Browse Source

Big LDAP changes, module test for, still more yet to come.

Signed-off-by: Chris Cormack <>
Signed-off-by: Joshua Ferraro <>
Joe Atzberger 17 years ago
committed by Joshua Ferraro
  1. 108
  2. 149
  3. 48
  4. 12
  5. 43


@ -21,18 +21,17 @@ use strict;
use Digest::MD5 qw(md5_base64);
use C4::Context;
use C4::Members qw(AddMember );
use C4::Members qw(AddMember changepassword);
use C4::Utils qw( :all );
use Net::LDAP;
use Net::LDAP::Filter;
# use Net::LDAP qw(:all);
require Exporter;
$VERSION = 3.01; # set the version for version checking
our $debug = $ENV{DEBUG} || 0;
$debug = $ENV{DEBUG} || 0;
@ISA = qw(Exporter C4::Auth);
@EXPORT = qw( checkauth );
@ -128,37 +127,27 @@ C4::Auth - Authenticates Koha users
# ~ then gets the LDAP entry
# ~ and calls the memberadd if necessary
use vars qw(%mapping @ldaphosts $base $ldapname $ldappassword);
%mapping = (
firstname => 'givenName',
surname => 'sn',
address => 'postalAddress',
city => 'l',
zipcode => 'postalCode',
branchcode => 'branch',
emailaddress => 'mail',
categorycode => 'employeeType',
phone => 'telephoneNumber',
my $prefhost;
if ($prefhost = C4::Context->preference('ldapserver')) { # assignment, not comparison
warn "Using preference from ldapserver: $prefhost";
(@ldaphosts) = split /\|/,$prefhost; # Potentially multiple LDAP hosts!
$base = C4::Context->preference('ldapinfos') || ''; # probably will fail w/o base
} else {
(@ldaphosts) = (qw(localhost)); # Potentially multiple LDAP hosts!
$base = "dc=metavore,dc=com"; # But only 1 base.
sub ldapserver_error ($) {
return sprintf('No ldapserver "%s" defined in KOHA_CONF: ' . $ENV{KOHA_CONF}, shift);
$ldapname = "cn=Manager,$base"; # Your LDAP user. EDIT THIS LINE.
$ldappassword = 'metavore'; # Your LDAP user's password. EDIT THIS LINE.
use vars qw($mapping @ldaphosts $base $ldapname $ldappassword);
my $context = C4::Context->new() or die 'C4::Context->new failed';
my $ldap = $context->{server}->{ldapserver} or die 'No "ldapserver" in server hash from KOHA_CONF: ' . $ENV{KOHA_CONF};
my $prefhost = $ldap->{hostname} or die ldapserver_error('hostname');
my $base = $ldap->{base} or die ldapserver_error('base');
$ldapname = $ldap->{user} or die ldapserver_error('user');
$ldappassword = $ldap->{pass} or die ldapserver_error('pass');
our %mapping = %{$ldap->{mapping}} or die ldapserver_error('mapping');
my @mapkeys = keys %mapping;
print STDERR "Got ", scalar(@mapkeys), " ldap mapkeys ( total ): ", join ' ', @mapkeys, "\n";
@mapkeys = grep {defined $mapping{$_}->{is}} @mapkeys;
print STDERR "Got ", scalar(@mapkeys), " ldap mapkeys (populated): ", join ' ', @mapkeys, "\n";
my %config = (
anonymous => ($ldapname and $ldappassword) ? 0 : 1,
replicate => 1, # add from LDAP to Koha database for new user
update => 1, # update from LDAP to Koha database for existing user
replicate => $ldap->{replicate} || 1, # add from LDAP to Koha database for new user
update => $ldap->{update} || 1, # update from LDAP to Koha database for existing user
sub description ($) {
@ -175,7 +164,7 @@ sub checkauth {
return 2; # Koha superuser account
my $db = Net::LDAP->new(\@ldaphosts);
my $db = Net::LDAP->new([$prefhost]);
#$debug and $db->debug(5);
my $filter = Net::LDAP::Filter->new("uid=$userid") or die "Failed to create new Net::LDAP::Filter";
my $res = ($config{anonymous}) ? $db->bind : $db->bind($ldapname, password=>$ldappassword);
@ -211,34 +200,55 @@ sub checkauth {
if (exists_local($userid)) {
($config{update} ) and &update_local($userid,$password,%borrower);
} else {
($config{replicate}) and AddMember(%borrower);
($config{replicate}) and warn "Replicating!!" and AddMember(%borrower);
return 1;
