remove unnecessary module

This commit is contained in:
Joshua Ferraro 2007-11-19 00:09:20 -06:00
parent 4a634069ee
commit e6ed54dca2

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@ -1,617 +0,0 @@
# Test ILS interface module
package OpenILS::SIP;
use warnings; use strict;
use Sys::Syslog qw(syslog);
use OpenILS::SIP::Item;
use OpenILS::SIP::Patron;
use OpenILS::SIP::Transaction;
use OpenILS::SIP::Transaction::Checkout;
use OpenILS::SIP::Transaction::Checkin;
use OpenILS::SIP::Transaction::Renew;
use OpenSRF::System;
use OpenILS::Utils::Fieldmapper;
use OpenSRF::Utils::SettingsClient;
use OpenILS::Application::AppUtils;
use OpenSRF::Utils qw/:datetime/;
use DateTime::Format::ISO8601;
my $U = 'OpenILS::Application::AppUtils';
my $editor;
my $config;
use Digest::MD5 qw(md5_hex);
sub new {
my ($class, $institution, $login) = @_;
my $type = ref($class) || $class;
my $self = {};
$self->{login} = $login;
$config = $institution;
syslog("LOG_DEBUG", "OILS: new ILS '%s'", $institution->{id});
$self->{institution} = $institution;
my $bsconfig = $institution->{implementation_config}->{bootstrap};
syslog('LOG_DEBUG', "OILS: loading bootstrap config: $bsconfig");
local $/ = "\n";
OpenSRF::System->bootstrap_client(config_file => $bsconfig);
syslog('LOG_DEBUG', "OILS: bootstrap loaded..");
$self->{osrf_config} = OpenSRF::Utils::SettingsClient->new;
bless( $self, $type );
return undef unless
$self->login( $login->{id}, $login->{password} );
return $self;
sub verify_session {
my $self = shift;
my $ses = $U->simplereq(
'open-ils.auth.session.retrieve', $self->{authtoken} );
return 1 unless $U->event_code($ses);
syslog('LOG_INFO', "OILS: Logging back after session timeout as user ".$self->{login}->{id});
return $self->login( $self->{login}->{id}, $self->{login}->{password} );
sub to_bool {
my $val = shift;
return ($val and $val =~ /true/io);
sub editor {
return $editor
if $editor and $editor->{session}
and $editor->session->connected;
return $editor = make_editor();
sub reset_editor {
$editor = undef;
return editor();
sub config {
return $config;
# Creates the global editor object
sub make_editor {
require OpenILS::Utils::CStoreEditor;
my $e = OpenILS::Utils::CStoreEditor->new(xact => 1);
# gnarly cstore hack to re-gen autogen methods after IDL is loaded
if(!UNIVERSAL::can($e, 'search_actor_card')) {
syslog("LOG_WARNING", "OILS: Reloading CStoreEditor...");
delete $INC{'OpenILS/Utils/'};
require OpenILS::Utils::CStoreEditor;
$e = OpenILS::Utils::CStoreEditor->new(xact =>1);
return $e;
sub format_date {
my $class = shift;
my $date = shift;
my $type = shift || 'dob';
return "" unless $date;
$date = DateTime::Format::ISO8601->new->
my @time = localtime($date->epoch);
my $year = $time[5]+1900;
my $mon = $time[4]+1;
my $day = $time[3];
$mon =~ s/^(\d)$/0$1/;
$day =~ s/^(\d)$/0$1/;
$date = "$year$mon$day";
$date = $year.'-'.$mon.'-'.$day .' 00:00:00' if $type eq 'due';
