Bug 21576: Add a developer script to fix missing TT filters

See bug 13618 and bug 21526.

We need a script to add missing filters, or replace wrong ones.

Test plan:
- Add unescaped variables to .tt files
- prove xt/find-missing-filters.t
will warn about them
- perl misc/devel/add_missing_filters.pl
will add the missing/wrong filters
- prove xt/find-missing-filters.t
will now be happy

Signed-off-by: Owen Leonard <oleonard@myacpl.org>
Signed-off-by: Martin Renvoize <martin.renvoize@ptfs-europe.com>

Signed-off-by: Nick Clemens <nick@bywatersolutions.com>
This commit is contained in:
Jonathan Druart 2018-10-12 13:57:49 -03:00 committed by Nick Clemens
parent f32ee27deb
commit c933244fe6
4 changed files with 460 additions and 120 deletions

View file

@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
use Modern::Perl;
use File::Slurp;
use Pod::Usage;
use Getopt::Long;
use t::lib::QA::TemplateFilters;
my ( $help, $verbose, @files );
'h|help' => \$help,
'v|verbose' => \$verbose,
) || pod2usage(1);
@files = @ARGV;
pod2usage(1) if $help or not @files;
my $i;
my $total = scalar @files;
my $num_width = length $total;
for my $file ( @ARGV ) {
if ( $verbose ) {
print sprintf "|%-25s| %${num_width}s / %s (%.2f%%)\r",
'=' x (24*$i++/$total). '>',
$i, $total, 100*$i/+$total;
flush STDOUT;
my $content = read_file( $file );
my $new_content = t::lib::QA::TemplateFilters::fix_filters($content);
$new_content .= "\n";
if ( $content ne $new_content ) {
say "$file -- Modified";
write_file($file, $new_content);
=head1 NAME
add_missing_filters.pl - Will add the missing filters to the template files given in parameters.
perl misc/devel/add_missing_filters.pl **/*.tt
/!\ It is highly recommended to execute this script on a clean git install, with all your files and changes committed.
-?|--help brief help message
-v|--verbose verbose mode
=head1 OPTIONS
=over 8
=item B<--help|-?>
Print a brief help message and exits
=item B<-v|--verbose>
Verbose mode.
=head1 AUTHOR
Jonathan Druart <jonathan.druart@bugs.koha-community.org>
Copyright 2018 Koha Development Team
=head1 LICENSE
This file is part of Koha.
Koha is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
Koha is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with Koha; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses>.

