To test:
1) Create multiple patron clubs
2) Find a bib
3) Click Holds, then Clubs
4) Without entering any text, press the search button
5) Note that the list of clubs is not shown.
6) Apply patch and restart_all
7) Press the search button again, the entire list of clubs should be shown.
8) Ensure original search functionality still works
Signed-off-by: Roman Dolny <>
Signed-off-by: Lucas Gass <>
Signed-off-by: Katrin Fischer <>
We can easily replace the calls by ->suspend_hold and ->resume.
Test plan:
No behaviour changes expected.
Confirm that you can still suspend and resume holds (OPAC+staff)
Signed-off-by: Olivier V <>
Signed-off-by: Tomas Cohen Arazi <>
Signed-off-by: Katrin Fischer <>
The rank parameter is passed per biblio record, not per item. When
placing multiple item-level holds on one bib record, only $rank[0] is
To test:
1. System preference and circulation rule setup
i. Set the system preference DisplayMultiItemHolds to Enable
ii. Edit the default circulation rule to allow 5 holds per record
2. Find or create a bib with 4 or more items
3. Place several bib-level holds
4. Place 4 or more item-level holds at once on that same record
i. Search for a patron to place the holds for (not one of the
patrons you used in step 3)
ii. Select "Hold a specific item"
iii. Check the checkboxes for 4 or more items
iv. Click Place hold
--> Note that one of the new item-level holds is at the end of the list
as it should be, but the rest are out of order
5. Cancel the item-level holds from step 4
6. Apply patch and restart_all
7. Repeat step 4
--> All the new item-level holds are now at the end of the list
Signed-off-by: Roman Dolny <>
Signed-off-by: Paul Derscheid <>
Signed-off-by: Katrin Fischer <>
This patch alters the structure of the hold request page to make it clear
that "Hold next available", "Hold item group", and "Hold specific item" are
mutually-exclusive options.
While there is some duplication from this, it makes the sections easier to read
and allows for more variation in the two forms
To test:
1 - Find a bib with multiple items
2 - Enable item groups and item group holds in system preferences
3 - Load the records detail page
4 - Add an item group on the item groups tab
5 - Select two items and add to the group
6 - Click the 'Holds' tab and search for/select a patron
7 - Confirm the three levels of holds are clear
8 - Confirm checking the radio next to one disables the others
9 - Check 'Hold next available item from an item group'
10 - Do not select an item group
11 - Click 'Place hold' and confirm you are notified of need to select an item group
NOTE: if you are overrirding you may also have an alert that the items cannot normally be put on hold
12 - Click 'Place hold on a specific item' - but do not select an item
13 - Click place hold and confirm there is an alert and you cannot continue
14 - Click 'Hold next available item' and place hold
15 - Hold is successfully placed
16 - Place another hold for the same patron
17 - Only the 'Hold next available item' form is enabled
18 - Confirm you cannot switch hold type
19 - Place hold
20 - Select a new patron and place an item group hold
21 - Select the same patron and place another hold - you are forced to place an item group hold
22 - Select a new patron and place a hold on a specific item
23 - Place a second hold, confirm you can only place it on a specific item
Signed-off-by: hinemoea <>
Signed-off-by: Sam Lau <>
Signed-off-by: Emily Lamancusa <>
Signed-off-by: Martin Renvoize <>
Signed-off-by: Katrin Fischer <>
Not used? Dont import.
Which actually only leaves circ/ as the only
'real' caller.
Signed-off-by: Marcel de Rooy <>
Signed-off-by: Katrin Fischer <>
Signed-off-by: Lisette Scheer <>
Signed-off-by: Nick Clemens <>
Signed-off-by: Katrin Fischer <>
Signed-off-by: Lisette Scheer <>
Signed-off-by: Nick Clemens <>
Signed-off-by: Katrin Fischer <>
Test plan:
Confirm that modrequest does no longer insert when pref is off :)
Signed-off-by: Marcel de Rooy <>
Signed-off-by: Marcel de Rooy <>
Signed-off-by: Pedro Amorim <>
Signed-off-by: Katrin Fischer <>
Test plan:
1) Add a basic circulation rule like : 0 hold allowed on patron category
'A' and set AllowHoldPolicyOverride to 'Allow'
2) Make a hold on a patron belongs to this category
3) Normally you should see a warning on item (override needed) but it's
not the case
4) Apply this patch
5) Refresh and repeat step 2
This patch comes from an alternative patch on the original bug (I'm including
the original test plan for your information) :
(Bug 30687 - alternative patch): Always allow to force hold pickup location
If AllowHoldPolicyOverride is enabled and only some pickup locations are
available, you still have the possibility to force one of the others
pickup locations.
But when there are zero pickup locations available, that is not
This patch change that by always displaying the list of pickup locations
when AllowHoldPolicyOverride is enabled.
