I am using $rs in the script to prevent searching branches again
unneeded. And pass public_count to to prevent
another call of Branches.all (for bread crumbs), like masthead
already does btw.
Test plan:
[1] Have two (or more) public libraries.
Verify that you see Libraries on the OPAC home page and that when
clicking Libraries, you first have the library list. Are the bread
crumbs as expected?
Click a library on that list. Do you get its details? Are the bread
crumbs as expected?
[2] Now have only one public library.
Verify that you see Contact on the home page.
And that when clicking Contact you go directly to the library details
without the intermediate library list. Are the bread crumbs still
as expected (with Contact instead of Libraries)?
Signed-off-by: Marcel de Rooy <>
Signed-off-by: Owen Leonard <>
Signed-off-by: Paul Derscheid <>
Signed-off-by: Katrin Fischer <>
Combining opac with pref template is wrong. This pref should
actually be renamed to something like intranetTheme(s) or so.
Replacing the obsolete prog theme in Languages.t by undef. This
achieves the same: getting all themes for that interface.
Test plan:
Add some languages for opac and intranet. Do not enable exactly
the same set.
Enable TranslateNotices.
Verify that you have all OPAC languages on memberentry and
opac-messaging. And all languages on additional contents.
Run t/db_dependent/Languages.t
Signed-off-by: Marcel de Rooy <>
Tested with:
OPAC languages: en, nl-NL, de-DE
Staff languages: en, de-DE, fr-FR
Signed-off-by: Martin Renvoize <>
Signed-off-by: Katrin Fischer <>
This patch makes the following scripts use the new method for checking
* opac/
* opac/
* opac/
In the `` case, it is a simple change by removing MARC
data traversal in favor of the new method. The code checking
suppression gets moved up so we don't process or make any other
calculations if the record is suppressed.
The other two scripts where completely missing the check and thus
leaking suppressed records.
To test:
1. Pick two records, one marked as suppressed, and the other not
2. Try acessing them in the OPAC detail page.
=> SUCCESS: Suppressed records are suppressed, and not suppressed ones
are not.
3. Try the same records on the ISBD and MARC view
=> FAIL: They are not suppressed!
4. Apply this patch
5. Repeat 2
=> SUCCESS: Suppression is still respected
6. Repeat 3
=> SUCCESS: Suppression is respected on the ISBD and MARC views
7. Sign off :-D
Signed-off-by: Magnus Enger <>
Works as advertised. Remember to activate OPAC suppression with
Signed-off-by: Martin Renvoize <>
Signed-off-by: Jonathan Druart <>
Signed-off-by: Katrin Fischer <>
Port the default notice text to Template Toolkit. Also, add access to
item information in order to give more useful information about the
checked-out item that the note refers to (in this case, the item barcode
instead of the biblionumber)
To test:
1. Apply patch and reset all
2. Enable the system preference AllowCheckoutNotes
3. Go to Administration > Libraries and edit the current logged-in
library to ensure that there is a value in the Email field
4. Check out an item to a patron
5. Ensure the patron has values in the first name and surname fields
6. Log into the OPAC as that patron
7. Click to display the patron's current checkouts
8. Click the + button to the right of a checkout
9. Click the "Add Note" button beneath the table
10. Add some text and submit the note
11. Return to the staff interface and go to the Notices tab for the patron
--> Confirm that there is a notice called "Checkout note" with all the
correct information
Signed-off-by: Lucas Gass <>
Signed-off-by: Kyle M Hall <>
Signed-off-by: Katrin Fischer <>
This commit is generated using:
% perl misc/devel/
*within* ktd, to get the same version of perltidy than what will be used
by our CI (currently v20230309).
Signed-off-by: Katrin Fischer <>
Signed-off-by: Lucas Gass <>
Signed-off-by: Martin Renvoize <>
Signed-off-by: Katrin Fischer <>
To test:
1. SuspendHoldsOpac to 'allow'
2. Make some holds for a patron
3. Log in as that patron and go to 'Summary'
4. Click the 'Holds' tab
5. No suspend column
6. APPLY PATCH, restart_all
7. Try again, the column should show.
8. Turn off SuspendHoldsOpac, the column should be hidden.
Signed-off-by: David Nind <>
Signed-off-by: Marcel de Rooy <>
Signed-off-by: Katrin Fischer <>
This patch adds a conditional to ensure the biblio object has been retrieved
and assumes no cover images otherwise. This is similar to bug 37425 that
fixed the issue for the staff interface.