View file

@ -27,24 +27,43 @@ our @tt_directives = (
sub missing_filters {
sub fix_filters {
return _process_tt_content( @_ )->{new_content};
sub search_missing_filters {
return _process_tt_content( @_ )->{errors};
sub _process_tt_content {
my ($content) = @_;
my ( $use_raw, $has_use_raw );
my @errors;
my @new_lines;
my $line_number;
for my $line ( split "\n", $content ) {
my $new_line = $line;
if ( $line =~ m{\[%[^%]+%\]} ) {
# handle exceptions first
$use_raw = 1
if $line =~ m{|\s*\$raw}; # Is the file use the raw filter?
if ( $line =~ m{\|\s*\$raw} ) { # Is the file use the raw filter?
$use_raw = 1;
# Do we have Asset without the raw filter?
if ( $line =~ m{^\s*\[% Asset} ) {
push @errors, { error => 'asset_must_be_raw', line => $line, line_number => $line_number }
and next
unless $line =~ m{\|\s*\$raw};
if ( $line =~ m{^\s*\[% Asset} && $line !~ m{\|\s*\$raw} ) {
push @errors,
error => 'asset_must_be_raw',
line => $line,
line_number => $line_number
$new_line =~ s/\)\s*%]/) | \$raw %]/;
$use_raw = 1;
push @new_lines, $new_line;
@ -60,29 +79,132 @@ sub missing_filters {
my $tt_block = $+{tt_block};
my $tt_block = $+{tt_block};
my $pre_chomp = $+{pre_chomp};
my $post_chomp = $+{post_chomp};
# It's a TT directive, no filters needed
next if grep { $tt_block =~ $_ } @tt_directives;
next if
# It's a TT directive, no filters needed
grep { $tt_block =~ $_ } @tt_directives
if $tt_block =~ m{\s?\|\s?\$KohaDates\s?$}
# It is a comment
or $tt_block =~ m{^\#}
# Already escaped with a special filter
# We could escape it but should be safe
or $tt_block =~ m{\s?\|\s?\$KohaDates\s?$}
or $tt_block =~ m{\s?\|\s?\$Price\s?$}
; # We could escape it but should be safe
next if $tt_block =~ m{^\#}; # Is a comment, skip it
push @errors, { error => 'missing_filter', line => $line, line_number => $line_number }
if $tt_block !~ m{\|\s?\$raw} # already escaped correctly with raw
&& $tt_block !~ m{=} # assignment, maybe we should require to use SET (?)
&& $tt_block !~ m{\|\s?ur(l|i)} # already has url or uri filter
&& $tt_block !~ m{\|\s?html} # already has html filter
&& $tt_block !~ m{^(?<before>\S+)\s+UNLESS\s+(?<after>\S+)} # Specific for [% foo UNLESS bar %]
# Already escaped correctly with raw
or $tt_block =~ m{\|\s?\$raw}
# Assignment, maybe we should require to use SET (?)
or $tt_block =~ m{=}
# Already has url or uri filter
or $tt_block =~ m{\|\s?ur(l|i)}
# Specific for [% foo UNLESS bar %]
or $tt_block =~ m{^(?<before>\S+)\s+UNLESS\s+(?<after>\S+)}
$pre_chomp =
? $pre_chomp =~ m|-|
? q|- |
: $pre_chomp =~ m|~|
? q|~ |
: q| |
: q| |;
$post_chomp =
? $post_chomp =~ m|-|
? q| -|
: $post_chomp =~ m|~|
? q| ~|
: q| |
: q| |;
if (
# Use the uri filter
# If html filtered or not filtered
$new_line =~ qr{
# And not already uri or url filtered
and not $new_line =~ qr{
$tt_block =~ s/^\s*|\s*$//g; # trim
$tt_block =~ s/\s*\|\s*html\s*//;
$new_line =~ s{
}{[%$pre_chomp$tt_block | uri$post_chomp%]}xms;
push @errors,
error => 'wrong_html_filter',
line => $line,
line_number => $line_number
elsif (
$tt_block !~ m{\|\s?html} # already has html filter
$tt_block =~ s/^\s*|\s*$//g; # trim
$new_line =~ s{
}{[%$pre_chomp$tt_block | html$post_chomp%]}xms;
push @errors,
error => 'missing_filter',
line => $line,
line_number => $line_number
push @new_lines, $new_line;
else {
push @new_lines, $new_line;
return @errors;
# Adding [% USE raw %] on top if the filter is used
@new_lines = ( '[% USE raw %]', @new_lines )
if $use_raw and not $has_use_raw;
my $new_content = join "\n", @new_lines;
return { errors => \@errors, new_content => $new_content };
@ -94,7 +216,8 @@ t::lib::QA::TemplateFilters - Module used by tests and QA script to catch missin
my $content = read_file($filename);
my @e = t::lib::QA::TemplateFilters::missing_filters($content);
my $new_content = t::lib::QA::TemplateFilters::fix_filters($content);
my $errors = t::lib::QA::TemplateFilters::search_missing_filters($content);
@ -103,15 +226,26 @@ and to not duplicate the code.
=head1 METHODS
=head2 missing_filters
=head2 fix_filters
Take a template content file in parameter and return an array of errors.
An error is a hashref with 2 keys, error and line.
Take a template content file in parameter and return the same content with
the correct (guessed) filters.
It will also add the [% USE raw %] statement if it is needed.
=head2 search_missing_filters
Take a template content file in parameter and return an arrayref of errors.
An error is a hashref with 3 keys, error and line, line_number.
* error can be:
asset_must_be_raw - When Asset is called without using raw
missing_filter - When a TT variable is displayed without filter
wrong_html_filter - When a TT variable is using the html filter when uri (or url)
should be used instead.
* line is the line where the error has been found.
* line_number is the line number where the error has been found.
=head1 AUTHORS

