Bug 21978: Add support for middle name
This patch adds the new 'Middle name' field to the patron record. To test: 1) Apply patches 2) Update database, restart all and clear the browser cache 3) Load a patron in the staff module 4) Confirm you can see and edit the new 'Middle name' field 5) Confirm the new middle name data displays on patron details 6) Confirm the new middle name data displays on patron search results 7) Confirm the new middle name data displays everywhere patron names are displayed. 8) Confirm the new middle name data displays on the OPAC 9) Confirm the 'Middle name' field appears in the OPAC borrower modification screens 10) Edit sysprefs `BorrowerMandatoryFields`, `BorrowerUnwantedFields`, `SelfModificationBorrowerUnwantedField`, `PatronSelfModificationMandatoryField`, `PatronSelfRegistrationBorrowerMandatoryField` and `PatronSelfRegistrationBorrowerUnwantedField` to confirm you can make the new field required or hidden. 11) Verify that DefaultPatronSearchFields contains the new field if you already had 'firstname' in the field list 12) Enable PatronAutoComplete system preference 13) Type patrons surname into checkout or patron search but don't hit return 14) Confirm the patrons middle name is displayed in the preview 15) Go to tools > patron lists and attempt to add a patron to a list 16) Patrons middle name should appear in the autocomplete here too Signed-off-by: Sally <sally.healey@cheshiresharedservices.gov.uk> Signed-off-by: Jonathan Druart <jonathan.druart@bugs.koha-community.org> Signed-off-by: Tomas Cohen Arazi <tomascohen@theke.io>
This commit is contained in:
15 changed files with 77 additions and 40 deletions
@ -63,6 +63,7 @@ sub columns {
"title" => __("Salutation"),
"surname" => __("Surname"),
"firstname" => __("First name"),
"middle_name" => __("Middle name"),
"dateofbirth" => __("Date of birth"),
"initials" => __("Initials"),
"othernames" => __("Other name"),
@ -59,9 +59,10 @@ foreach my $p (@parts) {
-or => [
surname => { -like => "%$p%" },
firstname => { -like => "%$p%" },
cardnumber => { -like => "$p%" },
surname => { -like => "%$p%" },
firstname => { -like => "%$p%" },
middle_name => { -like => "%$p%" },
cardnumber => { -like => "$p%" },
@ -74,7 +75,7 @@ my $borrowers_rs = Koha::Patrons->search_limited(
# Get the first 10 results
page => 1,
rows => 10,
order_by => [ 'surname', 'firstname' ],
order_by => [ 'surname', 'firstname', 'middle_name' ],
prefetch => 'branchcode',
@ -82,18 +83,20 @@ my $borrowers_rs = Koha::Patrons->search_limited(
my @borrowers;
while ( my $b = $borrowers_rs->next ) {
push @borrowers,
{ borrowernumber => $b->borrowernumber,
surname => $b->surname // '',
firstname => $b->firstname // '',
cardnumber => $b->cardnumber // '',
dateofbirth => format_sqldatetime($b->dateofbirth, undef, undef, 1) // '',
age => $b->get_age // '',
address => $b->address // '',
city => $b->city // '',
zipcode => $b->zipcode // '',
country => $b->country // '',
branchcode => $b->branchcode // '',
branchname => $b->library->branchname // '',
borrowernumber => $b->borrowernumber,
surname => $b->surname // '',
firstname => $b->firstname // '',
middle_name => $b->middle_name // '',
cardnumber => $b->cardnumber // '',
dateofbirth => format_sqldatetime( $b->dateofbirth, undef, undef, 1 ) // '',
age => $b->get_age // '',
address => $b->address // '',
city => $b->city // '',
zipcode => $b->zipcode // '',
country => $b->country // '',
branchcode => $b->branchcode // '',
branchname => $b->library->branchname // '',
@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ function patron_autocomplete(params) {
if ( field_to_retrieve == 'borrowernumber' ) {
field = ui.item.borrowernumber;
AddPatron( ui.item.firstname + " " + ui.item.surname, field, patron_container, patron_input_name );
AddPatron( ui.item.firstname + " " + ui.item.middle_name + " " + ui.item.surname, field, patron_container, patron_input_name );
