Labels Cleanup (Part 2 of Many)

CalcNextLabelPos pulled out of each subblock.
Print of header and initial structure deferred until later to allow fatals_to_browser to
display any fatal errors encountered in data preparation.  This does not fix Unicode "wide character" crashes.
Created subroutine for debug dump lines.
Comparisons corrected (numerical not string compare).

Note: this script is still insecure with NO AUTH CHECK.

Signed-off-by: Galen Charlton <>
This commit is contained in:
Joe Atzberger 2008-12-03 09:31:50 -06:00 committed by Galen Charlton
parent 0b1c856e4b
commit e37f8c2b27

View file

@ -1,8 +1,10 @@
use strict;
# use warnings; # FIXME
use CGI;
use C4::Labels;
use C4::Labels; # GetActiveLabelTemplate get_label_options GetAssociatedProfile
# GetPatronCardItems GetLabelItems GetUnitsValue...
use C4::Auth;
use C4::Output;
use C4::Context;
@ -11,21 +13,18 @@ use C4::Branch;
use HTML::Template::Pro;
use PDF::Reuse;
use PDF::Reuse::Barcode;
use POSIX;
use POSIX; # ceil
use Data::Dumper;
my $DEBUG = 0;
my $DEBUG_LPT = 0;
my $htdocs_path = C4::Context->config('intrahtdocs');
my $cgi = new CGI;
print $cgi->header( -type => 'application/pdf', -attachment => 'barcode.pdf' );
my $spine_text = "";
#### Tons of Initialization ####
# get the printing settings
my $template = GetActiveLabelTemplate();
my $conf_data = get_label_options();
my $conf_data = get_label_options() or die "get_label_options failed";
my $profile = GetAssociatedProfile($template->{'tmpl_id'});
my $batch_id = $cgi->param('batch_id');
@ -33,12 +32,12 @@ my @resultsloop;
my $batch_type = $conf_data->{'type'};
my $barcodetype = $conf_data->{'barcodetype'};
my $printingtype = $conf_data->{'printingtype'};
my $printingtype = $conf_data->{'printingtype'} or die "No printingtype in conf_data";
my $guidebox = $conf_data->{'guidebox'};
my $start_label = $conf_data->{'startlabel'};
if ($cgi->param('startlabel')) {
$start_label = $cgi->param('startlabel'); # A bit of a hack to allow setting the starting label from the address bar... -fbcit
$start_label = $cgi->param('startlabel'); # A bit of a hack to allow setting the starting label from the address bar... -fbcit
warn "Starting on label #$start_label" if $DEBUG;
my $units = $template->{'units'};
@ -52,7 +51,7 @@ if ($printingtype eq 'PATCRD') {
#warn "fontsize = $fontsize";
#warn Dumper $template;
my $unitvalue = GetUnitsValue($units);
my $unitvalue = GetUnitsValue($units);
my $prof_unitvalue = GetUnitsValue($profile->{'unit'});
warn "Template units: $units which converts to $unitvalue PostScript Points" if $DEBUG;
@ -61,16 +60,16 @@ warn "Profile units: $profile->{'unit'} which converts to $prof_unitvalue PostSc
my $tmpl_code = $template->{'tmpl_code'};
my $tmpl_desc = $template->{'tmpl_desc'};
my $page_height = ( $template->{'page_height'} * $unitvalue );
my $page_width = ( $template->{'page_width'} * $unitvalue );
my $page_height = ( $template->{'page_height'} * $unitvalue );
my $page_width = ( $template->{'page_width'} * $unitvalue );
my $label_height = ( $template->{'label_height'} * $unitvalue );
my $label_width = ( $template->{'label_width'} * $unitvalue );
my $spine_width = ( $template->{'label_width'} * $unitvalue );
my $circ_width = ( $template->{'label_width'} * $unitvalue );
my $top_margin = ( $template->{'topmargin'} * $unitvalue );
my $left_margin = ( $template->{'leftmargin'} * $unitvalue );
my $colspace = ( $template->{'colgap'} * $unitvalue );
my $rowspace = ( $template->{'rowgap'} * $unitvalue );
my $label_width = ( $template->{'label_width'} * $unitvalue );
my $spine_width = ( $template->{'label_width'} * $unitvalue );
my $circ_width = ( $template->{'label_width'} * $unitvalue );
my $top_margin = ( $template->{'topmargin'} * $unitvalue );
my $left_margin = ( $template->{'leftmargin'} * $unitvalue );
my $colspace = ( $template->{'colgap'} * $unitvalue );
my $rowspace = ( $template->{'rowgap'} * $unitvalue );
warn "Converted dimensions are:" if $DEBUG;
warn "pghth=$page_height, pgwth=$page_width, lblhth=$label_height, lblwth=$label_width, spinwth=$spine_width, circwth=$circ_width, tpmar=$top_margin, lmar=$left_margin, colsp=$colspace, rowsp=$rowspace" if $DEBUG;
@ -82,10 +81,6 @@ my $margin = $top_margin;
my $left_text_margin = 3; # FIXME: This value should not be hardcoded
my $str;
$| = 1;