View file

@ -16,28 +16,107 @@
# along with Koha; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses>.
use Modern::Perl;
use Test::More tests => 1;
use Test::More tests => 5;
use t::lib::QA::TemplateFilters;
my $input = <<INPUT;
[% USE Asset %]
[% INCLUDE 'doc-head-open.inc' %]
subtest 'Asset must use raw' => sub {
plan tests => 2;
my $input = <<INPUT;
[% Asset.css("css/one.css") %]
[% Asset.css("js/two.js") %]
my $expected = <<EXPECTED;
[% USE raw %]
[% Asset.css("css/one.css") | \$raw %]
[% Asset.css("js/two.js") | \$raw %]
my $new_content = t::lib::QA::TemplateFilters::fix_filters($input);
is( $new_content . "\n", $expected, );
my $missing_filters = t::lib::QA::TemplateFilters::search_missing_filters($input);
error => "asset_must_be_raw",
line => '[% Asset.css("css/one.css") %]',
line_number => 1,
error => "asset_must_be_raw",
line => '[% Asset.css("js/two.js") %]',
line_number => 2,
subtest 'Variables must be html escaped' => sub {
plan tests => 2;
my $input = <<INPUT;
<title>Koha &rsaquo; Patrons &rsaquo;
[% UNLESS blocking_error %]
Patron details for [% INCLUDE 'patron-title.inc' no_html = 1 %]
[% just_a_var %]
[% just_a_var %] A N D [% another_one_on_same_line %]
[% just_a_var_filtered|html %]
[% just_a_var_filtered |html %]
[% just_a_var_filtered| html %]
[% just_a_var_filtered | html %]
[% END %]
[% IF ( patron.othernames | html ) %]&ldquo;[% patron.othernames %]&rdquo;[% END %]
[% Asset.css("css/datatables.css").raw %]
[% Asset.css("css/datatables.css") | \$raw %]
[% IF ( patron.othernames ) %]&ldquo;[% patron.othernames %]&rdquo;[% END %]
<a href="tel:[% patron.phone %]">[% patron.phone %]</a>
<a title="[% patron.emailpro %]" href="mailto:[% patron.emailpro | uri %]">[% patron.emailpro %]</a>
[% patron_message.get_column('manager_surname') %]
my $expected = <<EXPECTED;
<title>Koha &rsaquo; Patrons &rsaquo;
[% UNLESS blocking_error %]
[% just_a_var | html %]
[% just_a_var | html %] A N D [% another_one_on_same_line | html %]
[% END %]
[% IF ( patron.othernames ) %]&ldquo;[% patron.othernames | html %]&rdquo;[% END %]
[% patron_message.get_column('manager_surname') | html %]
my $new_content = t::lib::QA::TemplateFilters::fix_filters($input);
is( $new_content . "\n", $expected, );
my $missing_filters = t::lib::QA::TemplateFilters::search_missing_filters($input);
error => "missing_filter",
line => " [% just_a_var %]",
line_number => 3,
error => "missing_filter",
line => " [% just_a_var %] A N D [% another_one_on_same_line %]",
line_number => 4,
error => "missing_filter",
line => " [% just_a_var %] A N D [% another_one_on_same_line %]",
line_number => 4,
error => "missing_filter",
line => " [% IF ( patron.othernames ) %]&ldquo;[% patron.othernames %]&rdquo;[% END %]",
line_number => 6,
error => "missing_filter",
line => "[% patron_message.get_column('manager_surname') %]",
line_number => 8
subtest 'TT directives, assignments and already filtered variables must not be escaped' => sub {
plan tests => 2;
my $input = <<INPUT;
#[% USE Asset %]
[% INCLUDE 'doc-head-open.inc' %]
[%# do_nothing %]
[% # do_nothing %]
[% SWITCH var %]
@ -48,90 +127,124 @@ my $input = <<INPUT;
[%- CASE 'foo' -%]foo
[%- CASE -%]
[%- END -%]
[%- var -%]
[% - var - %]
[%~ var ~%]
[% ~ var ~ %]
[% var | \$raw %]
[% foo UNLESS bar %]
[% SET var = val %]
[% var = val %]
[% var | \$Price %]
[% just_a_var_filtered|html %]
[% just_a_var_filtered |html %]
[% just_a_var_filtered| html %]
[% just_a_var_filtered | html %]
my $expected = <<EXPECTED;
#[% USE Asset %]
[% INCLUDE 'doc-head-open.inc' %]
[%# do_nothing %]
[% # do_nothing %]
[% SWITCH var %]
[% CASE 'foo' %]foo
[% CASE %]
[% END %]
[%- SWITCH var -%]
[%- CASE 'foo' -%]foo
[%- CASE -%]
[%- END -%]
[% foo UNLESS bar %]
[% SET var = val %]
[% var = val %]
[% var | \$Price %]
[% just_a_var_filtered|html %]
[% just_a_var_filtered |html %]
[% just_a_var_filtered| html %]
[% just_a_var_filtered | html %]
my @expected_errors = (
error => q{missing_filter},
line =>
q{ [% just_a_var %] A N D [% another_one_on_same_line %]},
line_number => 6,
error => q{missing_filter},
line =>
q{ [% just_a_var %] A N D [% another_one_on_same_line %]},
line_number => 6,
error => q{missing_filter},
line =>
q{ [% IF ( patron.othernames | html ) %]&ldquo;[% patron.othernames %]&rdquo;[% END %]},
line_number => 12,
error => q{asset_must_be_raw},
line => q{ [% Asset.css("css/datatables.css").raw %]},