Test plan:
1. Enable the OPACLocalCoverImages system preference.
2. Search in the OPAC (for example, attic).
3. Find the biblionumber for one of the results and delete it
from the database using SQL:
DELETE FROM biblio WHERE biblionumber=3;
4. Search again.
NOTE: Steps 3 and 4 need to be done very quickly to generate the error.
I had the terminal open with the SQL already loaded, and the browser
also open.
5. Error trace generated:
Can't call method "cover_images" on an undefined value at /kohadevbox/koha/opac/ line 702.
at /kohadevbox/koha/opac/ line 701
6. Reindex, confirm error is gone: koha-rebuild-zebra -d -f -v kohadev
7. Apply the patch.
8. Repeat steps 2 to 4 - I searched for perl and used biblionumber 13.
9. No error generated
10. Reindex and repeat search and confirm no error.
Signed-off-by: David Nind <>
Signed-off-by: David Cook <>
Signed-off-by: Katrin Fischer <>
This patch fixes a wrong condition check in `` for
determining if the tab should be active.
It currently checks for `ermview`, probably a copy and paste error.
This patch adds a new `curbside_pickups_view` parameter that is passed
Note: I tidied the code block I changed, inline to avoid extra commits.
To test:
1. Enable the `CurbsidePickup` system preference
2. Log into the OPAC
=> SUCCESS: There's a 'Curbside pickups' tab
3. Click on the tab
=> SUCCESS: The 'Curbside pickups' section gets displayed
=> FAIL: The tab remains inactive
4. Apply this patch
5. Restart plack:
$ ktd --shell
k$ koha-plack --restart kohadev
6. Repeat 3
=> SUCCESS: The 'Curbside pickups' section gets displayed
=> SUCCESS: The tab is rendered as active
7. Sign off :-D
Signed-off-by: Tomas Cohen Arazi <>
Signed-off-by: Lucas Gass <>
Signed-off-by: Paul Derscheid <>
Signed-off-by: Katrin Fischer <>
To Test
1. Create the patron category from the staff page for ex: Kid and give age required and age Upperage limit
age required 5 yrs and upperage limit 17.
2. Allow category in PatronSelfRegistrationDefaultCategory for online registration from opac.
3. Go to /cgi-bin/koha/ page.
4. Fill the form and give choose date of birth 10/10/1974 and click OK. Now you can able to save the page.
5. Apply the patch.
6. Again go to cgi-bin/koha/ page.
7. Fill the form and give choose date of birth 10/10/1974 and click OK. It will give the error message.
Patron's age is incorrect for their category. Ages allowed are 5-17.
Signed-off-by: Sam Sowanick <>
Signed-off-by: Katrin Fischer <>
To test:
1. In OPAC, add a record to your cart
2. Go to your cart
3. Click Download -> BibTeX
4. Observe downloaded file in your favorite text editor
5. Observe Koha::Hash(xxx) within file contents
6. Apply patch
7. Repeat steps 3 and 4
8. Observe Koha::Hash has been replaced with biblionumber
Signed-off-by: Owen Leonard <>
Signed-off-by: Katrin Fischer <>
Typo in system preference 'minPasswordPreference' -> 'minPasswordLength'
in opac/
There is no 'minPasswordPreference' system preference in database.
Bug 23816 added the capability to override minPasswordLength.
Test plan:
1. Check 'minPasswordPreference' appearances:
git grep -i 'minPasswordPreference' **/*
--> Note: only one in; no one in sysprefs.sql
2. Apply the patch.
3. Repeat p. 1. Note there is not 'minPasswordPreference' at all.
Signed-off-by: David Nind <>
Signed-off-by: Katrin Fischer <>
This is in opac/ a call on system preference
OPACLocalCoverImagesPriority. This preference does not exists elsewhere
and dates back to Koha 3.8 from Bug 1633
This patch removes the call and fixes folding of if.
Check this returns empty : git grep OPACLocalCoverImagesPriority
Signed-off-by: Owen Leonard <>
Signed-off-by: Marcel de Rooy <>
Signed-off-by: Katrin Fischer <>
To test from the OPAC:
1 - create a list with more than 10 items
2 - print the list -> there is a pagination and that only 10 items
are printed
3 - Apply patch
4 - print the list again -> every items are being printed
Signed-off-by: Sam Sowanick <>
Signed-off-by: Marcel de Rooy <>
[EDIT] Tidied: added a few spaces.