#$date = $year.'-'.$mon.'-'.$day if $type eq 'due';
syslog('LOG_DEBUG', "OILS: formatted date [type=$type]: $date");
return $date;
sub login {
my( $self, $username, $password ) = @_;
syslog('LOG_DEBUG', "OILS: Logging in with username $username");
my $seed = $U->simplereq(
'open-ils.auth.authenticate.init', $username );
my $response = $U->simplereq(
username => $username,
password => md5_hex($seed . md5_hex($password)),
type => 'opac',
if( my $code = $U->event_code($response) ) {
my $txt = $response->{textcode};
syslog('LOG_WARNING', "OILS: Login failed for $username. $txt:$code");
return undef;
my $key = $response->{payload}->{authtoken};
syslog('LOG_INFO', "OILS: Login succeeded for $username : authkey = $key");
return $self->{authtoken} = $key;
sub find_patron {
my $self = shift;
return OpenILS::SIP::Patron->new(@_);
sub find_item {
my $self = shift;
return OpenILS::SIP::Item->new(@_);
sub institution {
my $self = shift;
return $self->{institution}->{id};
sub supports {
my ($self, $op) = @_;
my ($i) = grep { $_->{name} eq $op }
return to_bool($i->{value});
sub check_inst_id {
my ($self, $id, $whence) = @_;
if ($id ne $self->{institution}->{id}) {
"OILS: %s: received institution '%s', expected '%s'",
$whence, $id, $self->{institution}->{id});
sub checkout_ok {
return to_bool($config->{policy}->{checkout});
sub checkin_ok {
return to_bool($config->{policy}->{checkin});
return 0;
sub renew_ok {
return to_bool($config->{policy}->{renew});
sub status_update_ok {
return to_bool($config->{policy}->{status_update});
sub offline_ok {
return to_bool($config->{policy}->{offline});
## Checkout(patron_id, item_id, sc_renew):
## patron_id & item_id are the identifiers send by the terminal
## sc_renew is the renewal policy configured on the terminal
## returns a status opject that can be queried for the various bits
## of information that the protocol (SIP or NCIP) needs to generate
## the response.
sub checkout {
my ($self, $patron_id, $item_id, $sc_renew) = @_;
syslog('LOG_DEBUG', "OILS: OpenILS::Checkout attempt: patron=$patron_id, item=$item_id");
my $xact = OpenILS::SIP::Transaction::Checkout->new( authtoken => $self->{authtoken} );
my $patron = $self->find_patron($patron_id);
my $item = $self->find_item($item_id);
if (!$patron) {
$xact->screen_msg("Invalid Patron");
return $xact;
if (!$patron->charge_ok) {
$xact->screen_msg("Patron Blocked");
return $xact;
if( !$item ) {
$xact->screen_msg("Invalid Item");
return $xact;
syslog('LOG_DEBUG', "OILS: OpenILS::Checkout data loaded OK, checking out...");
if ($item->{patron} && ($item->{patron} ne $patron_id)) {
# I can't deal with this right now
# XXX check in then check out?
$xact->screen_msg("Item checked out to another patron");
if( $xact->ok ) {
syslog("LOG_DEBUG", "OILS: OpenILS::Checkout: " .
"patron %s checkout %s succeeded", $patron_id, $item_id);
} else {
syslog("LOG_DEBUG", "OILS: OpenILS::Checkout: " .