Test plan:
1. Apply patch
2. Disable AllowHoldPolicyOverride
3. Create a biblio B with an item I at library A.
4. Configure this library A to not be a pickup location
5. Add a "Default holds policy by item type" for item I type where "Hold
pickup library match" is "item's home library"
6. Try to place a hold on biblio B
You should not be able to place a hold because there is no valid
pickup locations
7. Enable AllowHoldPolicyOverride
8. Try to place a hold on biblio B
You should now see all valid pickup locations in a dropdown list
(with an exclamation mark in front of each option) with none selected
by default
9. Verify you can place a title-level hold and an item-level hold
Signed-off-by: David Nind <>
Signed-off-by: Nick Clemens <>
Signed-off-by: Katrin Fischer <>
This reverts commit ab93008da7.
Signed-off-by: David Nind <>
Signed-off-by: Nick Clemens <>
Signed-off-by: Katrin Fischer <>
The "biblio" Koha::Biblio object we send from the controller needs to be
accessible from the include files.
To avoid a clash we rename it biblio_info
Signed-off-by: David Nind <>
Signed-off-by: Tomas Cohen Arazi <>
Signed-off-by: Katrin Fischer <>
Bug 34478: [TO SQUASH] Manual fix - change links to JS form submission - cleanup comments and unused routine -
Bug 34478: [TO SQUASH] Manual fix - link to js post and add op to form -
Signed-off-by: Jonathan Druart <>
This patch moves code form scripts to a template plguin and unifies the calls
To test:
1 - Add a searchable patron attribute type
2 - Add values to several patrons and test patron searching from
Patrons home
Patrons search results
Holds request screen
Article request screen
Patron search sidebar
3 - Apply patch
4 - Confirm results are the same
Signed-off-by: Janusz Kaczmarek <>
Signed-off-by: Katrin Fischer <>
Signed-off-by: Tomas Cohen Arazi <>
To test:
1. Apply patch
2. Add item level hold to a record/item, make sure patron has no other
holds on that record
3. Go to /cgi-bin/koha/reserve/ where xxx is
the record you placed the hold for
4. Under "Existing holds" table, in "Details" column you should see
"Only item <barcode>" dropdown
5. Select "Next available" from the dropdown
6. Click Update hold(s)
7. Observe dropdown is gone and cell value has changed from
"Only item <barcode>" to "Next available"
8. Cancel the hold and add two item level holds for the same patron
9. Under "Existing holds" table, in "Details" column you should see
"Only item <barcode>", but no select dropdown
Signed-off-by: David Nind <>
Signed-off-by: Katrin Fischer <>
Signed-off-by: Katrin Fischer <>
Signed-off-by: Tomas Cohen Arazi <>
To test:
1. Place some holds and go to /reserve/ for that bib.
2. If the reserves.expirationdate is set to today or some date in the past the date does not display in the Flatpickr instance.
3. Change the reserves.expirationdate to sometime in the future, the date displays.
4. Aply patch, restart_all
5. Try steps 2-3 again.
6. This time if the expiration date is in the past you should see it displayed. However it will be uneditable.
7. Make sure holds with a expiration date in the future can still be properly edited.
Signed-off-by: Matt Blenkinsop <>
Signed-off-by: Christine <>
Signed-off-by: Tomas Cohen Arazi <>
There are several places in the code where we precalculate ItemsAnyAvailableAndNotRestricted to avoid
looping on this routine when calling IsAvailableForItemLevelRequest on a list of items form a biblio
The value of ItemsAnyAvailableAndNotRestricted is only used when there is a circulation rule for
'onshelfholds' with a value of '2' (If all unavailable)
Rather than calculate a value that may never be used, let's cache this value per request when we do
calculate it - and reuse the cached value
To test:
1 - Apply patch
2 - Set circulation rule 'On shelf holds allowed' as 'If all unavailable'
make sure the rule applies to all of the items/patrons you test with
3 - Find a record with two items that are available
4 - Try to place a hold for a patron - not allowed
5 - Check out one item to another patron
6 - Attempt hold - still not allowed
7 - Check out second item to another patron
8 - Attempt hold - allowed!
9 - Apply patch
10 - Cancel and replace hold - it is allowed!
11 - Check in one item, and cancel hold
12 - Place hold - not allowed!
13 - Check in second item
14 - Place hold - not allowed!
15 - prove -v t/db_dependent/Holds/DisallowHoldIfItemsAvailable.t
Signed-off-by: Sam Lau <>
Signed-off-by: Martin Renvoize <>
Signed-off-by: Tomas Cohen Arazi <>
This patch caches the return value of CanItemBeReserved that could
be then returned *on
We don't want to introduce side-effects hard to catch from this simple
change, so let's return the cache value only from the 2 scripts we are
dealing with.
