Browse Source

Bug 18532: Add missing notice template for it-IT

Signed-off-by: Jonathan Druart <>
Jonathan Druart 3 years ago
  1. 30


@ -432,3 +432,33 @@ INSERT IGNORE INTO letter(module, code, branchcode, name, is_html, title, conten
INSERT IGNORE INTO letter(module, code, branchcode, name, is_html, title, content, message_transport_type, lang) VALUES ('ill', 'ILL_REQUEST_CANCEL', '', 'ILL request cancelled', 0, "Interlibrary loan request cancelled", "The patron for interlibrary loans request [% illrequest.illrequest_id %], with the following details, has requested cancellation of this ILL request:\n\n[% ill_full_metadata %]", 'sms', 'default');
INSERT IGNORE INTO letter(module, code, branchcode, name, is_html, title, content, message_transport_type, lang) VALUES ('ill', 'ILL_REQUEST_MODIFIED', '', 'ILL request modified', 0, "Interlibrary loan request modified", "The patron for interlibrary loans request [% illrequest.illrequest_id %], with the following details, has modified this ILL request:\n\n[% ill_full_metadata %]", 'sms', 'default');
INSERT IGNORE INTO letter(module, code, branchcode, name, is_html, title, content, message_transport_type, lang) VALUES ('ill', 'ILL_PARTNER_REQ', '', 'ILL request to partners', 0, "Interlibrary loan request to partners", "Dear Sir/Madam,\n\nWe would like to request an interlibrary loan for a title matching the following description:\n\n[% ill_full_metadata %]\n\nPlease let us know if you are able to supply this to us.\n\nKind Regards\n\n[% branch.branchname %]\n[% branch.branchaddress1 %]\n[% branch.branchaddress2 %]\n[% branch.branchaddress3 %]\n[% branch.branchcity %]\n[% branch.branchstate %]\n[% branch.branchzip %]\n[% branch.branchphone %]\n[% branch.branchillemail %]\n[% branch.branchemail %]", 'sms', 'default');
INSERT IGNORE INTO letter (module, code, name, title, content, message_transport_type) VALUES ('circulation', 'AUTO_RENEWALS_DGST', 'Notification on auto renewals', 'Auto renewals (Digest)',
"Dear [% borrower.firstname %] [% borrower.surname %],
[% IF error %]
There were [% error %] items that were not renewed.
[% END %]
[% IF success %]
There were [% success %] items that were renewed.
[% END %]
[% FOREACH checkout IN checkouts %]
[% checkout.item.biblio.title %] : [% checkout.item.barcode %]
[% IF !checkout.auto_renew_error %]
was renewed until [% checkout.date_due | $KohaDates as_due_date => 1%]
[% ELSIF checkout.auto_renew_error == 'too_many' %]
You have reached the maximum number of checkouts possible.
[% ELSIF checkout.auto_renew_error == 'on_reserve' %]
This item is on hold for another patron.
[% ELSIF checkout.auto_renew_error == 'restriction' %]
You are currently restricted.
[% ELSIF checkout.auto_renew_error == 'overdue' %]
You have overdue items.
[% ELSIF checkout.auto_renew_error == 'auto_too_late' %]
It's too late to renew this item.
[% ELSIF checkout.auto_renew_error == 'auto_too_much_oweing' %]
Your total unpaid fines are too high.
[% ELSIF checkout.auto_renew_error == 'too_unseen' %]
This item must be renewed at the library.
[% END %]
[% END %]
", 'email');
