Bug 15986: Use KohaDates filter to correctly format the waitingdate

Signed-off-by: Jonathan Druart <jonathan.druart@bugs.koha-community.org>
This commit is contained in:
Jonathan Druart 2021-04-09 16:18:10 +02:00
parent 340f542624
commit d17438eb43
8 changed files with 9 additions and 9 deletions

View file

@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
$DBversion = 'XXX';
if( CheckVersion( $DBversion ) ) {
VALUES ('reserves','HOLD_REMINDER','','Waiting hold reminder',0,'You have waiting holds.','Dear [% borrower.firstname %] [% borrower.surname %],\r\n\r\nThe follwing holds are waiting at [% branch.branchname %]:\r\n\\r\n[% FOREACH hold IN holds %]\r\n [% hold.biblio.title %] : waiting since [% hold.waitingdate %]\r\n[% END %]','email','default')
VALUES ('reserves','HOLD_REMINDER','','Waiting hold reminder',0,'You have waiting holds.','Dear [% borrower.firstname %] [% borrower.surname %],\r\n\r\nThe follwing holds are waiting at [% branch.branchname %]:\r\n\\r\n[% FOREACH hold IN holds %]\r\n [% hold.biblio.title %] : waiting since [% hold.waitingdate | $KohaDates %]\r\n[% END %]','email','default')
NewVersion( $DBversion, 15986, "Add sample HOLD_REMINDER notice");

View file

@ -1242,7 +1242,7 @@ tables:
message_transport_type: email
lang: default
- "Dear [% borrower.firstname %] [% borrower.surname %],\r\n\r\nThe follwing holds are waiting at [% branch.branchname %]:\r\n\\r\n[% FOREACH hold IN holds %]\r\n [% hold.biblio.title %] : waiting since [% hold.waitingdate %]\r\n[% END %]"
- "Dear [% borrower.firstname %] [% borrower.surname %],\r\n\r\nThe follwing holds are waiting at [% branch.branchname %]:\r\n\\r\n[% FOREACH hold IN holds %]\r\n [% hold.biblio.title %] : waiting since [% hold.waitingdate | $KohaDates %]\r\n[% END %]"
- module: serial