"patron %s checkout %s FAILED, rolling back xact...", $patron_id, $item_id);
return $xact;
sub checkin {
my ($self, $item_id, $trans_date, $return_date,
$current_loc, $item_props, $cancel) = @_;
syslog('LOG_DEBUG', "OILS: OpenILS::Checkin on item=$item_id");
my $patron;
my $xact = OpenILS::SIP::Transaction::Checkin->new(authtoken => $self->{authtoken});
my $item = $self->find_item($item_id);
if(!$xact->item) {
$xact->screen_msg("Invalid item barcode: $item_id");
return $xact;
$xact->do_checkin( $trans_date, $return_date, $current_loc, $item_props );
if ($xact->ok) {
$xact->patron($patron = $self->find_patron($item->{patron}));
delete $item->{patron};
delete $item->{due_date};
syslog('LOG_INFO', "OILS: Checkin succeeded");
} else {
syslog('LOG_WARNING', "OILS: Checkin failed");
return $xact;
## If the ILS caches patron information, this lets it free it up
sub end_patron_session {
my ($self, $patron_id) = @_;
return (1, 'Thank you for using OpenILS!', '');
#sub pay_fee {
# my ($self, $patron_id, $patron_pwd, $fee_amt, $fee_type,
# $pay_type, $fee_id, $trans_id, $currency) = @_;
# my $trans;
# my $patron;
# $trans = new ILS::Transaction::FeePayment;
# $patron = new ILS::Patron $patron_id;
# $trans->transaction_id($trans_id);
# $trans->patron($patron);
# $trans->ok(1);
# return $trans;
#sub add_hold {
# my ($self, $patron_id, $patron_pwd, $item_id, $title_id,
# $expiry_date, $pickup_location, $hold_type, $fee_ack) = @_;
# my ($patron, $item);
# my $hold;
# my $trans;
# $trans = new ILS::Transaction::Hold;
# $patron = new ILS::Patron $patron_id;
# if (!$patron
# || (defined($patron_pwd) && !$patron->check_password($patron_pwd))) {
# $trans->screen_msg("Invalid Patron.");
# return $trans;
# }
# $item = new ILS::Item ($item_id || $title_id);
# if (!$item) {
# $trans->screen_msg("No such item.");
# # END TRANSACTION (conditionally)
# return $trans;
# } elsif ($item->fee && ($fee_ack ne 'Y')) {
# $trans->screen_msg = "Fee required to place hold.";
# # END TRANSACTION (conditionally)
# return $trans;
# }
# $hold = {
# item_id => $item->id,
# patron_id => $patron->id,
# expiration_date => $expiry_date,
# pickup_location => $pickup_location,
# hold_type => $hold_type,
# };
# $trans->ok(1);
# $trans->patron($patron);
# $trans->item($item);
# $trans->pickup_location($pickup_location);
# push(@{$item->hold_queue}, $hold);
# push(@{$patron->{hold_items}}, $hold);
# return $trans;
#sub cancel_hold {
# my ($self, $patron_id, $patron_pwd, $item_id, $title_id) = @_;
# my ($patron, $item, $hold);
# my $trans;
# $trans = new ILS::Transaction::Hold;
# $patron = new ILS::Patron $patron_id;
# if (!$patron) {
# $trans->screen_msg("Invalid patron barcode.");
# return $trans;
# } elsif (defined($patron_pwd) && !$patron->check_password($patron_pwd)) {
# $trans->screen_msg('Invalid patron password.');
# return $trans;
# }
# $item = new ILS::Item ($item_id || $title_id);
# if (!$item) {
# $trans->screen_msg("No such item.");
# # END TRANSACTION (conditionally)
# return $trans;
# }
# # Remove the hold from the patron's record first
# $trans->ok($patron->drop_hold($item_id));
# if (!$trans->ok) {
# # We didn't find it on the patron record
# $trans->screen_msg("No such hold on patron record.");
# # END TRANSACTION (conditionally)
# return $trans;
# }
# # Now, remove it from the item record. If it was on the patron
# # record but not on the item record, we'll treat that as success.
# foreach my $i (0 .. scalar @{$item->hold_queue}) {
# $hold = $item->hold_queue->[$i];
# if ($hold->{patron_id} eq $patron->id) {
# # found it: delete it.
# splice @{$item->hold_queue}, $i, 1;
# last;
# }
# }
# $trans->screen_msg("Hold Cancelled.");
# $trans->patron($patron);
# $trans->item($item);
# return $trans;
## The patron and item id's can't be altered, but the
## date, location, and type can.
#sub alter_hold {