This patch requests all item values from CanBookBeReserved on
Before this we either:
- Looped every item to find out that book could not be reserved
- Looped until we found an item that could be reserved, then looped all items to get statuses
In the worst case we avoid double processing a single item, in the best case we avoid double
processing all items (if only last on record is holdable)
To test:
1 - Find a record in staff client with several items
2 - Set AllowHoldsOnDamagedItems to 'Dont allow'
3 - Add a damaged item to record
4 - Set a hold rule to only allow holds form homebranch and ensure record has items from other branches
5 - Setup things to prevent more items from being held
6 - Attempt hold for patron
7 - Note item statuses
8 - Apply patch
9 - Confirm statuses are as they were before
Signed-off-by: Nick Clemens <>
Signed-off-by: Katrin Fischer <>
Signed-off-by: Tomas Cohen Arazi <>
This is Julian's patch with some extra cleanup to reduce repeated code
If AllowHoldPolicyOverride is enabled and only some pickup locations are
available, you still have the possibility to force one of the others
pickup locations.
But when there are zero pickup locations available, that is not
This patch change that by always displaying the list of pickup locations
when AllowHoldPolicyOverride is enabled.
Test plan:
1. Apply patch
2. Disable AllowHoldPolicyOverride
3. Create a biblio B with an item I at library A.
4. Configure this library A to not be a pickup location
5. Add a "Default holds policy by item type" for item I type where "Hold
pickup library match" is "item's home library"
6. Try to place a hold on biblio B
You should not be able to place a hold because there is no valid
pickup locations
7. Enable AllowHoldPolicyOverride
8. Try to place a hold on biblio B
You should now see all valid pickup locations in a dropdown list
(with an exclamation mark in front of each option) with none selected
by default
9. Verify you can place a title-level hold and an item-level hold
Signed-off-by: David Nind <>
Signed-off-by: Julian Maurice <>
Signed-off-by: Aleisha Amohia <>
Signed-off-by: Tomas Cohen Arazi <>
For single bibs we use an ajax select2 dropdown, and we don't use this
To test:
1 - Place some holds on single bibs
2 - Confirm dropdowns for pickup location work as expected
3 - Do the same for multiple bibs selected from search results
4 - Apply patch
5 - Confirm there is no change after the patch
Signed-off-by: Tomas Cohen Arazi <>
Signed-off-by: Jonathan Druart <>
Signed-off-by: Tomas Cohen Arazi <>
When placing an item-level hold in the Staff interface,
the table at the bottom of the screen (under the "Place
a hold on a specific item" heading) should display the
icon associated with the item type of each item in the
'Item type' column.
This feature broke in v22.05.00 (for Debian package installs):
instead of the item type icon you get the default 'broken
image URL' image of your web browser.
This patch fixes that.
Test plan:
1) (if needed) Configure the following System preferences:
- item-level_itypes => 'specific item'
- noItemTypeImages => 'Show'
2) (if needed) In Koha Administration > Item types, create
an item type and associate it with an icon
3) (if needed) Create a test bibliographic record, and add
an item to it that has an item type with an icon
4) Visit the bibliographic record's details page in the
Staff interface. Select 'Holds' on the left hand side,
then pick a patron. The "Place a hold on ..." page should
load. In the 'Item type' column of the table at the bottom
of the screen notice that instead of seeing the icon
associated with the item type of each item you get the
default 'broken image URL' image of your web browser [*]
[*] In non-Debian package installs, the 'href' property
of the item type icon's <img> tag should start with
5) Apply this patch, restart Plack and refresh the page.
The item type icon should now be displayed correctly.
KTD and Koha Sandboxes users: To verify the patch has
worked, you should right-click on the item type icon and
click 'Inspect': the 'href' property of the <img> tag
should now start with: '/intranet-tmpl/prog/img/itemtypeimg'
Signed-off-by: Martin Renvoize <>
Signed-off-by: Tomas Cohen Arazi <>
This patch updates four scripts to use checkauth instead of get_template_and_user
No behvaiour change is expected
To test:
0 - Apply patch
1 - Place some holds for a patron
2 - From patron page, confirm you can suspend all
3 - confirm you can delete marked holds
4 - Edit a course in course-reserves
5 - Make a chaneg to personal details via OPAC
6 - Confirm change can be approved on staff side
Signed-off-by: David Nind <>
Signed-off-by: Martin Renvoize <>
Signed-off-by: Martin Renvoize <>
Signed-off-by: Andrew Fuerste-Henry <>
Signed-off-by: Rebecca Coert <>
Signed-off-by: Katrin Fischer <>
Signed-off-by: Tomas Cohen Arazi <>
If some holds are overridable, and AllowHoldPolicyOverride is enabled, Koha
used to "flag" each holdable item to let librarians know the hold could not
normally be placed. In 22.05 up to current master as of this writing, no
warning is displayed.