View file

@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ INSERT INTO `letter` (module, code, branchcode, name, is_html, title, content, m
('reserves','HOLD','','Réservation en attente de retrait',0,'Réservation en attente de retrait à <<branches.branchname>>','Bonjour <<borrowers.firstname>> <<borrowers.surname>>,\r\n\r\nVotre réservation est disponible depuis le <<reserves.waitingdate>> :\r\n\r\nTitre : <<biblio.title>>\r\nAuteur : <<biblio.author>>\r\nCopie : <<items.copynumber>>\r\nLocalisation : <<branches.branchname>>\r\n<<branches.branchaddress1>>\r\n<<branches.branchaddress2>>\r\n<<branches.branchaddress3>>\r\n<<branches.branchcity>> <<branches.branchzip>>\r\n\r\nNous vous invitons à venir emprunter votre document rapidement.\r\n\r\nMerci.\r\n\r\n<<branches.branchname>>','email'),
('reserves','HOLD','','Réservation en attente de retrait',0,'Réservation en attente de retrait à <<branches.branchname>>','Bonjour <<borrowers.firstname>> <<borrowers.surname>>,\r\n\r\nVotre réservation est disponible depuis le <<reserves.waitingdate>> :\r\n\r\nTitre : <<biblio.title>>\r\nAuteur : <<biblio.author>>\r\nCopie : <<items.copynumber>>\r\nLocalisation : <<branches.branchname>>\r\n<<branches.branchaddress1>>\r\n<<branches.branchaddress2>>\r\n<<branches.branchaddress3>>\r\n<<branches.branchcity>> <<branches.branchzip>>\r\n\r\nNous vous invitons à venir emprunter votre document rapidement.\r\n\r\nMerci.\r\n\r\n<<branches.branchname>>','print'),
('reserves','HOLDPLACED','','Réservation sur un document',0,'Un document a été réservé','Le document suivant a été réservé : \r\n<<biblio.title>> (<<biblio.biblionumber>>) par l\'adhérent <<borrowers.firstname>> <<borrowers.surname>> (<<borrowers.cardnumber>>).','email'),
('reserves','HOLD_REMINDER','','Waiting hold reminder',0,'You have waiting holds.','Dear [% borrower.firstname %] [% borrower.surname %],\r\n\r\nThe follwing holds are waiting at [% branch.branchname %]:\r\n\\r\n[% FOREACH hold IN holds %]\r\n [% hold.biblio.title %] : waiting since [% hold.waitingdate %]\r\n[% END %]','email'),
('reserves','HOLD_REMINDER','','Waiting hold reminder',0,'You have waiting holds.','Dear [% borrower.firstname %] [% borrower.surname %],\r\n\r\nThe follwing holds are waiting at [% branch.branchname %]:\r\n\\r\n[% FOREACH hold IN holds %]\r\n [% hold.biblio.title %] : waiting since [% hold.waitingdate | $KohaDates %]\r\n[% END %]','email'),
('reserves', 'CANCEL_HOLD_ON_LOST', '','Réservation annulée',0,"Réservation annulée", "Bonjour [% borrower.firstname %] [% borrower.surname %],\n\nVotre réservation pour le document suivant ne peut malheureusement pas être comblée parce que le document est introuvable.\n\nTitre : [% biblio.title %]\nAuteur : [% biblio.author %]\nExemplaire : [% item.copynumber %]\nLocalisation : [% branch.branchname %]", 'email'),
('serial','SERIAL_ALERT','','Liste de circulation',0,'Le nouveau numéro de <<biblio.title>> est disponible','Bonjour <<borrowers.firstname>> <<borrowers.surname>>,\r\n\r\nLe nouveau numéro de <<biblio.title>> est disponible.\r\n\r\nVous pouvez venir à la bilbliothèque pour le consulter.\r\n\r\nMerci.\r\n\r\n<<branches.branchname>>','email'),
('suggestions','ACCEPTED','','Suggestion d\'achat acceptée',0,'Suggestion d\'achat acceptée','Bonjour <<borrowers.firstname>> <<borrowers.surname>>,\r\n\r\nVous nous avez suggéré l\'achat du document <<suggestions.title>> par <<suggestions.author>>.\r\n\r\nNous avons évalué votre suggestion aujourdhui. Le document sera commandé dès que possible. Vous serez tenu au courant par courriel quand le document aura é commandé et quand il sera disponible à la bibliothèque.\r\n\r\nPour toute question, veuillez nous contacter à l\'adresse suivante : <<branches.branchemail>>.\r\n\r\nMerci.\r\n\r\n<<branches.branchname>>','email'),