Signed-off-by: Katrin Fischer <>
Sponsored-by: Orex Digital
Signed-off-by: Alexandre Noel <>
Signed-off-by: Hugo Agud <>
Signed-off-by: Martin Renvoize <>
Signed-off-by: Katrin Fischer <>
Adds a "cite" option in the tools menu in OPAC detail page for easy citations.
Test plan:
1. Apply this patch
2. Got to OPAC detail page
3. In the tools menu to the right, click the new "Cite" link
4. A modal should appear with four different citation styles (APA, Chicago,
Harvard, MLA)
Sponsored-by: Regionbibliotek Halland / County library of Halland
Signed-off-by: Nicole Engard <>
Signed-off-by: Hugo Agud <>
Signed-off-by: Martin Renvoize <>
Signed-off-by: Katrin Fischer <>
This patch adds the preference "OPACOverDrive" to control whether
OverDrive features are shown in the OPAC. This allows a library to
disable OverDrive features without having to remove one or more of their
OverDrive credentials.
The patch also adds a check for the OPACOverDrive preference in the
OverDrive search results page. If OverDrive is disabled, navigating to
that page should give a 404.
To test you will need OverDrive credentials to test with.
- Apply the patch and run updatedatabase.
- If you already had data in the OverDriveLibraryID,
OverDriveClientKey, and OverDriveClientSecret system preferences,
the OPACOverDrive preference will be enabled when added. If not it
will be disabled by default.
- Rebuild the staff interface CSS
- Go to Administration -> System preferences -> Enhanced content ->
- If necessary, enter valid credentials in the OverDriveLibraryID,
OverDriveClientKey, and OverDriveClientSecret system preferences.
- Set OPACOverDrive to "Don't enable."
- In the OPAC perform a catalog search. Normally, if your credentials
were correct OverDrive search results would automatically appear at
the top of Koha's search results. Now there should be none.
- Enable the OPACOverDrive preference and repeat your search. Now
OverDrive results should appear.
- Confirm that the OverDrive search results page works correctly.
- Test that OverDrive circulation features are working by logging in to
the OPAC as a user who has active OverDrive checkouts.
- Enable the OPACOverDrive and OverDriveCirculation system preferences.
- On the user's summary page there should be a tab for "OverDrive
- The tab should not appear if either OPACOverDrive or
OverDriveCirculation is disabled.
Sponsored-by: Athens County Public Libraries
Signed-off-by: Lucas Gass <>
Signed-off-by: Katrin Fischer <>
This patch adds a new field 'preferred_name' to the patron record.
On storage (creation or update) the preferred_name is set to the firstname if no
value is passed. Patron modifications will set the preferred name to the firstname if
the preferred_name field is hidden
With this patchset preferred_name will always be set - either to the firstname, or a specified value.
PatronAutoComplete/ysearch is updated to use 'preferred_name'
To test:
1 - Apply patches
2 - Update database and restart all, clear browser cache
3 - Load a patron in staff module
4 - Confirm you see and can add a preferred name
5 - Confirm the preferred name and first name now displays on patron details
6 - Remove first name from patron record and confirm it no longer shows
7 - Edit sysprefs BorrowerMandatoryFields and BorrowerUnwantedFields to confirm you can make
new field required or hidden
8 - Sign in as patron to opac
9 - Confirm preferred name shows
10 - Edit account on opac and confirm field is present
11 - Verify DefaultPatronSearchFields contains 'preferredname' if your pref had firstname
12 - Perform checkout and patron search using preferred_name, confirm patron is found
13 - Enable PatronAutoComplete system preference
14 - Type patron's surname into Checkout or patron search but don't hit enter
15 - Confirm patron is displayed with 'preferred_name' in the preview
16 - Set 'preferred_name' in all 'Unwanted' preferences
17 - Confirm editing a patron in staff interface sets both fields when firstname updated
18 - Confirm a patron modification sets both fields when firstname updated
19 - Create a patron / perform self registration and confirm both fields set when preferred_name is hidden
20 - Remove preferred_name from Unwanted prefs and confirm preferred_name is set to firstname if nothing passed
Signed-off-by: Emily Lamancusa <>
Signed-off-by: Martin Renvoize <>
Signed-off-by: Katrin Fischer <>
To test:
