This commit is generated using:
% perl misc/devel/
*within* ktd, to get the same version of perltidy than what will be used
by our CI (currently v20230309).
Signed-off-by: Katrin Fischer <>
With the next iteration of HTML::FromANSI::Tiny we can add our own subclass
to map ANSI strings to Bootstrap classes.
This patch adds a local lib HTML::FromANSI::Tiny::Bootstrap module to
do said mapping and then uses it in the installer.
Signed-off-by: Katrin Fischer <>
On bug 17591 we discovered that there was something weird going on with
the way we export and use subroutines/modules.
This patch tries to standardize our EXPORT to use EXPORT_OK only.
That way we will need to explicitely define the subroutine we want to
use from a module.
This patch is a squashed version of:
Bug 17600: After
Bug 17600: After perlimport
Bug 17600: Manual changes
Bug 17600: Other manual changes after second perlimports run
Bug 17600: Fix tests
And a lot of other manual changes. is a dirty script that can be found on bug 17600.
"perlimport" is:
git clone
cd App-perlimports/
cpanm --installdeps .
export PERL5LIB="$PERL5LIB:/kohadevbox/koha/App-perlimports/lib"
find . \( -name "*.pl" -o -name "*.pm" \) -exec perl App-perlimports/script/perlimports --inplace-edit --no-preserve-unused --filename {} \;
The ideas of this patch are to:
* use EXPORT_OK instead of EXPORT
* perltidy the EXPORT_OK list
* remove '&' before the subroutine names
* remove some uneeded use statements
* explicitely import the subroutines we need within the controllers or
Note that the private subroutines (starting with _) should not be
exported (and not used from outside of the module except from tests).
Export allows to export the functions and variables of modules to user’s namespace using the standard import method. This way, we don’t need to create the objects for the modules to access it’s members.
@EXPORT and @EXPORT_OK are the two main variables used during export operation.
@EXPORT contains list of symbols (subroutines and variables) of the module to be exported into the caller namespace.
@EXPORT_OK does export of symbols on demand basis.
If this patch caused a conflict with a patch you wrote prior to its
* Make sure you are not reintroducing a "use" statement that has been
* "$subroutine" is not exported by the C4::$MODULE module
means that you need to add the subroutine to the @EXPORT_OK list
* Bareword "$subroutine" not allowed while "strict subs"
means that you didn't imported the subroutine from the module:
- use $MODULE qw( $subroutine list );
You can also use the fully qualified namespace: C4::$MODULE::$subroutine
Signed-off-by: Jonathan Druart <>
This patch adds a "lib" directory to the source tree which gets
mapped to the same directory as "C4" and "Koha" for single and
standard installations.
CGI::Session::Serialize::yamlxs is put into this "lib" directory.
This patch also includes some changes so that dev/git installations
work as well.
Signed-off-by: Nick Clemens <>
Signed-off-by: Jonathan Druart <>