return false;
@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ function patron_autocomplete(params) {
.data( "ui-autocomplete" )._renderItem = function( ul, item ) {
return $( "<li></li>" )
.data( "ui-autocomplete-item", item )
.append( "<a>" + item.surname + ", " + item.firstname + " (" + item.cardnumber + ") <small>" + item.address + " " + item.city + " " + item.zipcode + " " + item.country + "</small></a>" )
.append( "<a>" + item.surname + ", " + item.firstname + " " + item.middle_name + " (" + item.cardnumber + ") <small>" + item.address + " " + item.city + " " + item.zipcode + " " + item.country + "</small></a>" )
.appendTo( ul );
@ -19,8 +19,12 @@
var name;
var firstname = escape_str(patron.firstname);
var surname = escape_str(patron.surname);
var firstname = escape_str(patron.firstname);
var surname = escape_str(patron.surname);
if ( patron.middle_name != null && patron.middle_name != '' ) {
firstname += ' ' + escape_str(patron.middle_name);
if ( patron.other_name != null && patron.other_name != '' ) {
firstname += ' (' + escape_str(patron.other_name) + ')';
@ -87,7 +87,11 @@
// Display card number in parentheses if it exists
cardnumber = " (" + item.cardnumber + ") ";
var itemString = "<a href=\"" + item.link + "\">" + ( item.surname ? item.surname.escapeHtml() : "" ) + ", " + ( item.firstname ? item.firstname.escapeHtml() : "" ) + cardnumber.escapeHtml() + " <small>";
var itemString = "<a href=\"" + item.link + "\">" + ( item.surname ? item.surname.escapeHtml() : "" ) + ", "
+ ( item.firstname ? item.firstname.escapeHtml() : "" )
+ ( item.middle_name ? " " + item.middle_name.escapeHtml() : "" )
+ cardnumber.escapeHtml()
+ " <small>";
if( item.branchcode == loggedInLibrary ){
loggedInClass = "ac-currentlibrary";
@ -150,6 +154,7 @@
"<a href=\"" + item.link + "\">" + ( item.surname ? item.surname.escapeHtml() : "" ) + ", "
+ ( item.firstname ? item.firstname.escapeHtml() : "" )
+ ( item.middle_name ? " " + item.middle_name.escapeHtml() : "" )
+ cardnumber.escapeHtml()
+ " <small>"
+ ( item.dateofbirth ? item.dateofbirth.escapeHtml() : "" ) + " "
@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
<div id="filters">
<p><label for="searchfieldstype">Search fields:</label>
<select name="searchfieldstype" id="searchfieldstype">
[% SET standard = Koha.Preference('DefaultPatronSearchFields') || 'firstname,surname,othernames,cardnumber,userid' %]
[% SET standard = Koha.Preference('DefaultPatronSearchFields') || 'firstname,middle_name,surname,othernames,cardnumber,userid' %]
[% default_fields = [ standard, 'surname', 'cardnumber', 'email', 'borrowernumber', 'userid', 'phone', 'address', 'dateofbirth', 'sort1', 'sort2' ] %]
[% search_options = default_fields.merge(standard.split(',')).unique %]
[% FOREACH s_o IN search_options %]
@ -60,7 +60,7 @@
<label for="searchfieldstype_filter">Search field:</label>
<select name="searchfieldstype" id="searchfieldstype_filter">
[% SET standard = Koha.Preference('DefaultPatronSearchFields') || 'firstname,surname,othernames,cardnumber,userid' %]
[% SET standard = Koha.Preference('DefaultPatronSearchFields') || 'firstname,middle_name,surname,othernames,cardnumber,userid' %]
[% default_fields = [ standard, 'surname', 'cardnumber', 'email', 'borrowernumber', 'userid', 'phone', 'address', 'dateofbirth', 'sort1', 'sort2' ] %]
[% search_options = default_fields.merge(standard.split(',')).unique %]
[% FOREACH s_o IN search_options %]
@ -317,7 +317,7 @@
let search_type = $("#searchtype_filter").val() || "contain";
let search_fields = $("#searchfieldstype_filter").val();
if ( !search_fields ) {
search_fields = "[% Koha.Preference('DefaultPatronSearchFields') || 'firstname,surname,othernames,cardnumber,userid' | html %]";
search_fields = "[% Koha.Preference('DefaultPatronSearchFields') || 'firstname,middle_name,surname,othernames,cardnumber,userid' | html %]";