Test Plan:
1) Set one circ rule to allow 0 holds
2) For Library A, set "Hold pickup library match" to "item's hold group"
3) Enable AllowHoldPolicyOverride
4) Set ReservesControlBranch to "item's home branch"
5) Create a record with an item for Library A, one for Library B, and one for Library C
This should create a scenario where A's item cannot be held, and B and C's items must be overridden
6) Note you get the "Cannot place hold" but can place those holds anyway without a "warning" sign
7) Apply this patch
8) Restart all the things!
9) Reload the page, you should now see the warning icons!
Signed-off-by: David Nind <>
Signed-off-by: Martin Renvoize <>
Signed-off-by: Tomas Cohen Arazi <>
Since we are not in a loop or using this multiple times it's simple to
do it this way, helps with changing the template code in the future
too since if we want to remove this syspref variable we know it is
only used in this one particular place.
To test:
1) Grep for reserve_in_future and make sure there are no matches
after applying this patch
Signed-off-by: David Nind <>
Signed-off-by: Katrin Fischer <>
Signed-off-by: Tomas Cohen Arazi <>
If you grep koha-tmpl/intranet-tmpl/prog/en for those you will see
there are no references for those.
Signed-off-by: David Nind <>
Signed-off-by: Katrin Fischer <>
Signed-off-by: Tomas Cohen Arazi <>
This patch replaces the call to GetTransfers in with the
get_transfer method available from the Koha::Item object
Test plan
1/ Place a reserve on an item at a different branch
2/ Trigger the transfer of the item
3/ Check the reserves page for the display of the current transfer
4/ Apply patch
5/ Repeat step 3
Rebased-by: Joonas Kylmälä <>
Signed-off-by: Joonas Kylmälä <>
Signed-off-by: Martin Renvoize <>
Signed-off-by: Tomas Cohen Arazi <>
The idea rely on the KohaDates TT plugin for the date formatting. We
should not have any output_pref calls in pl or pm (there are some
exceptions, for ILSDI for instance).
Also flatpickr will deal with the places where dates are inputed. We
will pass the raw SQL value (what we call 'iso' in Koha::DateUtils), and
the controller will receive the same value, no need to additional
Note that DBIC has the capability to auto-deflate DateTime objects,
which makes things way easier. We can either pass the value we receive
from the controller, or pass a DT object to our methods.
Signed-off-by: Victor Grousset/tuxayo <>
Signed-off-by: Marcel de Rooy <>
Signed-off-by: Tomas Cohen Arazi <>
Signed-off-by: Katrin Fischer <>
Signed-off-by: Martin Renvoize <>
Signed-off-by: Tomas Cohen Arazi <>
It's possible to place item-level hold without selecting a pick-up
location, which causes problems: if the item is then returned,
Koha tells about a hold, but gives error 500.
At patron's hold tab you see the number of holds, but cannot see the
actual holds there. However, if you go to the title in question,
then modify the hold so that it has a pick-up location,
then the hold will work normally again.
This patch fixes already existing but not working JS error message and
ensures that hold cannot be made while pickup location is undefined.
To reproduce:
1. Go to admin page, to the libraries configurations, and disable
pickup location for one of them.
2. Pick any biblio that has items that have that same library as a
default pickup location.
3. When placing the item-level hold, notice that the pickup location
dropdown box is empty by default. Keep it empty, place the hold.
4. Go to the patron's page of the patron who you placed that hold for,
check that it doesn't show the new hold.
5. Apply patch.
6. Repeat steps 2 and 3, it shouldn't let you make the item-level hold
until you select a specific pickup location.
Signed-off-by: David Nind <>
Signed-off-by: Katrin Fischer <>
Signed-off-by: Tomas Cohen Arazi <>
On the staff side behaviour differs for default pickup location when placing a hold or
placing an overridden hold. Additionally, the behaviour has changed betwee master and stables
We should provide a consistent default, and allow the library to specify their choice
Note this only affects staff client as there is only a single dropdown on OPAC and it is not
tied to items
To test:
1 - Apply patch
2 - Update database
3 - Find a record with items from various branches, and at least one with a different home/holding branch
4 - Ensure there is an item that requires override to hold, and AllowHoldPolicyOverride is enabled
4 - Attempt to place hold
5 - Confirm all dropdowns default to logged in library
6 - Set DefaultHoldPickupLocation to item's home branch
7 - Refresh and confirm all dropdowns match item home library except biblio level hold - still logged in library
8 - Set DefaultHoldPickupLocation to item's holding branch
9 - Refresh and confirm defaults
10 - Mark one of the items holding library as 'not a pickup location' in Admin->Libraries
11 - Refresh and confirm dropdown is now empty for that item
Signed-off-by: Andrew Fuerste-Henry <>
Signed-off-by: Martin Renvoize <>
Signed-off-by: Tomas Cohen Arazi <>
To test:
1) Grep for in the source code and check that is the only place where the type parameter is passed.