# Pass LDAP entry object and local cardnumber (userid).
# Returns borrower hash.
# Edit %mapping so $memberhash{'xxx'} fits your ldap structure.
# Edit KOHA_CONF so $memberhash{'xxx'} fits your ldap structure.
# Ensure that mandatory fields are correctly filled!
sub ldap_entry_2_hash ($$) {
my $userldapentry = shift;
my %borrower = ( cardnumber => shift );
my %memberhash;
my $x = $userldapentry->{asn}{attributes} or return undef;
print "keys(\%\$userldapentry) = " . join(', ', keys %$userldapentry), "\n";
print $userldapentry->dump();
foreach (keys %$userldapentry) {
print "\n\nLDAP key: $_\t", sprintf('(%s)', ref $userldapentry->{$_}), "\n";
hashdump("LDAP key: ",$userldapentry->{$_});
warn "->{asn}->{attributes} : " . $userldapentry->{asn}->{attributes} ;
my $x = $userldapentry->{asn}->{attributes} or return undef;
my $key;
foreach my $k (@$x) {
foreach my $k2 ( keys %$k ) {
if ($k2 eq 'type') {
$key = $$k{$k2};
} else {
$memberhash{$key} .= map {$_ . " "} @$k{$k2};
# asn (HASH)
# LDAP key: ->{attributes} = ARRAY w/ 17 members.
# LDAP key: ->{attributes}->{HASH(0x9234290)} = HASH w/ 2 keys.
# LDAP key: ->{attributes}->{HASH(0x9234290)}->{type} = cn
# LDAP key: ->{attributes}->{HASH(0x9234290)}->{vals} = ARRAY w/ 3 members.
# LDAP key: ->{attributes}->{HASH(0x9234290)}->{vals}->{ sss} = sss
# LDAP key: ->{attributes}->{HASH(0x9234290)}->{vals}->{ Steve Smith} = Steve Smith
# LDAP key: ->{attributes}->{HASH(0x9234290)}->{vals}->{Steve S. Smith} = Steve S. Smith
# $x $anon
# LDAP key: ->{attributes}->{HASH(0x9234490)} = HASH w/ 2 keys.
# LDAP key: ->{attributes}->{HASH(0x9234490)}->{type} = o
# LDAP key: ->{attributes}->{HASH(0x9234490)}->{vals} = ARRAY w/ 1 members.
# LDAP key: ->{attributes}->{HASH(0x9234490)}->{vals}->{metavore} = metavore
# $x=([ cn=>['sss','Steve Smith','Steve S. Smith'], sss, o=>['metavore'], ])
# . . . . .
foreach my $anon (@$x) {
$key = $anon->{type} or next;
$memberhash{$key} = join " ", @{$anon->{vals}};
foreach my $key (%mapping) {
my $data = $memberhash{$mapping{$key}};
defined $data or $data = ' ';
foreach my $key (keys %mapping) {
my $data = $memberhash{$mapping{$key}->{is}};
unless (defined $data) {
$data = $mapping{$key}->{content} || ''; # default or failsafe ''
$borrower{$key} = ($data ne '') ? $data : ' ' ;
$borrower{initials} = $memberhash{initials} ||
@ -262,15 +272,15 @@ sub update_local($$%) {
my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh;
my $sth = $dbh->prepare("
UPDATE borrowers
SET firstname=?,surname=?,initials=?,streetaddress=?,city=?,phone=?, categorycode=?,branchcode=?,emailaddress=?,sort1=?
SET firstname=?,surname=?,initials=?,address=?,city=?,phone=?, categorycode=?,branchcode=?,email=?,sort1=?
WHERE cardnumber=?