# Some peritent notes from PDF::Reuse regarding prFont()...
# If a font wasn't found, Helvetica will be set.
# These names are always recognized: Times-Roman, Times-Bold, Times-Italic, Times-BoldItalic, Courier, Courier-Bold,
@ -104,180 +99,156 @@ my $lowerLeftX = 0;
my $lowerLeftY = 0;
my $upperRightX = $page_width;
my $upperRightY = $page_height;
prMbox( $lowerLeftX, $lowerLeftY, $upperRightX, $upperRightY );
my $codetype; # = 'Code39';
#do page border
# drawbox( $lowerLeftX, $lowerLeftY, $upperRightX, $upperRightY );
warn "Active profile: " . ($profile->{prof_id} || "None") if $DEBUG;
print $cgi->header( -type => 'application/pdf', -attachment => 'barcode.pdf' );
# Don't print header until very last possible moment
# That way if error or die occurs, fatals_to_browser will still work.
# After we print this header, there is no way back to HTML. All we can do is deliver PDF.
$| = 1;
prFile(); # No args means to STDOUT
prMbox( $lowerLeftX, $lowerLeftY, $upperRightX, $upperRightY );
# drawbox( $lowerLeftX, $lowerLeftY, $upperRightX, $upperRightY ); #do page border
# draw margin box for alignment page
drawbox( ($left_margin), ($top_margin), ($page_width-(2*$left_margin)), ($page_height-(2*$top_margin)) ) if $DEBUG_LPT;
drawbox($left_margin, $top_margin, $page_width-(2*$left_margin), $page_height-(2*$top_margin)) if $DEBUG_LPT;