Signed-off-by: David Nind <>
JD amended patch: adjust commit title
Signed-off-by: Jonathan Druart <>
Signed-off-by: Tomas Cohen Arazi <>
Currently place request gets a list of bad_bibs that is created via javascript on the
template. It ignores this list
Ths patch instead doesn't add info for bad bibs, and provides a list of the bibs that
can be held
To test:
1 - Attempt multi hold with some items that can be held, and one that cannot due to notforloan
2 - Fill in pickup locations and place hold
3 - Note hold is place on bib with no avilable items and hsows twice in results
4 - Apply patch
5 - repeat with another patron
6 - Note no aidditonal hold on record with notforloan items
7 - Note with with not for loan items appears only once in results
Signed-off-by: David Nind <>
Signed-off-by: Joonas Kylmälä <>
Signed-off-by: Tomas Cohen Arazi <>
This patch does a few things:
1 - Adds itemtype not for loan status to display
2 - Adds a conditional to display notforlaon status as the reason a hold cannot be placed
3 - Seperates the lower 'Place hold(s)' buttons for single and multi holds into two template sections
4 - Handles the case where all bibs in a multi hold have no items available
5 - Disables the button for single hlds when all items are unavailable
To test:
1 - Find or create a record with all items of itemtype marked 'notforloan'
2 - Attempt to place single hold on this record from staff client
3 - See one disab;ed button, one enabled 'Place holds' button
4 - Click 'Place holds' - hold placed
5 - Cancel hold
6 - Place multiple holds with some bibs that can be held, and this one that cannot
7 - Notice message that 'Cannot place hold on some items'
8 - Click 'Place holds' - hold is generated for the notforloan bib
9 - Apply patch
10 - Place single hold
11 - Note you now see not for loan status on items
12 - Note the red x also includes message abnout not for loan status
13 - Note the 'Place hold' button is disabled
14 - Attempt multi hold
15 - Message now includes "No items available: One or more records have no items that can be held"
16 - Click 'Place holds'
17 - Above still places the hold - this is for a followup patch
Signed-off-by: David Nind <>
Signed-off-by: Joonas Kylmälä <>
Signed-off-by: Tomas Cohen Arazi <>
Bug 29540 increased the flags required to for, but in doing so created a situation where a library can select a different pickup location for a hold, but upon clicking the "Update hold(s)" button, will be logged out due to having insufficient permissions for
Test Plan:
1) Create a librarian with "place_holds" permissions, but not "modify_holds_priority".
2) Place a hold for a patron
3) Attempt to change the pickup location from
4) Note you get logged out with a permissions error
5) Apply this patch
6) Restart all the things!
7) Attempt to change the pickup location from
8) This time it should succeed!
Signed-off-by: Christopher Brannon <>
Signed-off-by: Katrin Fischer <>
Signed-off-by: Fridolin Somers <>
Signed-off-by: Tomas Cohen Arazi <>
Signed-off-by: Nick Clemens <>
Signed-off-by: Fridolin Somers <>
In this patch we want to reuse what has been done in the previous bug
report to search patrons using the REST API route.
The code is mainly in members/, for all the patron searches
that "add" or "select" a patron (popup windows).
The patron search for holds is a bit different, we don't want to open a
popup window.
We are moving to code to an include file ( to make it
reusable easily.
Note that we are improving how the patron's addresses are displayed, and
provide a JS equivalent to the TT includes files.
Test plan:
Search for patrons from the "Place a hold on" view.
You should see the same view as behaviour, with more filters.
Signed-off-by: Séverine Queune <>
Signed-off-by: Martin Renvoize <>
Signed-off-by: Fridolin Somers <>
See recalls on Intranet
- old recalls (all inactive recalls)
- recalls queue (all active recalls) - cancel, expire, revert waiting status, multiple cancel, mark overdue
- recalls to pull (available but not yet waiting) - cancel
- recalls awaiting pickup (awaiting pickup, awaiting pickup more than RecallMaxPickUpDelay days) - expire, revert waiting status
- overdue recalls (overdue to be returned) - cancel, multiple cancel
- biblio recalls tab (all active recalls relevant to this bib) - cancel, expire, revert waiting status, mark overdue
- patron recalls tab (all active recalls relevant to this patron) - cancel, expire, revert waiting status, mark overdue
- patron recalls history tab (all recalls relevant to this patron) - cancel, expire, revert waiting status, mark overdue
- log viewer
and the general circulation of recalls
1. Apply all patches
2. Run database updates, update schema files and confirm everything applies cleanly
3. Run tests and confirm everything passes:
4. Go to Administration -> system preferences. Find the UseRecalls system preference. It should be DISABLED. Confirm RecallsMaxPickUpDelay is set to 7 by default.
5. Go to Administration -> circulation rules. Confirm there are no recalls circulation rules showing.
6. Test a few circulation flows: checking out, placing a reserve, checking in, fulfilling a reserve, etc. Confirm everything works as normal.