$borrower{firstname}, $borrower{surname},
$borrower{initials}, $borrower{streetaddress},
$borrower{initials}, $borrower{address},
$borrower{city}, $borrower{phone},
$borrower{categorycode}, $borrower{branchcode},
$borrower{emailaddress}, $borrower{sort1},
$borrower{email}, $borrower{sort1},


@ -602,8 +602,8 @@ Modify borrower's data
sub ModMember {
my (%data) = @_;
my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh;
$data{'dateofbirth'} = format_date_in_iso( $data{'dateofbirth'} ) if ($data{'dateofbirth'} );
$data{'dateexpiry'} = format_date_in_iso( $data{'dateexpiry'} ) if ($data{'dateexpiry'} );
$data{'dateofbirth'} = format_date_in_iso( $data{'dateofbirth' } ) if ($data{'dateofbirth' } );
$data{'dateexpiry'} = format_date_in_iso( $data{ 'dateexpiry' } ) if ($data{ 'dateexpiry' } );
$data{'dateenrolled'} = format_date_in_iso( $data{'dateenrolled'} ) if ($data{'dateenrolled'} );
my $qborrower=$dbh->prepare("SHOW columns from borrowers");
@ -673,103 +673,58 @@ sub AddMember {
$data{'dateofbirth'} = format_date_in_iso( $data{'dateofbirth'} );
$data{'dateenrolled'} = format_date_in_iso( $data{'dateenrolled'});
$data{'dateexpiry'} = format_date_in_iso( $data{'dateexpiry'} );
# This query should be rewritten to use "?" at execute.
my $query =
"insert into borrowers set cardnumber="
. $dbh->quote( $data{'cardnumber'} )
. ",surname="
. $dbh->quote( $data{'surname'} )
. ",firstname="
. $dbh->quote( $data{'firstname'} )
. ",title="
. $dbh->quote( $data{'title'} )
. ",othernames="
. $dbh->quote( $data{'othernames'} )
. ",initials="
. $dbh->quote( $data{'initials'} )
. ",streetnumber="
. $dbh->quote( $data{'streetnumber'} )
. ",streettype="
. $dbh->quote( $data{'streettype'} )
. ",address="
. $dbh->quote( $data{'address'} )
. ",address2="
. $dbh->quote( $data{'address2'} )
. ",zipcode="
. $dbh->quote( $data{'zipcode'} )
. ",city="
. $dbh->quote( $data{'city'} )
. ",phone="
. $dbh->quote( $data{'phone'} )
. ",email="
. $dbh->quote( $data{'email'} )
. ",mobile="
. $dbh->quote( $data{'mobile'} )
. ",phonepro="
. $dbh->quote( $data{'phonepro'} )
. ",opacnote="
. $dbh->quote( $data{'opacnote'} )
. ",guarantorid="
. $dbh->quote( $data{'guarantorid'} )
. ",dateofbirth="
. $dbh->quote( $data{'dateofbirth'} )
. ",branchcode="
. $dbh->quote( $data{'branchcode'} )
. ",categorycode="
. $dbh->quote( $data{'categorycode'} )
. ",dateenrolled="
. $dbh->quote( $data{'dateenrolled'} )
. ",contactname="
. $dbh->quote( $data{'contactname'} )
. ",borrowernotes="
. $dbh->quote( $data{'borrowernotes'} )
. ",dateexpiry="
. $dbh->quote( $data{'dateexpiry'} )
. ",contactnote="
. $dbh->quote( $data{'contactnote'} )
. ",B_address="
. $dbh->quote( $data{'B_address'} )
. ",B_zipcode="
. $dbh->quote( $data{'B_zipcode'} )
. ",B_city="
. $dbh->quote( $data{'B_city'} )
. ",B_phone="
. $dbh->quote( $data{'B_phone'} )
. ",B_email="
. $dbh->quote( $data{'B_email'} )
. ",password="
. $dbh->quote( $data{'password'} )
. ",userid="
. $dbh->quote( $data{'userid'} )
. ",sort1="
. $dbh->quote( $data{'sort1'} )
. ",sort2="
. $dbh->quote( $data{'sort2'} )
. ",contacttitle="
. $dbh->quote( $data{'contacttitle'} )
. ",emailpro="
. $dbh->quote( $data{'emailpro'} )
. ",contactfirstname="
