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Bug 14826: Add unit tests for _FixAccountForLostAndReturned and _FixOverduesOnReturn

Signed-off-by: Tomas Cohen Arazi <>

Bug 14826: (QA followup) Fix minor issues with unit tests

Signed-off-by: Tomas Cohen Arazi <>

Bug 14826 [QA Followup] - Correct number of tests run following rebase

Signed-off-by: Jonathan Druart <>
Kyle Hall 7 years ago
committed by Jonathan Druart
  1. 132
  2. 4


@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
use Modern::Perl;
use Test::More tests => 103;
use Test::More tests => 112;
use DateTime;
@ -50,6 +50,7 @@ $dbh->{RaiseError} = 1;
# Start with a clean slate
$dbh->do('DELETE FROM issues');
$dbh->do('DELETE FROM borrowers');
my $library = $builder->build({
source => 'Branch',
@ -259,9 +260,6 @@ C4::Context->dbh->do("DELETE FROM accountlines");
# Create borrowers
my %renewing_borrower_data = (
firstname => 'John',
@ -1780,7 +1778,133 @@ subtest 'AddReturn | is_overdue' => sub {
AddReturn( $item->{barcode}, $library->{branchcode}, undef, 1, undef, $five_days_ago );
is( int($patron->account->balance()), 0, 'AddReturn: pass return_date => no overdue in dropbox mode' ); # FIXME? This is weird, the FU fine is created ( _CalculateAndUpdateFine > C4::Overdues::UpdateFine ) then remove later (in _FixOverduesOnReturn). Looks like it is a feature
Koha::Account::Lines->search({ borrowernumber => $patron->borrowernumber })->delete;
subtest '_FixAccountForLostAndReturned' => sub {
plan tests => 2;
# Generate test biblio
my $biblio = MARC::Record->new();
my $title = 'Koha for Dummies';
MARC::Field->new( '100', ' ', ' ', a => 'Hall, Daria' ),
MARC::Field->new( '245', ' ', ' ', a => $title ),
my ( $biblionumber, $biblioitemnumber ) = AddBiblio( $biblio, '' );
my $barcode = 'KD123456789';
my $branchcode = $library2->{branchcode};
my ( $item_bibnum, $item_bibitemnum, $itemnumber ) = AddItem(
homebranch => $branchcode,
holdingbranch => $branchcode,
barcode => $barcode,
replacementprice => 99.00,
itype => $itemtype
my $patron = $builder->build( { source => 'Borrower' } );
my $accountline = Koha::Account::Line->new(
borrowernumber => $patron->{borrowernumber},
accounttype => 'L',
itemnumber => $itemnumber,
amount => 99.00,
amountoutstanding => 99.00,
C4::Circulation::_FixAccountForLostAndReturned( $itemnumber, $patron->{borrowernumber} );
is( $accountline->amountoutstanding, '0.000000', 'Lost fee has no outstanding amount' );
is( $accountline->accounttype, 'LR', 'Lost fee now has account type of LR ( Lost Returned )');
subtest '_FixOverduesOnReturn' => sub {
plan tests => 6;
# Generate test biblio
my $biblio = MARC::Record->new();
my $title = 'Koha for Dummies';
MARC::Field->new( '100', ' ', ' ', a => 'Hall, Kylie' ),
MARC::Field->new( '245', ' ', ' ', a => $title ),
my ( $biblionumber, $biblioitemnumber ) = AddBiblio( $biblio, '' );
my $barcode = 'KD987654321';
my $branchcode = $library2->{branchcode};
my ( $item_bibnum, $item_bibitemnum, $itemnumber ) = AddItem(
homebranch => $branchcode,
holdingbranch => $branchcode,
barcode => $barcode,
replacementprice => 99.00,
itype => $itemtype
my $patron = $builder->build( { source => 'Borrower' } );
## Start with basic call, should just close out the open fine
my $accountline = Koha::Account::Line->new(
borrowernumber => $patron->{borrowernumber},
accounttype => 'FU',
itemnumber => $itemnumber,
amount => 99.00,
amountoutstanding => 99.00,
lastincrement => 9.00,
C4::Circulation::_FixOverduesOnReturn( $patron->{borrowernumber}, $itemnumber );
is( $accountline->amountoutstanding, '99.000000', 'Fine has the same amount outstanding as previously' );
is( $accountline->accounttype, 'F', 'Open fine ( account type FU ) has been closed out ( account type F )');
## Run again, with exemptfine enabled
accounttype => 'FU',
amountoutstanding => 99.00,
C4::Circulation::_FixOverduesOnReturn( $patron->{borrowernumber}, $itemnumber, 1 );
is( $accountline->amountoutstanding, '0.000000', 'Fine has been reduced to 0' );
is( $accountline->accounttype, 'FFOR', 'Open fine ( account type FU ) has been set to fine forgiven ( account type FFOR )');
## Run again, with dropbox mode enabled
accounttype => 'FU',
amountoutstanding => 99.00,
C4::Circulation::_FixOverduesOnReturn( $patron->{borrowernumber}, $itemnumber, 0, 1 );
is( $accountline->amountoutstanding, '90.000000', 'Fine has been reduced to 90' );
is( $accountline->accounttype, 'F', 'Open fine ( account type FU ) has been closed out ( account type F )');
subtest 'Set waiting flag' => sub {


@ -207,8 +207,8 @@ $sth = $dbh->prepare($query);
my $countaccount = $sth -> fetchrow_array;
is ($countaccount,0,"0 accountline exists");
is( C4::Circulation::AddIssuingCharge( $item_id1, $borrower_id1, 10 ),
1, "An issuing charge has been added" );
is( ref( C4::Circulation::AddIssuingCharge( $item_id1, $borrower_id1, 10 ) ),
'Koha::Account::Offset', "An issuing charge has been added" );
my $account_id = $dbh->last_insert_id( undef, undef, 'accountlines', undef );
$countaccount = $sth -> fetchrow_array;
