* in marc directory, the marcschema.sql contains now the new marc structure. The old one is in marcschema.old.sql.
* in marc directory, the fill_usmarc.pl script fills the structure tables with USMARC format in english. Thanks to steve for the BIG work getting them from LOC... It's still to do for UNIMARC in english, and of course in french for me ;-)
* in admin directory, the marctagstructure.pl script helps playing with the structure and modifying it... It's not ended (tomorrow, i hope it will be)
INSERT INTO systempreferences VALUES ('template', 'french', 'Template default name. Not used for instance');
INSERT INTO systempreferences VALUES ('autoBarcode', '', '1 or else. If 1, Barcode is auto-calculated');
INSERT INTO systempreferences VALUES ('acquisitions', 'normal', 'normal or simple : will use acquisition system found in directory acqui.simple or acquisition');
branchtransfers table
Circ2.pm has been changed a little
admin/branches.pl alows branches to be added, edited and deleted.
updatedatabase needs more fixing