. $dbh->quote( $data{'contactfirstname'} ) . ",sex="
. $dbh->quote( $data{'sex'} ) . ",fax="
. $dbh->quote( $data{'fax'} )
. ",relationship="
. $dbh->quote( $data{'relationship'} )
. ",B_streetnumber="
. $dbh->quote( $data{'B_streetnumber'} )
. ",B_streettype="
. $dbh->quote( $data{'B_streettype'} )
. ",gonenoaddress="
. $dbh->quote( $data{'gonenoaddress'} )
. ",lost="
. $dbh->quote( $data{'lost'} )
. ",debarred="
. $dbh->quote( $data{'debarred'} )
. ",ethnicity="
. $dbh->quote( $data{'ethnicity'} )
. ",ethnotes="
. $dbh->quote( $data{'ethnotes'} );
"insert into borrowers set cardnumber=" . $dbh->quote( $data{'cardnumber'} )
. ",surname=" . $dbh->quote( $data{'surname'} )
. ",firstname=" . $dbh->quote( $data{'firstname'} )
. ",title=" . $dbh->quote( $data{'title'} )
. ",othernames=" . $dbh->quote( $data{'othernames'} )
. ",initials=" . $dbh->quote( $data{'initials'} )
. ",streetnumber=". $dbh->quote( $data{'streetnumber'} )
. ",streettype=" . $dbh->quote( $data{'streettype'} )
. ",address=" . $dbh->quote( $data{'address'} )
. ",address2=" . $dbh->quote( $data{'address2'} )
. ",zipcode=" . $dbh->quote( $data{'zipcode'} )
. ",city=" . $dbh->quote( $data{'city'} )
. ",phone=" . $dbh->quote( $data{'phone'} )
. ",email=" . $dbh->quote( $data{'email'} )
. ",mobile=" . $dbh->quote( $data{'mobile'} )
. ",phonepro=" . $dbh->quote( $data{'phonepro'} )
. ",opacnote=" . $dbh->quote( $data{'opacnote'} )
. ",guarantorid=" . $dbh->quote( $data{'guarantorid'} )
. ",dateofbirth=" . $dbh->quote( $data{'dateofbirth'} )
. ",branchcode=" . $dbh->quote( $data{'branchcode'} )
. ",categorycode=" . $dbh->quote( $data{'categorycode'} )
. ",dateenrolled=" . $dbh->quote( $data{'dateenrolled'} )
. ",contactname=" . $dbh->quote( $data{'contactname'} )
. ",borrowernotes=" . $dbh->quote( $data{'borrowernotes'} )
. ",dateexpiry=" . $dbh->quote( $data{'dateexpiry'} )
. ",contactnote=" . $dbh->quote( $data{'contactnote'} )
. ",B_address=" . $dbh->quote( $data{'B_address'} )
. ",B_zipcode=" . $dbh->quote( $data{'B_zipcode'} )
. ",B_city=" . $dbh->quote( $data{'B_city'} )
. ",B_phone=" . $dbh->quote( $data{'B_phone'} )
. ",B_email=" . $dbh->quote( $data{'B_email'} )
. ",password=" . $dbh->quote( $data{'password'} )
. ",userid=" . $dbh->quote( $data{'userid'} )
. ",sort1=" . $dbh->quote( $data{'sort1'} )
. ",sort2=" . $dbh->quote( $data{'sort2'} )
. ",contacttitle=" . $dbh->quote( $data{'contacttitle'} )
. ",emailpro=" . $dbh->quote( $data{'emailpro'} )
. ",contactfirstname=" . $dbh->quote( $data{'contactfirstname'} )
. ",sex=" . $dbh->quote( $data{'sex'} )
. ",fax=" . $dbh->quote( $data{'fax'} )
. ",relationship=" . $dbh->quote( $data{'relationship'} )
. ",B_streetnumber=" . $dbh->quote( $data{'B_streetnumber'} )
. ",B_streettype=" . $dbh->quote( $data{'B_streettype'} )
. ",gonenoaddress=" . $dbh->quote( $data{'gonenoaddress'} )
. ",lost=" . $dbh->quote( $data{'lost'} )
. ",debarred=" . $dbh->quote( $data{'debarred'} )
. ",ethnicity=" . $dbh->quote( $data{'ethnicity'} )
. ",ethnotes=" . $dbh->quote( $data{'ethnotes'} );
my $sth = $dbh->prepare($query);
print "Executing SQL: $query";
$data{'borrowernumber'} = $dbh->{'mysql_insertid'};


@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
package C4::Utils;