View file

@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ VALUES
('circulation','CHECKIN','Document rendu (résumé)','Retours','Les documents suivants ont été rendus:\r\n----\r\n[% biblio.title %]\r\n----\r\nMerci.', 'email'),
('circulation','CHECKOUT','Document prêté (résumé)','Prêts','Les documents suivants ont été prêtés:\r\n----\r\n[% biblio.title %]\r\n----\r\nMerci de votre visite [% branch.branchname %].', 'email'),
('reserves', 'HOLDPLACED', 'Demande de réservation', 'Demande de réservation','Une demande de réservation a été placée sur le document : <<biblio.title>> (<<biblio.biblionumber>>) par l\'adhérent <<borrowers.firstname>> <<borrowers.surname>> (<<borrowers.cardnumber>>).', 'email'),
('reserves','HOLD_REMINDER','','Waiting hold reminder',0,'You have waiting holds.','Dear [% borrower.firstname %] [% borrower.surname %],\r\n\r\nThe follwing holds are waiting at [% branch.branchname %]:\r\n\\r\n[% FOREACH hold IN holds %]\r\n [% hold.biblio.title %] : waiting since [% hold.waitingdate %]\r\n[% END %]','email'),
('reserves','HOLD_REMINDER','','Waiting hold reminder',0,'You have waiting holds.','Dear [% borrower.firstname %] [% borrower.surname %],\r\n\r\nThe follwing holds are waiting at [% branch.branchname %]:\r\n\\r\n[% FOREACH hold IN holds %]\r\n [% hold.biblio.title %] : waiting since [% hold.waitingdate | $KohaDates %]\r\n[% END %]','email'),
('reserves', 'CANCEL_HOLD_ON_LOST', 'Hold has been cancelled', "Hold has been cancelled", "Dear [% borrower.firstname %] [% borrower.surname %],\n\nWe regret to inform you, that the following item can not be provided due to it being missing. Your hold was cancelled.\n\nTitle: [% biblio.title %]\nAuthor: [% biblio.author %]\nCopy: [% item.copynumber %]\nLocation: [% branch.branchname %]", 'email'),
('suggestions','ACCEPTED','Suggestion accceptée', 'Suggestion acceptée','Cher(e) <<borrowers.firstname>> <<borrowers.surname>>,\n\nVous avez crée une suggestion d\'achat au sujet du document <<suggestions.title>> de <<suggestions.author>>.\n\nLa Bibliothèque a reçu votre demande ce jour. Nous donnerons suite à votre demande aussi vite que possible. Vous serez averti par courriel dès que la commande sera envoyée,et quand les documents seront arrivés à la Bibliothèque.\n\nSi vous avez des questions, merci de nous contacter à l\'adresse suivante <<branches.branchemail>>.\n\nMerci,\n\n<<branches.branchname>>', 'email'),
('suggestions','AVAILABLE','Suggestion disponible', 'Suggestion d\'achat disponible','cher(e) <<borrowers.firstname>> <<borrowers.surname>>,\n\nVous avez effectué une suggestion d\'achat pour le docuement <<suggestions.title>> de <<suggestions.author>>.\n\nNous sommes heureux de vous informer que le document que vous aviez demandé est maintenant disponible dans nos collections.\n\nSi vous avez des questions, merci de nous contacter par courriel à l\'adresse <<branches.branchemail>>.\n\nMerci,\n\n<<branches.branchname>>', 'email'),

View file

@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ VALUES ('circulation','ODUE','Purring','Purring på dokument','<<borrowers.first
('circulation','CHECKIN','Innlevering','Melding om innlevering','Følgende dokument har blitt innlevert:\r\n----\r\n[% biblio.title %]\r\n----\r\nVennlig hilsen\r\nBiblioteket', 'email'),
('circulation','CHECKOUT','Utlån','Melding om utlån','Følgende dokument har blitt lånt ut:\r\n----\r\n[% biblio.title %]\r\n----\r\nVennlig hilsen\r\nBiblioteket', 'email'),
('reserves', 'HOLDPLACED', 'Melding om reservasjon', 'Melding om reservasjon','Følgende dokument har blitt reservert : <<biblio.title>> (<<biblio.biblionumber>>) av <<borrowers.firstname>> <<borrowers.surname>> (<<borrowers.cardnumber>>).', 'email'),
('reserves','HOLD_REMINDER','','Waiting hold reminder',0,'You have waiting holds.','Dear [% borrower.firstname %] [% borrower.surname %],\r\n\r\nThe follwing holds are waiting at [% branch.branchname %]:\r\n\\r\n[% FOREACH hold IN holds %]\r\n [% hold.biblio.title %] : waiting since [% hold.waitingdate %]\r\n[% END %]','email'),
('reserves','HOLD_REMINDER','','Waiting hold reminder',0,'You have waiting holds.','Dear [% borrower.firstname %] [% borrower.surname %],\r\n\r\nThe follwing holds are waiting at [% branch.branchname %]:\r\n\\r\n[% FOREACH hold IN holds %]\r\n [% hold.biblio.title %] : waiting since [% hold.waitingdate | $KohaDates %]\r\n[% END %]','email'),
('reserves', 'CANCEL_HOLD_ON_LOST', 'Hold has been cancelled', "Hold has been cancelled", "Dear [% borrower.firstname %] [% borrower.surname %],\n\nWe regret to inform you, that the following item can not be provided due to it being missing. Your hold was cancelled.\n\nTitle: [% biblio.title %]\nAuthor: [% biblio.author %]\nCopy: [% item.copynumber %]\nLocation: [% branch.branchname %]", 'email'),
('suggestions','ACCEPTED','Forslag godtatt', 'Innkjøpsforslag godtatt','<<borrowers.firstname>> <<borrowers.surname>>,\n\nDu har foreslått at biblioteket kjøper inn <<suggestions.title>> av <<suggestions.author>>.\n\nBiblioteket har vurdert forslaget i dag. Dokumentet vil bli bestilt så fort det lar seg gjøre. Du vil få en ny melding når bestillingen er gjort, og når dokumentet ankommer biblioteket.\n\nEr det noe du lurer på, vennligst kontakt oss på <<branches.branchemail>>.\n\nVennlig hilsen,\n\n<<branches.branchname>>', 'email'),
('suggestions','AVAILABLE','Foreslått dokument tilgjengelig', 'Foreslått dokument tilgjengelig','<<borrowers.firstname>> <<borrowers.surname>>,\n\nDu har foreslått at biblioteket kjøper inn <<suggestions.title>> av <<suggestions.author>>.\n\nVi har gleden av å informere deg om at dokumentet nå er innlemmet i samlingen.\n\nEr det noe du lurer på, vennligst kontakt oss på <<branches.branchemail>>.\n\nVennlig hilsen,\n\n<<branches.branchname>>', 'email'),