Case a) Adding to a new list
1. Enable virtualshelves system preference
2. Search for any record and click it
3. On the right hand side of record view, click "Save to your lists"
4. A new pop up opens.
5. Under "Add to a new list", give any name to the list
6. Under "Add to a new list", click "Save"
7. Observe popup closing
8. Observe record view page reloading
Case b) Adding to an existing list
1. Enable virtualshelves system preference
2. Search for any record and click it
3. On the right hand side of record view, click "Save to your lists"
4. A new pop up opens.
5. Under "Add to a list", select an existing list
(it can be the same as the one you created in case a, it does not matter here)
6. Under "Add to a list", click "Save"
7. Observe popup closing
8. Unlike case a, observe record view page NOT reloading
Signed-off-by: David Cook <>
Signed-off-by: Aleisha Amohia <>
Signed-off-by: Katrin Fischer <>
We can now call metadata_record directly on the Koha::Biblio object.
This aptch updates all modules and controllers to use
Koha::Biblio->metadata_record directly where appropriate. The
exceptions are where we don't require any filtering or the filtering
makes sense to do after the initial fetch.
Signed-off-by: Martin Renvoize <>
Signed-off-by: Jonathan Druart <>
Signed-off-by: Katrin Fischer <>
Signed-off-by: Martin Renvoize <>
Signed-off-by: Jonathan Druart <>
Signed-off-by: Katrin Fischer <>
A regular openURL works fine:
Problem is existing third-party systems may be linking to Koha using FreeForm, not Standard
Test plan:
1) Access the OPAC URL from above.
2) Notice it works.
3) Replace the word 'Standard' with 'FreeForm'. It no longer works.
4) Apply patch. Repeat.
Signed-off-by: David Nind <>
Signed-off-by: Martin Renvoize <>
Signed-off-by: Katrin Fischer <>
To test:
1. APPLY PATCH and restart_all
2. Make sure the following errors when issuing in SCO show just the error, no other info. on screen:
INVALID_DATE ( cant test in SCO )
Signed-off-by: CJ Lynce <>
Signed-off-by: Martin Renvoize <>
Signed-off-by: Katrin Fischer <>
This patch merges the SHARE_ACCEPT and SHARE_INVITE notices into the
lists module. This makes a clearer case for introducing the lists module
in the first place.
Signed-off-by: Katrin Fischer <>
We can easily replace the calls by ->suspend_hold and ->resume.
Test plan:
No behaviour changes expected.
Confirm that you can still suspend and resume holds (OPAC+staff)
Signed-off-by: Olivier V <>
Signed-off-by: Tomas Cohen Arazi <>
Signed-off-by: Katrin Fischer <>
Signed-off-by: David Nind <>
Signed-off-by: Lucas Gass <>
Signed-off-by: Katrin Fischer <>
To test:
1) Apply the patch
2) Place a hold on any biblio with the 'koha' patron for example
3) Authenticate in the OPAC with the patron you picked in step 1
4) Open with the query param 'tab': /cgi-bin/koha/
5) Note that the holds tab in the patron's user summary is automatically selected
6) Sign-off
I'm totally open to renaming the query param, so if you have a suggestion that's more consistent
with the rest of koha, I'm all ears.
Signed-off-by: David Nind <>
Signed-off-by: Lucas Gass <>
Signed-off-by: Katrin Fischer <>
We are able to comment a notice even when no user is connected
To test
1. Log in to OPAC.
2. Find a Biblio and open the comments tab.
3. Open another tab/window, and log out from the account.
4. Return to the first tab.
5. Click "Post your comments on this title."
--> We are able to post a comment
6. Apply the patch
7. Repeat step 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
--> You should be redirected to the login page.
Signed-off-by: David Cook <>
Bug 13342: Tidy
Signed-off-by: David Cook <>
Signed-off-by: Marcel de Rooy <>
Signed-off-by: Katrin Fischer <>
To pass xt/find-missing-op-in-forms.t after bug 37728 updates it to notice
that there can be more than one form in a template,
needs to have a param named 'op' which starts with 'cud-' for the form that
POSTs the new password.
Luckily, testing this doesn't require that you set Koha up to actually send
email (though you can), because you can get the link to reset the password
by looking at the list of notices sent to the patron in the staff interface:
the failure to send notice works just fine.
