Bug 20942: Split debit and credit lines
This patch splits the balance to match this object schema: { balance => #, outstanding_credits => { total => #, lines => [ credit_line_1, ..., credit_line_n ] }, outstanding_debits => { total => #, lines => [ debit_line_1, ..., debit_line_m ] } } This change is made to ease usage from the UI. Also because the outstanding credits need to be applied to outstanding debits in order to the balance value to make sense. So we still need to have each total. Tests are added for this change, and the schema files are adjusted as well. To test: - Apply this patch - Run: $ kshell k$ prove t/db_dependent/api/v1/patrons_accounts.t => SUCCESS: Tests pass! - Sign off :-D staff_id is changed into user_id as voted on the dev meeting the RFC got approved. Signed-off-by: Tomas Cohen Arazi <tomascohen@theke.io> Signed-off-by: Josef Moravec <josef.moravec@gmail.com> Signed-off-by: Kyle M Hall <kyle@bywatersolutions.com> Signed-off-by: Nick Clemens <nick@bywatersolutions.com>
This commit is contained in:
4 changed files with 93 additions and 29 deletions
@ -45,18 +45,26 @@ sub get {
return $c->render( status => 404, openapi => { error => "Patron not found." } );
my $account = $patron->account;
my $balance;
$balance->{balance} = $patron->account->balance;
$balance->{balance} = $account->balance;
my @outstanding_lines = Koha::Account::Lines->search(
{ borrowernumber => $patron->borrowernumber,
amountoutstanding => { '!=' => 0 }
foreach my $line ( @outstanding_lines ) {
push @{ $balance->{outstanding_lines} }, _to_api($line->TO_JSON)
# get outstanding debits
my ( $debits_total, $debits ) = $account->outstanding_debits;
my ( $credits_total, $credits ) = $account->outstanding_credits;
my @debit_lines = map { _to_api( $_->TO_JSON ) } @{ $debits->as_list };
$balance->{outstanding_debits} = {
total => $debits_total,
lines => \@debit_lines
my @credit_lines = map { _to_api( $_->TO_JSON ) } @{ $credits->as_list };
$balance->{outstanding_credits} = {
total => $credits_total,
lines => \@credit_lines
return $c->render( status => 200, openapi => $balance );
@ -135,7 +143,7 @@ our $to_api_mapping = {
dispute => undef,
issue_id => 'checkout_id',
itemnumber => 'item_id',
manager_id => 'staff_id',
manager_id => 'user_id',
note => 'internal_note',
@ -151,7 +159,7 @@ our $to_model_mapping = {
internal_note => 'note',
item_id => 'itemnumber',
patron_id => 'borrowernumber',
staff_id => 'manager_id'
user_id => 'manager_id'
@ -73,7 +73,7 @@
"description": "Internal note"
"staff_id": {
"user_id": {
"type": "integer",
"description": "Internal patron identifier for the staff member that introduced the account line"
@ -5,10 +5,31 @@
"type": "number",
"description": "Signed decimal number"
"outstanding_lines": {
"type": "array",
"items": {
"$ref": "account_line.json"
"outstanding_credits": {
"properties": {
"total": {
"type": "number"
"lines": {
"type": "array",
"items": {
"$ref": "account_line.json"
"outstanding_debits": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"total": {
"type": "number"
"lines": {
"type": "array",
"items": {
"$ref": "account_line.json"
@ -41,19 +41,23 @@ my $t = Test::Mojo->new('Koha::REST::V1');
subtest 'get_balance() tests' => sub {
plan tests => 9;
plan tests => 12;
my ( $patron_id, $session_id ) = create_user_and_session({ authorized => 0 });
my $patron = Koha::Patrons->find($patron_id);
my $patron = Koha::Patrons->find($patron_id);
my $account = $patron->account;
my $tx = $t->ua->build_tx(GET => "/api/v1/patrons/$patron_id/account");
$tx->req->cookies({ name => 'CGISESSID', value => $session_id });
$tx->req->env({ REMOTE_ADDR => '' });
->json_is( { balance => 0.00 } );
{ balance => 0.00,
outstanding_debits => { total => 0, lines => [] },
outstanding_credits => { total => 0, lines => [] }
my $account_line_1 = Koha::Account::Line->new(
@ -85,16 +89,22 @@ subtest 'get_balance() tests' => sub {
$tx->req->cookies( { name => 'CGISESSID', value => $session_id } );
$tx->req->env( { REMOTE_ADDR => '' } );
{ balance => 100.01,
outstanding_lines => [
Koha::REST::V1::Patrons::Account::_to_api( $account_line_1->TO_JSON ),
Koha::REST::V1::Patrons::Account::_to_api( $account_line_2->TO_JSON )
{ balance => 100.01,
outstanding_debits => {
total => 100.01,
lines => [
Koha::REST::V1::Patrons::Account::_to_api( $account_line_1->TO_JSON ),
Koha::REST::V1::Patrons::Account::_to_api( $account_line_2->TO_JSON )
outstanding_credits => {
total => 0,
lines => []
Koha::Account->new({ patron_id => $patron_id })->pay(
{ amount => 100.01,
note => 'He paid!',
description => 'Finally!',
@ -107,7 +117,32 @@ subtest 'get_balance() tests' => sub {
$tx = $t->ua->build_tx( GET => "/api/v1/patrons/$patron_id/account" );
$tx->req->cookies( { name => 'CGISESSID', value => $session_id } );
$tx->req->env( { REMOTE_ADDR => '' } );
$t->request_ok($tx)->status_is(200)->json_is( { balance => 0 } );
{ balance => 0,
outstanding_debits => { total => 0, lines => [] },
outstanding_credits => { total => 0, lines => [] }
# add a credit
my $credit_line = $account->add_credit({ amount => 10, user_id => $patron->id });
# re-read from the DB
$tx = $t->ua->build_tx( GET => "/api/v1/patrons/$patron_id/account" );
$tx->req->cookies( { name => 'CGISESSID', value => $session_id } );
$tx->req->env( { REMOTE_ADDR => '' } );
{ balance => -10,
outstanding_debits => {
total => 0,
lines => []
outstanding_credits => {
total => -10,
lines => [ Koha::REST::V1::Patrons::Account::_to_api( $credit_line->TO_JSON ) ]
Reference in a new issue