_manage' } );
is( ref($r), 'HASH', 'Borrower2/acq budget_manage' );
$r = haspermission( $borr2->{userid},
{ acquisition => 'budget_manage', tools => 'edit_news' } );
is( $r, 0, 'Borrower2/two granular should fail' );
$r = haspermission( $borr2->{userid}, {
tools => 'upload_local_cover_images',
tools => 'batch_upload_patron_images',
is( ref($r), 'HASH', 'Borrower2/tools granular two upload subperms' );
subtest 'hashref top level AND tests' => sub {
plan tests => 15;
# Check top level permission for superlibrarian
my $r =
haspermission( $borr1->{userid}, { circulate => 1 } );
is( ref($r), 'HASH', 'Superlibrarian/circulate' );
# Check specific top level permission(s) for borr2
$r = haspermission( $borr2->{userid}, { circulate => 1, catalogue => 1 } );
is( ref($r), 'HASH', 'Borrower2/circulate' );
$r = haspermission( $borr2->{userid}, { updatecharges => 1 } );
is( $r, 0, 'Borrower2/updatecharges should fail' );
# Check granular permission with 1: means all subpermissions
$r = haspermission( $borr1->{userid}, { tools => 1 } );
is( ref($r), 'HASH', 'Superlibrarian/tools granular all' );
$r = haspermission( $borr2->{userid}, { tools => 1 } );
is( $r, 0, 'Borrower2/tools granular all should fail' );
# Check granular permission with *: means at least one subpermission
$r = haspermission( $borr1->{userid}, { tools => '*' } );
is( ref($r), 'HASH', 'Superlibrarian/tools granular *' );
$r = haspermission( $borr2->{userid}, { acquisition => '*' } );
is( ref($r), 'HASH', 'Borrower2/acq granular *' );
$r = haspermission( $borr2->{userid}, { tools => '*' } );
is( ref($r), 'HASH', 'Borrower2/tools granular *' );
$r = haspermission( $borr2->{userid}, { serials => '*' } );
is( $r, 0, 'Borrower2/serials granular * should fail' );
# Check granular permission with one or more specific subperms
$r = haspermission( $borr1->{userid}, { tools => 'edit_news' } );
is( ref($r), 'HASH', 'Superlibrarian/tools edit_news' );
$r = haspermission( $borr2->{userid}, { acquisition => 'budget_manage' } );
is( ref($r), 'HASH', 'Borrower2/acq budget_manage' );
$r = haspermission( $borr2->{userid},
{ acquisition => 'budget_manage', tools => 'edit_news' } );
is( $r, 0, 'Borrower2 (/acquisition|budget_manage AND /tools|edit_news) should fail' );
$r = haspermission(
tools => {
'upload_local_cover_images' => 1,
'batch_upload_patron_images' => 1
is( ref($r), 'HASH', 'Borrower2 (/tools|upload_local_cover_image AND /tools|batch_upload_patron_images) granular' );
$r = haspermission(
tools => {
'upload_local_cover_images' => 1,
'edit_news' => 1
is( $r, 0, 'Borrower2 (/tools|upload_local_cover_image AND /tools|edit_news) granular' );
$r = haspermission(
tools => [ 'upload_local_cover_images', 'edit_news'],
is( ref($r), 'HASH', 'Borrower2 (/tools|upload_local_cover_image OR /tools|edit_news) granular' );
subtest 'arrayref top level OR tests' => sub {
plan tests => 13;
# Check top level permission for superlibrarian
my $r =
haspermission( $borr1->{userid}, [ 'circulate', 'editcatalogue' ] );
is( ref($r), 'HASH', 'Superlibrarian/circulate' );
# Check specific top level permission(s) for borr2
$r = haspermission( $borr2->{userid}, [ 'circulate', 'updatecharges' ] );
is( ref($r), 'HASH', 'Borrower2/circulate OR Borrower2/updatecharges' );
$r = haspermission( $borr2->{userid}, ['updatecharges', 'serials' ] );
is( $r, 0, 'Borrower2/updatecharges OR Borrower2/serials should fail' );
# Check granular permission with 1: means all subpermissions
$r = haspermission( $borr1->{userid}, [ 'tools' ] );
is( ref($r), 'HASH', 'Superlibrarian/tools granular all' );
$r = haspermission( $borr2->{userid}, [ 'tools' ] );
is( $r, 0, 'Borrower2/tools granular all should fail' );
# Check granular permission with *: means at least one subpermission
$r = haspermission( $borr1->{userid}, [ { tools => '*' } ] );
is( ref($r), 'HASH', 'Superlibrarian/tools granular *' );
$r = haspermission( $borr2->{userid}, [ { acquisition => '*' } ] );
is( ref($r), 'HASH', 'Borrower2/acq granular *' );
$r = haspermission( $borr2->{userid}, [ { tools => '*' } ] );
is( ref($r), 'HASH', 'Borrower2/tools granular *' );
$r = haspermission( $borr2->{userid}, [ { serials => '*' } ] );
is( $r, 0, 'Borrower2/serials granular * should fail' );
# Check granular permission with one or more specific subperms
$r = haspermission( $borr1->{userid}, [ { tools => 'edit_news' } ] );
is( ref($r), 'HASH', 'Superlibrarian/tools edit_news' );
$r =
haspermission( $borr2->{userid}, [ { acquisition => 'budget_manage' } ] );
is( ref($r), 'HASH', 'Borrower2/acq budget_manage' );
$r = haspermission( $borr2->{userid},
[ { acquisition => 'budget_manage'}, { tools => 'edit_news' } ] );
is( ref($r), 'HASH', 'Borrower2/two granular OR should pass' );
$r = haspermission(
{ tools => ['upload_local_cover_images'] },
{ tools => ['edit_news'] }
is( ref($r), 'HASH', 'Borrower2/tools granular OR subperms' );
# End
Reference in a new issue