line_number => 13,
error => q{missing_filter},
line => q{<a href="tel:[% patron.phone %]">[% patron.phone %]</a>},
line_number => 16,
error => q{missing_filter},
line => q{<a href="tel:[% patron.phone %]">[% patron.phone %]</a>},
line_number => 16,
error => q{missing_filter},
line =>
q{<a title="[% patron.emailpro %]" href="mailto:[% patron.emailpro | uri %]">[% patron.emailpro %]</a>},
line_number => 17,
error => q{missing_filter},
line =>
q{<a title="[% patron.emailpro %]" href="mailto:[% patron.emailpro | uri %]">[% patron.emailpro %]</a>},
line_number => 17,
error => q{missing_filter},
line => q{[% patron_message.get_column('manager_surname') %]},
line_number => 18,
error => q{missing_filter},
line => q{[%- var -%]},
line_number => 29,
error => q{missing_filter},
line => q{[% - var - %]},
line_number => 30,
error => q{missing_filter},
line => q{[%~ var ~%]},
line_number => 31,
error => q{missing_filter},
line => q{[% ~ var ~ %]},
line_number => 32,
my $new_content = t::lib::QA::TemplateFilters::fix_filters($input);
is( $new_content . "\n", $expected, );
my $missing_filters = t::lib::QA::TemplateFilters::search_missing_filters($input);
my @get = t::lib::QA::TemplateFilters::missing_filters($input);
is_deeply( \@get, \@expected_errors);
subtest 'Preserve pre/post chomps' => sub {
plan tests => 1;
my $input = <<INPUT;
[% USE raw %]
[%- var -%]
[% - var - %]
[%~ var ~%]
[% ~ var ~ %]
[%- var | html -%]
[%~ var | html ~%]
[%- var | uri -%]
[%~ var | uri ~%]
my $expected = <<EXPECTED;
[% USE raw %]
[%- var | html -%]
[%- var | html -%]
[%~ var | html ~%]
[%~ var | html ~%]
[%- var | html -%]
[%~ var | html ~%]
[%- var | uri -%]
[%~ var | uri ~%]
my $new_content = t::lib::QA::TemplateFilters::fix_filters($input);
is( $new_content . "\n", $expected, );
subtest 'Use uri filter if needed' => sub {
plan tests => 3;
my $input = <<INPUT;
<a href="tel:[% patron.phone %]">[% patron.phone %]</a>
<a href="mailto:[% patron.emailpro %]" title="[% patron.emailpro %]">[% patron.emailpro %]</a>
<a href="mailto:[% patron.emailpro | html %]" title="[% patron.emailpro %]">[% patron.emailpro %]</a>
<a href="mailto:[% patron.emailpro | uri %]" title="[% patron.emailpro %]">[% patron.emailpro %]</a>
<a href="[% myuri %]" title="[% myuri %]">[% myuri %]</a>
<a href="[% myuri | uri %]" title="[% myuri %]">[% myuri %]</a>
<a href="[% myurl | html %]" title="[% myurl %]">[% myurl %]</a>
<a href="[% myurl | url %]" title="[% myurl %]">[% myurl %]</a>
# Note: [% myurl %] will be uri escaped, we cannot know url should be used
my $expected = <<EXPECTED;
<a href="tel:[% patron.phone | uri %]">[% patron.phone | html %]</a>
<a href="mailto:[% patron.emailpro | uri %]" title="[% patron.emailpro | html %]">[% patron.emailpro | html %]</a>
<a href="mailto:[% patron.emailpro | uri %]" title="[% patron.emailpro | html %]">[% patron.emailpro | html %]</a>
<a href="mailto:[% patron.emailpro | uri %]" title="[% patron.emailpro | html %]">[% patron.emailpro | html %]</a>
<a href="[% myuri | uri %]" title="[% myuri | html %]">[% myuri | html %]</a>
<a href="[% myuri | uri %]" title="[% myuri | html %]">[% myuri | html %]</a>
<a href="[% myurl | uri %]" title="[% myurl | html %]">[% myurl | html %]</a>
<a href="[% myurl | url %]" title="[% myurl | html %]">[% myurl | html %]</a>
my $new_content = t::lib::QA::TemplateFilters::fix_filters($input);
is( $new_content . "\n", $expected, );
$input = <<INPUT;
<a href="[% wrong_filter | html %]">[% var | html %]</a>
my $missing_filters = t::lib::QA::TemplateFilters::search_missing_filters($input);
error => "wrong_html_filter",
line =>
'<a href="[% wrong_filter | html %]">[% var | html %]</a>',
line_number => 1
$input = <<INPUT;
<a href="[% good_raw_filter | \$raw %]">[% var | html %]</a>
$missing_filters = t::lib::QA::TemplateFilters::search_missing_filters($input);
is_deeply( $missing_filters, [], );

View file

@ -52,8 +52,8 @@ find({ wanted => \&wanted, no_chdir => 1 }, @themes );
my @errors;
for my $file ( @files ) {
my $content = read_file($file);
my @e = t::lib::QA::TemplateFilters::missing_filters($content);
push @errors, { file => $file, errors => \@e } if @e;
my $e = t::lib::QA::TemplateFilters::search_missing_filters($content);
push @errors, { file => $file, errors => $e } if @$e;
is( @errors, 0, "Template variables should be correctly escaped" )