# my ($self, $patron_id, $patron_pwd, $item_id, $title_id,
# $expiry_date, $pickup_location, $hold_type, $fee_ack) = @_;
# my ($patron, $item);
# my $hold;
# my $trans;
# $trans = new ILS::Transaction::Hold;
# $patron = new ILS::Patron $patron_id;
# if (!$patron) {
# $trans->screen_msg("Invalid patron barcode.");
# return $trans;
# }
# foreach my $i (0 .. scalar @{$patron->{hold_items}}) {
# $hold = $patron->{hold_items}[$i];
# if ($hold->{item_id} eq $item_id) {
# # Found it. So fix it.
# $hold->{expiration_date} = $expiry_date if $expiry_date;
# $hold->{pickup_location} = $pickup_location if $pickup_location;
# $hold->{hold_type} = $hold_type if $hold_type;
# $trans->ok(1);
# $trans->screen_msg("Hold updated.");
# $trans->patron($patron);
# $trans->item(new ILS::Item $hold->{item_id});
# last;
# }
# }
# # The same hold structure is linked into both the patron's
# # list of hold items and into the queue of outstanding holds
# # for the item, so we don't need to search the hold queue for
# # the item, since it's already been updated by the patron code.
# if (!$trans->ok) {
# $trans->screen_msg("No such outstanding hold.");
# }
# return $trans;
sub renew {
my ($self, $patron_id, $patron_pwd, $item_id, $title_id,
$no_block, $nb_due_date, $third_party, $item_props, $fee_ack) = @_;
my $trans = OpenILS::SIP::Transaction::Renew->new( authtoken => $self->{authtoken} );
if(!$trans->patron) {
$trans->screen_msg("Invalid patron barcode.");
return $trans;
if(!$trans->patron->renew_ok) {
$trans->screen_msg("Renewals not allowed.");
return $trans;
if(!$trans->item) {
if( $title_id ) {
$trans->screen_msg("Item Id renewal not supported.");
} else {
$trans->screen_msg("Invalid item barcode.");
return $trans;
if(!$trans->item->{patron} or
$trans->item->{patron} ne $patron_id) {
$trans->screen_msg("Item not checked out to " . $trans->patron->name);
return $trans;
# Perform the renewal
$trans->desensitize(0); # It's already checked out
$trans->item->{due_date} = $nb_due_date if $no_block eq 'Y';
$trans->item->{sip_item_properties} = $item_props if $item_props;
return $trans;
#sub renew_all {
# my ($self, $patron_id, $patron_pwd, $fee_ack) = @_;
# my ($patron, $item_id);
# my $trans;
# $trans = new ILS::Transaction::RenewAll;
# $trans->patron($patron = new ILS::Patron $patron_id);
# if (defined $patron) {
# syslog("LOG_DEBUG", "ILS::renew_all: patron '%s': renew_ok: %s",
# $patron->name, $patron->renew_ok);
# } else {
# syslog("LOG_DEBUG", "ILS::renew_all: Invalid patron id: '%s'",
# $patron_id);
# }
# if (!defined($patron)) {
# $trans->screen_msg("Invalid patron barcode.");
# return $trans;
# } elsif (!$patron->renew_ok) {
# $trans->screen_msg("Renewals not allowed.");
# return $trans;
# } elsif (defined($patron_pwd) && !$patron->check_password($patron_pwd)) {
# $trans->screen_msg("Invalid patron password.");
# return $trans;
# }
# foreach $item_id (@{$patron->{items}}) {
# my $item = new ILS::Item $item_id;
# if (!defined($item)) {
# syslog("LOG_WARNING",
# "renew_all: Invalid item id associated with patron '%s'",
# $patron->id);
# next;
# }
# if (@{$item->hold_queue}) {
# # Can't renew if there are outstanding holds
# push @{$trans->unrenewed}, $item_id;
# } else {
# $item->{due_date} = time + (14*24*60*60); # two weeks hence
# push @{$trans->renewed}, $item_id;
# }
# }
# $trans->ok(1);
# return $trans;