From the bug report:
The serialsadditems syspref was ostensibly removed in DB rev 071
in favor of a new serialsadditems column in the subscription table.
However, this removal was incomplete. It is still created for new installations by:
and is used in
Since the system preference was not removed from the sample data scripts, it
is necessary to add another DB rev to remove it - a user may have made a
fresh install of Koha after DB rev 071.
Signed-off-by: Galen Charlton <>
Signed-off-by: Joshua Ferraro <>
a default installation:
1. Re-names several of the item fields to make more sense to catalogers and patrons
2. Remove links Non-public note from items.paidfor
3. Changes Non-public note to be hidden in the OPAC view
Fixes issues with the 'hidden' field in the framework, specifically:
1. the editor obeys the rules of possible values for hidden (>4, or <-4)
2. the OPAC MARC display obeys the rules of positive values meaning 'hidden in OPAC'
3. the staff MARC display now obeys the rules specified in the hidden values description
The RSS message_transport_type was recently removed (until we get it implemented). It
is now being removed from the other tables that reference it.
Signed-off-by: Joshua Ferraro <>
I didn't implement a way for patrons to get their advance notices and other messages
through RSS, so I'm removing it from the list of available transport types.
This will cause the "RSS" column in the patron messasging pages to be unavailable.
When we implement RSS, we can add it back in and the checkboxes will return.
Signed-off-by: Joshua Ferraro <>
Corrected two errors found in the authority types used
in the MARC21 frameworks:
* one subfield that used "Meeting Name" instead of "MEETI_NAME"
* various subfields that used "CORP0_NAME" instead of "CORPO_NAME"
The biggest visible consequence of this change is that corporate
name headings (110, 610, 710, 810, etc.) will now link correctly
to their authority records.
In addition, brought the fr-FR MARC21 framework scripts up-to-date
with respect to the changes made to the English versions.
No documentation changes.
Signed-off-by: Joshua Ferraro <>
As part of fixing hold request bugs 1710 and 1739,
two new system preferences are defined:
AllowOnShelfHolds: YesNo, default value OFF
* if ON, allow item-level hold requests to be
placed for available items that are not on loan
AllowHoldsOnDamagedItems: YesNo, default value ON
* if OFF, item-level hold requests cannot
be placed on items that are marked damaged.
Signed-off-by: Joshua Ferraro <>
Updates to kohastructure.sql and
- add new message_queue table
- add message_transport_types table
- add message_attributes table
- add message_transports table
- add borrower_message_preferences table
- add borrower_message_transport_preferences table
- adding EnhancedMessagingPreferenes to sysprefs SQL.
Added column to borrowers table to hold SMS Alert Number.
Added some more sample notices (letters) that will be sent for patron alerts
added some sample SQL to configure messaging.
Signed-off-by: Joshua Ferraro <>
For documentation, please indicate that as part of profiling,
staff can refer to the AdvancedSearchTypes system preference to
choose where to draw the advanced search 'Types' from. Currently
this is implemented as a choice, between itemtypes and ccodes,
but it's been designed to work with any authorised value so long
as an index exists for searching by that authorised value.
By default, and if this syspref doesn't exist, it will pull from
itemtypes as before.
have been added to updatedatabase.
The xslt sysprefs have also been added with a note stating they
only work with MARC21.
Note that when the user is not logged in, the Tags input box/button will not display.
The user will see a message telling them to log in to add tags. However, in order to
keep the results display clean, the message will display only once, utilizing the loop
context variable "__first__". Useful stuff!
I also threw OPACShelfBrowser sysprefs.sql, but it still needs added to updatedatabase.
Signed-off-by: Joshua Ferraro <>
[1] Added MARC-8 as an encoding choice on the target
administration page.
[2] Fixed TMPL coding errors.
[3] Set the correct encoding (as it happens, 'MARC-8')
for all of the English sample Z39.50 targets.
Documentation note: due to this patch and the ones from
Frederic, screenshots of the page for editing a Z39.50
target should be redone.
Signed-off-by: Joshua Ferraro <>
from circulation dashboard, creates new sysprefs, assigns
the sysprefs to the proper tab in sysprefs (Circulation),
updatedatabase changes to do the previous, and fixing one
redundent limit in the query for
Note: still need to address item-level holds
Changed default mandatory and optional MARC21 frameworks
to ensure that all the subfields of 037, 100, 110, 111, 130,
240, 243, 400, 410, 411, 440, 584, and 760 are all either
ignored (tab = -1) or assigned to the same editing tab.
Most of these changes involve the subfield $9 in authority-controlled
fields, which for the affected 1xx, 2xx, and 4xx fields was assigned
to tab 6, not 1, 2, or 4. Because of this, any such field with a
$9 was effectively split, leading to record corruption.
This is part of the fix for bug 2017.
Signed-off-by: Joshua Ferraro <>
Added two tables and system preference to support
a new patron alternate ID and attributes feature.
A patron attribute (or extended patron attribute) is an
additional piece of information associated with a patron
record. Each attribute has a type that specifies
whether the attribute is repeatable, can serve as
a unique identifier, can take a password, and
whether it can be used to search for patron records
in the staff interface.
The list of attribute types is controlled by the
superlibrarian. Once an attribute type is defined,
values for that attribute can be added to the patron record
via the staff interface or the batch patron import.
Two uses of extended attributes are:
- defining additional unique identifiers, such as
a campus student ID number, a library staff
HR number, and so on. These IDs can be used
for searching or matching and overlaying records
during a batch import.
- additional statistical categories. For example,
a library could define an attribute type for
tracking the academic major of a student patron.
Any number of attributes of this sort could be
The extended attributes feature is completely optional. If
the new syspref, ExtendPatronAttributes, is OFF, the patron
attributes tables will be ignored; it will not be possible
to display, edit, search for, or match on extended
The tables are:
[1] borrower_attribute_types - store attribute types
defined by the administrator.
- code
- description
- repeatable (whether a patron record can have
more than value of a given attribute type)
- unique_id (whether values of this type
must be unique within the database)
- opac_display (whether values of this type
can display in the patron details page in the OPAC)
- staff_searchable (whether values of this type
can be used to retrieve patron records in circulation)
- password_allowed (if set, staff patron editor will
allow a password to be associated with a value; this
is mostly a hook for functionality to be implemented
in the future.
- authorised_value_category (code of an authorised_value
category. If one is specified, the staff patron
editor will use a dropdown for setting values of this type)
[2] borrower_attributes - the actual attributes.
- code (attribute type code, FK)
- borrowernumber (link to patron, FK)
- attribute (the value)
- password (password associated with value)
Signed-off-by: Joshua Ferraro <>
Adding New Systempreference AddPatronLists
This systempreference allow administrator to choose if patrons are created on categorycode lists or category_type ones.
Overloading GetBorrowerCategory so that if no parameter provided, it returns the list of category records
Changing in order to use the categorycode when provided.
Bug Fixing so that doesnot come up with Error 500
with no category selected for GetBorrowerCategory
Signed-off-by: Joshua Ferraro <>