# Adjustments for image position and creep -fbcit
# NOTE: *All* of these factor in to image position and creep. Keep this in mind when makeing adjustments.
# Suggested proceedure: Adjust margins until both top and left margins are correct. Then adjust the label
# height and width to correct label creep across and down page. Units are PostScript Points (72 per inch).
warn "Active profile: " . ($profile->{'prof_id'}?$profile->{'prof_id'}:"None") if $DEBUG;
if ( $DEBUG ) {
warn "-------------------------INITIAL VALUES-----------------------------";
warn "top margin = $top_margin points\n";
warn "left margin = $left_margin points\n";
warn "label height = $label_height points\n";
warn "label width = $label_width points\n";
sub debug_drop {
my $title = @_ || "";
warn "-------------------------$title-----------------------------\n"
. " top margin = $top_margin points\n"
. " left margin = $left_margin points\n"
. "label height = $label_height points\n"
. "label width = $label_width points\n";
debug_drop('INITIAL VALUES') if ($DEBUG);
if ( $profile->{'prof_id'} ) {
$top_margin = $top_margin + ($profile->{'offset_vert'} * $prof_unitvalue); # controls vertical offset
$label_height = $label_height + ($profile->{'creep_vert'} * $prof_unitvalue); # controls vertical creep
$left_margin = $left_margin + ($profile->{'offset_horz'} * $prof_unitvalue); # controls horizontal offset
$label_width = $label_width + ($profile->{'creep_horz'} * $prof_unitvalue); # controls horizontal creep
$top_margin += ($profile->{'offset_vert'} * $prof_unitvalue); # controls vertical offset
$label_height += ($profile->{'creep_vert'} * $prof_unitvalue); # controls vertical creep
$left_margin += ($profile->{'offset_horz'} * $prof_unitvalue); # controls horizontal offset
$label_width += ($profile->{'creep_horz'} * $prof_unitvalue); # controls horizontal creep
if ( $DEBUG && $profile->{'prof_id'} ) {
warn "-------------------------ADJUSTED VALUES-----------------------------";
warn "top margin = $top_margin points\n";
warn "left margin = $left_margin points\n";
warn "label height = $label_height points\n";
warn "label width = $label_width points\n";
} elsif ( $DEBUG ) {
warn "No profile associated so no adjustment applied.";
if ($DEBUG) {
if ($profile->{'prof_id'}) {
debug_drop('ADJUSTED VALUES');
} else {
warn "No profile associated so no adjustment applied.";
my $item;
my ( $i, $i2 ); # loop counters
#warn " $lowerLeftX, $lowerLeftY, $upperRightX, $upperRightY";
#warn "$label_rows, $label_cols\n";
#warn "$label_height, $label_width\n";
#warn "$page_height, $page_width\n";
my ( $rowcount, $colcount, $x_pos, $y_pos, $rowtemp, $coltemp );
my ($item, $rowcount, $colcount, $x_pos, $y_pos, $rowtemp, $coltemp);
if ( $start_label eq 1 ) {
if ( $start_label and $start_label == 1 ) {
$rowcount = 1;
$colcount = 1;
$x_pos = $left_margin;
$y_pos = ( $page_height - $top_margin - $label_height );
else {
} else {
$rowcount = ceil( $start_label / $label_cols );
$colcount = ( $start_label - ( ( $rowcount - 1 ) * $label_cols ) );
$x_pos = $left_margin + ( $label_width * ( $colcount - 1 ) ) +
( $colspace * ( $colcount - 1 ) );
$y_pos = $page_height - $top_margin - ( $label_height * $rowcount ) -
( $rowspace * ( $rowcount - 1 ) );
warn "Start label specified: $start_label Beginning in row $rowcount, column $colcount" if $DEBUG;
warn "X position = $x_pos Y position = $y_pos" if $DEBUG;
warn "Rowspace = $rowspace Label height = $label_height" if $DEBUG;
$DEBUG and warn "Start label: $start_label. Beginning in row $rowcount, column $colcount\n"
. "(X,Y) positions = ($x_pos,$y_pos)\n"
. "Rowspace = $rowspace, Label height = $label_height";
# main foreach loop
#### main foreach loop ####
foreach $item (@resultsloop) {
warn "Label parameters: xpos=$x_pos, ypos=$y_pos, lblwid=$label_width, lblhig=$label_height" if $DEBUG;
drawbox($x_pos, $y_pos, $label_width, $label_height) if $guidebox; # regardless of printingtype
