Bug 37816: Stop SIP2 from logging passwords
Koha's SIP2 server does a lot of logging, including all incoming requests, in full. This means that passwords are logged, both for the user the SIP2 client uses for logging into Koha, as well as for the end users who provide a password to e.g. check something out. This patch replaces passwords with three asterisks in log strings, before they are written to the log. To test, in ktd: - Run the new tests: $ prove t/db_dependent/SIP/Sip.t - Tail the SIP2 logs: $ sudo tail -f /var/log/koha/kohadev/sip*.log - Telnet into the SIP2 server: $ telnet localhost 6001 - Try logging in by pasting this into the telnet session: "9300CNterm1|COmypassword|CPCPL|" - Verify that "mypassword" is replaced by "***" in the logs - Try different values for the password, including the correct password which is "term1" in ktd - Try other SIP2 messages that include password fields (AC, AD, CO) Update 2024-12-03: Fix issues pointed out by QA. Signed-off-by: Victor Grousset/tuxayo <victor@tuxayo.net> Signed-off-by: Marcel de Rooy <m.de.rooy@rijksmuseum.nl> Signed-off-by: Katrin Fischer <katrin.fischer@bsz-bw.de>
This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 103 additions and 4 deletions
@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
# Sip.pm: General Sip utility functions
=head1 NAME
C4::SIP::Sip - General Sip utility functions
package C4::SIP::Sip;
@ -239,8 +242,53 @@ sub siplog {
my $message = @args ? sprintf( $mask, @args ) : $mask;
$message = remove_password_from_message($message);
my $logger = C4::SIP::Logger::get_logger();
$logger->$method($message) if $logger;
=head2 remove_password_from_message
my $safe_message = remove_password_from_message( $message );
Look for the fields AC, AD and CO, and replace contents with three asterisks.
We do this by looking for:
delimiter + AC/AD/CO + something + delimiter
and replcing it with:
delimiter + field name + asterisks + delimiter
Messages and fields that can contain passwords:
23 Patron Status Request - AC terminal password - AD patron password
11 Checkout - AC terminal password - AD patron password
09 Checkin - AC terminal password
01 Block Patron - AC terminal password
93 Login - CO login password
63 Patron Information - AC terminal password - AD patron password
35 End Patron Session - AC terminal password - AD patron password
37 Fee Paid - AC terminal password - AD patron password
17 Item Information - AC terminal password
19 Item Status Update - AC terminal password
25 Patron Enable - AC terminal password- AD patron password
15 Hold - AC terminal password - AD patron password
29 Renew - AC terminal password - AD patron password
65 Renew All - AC terminal password - AD patron password
sub remove_password_from_message {
my ($message) = @_;
$message =~ s/\Q${field_delimiter}\EAC.*?\Q${field_delimiter}\E/${field_delimiter}AC***${field_delimiter}/g;
$message =~ s/\Q${field_delimiter}\EAD.*?\Q${field_delimiter}\E/${field_delimiter}AD***${field_delimiter}/g;
$message =~ s/\Q${field_delimiter}\ECO.*?\Q${field_delimiter}\E/${field_delimiter}CO***${field_delimiter}/g;
return $message;
@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
use Modern::Perl;
use Test::More tests => 9;
use Test::More tests => 10;
use Test::Warn;
@ -55,3 +55,54 @@ warning_is { $invalidTest = C4::SIP::Sip::Checksum::verify_cksum("1234567") }
'verify_cksum prints the expected warning for an invalid checksum';
is( $invalidTest, 0, "Checksum: 1234567 is invalid as expected" );
subtest 'remove_password_from_message' => sub {
plan tests => 8;
C4::SIP::Sip::remove_password_from_message("INPUT MSG: '9300CNterm1|COterm1|CPCPL|'"),
"INPUT MSG: '9300CNterm1|CO***|CPCPL|'", "93 Login - password"
C4::SIP::Sip::remove_password_from_message("INPUT MSG: '9300CNterm1|COt|CPCPL|'"),
"INPUT MSG: '9300CNterm1|CO***|CPCPL|'", "93 Login - short password"
C4::SIP::Sip::remove_password_from_message("INPUT MSG: '9300CNterm1|CO%&/()=+qwerty123456|CPCPL|'"),
"INPUT MSG: '9300CNterm1|CO***|CPCPL|'", "93 Login - Complex password"
C4::SIP::Sip::remove_password_from_message("INPUT MSG: '9300CNterm1|CO1234|CPCPL|'"),
"INPUT MSG: '9300CNterm1|CO***|CPCPL|'", "93 Login - PIN"
"11YN20240903 134450 AOCPL|AA23529000035676|AB39999000003697|AC1234|AD1234|BON"),
'11YN20240903 134450 AOCPL|AA23529000035676|AB39999000003697|AC***|AD***|BON',
"11 Checkout"
"11YN20240903 134450 AOCPL|AA23529000035676|AB39999000003697|AC|AD1234|BON"),
'11YN20240903 134450 AOCPL|AA23529000035676|AB39999000003697|AC***|AD***|BON',
"11 Checkout - empty AC"
"11YN20240903 134450 AOCPL|AA23529000035676|AB39999000003697|AC1234|AD|BON"),
'11YN20240903 134450 AOCPL|AA23529000035676|AB39999000003697|AC***|AD***|BON',
"11 Checkout - empty AD"
"11YN20240903 134450 AOCPL|AA23529000035676|AB39999000003697|AC|AD|BON"),
'11YN20240903 134450 AOCPL|AA23529000035676|AB39999000003697|AC***|AD***|BON',
"11 Checkout - empty AC and AND"
Reference in a new issue