Test plan:
1. There's no behavior change to test, you just need to see that resetting
the password still works, so start with the patch applied.
2. Administration - System preferences - change OpacResetPassword to allowed
3. Set a patron so you can use them, which requires that you know the
username, and they have an email address. I give Acosta, Edna one of
my email addresses, and copy her cardnumber.
4. Open the OPAC, and below the login form click the "Forgot your password?"
5. Enter the cardnumber for Login and the email you used for Email and
click Submit. If you didn't set up sending email, you'll get an error
message, but ignore it, not a problem
6. Back in the staff interface, check out to the patron you are using, and
on the left sidebar choose Notices and find the Koha password recovery
notice and click that linked phrase
7. In the popup with the notice text, open the recovery link in a new tab
8. Following the instructions for the content of a new password, enter one
in both fields and click Submit
9 In the success message, click the link to Log in to your account and
log in with the new password
Sponsored-by: Chetco Community Public Library
Signed-off-by: Olivier V <>
Signed-off-by: Jonathan Druart <>
Signed-off-by: Katrin Fischer <>
This subroutine can easily be replaced and is not really needed.
Test plan:
No changes expected, try to suspend/resume holds from the OPAC
Note that you cannot affect somebody's else holds.
Note for QA: The extra fetch of Koha::Hold will be removed on bug 37868.
Signed-off-by: Olivier V <>
Signed-off-by: Tomas Cohen Arazi <>
Signed-off-by: Katrin Fischer <>
Signed-off-by: Sam Lau <>
Signed-off-by: Jonathan Druart <>
Signed-off-by: Katrin Fischer <>
This patch updates a batch of OPAC templates so that title tags can
be more easily translated. Some templates have been updated for
consistency as well: Harmonizing page title, breaddrumb navigation, and
page headers.
To test, apply the patch and confirm that the following pages have
correct title tags:
- Log in to the OPAC by navigating directly to a user page like
- From your user summary page, click "Charges."
- Check the advanced search page.
- Search for a bibliographic record and view the details, and then click
"MARC view" and "ISBD view."
- From this page click "Save to your lists" and check the title in the
popup window."
- Still on a detail page, click "Add to your cart." Open the cart and
check that page.
- Go to authority search (must have OpacAuthorities enabled).
- Perform an authority search which will return results.
- View the detail page for one of the results, and check the MARC view
as well.
- With UseCourseReserves enabled, view the course reserves page, then
the course reserve detail page.
- Search for a subscription which has patron notification enabled.
- View the detail page, then open the "Subscriptions" tab. Click "More
- On this page you should see a "Subscribe to email notification"
button. Click it to open the subscription page.
- Check both /cgi-bin/koha/ and
/cgi-bin/koha/ Whether or not the features are enabled
you should be able to check the title.
- Check /cgi-bin/koha/ as well as one or more views linked to on
that page.
- Navigate to a page in the OPAC which doesn't exist to test the error
page template.
- Go to Administration -> System preferences and enable the
OpacMaintenance preference.
- Go to the OPAC and check the system maintenance page.
Signed-off-by: David Nind <>
Signed-off-by: Katrin Fischer <>
This change stops the cookie from being sent back from error pages,
so that backcalls that cause errors don't overwrite the existing cookie
used by the foreground request page.
Test plan:
0. Apply the patch and koha-plack --reload kohadev
1. Set syspref IntranetFavicon to http://localhost:8081/cgi-bin/koha/bad.jpg
2. Open browser developer tools
3. Go to http://localhost:8081/cgi-bin/koha/
4. Open the Network tab, disable the cache, and shift refresh
5. Notice that bad.jpg fails to load with a 404
6. Try to login to Koha
7. Confirm login works
*. Extra points if you note that the cookie returned by the first request is used for the bad.jpg lookup and the second request.
Signed-off-by: David Nind <>
Signed-off-by: Chris Cormack <>
Signed-off-by: Katrin Fischer <>
This patch updates the OPAC bibliographic detail page so that in the
holdings table, the following columns are hidden if they contain no
data: Call number, date due, materials, checkouts, barcode,
and item-level holds.
To test, apply the patch and restart services.
- In the staff interface, go to Administration -> System preferences.
- Search for OPACShowHoldQueueDetails and set it to "Show holds and
their priority level."