View file

@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ VALUES ('circulation','ODUE','Overdue notice','Item overdue','Dear <<borrowers.f
('circulation','CHECKIN','Item check-in (digest)','Check-ins','The following items have been checked in:\r\n----\r\n[% biblio.title %]\r\n----\r\nThank you.', 'email'),
('circulation','CHECKOUT','Item check-out (digest)','Checkouts','The following items have been checked out:\r\n----\r\n[% biblio.title %]\r\n----\r\nThank you for visiting [% branch.branchname %].', 'email'),
('reserves', 'HOLDPLACED', 'Hold placed on item', 'Hold placed on item','A hold has been placed on the following item : <<biblio.title>> (<<biblio.biblionumber>>) by the user <<borrowers.firstname>> <<borrowers.surname>> (<<borrowers.cardnumber>>).', 'email'),
('reserves','HOLD_REMINDER','','Waiting hold reminder',0,'You have waiting holds.','Dear [% borrower.firstname %] [% borrower.surname %],\r\n\r\nThe follwing holds are waiting at [% branch.branchname %]:\r\n\\r\n[% FOREACH hold IN holds %]\r\n [% hold.biblio.title %] : waiting since [% hold.waitingdate %]\r\n[% END %]','email'),
('reserves','HOLD_REMINDER','','Waiting hold reminder',0,'You have waiting holds.','Dear [% borrower.firstname %] [% borrower.surname %],\r\n\r\nThe follwing holds are waiting at [% branch.branchname %]:\r\n\\r\n[% FOREACH hold IN holds %]\r\n [% hold.biblio.title %] : waiting since [% hold.waitingdate | $KohaDates %]\r\n[% END %]','email'),
('reserves', 'CANCEL_HOLD_ON_LOST', 'Hold has been cancelled', "Hold has been cancelled", "Dear [% borrower.firstname %] [% borrower.surname %],\n\nWe regret to inform you, that the following item can not be provided due to it being missing. Your hold was cancelled.\n\nTitle: [% biblio.title %]\nAuthor: [% biblio.author %]\nCopy: [% item.copynumber %]\nLocation: [% branch.branchname %]", 'email'),
('suggestions','ACCEPTED','Suggestion accepted', 'Purchase suggestion accepted','Dear <<borrowers.firstname>> <<borrowers.surname>>,\n\nYou have suggested that the library acquire <<suggestions.title>> by <<suggestions.author>>.\n\nThe library has reviewed your suggestion today. The item will be ordered as soon as possible. You will be notified by mail when the order is completed, and again when the item arrives at the library.\n\nIf you have any questions, please email us at <<branches.branchemail>>.\n\nThank you,\n\n<<branches.branchname>>', 'email'),
('suggestions','AVAILABLE','Suggestion available', 'Suggested purchase available','Dear <<borrowers.firstname>> <<borrowers.surname>>,\n\nYou have suggested that the library acquire <<suggestions.title>> by <<suggestions.author>>.\n\nWe are pleased to inform you that the item you requested is now part of the collection.\n\nIf you have any questions, please email us at <<branches.branchemail>>.\n\nThank you,\n\n<<branches.branchname>>', 'email'),