7. Go to Administration -> system preferences. Enable the UseRecalls system preference.
8. Go to Administration -> circulation rules. Set the following rules:
Recalls allowed (count) = 0
Recalls per record (count) = 0
On shelf recalls allowed ( If any unavailable / If all unavailable ) = If any unavailable
Recall due date interval (days) = 3
Recall overdue fine amount = (something different to your normal fine amount)
Recall pickup period (days) = 1
Throughout your testing, try with different combinations of these rules and itemtype / branchcode / categorycode. Also try with null values. Keep the circulation rules open in another tab so you can refer to and update these easily. You should also have at least one other tab open for the staff client, and a third tab open for the OPAC, for ease of testing.
9. Go to your account -> More -> Set permissions. Confirm the recalls permission is checked.
10. Set up a test user with OPAC login details (Borrower A). This could also be your own user, as long as you have OPAC login access.
11. Set up a test record (Biblio A) with at least two items (Item A and Item B) of the same item type (or an item type with the same recall circ rules).
12. Log in to the OPAC as Borrower A. Do a catalogue search with a term that will return multiple results, including Biblio A.
13. Click on Biblio A.
14. Notice there is a 'Place recall' button on the sidebar menu. Click this button. There will be a message saying that there are no items to recall - this is because all items are available.
15. Check out Item A to another borrower (Borrower B).
16. Refresh the 'Place recall' page. You will still NOT be able to place a recall - this is because Recalls allowed = 0 and Recalls per record = 0.
17. Edit the circulation rules to have the following values:
Recalls allowed (count) = 1
Recalls per record (count) = 1
18. Refresh the 'Place recall' page. You will now see the form to place a recall.
19. Place a biblio-level recall.
Pickup location: Branch A, the set branch when you are logged into the staff client
Recall not needed after (expiration date): whatever you want
Select 'recall next available item'
Click confirm
20. Confirm the recall is placed successfully. Confirm that the new due date displayed is correctly calculated to be today's date, plus 3 days (taken from the 'recall due date interval' circ rule)
21. In the staff client, look at Borrower B's account, and go to their Notices tab. Confirm they have received a 'Notification to return recalled item' notice.
22. Look at Borrower B's checkouts table. Notice the due date for their checkout has been adjusted, and there is now a note to say that the item was recalled and the due date adjusted.
23. Log in to the OPAC as Borrower B and go to your summary tab. Notice there is a note under their checkout to say the item had been recalled.
24. Log out of the OPAC and log back in as Borrower A.
25. Go to your summary tab. Confirm there is a Recalls tab with a count of 1.
26. Cancel the recall using the button. Confirm it cancels and the Recalls tab disappears.
27. Do a catalogue search with a term that will return multiple results, including Biblio A.
28. When the results load, notice there is a 'Place recall' button next to the 'Place hold' button. Click this 'Place recall' button.
29. Notice you are redirected straight to the form to place a recall.
30. Place a biblio-level recall again, following the steps in Step 19.
31. Go to your recalls history tab. Notice your first cancelled recall shows here.
32. Cancel the recall you just created, using the button. Confirm it cancels and you are redirected to your summary tab.
33. In the staff client, enable the UseCourseReserves system preference.
34. Go to the main menu, click Course Reserves.
35. Add a new course. (You may also have to define an authorised value for DEPARTMENT.)
36. Add Item A as a reserve to this course.
37. View Course Reserves in the OPAC. Click the course you just created.
38. Notice the reserve has a Recall button underneath it's 'Checked out' status. Click this button.
39. Place a biblio-level recall again, following the steps in Step 19.
40. Click the 'Place recall' link in the breadcrumbs.
41. Notice there is a message saying that you have reached the max number of recalls on this record. This is because Recalls allowed = 1 and Recalls per record = 1.
42. Edit the circulation rules to have the following values:
Recalls allowed (count) = 10
Recalls per record (count) = 5
43. Refresh the 'Place recall' page. You will now see the form to place a recall.
44. Create another test record (Biblio B) with at least one item (Item C).
45. Find this record on the OPAC and place a biblio-level recall again, following the steps in Step 19.
46. In the staff client, go to Circulation -> Old recalls. You should be able to see your two cancelled recalls.
47. Go to Circulation -> Recalls queue. Your current recalls should show here.
48. Use the 'Select all' checkbox to select all recalls.
49. Cancel the recalls using the 'Cancel selected recalls' button.
50. Go to the OPAC and place a biblio-level recall on Biblio A again, following the steps in Step 19.
51. In the staff client, check in Item A, which should still be checked out to Borrower B.
52. A box should pop-up asking you to confirm Borrower A's recall. Click ignore.
53. Click the link to go view Biblio A's details in the catalogue.
54. Click the recalls tab. Notice Borrower A's recall is displayed, and shows it is still Requested (has not been confirmed waiting).