if ( $printingtype eq 'BAR' ) {
drawbox( $x_pos, $y_pos, $label_width, $label_height ) if $guidebox;
DrawBarcode( $x_pos, $y_pos, $label_height, $label_width, $item->{'barcode'},
$barcodetype );
DrawBarcode( $x_pos, $y_pos, $label_height, $label_width, $item->{'barcode'}, $barcodetype );
elsif ( $printingtype eq 'BARBIB' ) {
drawbox( $x_pos, $y_pos, $label_width, $label_height ) if $guidebox;
# reposoitioning barcode up the top of label
my $barcode_height = ($label_height / 1.5 ); ## scaling voodoo
my $text_height = $label_height / 2;
my $barcode_y = $y_pos + ( $label_height / 2.5 ); ## scaling voodoo
DrawBarcode( $x_pos, $barcode_y, $barcode_height, $label_width,
$item->{'barcode'}, $barcodetype );
DrawBarcode( $x_pos, $barcode_y, $barcode_height, $label_width, $item->{'barcode'}, $barcodetype );
DrawSpineText( $x_pos, $y_pos, $label_height, $label_width, $fontname, $fontsize,
$left_text_margin, $text_wrap_cols, \$item, \$conf_data, $printingtype );
} # correct
elsif ( $printingtype eq 'BIBBAR' ) {
drawbox( $x_pos, $y_pos, $label_width, $label_height ) if $guidebox;
my $barcode_height = $label_height / 2;
DrawBarcode( $x_pos, $y_pos, $barcode_height, $label_width, $item->{'barcode'},
$barcodetype );
DrawBarcode( $x_pos, $y_pos, $barcode_height, $label_width, $item->{'barcode'}, $barcodetype );
DrawSpineText( $x_pos, $y_pos, $label_height, $label_width, $fontname, $fontsize,
$left_text_margin, $text_wrap_cols, \$item, \$conf_data, $printingtype );
elsif ( $printingtype eq 'ALT' ) {
drawbox( $x_pos, $y_pos, $label_width, $label_height ) if $guidebox;
DrawBarcode( $x_pos, $y_pos, $label_height, $label_width, $item->{'barcode'},
$barcodetype );
DrawBarcode( $x_pos, $y_pos, $label_height, $label_width, $item->{'barcode'}, $barcodetype );
drawbox( $x_pos, $y_pos, $label_width, $label_height ) if $guidebox;
DrawSpineText( $x_pos, $y_pos, $label_height, $label_width, $fontname, $fontsize,
$left_text_margin, $text_wrap_cols, \$item, \$conf_data, $printingtype );
elsif ( $printingtype eq 'BIB' ) {
drawbox( $x_pos, $y_pos, $label_width, $label_height ) if $guidebox;
DrawSpineText( $x_pos, $y_pos, $label_height, $label_width, $fontname, $fontsize,
$left_text_margin, $text_wrap_cols, \$item, \$conf_data, $printingtype );
elsif ( $printingtype eq 'PATCRD' ) {
my $patron_data = $item;
#FIXME: This needs to be paramatized and passed in from the user...
#Each element of this hash is a separate line on the patron card. Keys are the text to print and the associated data is the point size.
my $text = {
$patron_data->{'description'} => $fontsize,
$patron_data->{'branchname'} => ($fontsize + 3),
$DEBUG and warn "Generating patron card for cardnumber $patron_data->{'cardnumber'}";
drawbox( $x_pos, $y_pos, $label_width, $label_height ) if $guidebox;
my $barcode_height = $label_height / 2.75; #FIXME: Scaling barcode height; this needs to be a user parameter.
DrawBarcode( $x_pos, $y_pos, $barcode_height, $label_width, $patron_data->{'cardnumber'},
$barcodetype );
DrawBarcode( $x_pos, $y_pos, $barcode_height, $label_width, $patron_data->{'cardnumber'}, $barcodetype );
DrawPatronCardText( $x_pos, $y_pos, $label_height, $label_width, $fontname, $fontsize,
$left_text_margin, $text_wrap_cols, $text, $printingtype );
else {
die "CANNOT PRINT: Unknown printingtype '$printingtype'";
CalcNextLabelPos(); # regardless of printingtype
} # end for item loop
sub CalcNextLabelPos {
if ( $colcount lt $label_cols ) {
# warn "new col";
if ($colcount < $label_cols) {
# warn "new col";
$x_pos = ( $x_pos + $label_width + $colspace );
else {
} else {
$x_pos = $left_margin;
if ( $rowcount eq $label_rows ) {
# warn "new page";
if ($rowcount == $label_rows) {
# warn "new page";
$y_pos = ( $page_height - $top_margin - $label_height );
$rowcount = 1;
else {
# warn "new row";
} else {
# warn "new row";
$y_pos = ( $y_pos - $rowspace - $label_height );