View file

@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ VALUES ('circulation','ODUE','Overdue notice','Item overdue','Dear <<borrowers.f
('circulation','CHECKIN','Item check-in (digest)','Check-ins','The following items have been checked in:\r\n----\r\n[% biblio.title %]\r\n----\r\nThank you.', 'email'),
('circulation','CHECKOUT','Item check-out (digest)','Checkouts','The following items have been checked out:\r\n----\r\n[% biblio.title %]\r\n----\r\nThank you for visiting [% branch.branchname %].', 'email'),
('reserves', 'HOLDPLACED', 'Hold placed on item', 'Hold placed on item','A hold has been placed on the following item : <<biblio.title>> (<<biblio.biblionumber>>) by the user <<borrowers.firstname>> <<borrowers.surname>> (<<borrowers.cardnumber>>).', 'email'),
('reserves','HOLD_REMINDER','','Waiting hold reminder',0,'You have waiting holds.','Dear [% borrower.firstname %] [% borrower.surname %],\r\n\r\nThe follwing holds are waiting at [% branch.branchname %]:\r\n\\r\n[% FOREACH hold IN holds %]\r\n [% hold.biblio.title %] : waiting since [% hold.waitingdate %]\r\n[% END %]','email'),
('reserves','HOLD_REMINDER','','Waiting hold reminder',0,'You have waiting holds.','Dear [% borrower.firstname %] [% borrower.surname %],\r\n\r\nThe follwing holds are waiting at [% branch.branchname %]:\r\n\\r\n[% FOREACH hold IN holds %]\r\n [% hold.biblio.title %] : waiting since [% hold.waitingdate | $KohaDates %]\r\n[% END %]','email'),
('reserves', 'CANCEL_HOLD_ON_LOST', 'Hold has been cancelled', "Hold has been cancelled", "Dear [% borrower.firstname %] [% borrower.surname %],\n\nWe regret to inform you, that the following item can not be provided due to it being missing. Your hold was cancelled.\n\nTitle: [% biblio.title %]\nAuthor: [% biblio.author %]\nCopy: [% item.copynumber %]\nLocation: [% branch.branchname %]", 'email'),
('suggestions','ACCEPTED','Suggestion accepted', 'Purchase suggestion accepted','Dear <<borrowers.firstname>> <<borrowers.surname>>,\n\nYou have suggested that the library acquire <<suggestions.title>> by <<suggestions.author>>.\n\nThe library has reviewed your suggestion today. The item will be ordered as soon as possible. You will be notified by mail when the order is completed, and again when the item arrives at the library.\n\nIf you have any questions, please email us at <<branches.branchemail>>.\n\nThank you,\n\n<<branches.branchname>>', 'email'),
('suggestions','AVAILABLE','Suggestion available', 'Suggested purchase available','Dear <<borrowers.firstname>> <<borrowers.surname>>,\n\nYou have suggested that the library acquire <<suggestions.title>> by <<suggestions.author>>.\n\nWe are pleased to inform you that the item you requested is now part of the collection.\n\nIf you have any questions, please email us at <<branches.branchemail>>.\n\nThank you,\n\n<<branches.branchname>>', 'email'),

View file

@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ INSERT INTO `letter` (module, code, name, title, content, message_transport_type
('reserves','HOLD_REMINDER','Waiting hold reminder', 'You have waiting holds.',
'Dear [% borrower.firstname %] [% borrower.surname %],\r\n\r\nThe follwing holds are waiting at [% branch.branchname %]:\r\n\\r\n[% FOREACH hold IN holds %]\r\n [% hold.biblio.title %] : waiting since [% hold.waitingdate %]\r\n[% END %]',
'Dear [% borrower.firstname %] [% borrower.surname %],\r\n\r\nThe follwing holds are waiting at [% branch.branchname %]:\r\n\\r\n[% FOREACH hold IN holds %]\r\n [% hold.biblio.title %] : waiting since [% hold.waitingdate | $KohaDates %]\r\n[% END %]',
('suggestions','ACCEPTED','пропозиція прийнята', 'Пропозицію на придбання прийнято',