# Useful code I didn't feel like duplicating all over the place.
use strict;
use warnings;
require Exporter;
$VERSION = 1.00; # set the version for version checking
$debug = $ENV{DEBUG} || 0;
@ISA = qw(Exporter);
@EXPORT_OK = qw(&maxwidth &hashdump);
%EXPORT_TAGS = ( all => [qw(&maxwidth &hashdump)], );
sub maxwidth (@) {
(@_) or return 0;
return (sort {$a <=> $b} map {length} @_)[-1];
sub hashdump ($$) {
my $pre = shift;
my $val = shift;
if (ref($val) =~ /HASH/) {
print "$pre = HASH w/ " . scalar(keys %$val) . " keys.\n";
my $w2 = maxwidth(keys %$val);
foreach (sort keys %$val) {
&hashdump($pre . '->{' . sprintf('%' . $w2 .'s', $_) . '}', $val->{$_});
print "\n";
} elsif (ref($val) =~ /ARRAY/) {
print "$pre = ARRAY w/ " . scalar(@$val) . " members.\n";
my $w2 = maxwidth(@$val);
foreach (@$val) {
&hashdump($pre . '->{' . sprintf('%' . $w2 .'s', $_) . '}', $_);
print "\n";
} else {
print "$pre = $val\n";


@ -5,11 +5,11 @@ use strict;
use warnings;
use Test::More;
use vars qw(%cases $dbh $config $ldap);
use vars qw(%cases $dbh $config $context $ldap);
%cases = (
# users from example3.ldif
# users from t/LDAP/example3.ldif
sss => 'password1',
jts => 'password1',
rch => 'password2',
@ -27,11 +27,11 @@ sub do_checkauth (;$$) {
return ($ret = checkauth($dbh,$user,$pass), sprintf("(%s,%s) returns '%s'",$user,$pass,$ret));
ok($dbh = C4::Context->dbh(), "Getting dbh from C4::Context");
ok($config = C4::Context->config(), "Getting config (hashref) from C4::Context");
ok($ldap = $config->{ldap}, "Getting LDAP info from config");
ok($context= C4::Context->new(), "Getting new C4::Context object");
ok($dbh = C4::Context->dbh(), "Getting dbh from C4::Context");
ok($dbh = $context->dbh(), "Getting dbh from \$context object");
diag("The basis of Authenticaiton is that we don't auth everybody.");
diag("The basis of Authentication is that we don't auth everybody.");
diag("Let's make sure we reject on bad calls.");
my $ret;
ok(!($ret = checkauth($dbh)), "should reject ( no arguments) returns '$ret'");


@ -1,14 +1,49 @@
# This Koha test module is a stub!
# Add more tests here!!!
use strict;
use warnings;
use Test::More tests => 1;
use Test::More tests => 91;
use vars qw($debug $koha $dbh $config $ret);
$debug = $ENV{DEBUG} || 0;
diag("Note: The overall number of tests may vary by configuration.");
diag("First we need to check your environmental variables");
for (qw(KOHA_CONF PERL5LIB)) {
ok($ret = $ENV{$_}, "ENV{$_} = $ret");
use_ok('C4::Utils', qw/ :all /);
ok($koha = C4::Context->new, 'C4::Context->new');
ok($dbh = C4::Context->dbh(), 'Getting dbh from C4::Context');
ok($ret = C4::Context->KOHAVERSION, ' (function) KOHAVERSION = ' . ($ret||''));
ok($ret = $koha->KOHAVERSION, ' $koha->KOHAVERSION = ' . ($ret||''));
my @keys = keys %$koha;
diag("Number of keys in \%\$koha: " . scalar @keys);
our $width = 0;
if (ok(@keys)) {
$width = maxwidth(@keys);
$debug and diag "widest key is $width";
foreach (sort @keys) {
ok(exists $koha->{$_},
'$koha->{' . sprintf('%' . $width . 's', $_) . '} exists '
. ((defined $koha->{$_}) ? "and is defined." : "but is not defined.")
diag "Examining defined key values.";
foreach (grep {defined $koha->{$_}} sort @keys) {
print "\n";
hashdump('$koha->{' . sprintf('%' . $width . 's', $_) . '}', $koha->{$_});
ok($config = $koha->{config}, 'Getting $koha->{config} ');
# diag("Examining configuration.");
diag("Note: The overall number of tests may vary by configuration. Disregard the projected number.");