55. Check in Item A again. This time, confirm the recall as waiting using the "Confirm recall" button.
56. Go to Borrower A's Notices tab. Confirm there is a notice "Recalled item awaiting pickup".
57. Go to Borrower A's checkouts. Notice there is a recalls tab. Confirm the recall is showing as "Ready for pickup".
58. Click the 'Actions' dropdown. Click the "Revert waiting" button. The page should show a message that the waiting status has been reverted, without reloading.
59. This time, check in Item B. The recall confirmation box should show again, because this a biblio-level recall that any recallable item under Biblio A can fill. Click the "Print slip and confirm" button.
60. Check the slip that is generated. Confirm it contains Borrower A's correct details, and the details of the recall are correct.
61. Go to Circulation -> Recalls awaiting pickup. Confirm the recall is now waiting and shows in this list.
(You could also try this with Item B having a different item type to Item A, and circ rules not allowing Item B's item type to have recalls. When checking in Item A, it should not trigger the recall box).
62. Go to Borrower A's checkouts. Check out Item B.
63. Confirm the checkout is successful and the recall is removed from the Recalls tab.
64. Go to Circulation -> Old recalls. The fulfilled recall should show.
65. Check in Item B.
66. Check out Item A to Borrower B.
67. Log in to the OPAC as Borrower A.
68. Find Biblio A and place a biblio-level recall.
Pickup location: Branch B, a different branch from your logged in branch. This recall will require a transfer.
Recall not needed after (expiration date): whatever you want
Select 'recall next available item'
Click confirm
69. In the staff client, check in Item A at Branch A. Notice the box that pops up shows that a transfer is required.
70. Click "confirm recall and transfer" and confirm the transfer.
71. Go to your account and click the Recalls tab.
72. Confirm the recall status now shows the item is in transit to Branch B.
73. In the drop-down top-right of your window, select 'Set library'.
74. Set your library to Branch B.
75. Go to Circulation -> Transfers to receive. Notice that the recall is showing here.
76. Click 'Cancel transfer'.
77. Go to Circulation -> Recalls queue
78. Confirm the recall status has been reverted to Requested.
79. Set your library back to Branch A.
80. Check in Item A and trigger the transfer.
81. Set your library back to Branch B.
82. Check in Item A at Branch B.
83. When the 'Recall found' box pops up, click Ignore.
84. Go to Circulation -> Recalls to pull. The recall should show here, with a button to "Cancel recall and return to: Branch A"
85. Click the button to cancel the recall.
86. Repeat Steps 66-70.
87. Check in Item A at Branch B. Confirm the recall as waiting.
88. Check out Item A to Borrower A to fulfill the recall.
89. Set your library back to Branch A and check in Item A.
90. Go to Administration -> circulation rules. Set the following rules:
On shelf recalls allowed ( If any unavailable / If all unavailable ) = If all unavailable
91. Check out Item A to Borrower B.
92. Log in to the OPAC as Borrower A and go to Biblio A.
93. Click the 'Place recall' button. Confirm there is a message that there are no items to recall. This is because On shelf recalls allowed = If all unavailable, and there is still one item (Item B) available.
94. In the staff client, edit Item B to have a withdrawn, item lost or not for loan status.
95. Refresh the 'Place recall' page. Confirm you can now see the form to place a recall.
96. Place an item-level recall.
Pickup location: Branch A.
Recall not needed after (expiration date): whatever you want
Select 'recall a specific item'
Item B will not be selectable, and Item A should be selected by default.
Click confirm
97. In the staff client, edit Item B and remove the lost or missing status.
98. Check in Item B. Confirm the recall box does not pop up, because it cannot fill the item-level recall.
99. Check in Item A. Confirm the recall as waiting.
100. Go to Circulation -> Recalls awaiting pickup
101. Expire the recall. Confirm it expires as expected.
102. Repeat steps 91 to 95.
103. Place an item-level recall.
Pickup location: Branch B, we will require a transfer.
Recall not needed after (expiration date): whatever you want
Select 'recall a specific item'
Item B will not be selectable, and Item A should be selected by default.
Click confirm
104. In the staff client, check in Item A. Confirm the recall and trigger the transfer.
105. Set your library to Branch B and check in Item A.
106. Confirm the recall as waiting.
107. Check out Item A to Borrower A and fulfill the recall.
108. Set your library back to Branch A and check in Item A.
109. Check out Item A to Borrower B.
110. Log in to the OPAC as Borrower A. Place a recall (any level) on Biblio A.
111. In your terminal, enter mysql and edit the expiration date of your recall to be before today
UPDATE recalls SET expirationdate = NOW()-2 WHERE recall_id = X;