let subquery_and = [];
@ -458,7 +458,7 @@
[% CASE 'name-address' %]
"data": "me.surname:me.firstname:me.othernames:me.street_number:me.address:me.address2:me.city:me.state:me.postal_code:me.country",
"data": "me.surname:me.firstname:me.middle_name:me.othernames:me.street_number:me.address:me.address2:me.city:me.state:me.postal_code:me.country",
"searchable": true,
"orderable": true,
"render": function( data, type, row, meta ) {
@ -508,7 +508,7 @@
[% CASE 'name' %]
"data": "me.surname:me.firstname:me.othernames",
"data": "me.surname:me.firstname:me.middle_name:me.othernames",
"searchable": true,
"orderable": true,
"render": function( data, type, row, meta ) {
@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
[%- SET data.surname = patron.surname -%]
[%- SET data.othernames = patron.othernames -%]
[%- SET data.firstname = patron.firstname -%]
[%- SET data.middle_name = patron.middle_name -%]
[%- SET data.cardnumber = patron.cardnumber -%]
[%- SET data.borrowernumber = patron.borrowernumber -%]
[%- SET data.title = patron.title -%]
@ -15,6 +16,7 @@
[%- SET data.surname = borrower.surname -%]
[%- SET data.othernames = borrower.othernames -%]
[%- SET data.firstname = borrower.firstname -%]
[%- SET data.middle_name = borrower.middle_name -%]
[%- SET data.cardnumber = borrower.cardnumber -%]
[%- SET data.borrowernumber = borrower.borrowernumber -%]
[%- SET data.title = borrower.title -%]
@ -23,6 +25,7 @@
[%- SET data.surname = surname -%]
[%- SET data.othernames = othernames -%]
[%- SET data.firstname = firstname -%]
[%- SET data.middle_name = middle_name -%]
[%- SET data.cardnumber = cardnumber -%]
[%- SET data.borrowernumber = borrowernumber -%]
[%- SET data.title = title -%]
@ -61,9 +64,9 @@
[%- IF data.category_type == 'I' -%]
[%- data.surname | html %] [% IF data.othernames %] ([% data.othernames | html %])[% END -%]
[%- ELSIF invert_name -%]
[% data.title | $raw %][%- data.surname | html %][% IF ( data.firstname ) %], [% data.firstname | html %][% END %][% IF data.othernames %] ([% data.othernames | html %]) [% END -%]
[% data.title | $raw %][%- data.surname | html %][% IF ( data.firstname ) %], [% data.firstname | html %][% END %][% IF data.middle_name %] [% data.middle_name | html %][% END %][% IF data.othernames %] ([% data.othernames | html %]) [% END -%]
[%- ELSE -%]
[% data.title | $raw %][%- data.firstname | html %] [% IF data.othernames %] ([% data.othernames | html %]) [% END %] [% data.surname | html -%]
[% data.title | $raw %][%- data.firstname | html %][% IF data.middle_name %] [% data.middle_name | html %][% END %][% IF data.othernames %] ([% data.othernames | html %]) [% END %] [% data.surname | html -%]
[%- END -%]
[%- IF display_cardnumber AND data.cardnumber %] ([% data.cardnumber | html %])[% END -%]
[%- ELSIF display_cardnumber -%]
@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
[%- CASE 'cardnumber' -%]<span>Card number</span>
[%- CASE 'surname' -%]<span>Surname</span>
[%- CASE 'firstname' -%]<span>First name</span>
[%- CASE 'middle_name' -%]<span>Middle name</span>
[%- CASE 'title' -%]<span>Salutation</span>
[%- CASE 'othernames' -%]<span>Other name</span>
[%- CASE 'initials' -%]<span>Initials</span>
@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ Patrons:
- "Comma separated list defining the default fields to be used during a patron search using the \"standard\" option:"
- pref: DefaultPatronSearchFields
class: multi
- "If empty Koha will default to \"firstname,surname,othernames,cardnumber,userid\". Additional fields added to this preference will be added as search options in the dropdown menu on the patron search page."
- "If empty Koha will default to \"firstname,middle_name,surname,othernames,cardnumber,userid\". Additional fields added to this preference will be added as search options in the dropdown menu on the patron search page."