- Search for OPACShowHoldQueueDetails and set it to "Show holds and
their priority level."
- In the OPAC, locate a bibliographic record with multiple items.
- View the detail page and confirm that the holdings table doesn't show
these columns if there is no data in any of the rows: Call number,
date due, materials, barcode, and item-level holds
- For each of the affected fields, update the record the record so that
there is data to be shown for at least one of the items:
- Edit an item to add: call number, materials specified, barcode
- Check out an item to someone in order to show the date due column
- Place an item-level hold on one of the items to show the item holds
- Go to Administration -> Table settings -> OPAC -> biblio-detail and
configure some columns to be hidden by default. Confirm that your
changes are correctly shown in the OPAC holdings table.
Sponsored-by: Athens County Public Libraries
Signed-off-by: Michaela Sieber <>
Signed-off-by: Paul Derscheid <>
Signed-off-by: Katrin Fischer <>
These cumalation of patches introduce a new patron page on the OPAC: "My virtual card." This page and its contents are reliant on the system preferences 'OPACVirtualCard' and 'OPACVirtualCardBarcode'. OPACVirutalCard determines whether the virtual card page is even displayed on the OPAC whereas OPACVirtualCardBarcode selects the type of barcode to display on this page (if page is displayed). Currently, the virtual card page consits of a patron image (if available), the patron's barcode, and the library name. A potential follow up would be to allow customization of this page. The barcode generation is handled by a new library bwip-js.
To test:
1) Apply patch, updatedatabase, restart_all, build yarn
2) In system preferences, search for 'OPACVirtualCard'. Both this and the barcode sys. pref should show up with the same search. Notice they are dependent on one another. The default for the first pref should be "Don't allow". Leave this as is for now.
3) Leave the preference page open and log into the OPAC. Visit the user page. Notice that the navbar on the left consiting of 'Summary', 'Charges', etc. looks the same.
4) Go back to the sys. pref page and set the OPACVirtualCard to "Allow"
5) Also in the sys. prefs, make a search for "patron images" and set 'OPACpatronimages' to "Show" and 'patronimages' to allow.
6) Visit the patron's page that you used to sign in to the OPAC. Add a patron image if there is not one already.
7) Now, edit their details and change their card number to '00012345678905'
8) Venture back to the OPAC patron page. Refresh this and you should see a new "My Virtual Card" page at the bottom.
9) Click this page and you should see a new virtual card for you patron, consiting of their image, a barcode, and their library.
10) Open the dev tools for your browser and switch to vieiwing in mobile mode. Make sure the card looks good. This would likely be the most common use case.
11) Switch back to a system preference page and try playing around with the 'OPACVirtualCardBarcode'. Note that these changes affect the type of barcode that is display in the virtual card page. If you selected a barcode format that is incompatible, an error message should display in the virtual card page.
Signed-off-by: Laura Escamilla <>
Signed-off-by: Martin Renvoize <>
Signed-off-by: Katrin Fischer <>
Signed-off-by: Laura Escamilla <>
Signed-off-by: Martin Renvoize <>
Signed-off-by: Katrin Fischer <>
Signed-off-by: Laura Escamilla <>
Signed-off-by: Martin Renvoize <>
Signed-off-by: Katrin Fischer <>
Signed-off-by: Laura Escamilla <>
Signed-off-by: Martin Renvoize <>
Signed-off-by: Katrin Fischer <>
Bug 37370 added an allow-list of formats for exporting in the OPAC. But
it missed the fact there was a modal for choosing DublinCore subtypes
when Dublin Core is chosen in the first place.
This patch fixes this.
To test:
1. On a fresh KTD, make sure `OpacExportOptions` has all options enabled
2. Go to the OPAC and pick a record detail page
3. Choose Save record > Bibtex
=> SUCCESS: The save dialog for bibtext works
4. Repeat for DublinCore, choose any of the sub formats in the modal
=> FAIL: You get a 400 page
5. Go back to 2
6. Apply this patch, and repeat 4
=> SUCCESS: It works!
