Improving workflow : A suggestion can be edited and status can be changed if mistaken as soon as it is not deleted or acquired.
Adding dates display.
Adding deletion of suggestions.
Signed-off-by: Joshua Ferraro <>
Uses a complete new ZEBRA Indexing.
ZEBRA is now XML and comprises of a KOHA meta record. Explanatory notes will be on koha-devel
Fixes UTF8 problems
Fixes bug with authorities
SQL database major changes.
Separate biblioograaphic and holdings records. Biblioitems table depreceated
etc. etc.
Wait for explanatory document on koha-devel
Seems not to break too many things, but i'm probably wrong here.
at least, new features/bugfixes from 2.2.5 are here (tested on some features on my head local copy)
- removing useless directories (koha-html and koha-plucene)
* acquisition rewritte : create a aqbasket table to deal with "bookseller order header".
* add "close basket" feature : a closed basket can't be modified
* suggestion feature : manage suggestions in acquisition (after suggestion filled in OPAC)