112. Run the expiry cronjob from within your shell
perl misc/cronjobs/recalls/
113. Go to Borrower A's account and go to the Recalls history tab
114. Confirm the recall has been expired because the current date surpassed the specified expiration date
115. Check out Item A to Borrower B.
116. Log in to the OPAC as Borrower A. Place a recall (any level) on Biblio A.
117. In the staff client, check in Item A and confirm the recall as waiting.
118. In your terminal, enter mysql and edit the waiting date of your recall to be before today
UPDATE recalls SET waitingdate = NOW() - interval 5 day WHERE recall_id = X;
119. Run the expiry cronjob from within your shell
perl misc/cronjobs/recalls/
120. Go to Borrower A's account and go to the Recalls history tab
121. Confirm the recall has been expired because the recall had been waiting for more days than the Recall pickup period
122. Go to Administration -> circulation rules. Set the following rules:
Recall pickup period (days) = 0
123. Set the RecallsMaxPickUpDelay system preference = 1.
124. Check out Item A to Borrower B.
125. Log in to the OPAC as Borrower A. Place a recall (any level) on Biblio A.
126. In the staff client, check in Item A and confirm the recall as waiting.
127. In your terminal, enter mysql and edit the waiting date of your recall to be before today
UPDATE recalls SET waitingdate = NOW()-2 WHERE recall_id = X;
128. Run the expiry cronjob from within your shell
perl misc/cronjobs/recalls/
129. Go to Borrower A's account and go to the Recalls history tab
130. Confirm the recall has been expired because the recall had been waiting for more days than the RecallsMaxPickUpDelay syspref
131. Check out Item A to Borrower B
132. Log in to the OPAC as Borrower A. Place a recall (any level) on Biblio A.
133. In your terminal, enter mysql and edit the due date of the checkout to Borrower B to be before today
UPDATE issues SET date_due = NOW()-2 WHERE issue_id = X;
134. Run the overdue cronjob from within your shell
perl misc/cronjobs/recall/
135. Go to Circulation -> Overdue recalls
136. Confirm your recall is showing here now as the recall has been marked Overdue
137. Check in Item A.
138. When the recall box pops up, click Ignore.
139. Check out Item A to Borrower B. You should see a yellow confirmation box, saying that another borrower has recalled the item you are trying to check out.
140. Click "No don't check out" and confirm the item isn't checked out and the recall remains.
141. Repeat Step 139.
142. Click "Yes check out" and confirm the item is checked out and the recall remains.
143. When Borrower B's checkout table loads, confirm that you cannot renew or check in the item from the Checkouts table because there is a 'Recalled' link which takes you to the recalls tab for that biblio.
144. Repeat Steps 137-139.
145. Select "Cancel recall" and click "Yes check out" and confirm the item is checked out and the recall has been cancelled.
146. Log in to the OPAC as Borrower A. Place a recall (any level) on Biblio A.
147. Check in Item A. Confirm the recall as waiting.
148. Check out Item A to Borrower B. You should see a yellow confirmation box, saying that that another borrower has recalled the item that you are trying to check out.
149. Select "Revert waiting status" and click "Yes check out" and confirm the item is checked out and the recall status has reverted to requested.
150. In your terminal, enter mysql and edit the due date of the checkout to Borrower B to be before today
UPDATE issues SET date_due = NOW()-2 WHERE issue_id = X;
151. Go to Borrower A's recalls and click the Actions dropdown.
152. Click "Mark as overdue" and confirm the recall is marked as overdue manually.
153. Go to Tools -> Log Viewer. Check only the Recalls module, and leave all other parameters, and click Submit.
154. Confirm all of the recalls actions that have been made are correctly logged.
Note: recalls messaging preferences are introduced in Bug 23781.
The recall feature is fully documented at:
Signed-off-by: David Nind <>
Signed-off-by: David Nind <>
Signed-off-by: Marcel de Rooy <>
Signed-off-by: Fridolin Somers <>
Signed-off-by: David Nind <>
Signed-off-by: Nick Clemens <>
Signed-off-by: Fridolin Somers <>
This patch tackles a very specific scenario. Calling split(...,
CGI::param) makes it be called in list context. The split docs say:
this means the first CGI param will be used as EXPR and the second one
as LIMIT, which is wrong anyway. So the fix is to just force scalar
To test:
1. Not sure, just make sure nothing breaks when using the scripts in the
Signed-off-by: Tomas Cohen Arazi <>
Signed-off-by: Nick Clemens <>
Signed-off-by: Martin Renvoize <>
Signed-off-by: Fridolin Somers <>
It excepts to receive a real array and not a list, in order to be able
to generate the query parameters.
Signed-off-by: Joonas Kylmälä <>
Signed-off-by: Martin Renvoize <>
Signed-off-by: Fridolin Somers <>
This removes the need to handle single and multiple cases separately,
thus removing bunch if-else cases and simplifying our code. This
coding style is also in line with our other .pl scripts.
To test:
1) Make sure placing a hold still works from the following pages:
/cgi-bin/koha/clubs/ (create a new club and add a patron
there and through the create a hold to a bib)
Signed-off-by: Hayley Pelham <>
Signed-off-by: Martin Renvoize <>
Signed-off-by: Fridolin Somers <>