7. Without refreshing the page, disable DublinCore in the sysprefs
8. Choose any subformat and proceed
=> SUCCESS: You get a 400! This means the subformats are only considered
if DublinCore itself is enabled
9. Sign off :-D
Signed-off-by: Owen Leonard <>
Signed-off-by: Paul Derscheid <>
Signed-off-by: Katrin Fischer <>
Signed-off-by: Tomas Cohen Arazi <>
Signed-off-by: David Cook <>
Signed-off-by: Nick Clemens <>
Signed-off-by: Tomas Cohen Arazi <>
(cherry picked from commit a164c51d78f375d9d660e2c079cc7e05d2d1d326)
Signed-off-by: Tomas Cohen Arazi <>
Signed-off-by: Katrin Fischer <>
The change on bug 30318 prevented setting the default messaging preferences when none were passed.
Self registration relied on this for setting borrower preferences from the defaults.
This patch removes the call to handle_form_action and replaces it with a call to:
To test:
1 - Ensure self registration is enabled
2 - Set default messaging preferences for the self registration category
3 - Self register a patron from the OPAC, confirm defaults not set
4 - Apply patch, restart all
5 - Self register a patron
6 - Confirm defaults have been set
7 - Enable PatronSelfRegistrationVerifyByEmail
8 - Self register a patron on OPAC with an email
9 - Find the email and grab the verification link (unless you have emails enabled)
SELECT * FROM message_queue;
10 - Visit the link and confirm registration
11 - Confirm messaging defaults are set
Signed-off-by: David Nind <>
Signed-off-by: Martin Renvoize <>
Signed-off-by: Katrin Fischer <>
Some users would prefer that the libraries link not appear in the menu
of links under the OPAC's main search bar. This patch adds a preference
to do so.
The preference defaults to "On" since "On" is the current default
To test, apply the patch and run the database update prcoess.
- In the OPAC, confirm that by default the "Libraries" link appears.
- In the staff interface, go to Administration -> System preferences ->
- Set the preference to "Don't show"
- Return to the OPAC and confirm that the "Libraries" link isn't there.
- Try to navigate directly to /cgi-bin/koha/ You should
be redirected to a 404 page.
Sponsored-by: Athens County Public Libraries
Signed-off-by: Caroline Cyr La Rose <>
Signed-off-by: Marcel de Rooy <>
Signed-off-by: Katrin Fischer <>
Bug 12478 commented this code out, however, we do return the 'used' parameter in ES authority searches. While
we should implement the feature for both ES and Zebra as an index, we can restore this behaviour here.
To test:
1 - Search authorities on OPAC with SearchEngine syspref set to both Elasticsearch and Zebra
I just searched for 'a'
2 - Confirm results with no usage are included
3 - Test with both values of OPACShowUnusedAuthorities
4 - Apply patch
5 - Repeat searches with both engines and syspref settings
6 - Confirm unused authorities not shown in either engine when syspref is "Don't show"
7 - Conifrm unused authorities shown in both engines when syspref is "Show"
Signed-off-by: David Nind <>
Signed-off-by: Martin Renvoize <>
Signed-off-by: Katrin Fischer <>
This patch tries to address errors in the way features are displayed in
result lists so that controls for holds, tags, lists, etc. are shown or
hidden according to system preferences.
The patch converts the Cart/Lists dropdown to separate buttons, making
the display logic simpler and making the interface more consistent with
updates to the staff interface search results.
To test, apply the patch and rebuild the OPAC CSS.
- In the OPAC, test these pages:
- Catalog search results
- List contents
- Test with various combinations of these system preferences:
- opacbookbag
- DisplayMultiPlaceHold
- virtualshelves
- OPACHoldRequests
- TagsEnabled
- TagsInputOnList
- UseRecalls
- ArticleRequests
With each different combination of settings the right controls should
appear in the toolbar at the top (if present), and with each search
Signed-off-by: David Nind <>
Signed-off-by: Martin Renvoize <>
Signed-off-by: Katrin Fischer <>
Test Plan:
1) Create 3 clubs, 1 limited to library A, 1 limited to library B and one not limited
2) Use a patron with home library A.
3) Go to the opac-user page, "Clubs" tab show 0/2 (the one from library B is not listed)
4) Browse to /cgi-bin/koha/svc/club/enroll?id=1
5) Reload that page a couple times
6) Note the patron is now enrolled in the same club multiple times
7) Delete those enrollments
8) Apply this patch
9) Restart all the things!
10) Repeat steps 2-7, note the lack of duplicate enrollments!
11) Repeat steps 2-10 for the staff interface
Signed-off-by: Jonathan Druart <>
Signed-off-by: Martin Renvoize <>
Signed-off-by: Katrin Fischer <>