- "Show the following fields from the items database table as columns on the statistics tab on the patron record: "
- pref: StatisticsFields
@ -267,7 +267,7 @@ legend:hover {
[% END %]
[% IF ( step_1 ) %]
[% UNLESS notitle && nosurname && nofirstname && nodateofbirth && noinitials && noothernames &&nosex %]
[% UNLESS notitle && nosurname && nofirstname && nomiddle_name && nodateofbirth && noinitials && noothernames &&nosex %]
<fieldset class="rows" id="memberentry_identity">
<legend id="identity_lgd">[% IF ( I ) %]<span>Organization</span> [% ELSE %]<span>Patron</span> [% END %]<span>identity</span></legend>
@ -341,6 +341,21 @@ legend:hover {
[% END %]
[% END #/UNLESS nofirstname %]
[% UNLESS nomiddle_name %]
[% IF ( mandatorymiddle_name ) %]
<label for="middle_name" class="required">
[% ELSE %]
<label for="middle_name">
[% END %]
Middle name:
<input type="text" id="middle_name" name="middle_name" size="20" value="[% borrower_data.middle_name | html UNLESS opduplicate %]" />
[% IF ( mandatorymiddle_name ) %]
<span class="required">Required</span>
[% END %]
[% END #/UNLESS nomiddle_name %]
[% UNLESS nodateofbirth %]
[% IF ( mandatorydateofbirth ) %]
@ -19,6 +19,7 @@
[% CASE 'branchcode' %]<span>Home library (branchcode)</span>
[% CASE 'surname' %]<span>Surname</span>
[% CASE 'firstname' %]<span>First name</span>
[% CASE 'middle_name' %]<span>Middle name</span>
[% CASE 'title' %]<span>Title</span>
[% CASE 'othernames' %]<span>Other names</span>
[% CASE 'initials' %]<span>Initials</span>
@ -95,12 +95,7 @@
[% INCLUDE 'patron_messages.inc' %]
[% UNLESS ( I ) %]
[% patron.title | html %] [% patron.firstname | html %]
[% END %]
[% patron.surname | html %] ([% patron.cardnumber | html %])
<h1>[% INCLUDE 'patron-title.inc' no_html = 1 %]</h1>
<div class="col-sm-6">
<div id="patron-information" class="patroninfo-section">
@ -4,5 +4,5 @@
[%- IF patron.title -%]
<span class="patron-title">[% patron.title | html %]</span>
[%- END -%]
[% patron.firstname | html %] [% patron.surname | html %]
[% patron.firstname | html %] [% patron.middle_name | html %] [% patron.surname | html %]
[%- END -%]
@ -176,7 +176,7 @@
Guaranteed by
[% FOREACH gr IN patron.guarantor_relationships %]
[% SET g = gr.guarantor %]
[% g.firstname | html %] [% g.surname | html %]
[% g.firstname | html %] [% g.middle_name | html %] [% g.surname | html %]
[%- IF ! loop.last %], [% END %]
[% END %]
@ -193,7 +193,7 @@
<form method="post" action="/cgi-bin/koha/opac-memberentry.pl" id="memberentry-form" autocomplete="off">
[% FOREACH field = ['streetnumber' 'streettype' 'cardnumber' 'branchcode' 'categorycode' 'title' 'surname' 'firstname' 'dateofbirth' 'initials' 'othernames' 'address' 'address2' 'city' 'state' 'zipcode' 'country' 'phone' 'phonepro' 'mobile' 'email' 'emailpro' 'fax' 'B_streettype' 'B_address' 'B_address2' 'B_city' 'B_state' 'B_zipcode' 'B_country' 'B_phone' 'B_email' 'contactnote' 'altcontactsurname' 'altcontactfirstname' 'altcontactaddress1' 'altcontactaddress2' 'altcontactaddress3' 'altcontactstate' 'altcontactzipcode' 'altcontactcountry' 'altcontactphone' 'password' ] %]
[% FOREACH field = ['streetnumber' 'streettype' 'cardnumber' 'branchcode' 'categorycode' 'title' 'surname' 'firstname' 'middle_name' 'dateofbirth' 'initials' 'othernames' 'address' 'address2' 'city' 'state' 'zipcode' 'country' 'phone' 'phonepro' 'mobile' 'email' 'emailpro' 'fax' 'B_streettype' 'B_address' 'B_address2' 'B_city' 'B_state' 'B_zipcode' 'B_country' 'B_phone' 'B_email' 'contactnote' 'altcontactsurname' 'altcontactfirstname' 'altcontactaddress1' 'altcontactaddress2' 'altcontactaddress3' 'altcontactstate' 'altcontactzipcode' 'altcontactcountry' 'altcontactphone' 'password' ] %]
[% IF mandatory.defined( field ) %]
[% SET required.$field = 'required' %]
[% END %]
@ -300,7 +300,7 @@
[% END # / defined 'branchcode' %]
[%# Following on one line for translatability %]
[% UNLESS hidden.defined('title') && hidden.defined('surname') && hidden.defined('firstname') && hidden.defined('dateofbirth') && hidden.defined('initials') && hidden.defined('othernames') && hidden.defined('sex') %]
[% UNLESS hidden.defined('title') && hidden.defined('surname') && hidden.defined('firstname') && hidden.defined('middle_name') && hidden.defined('dateofbirth') && hidden.defined('initials') && hidden.defined('othernames') && hidden.defined('sex') %]
<div class="row">
<div class="col">
<fieldset class="rows" id="memberentry_identity">
@ -343,6 +343,15 @@
[% END %]
[% UNLESS hidden.defined('middle_name') %]
<label for="borrower_middle_name" class="[% required.middle_name | html %]">Middle name:</label>
<input type="text" id="borrower_middle_name" name="borrower_middle_name" value="[% borrower.middle_name | html %]" class="[% required.middle_name | html %]" />
<div class="required_label [% required.middle_name | html %]">Required</div>
[% END %]
[% UNLESS hidden.defined('dateofbirth') %]
<label for="borrower_dateofbirth" class="[% required.dateofbirth | html %]">Date of birth:</label>
Reference in a new issue