I switch to, that's another test to check that everything is fine with the new kohaversion management.
Work like a charm...
Signed-off-by: Chris Cormack <crc@liblime.com>
The kohaversion is in the code directory (in /kohaversion.pl)
C4::Context now has a new method C4::Context->KOHAVERSION
that returns the koha code version.
The systempreference Version contains the database version.
If the 2 are differents, when the user log in, he is redirected to web installer (new behaviour : before this commit, the check was done on everypage, it's too CPU costly I think)
In the web installer, we check now if we do a new setup or an upgrade and show only the appropriate link.
The updatedatabase contains a lot of new things :
* SetVersion($kohaversion), that set the kohaversion after each update
* TransformToNum($kohaversion) that returns a number (3.0000001 from for example) for a given koha version
* DropAllForeignKeys($table) that does what is written : drop all foreign keys. A shame it's not possible directly in mySQL...
* for each database update, just :
add the following lines :
Describe what it does for other developpers
$DBversion = "your.koha.version.dbnumber";
if (C4::Context->preference("Version") < TransformToNum($DBversion)) {
print "Upgrade to $DBversion done (specify what it does if you want)\n";
SetVersion ($DBversion);
in koha 2.2, a new install was done through installing a 2.2.0 database, then updating it to the installed version.
in Koha 3.0, /installer/kohaversion.sql MUST contain an uptodate version, as the installer set the DB version to kohaversion after uploading kohaversion.sql. It does NOT run updatedatabase.
The update from Koha 2.2 to Koha 3.0 must NOT be done through the webinstaller : updatedatabase is very very long to run and you'll reach Apache timeout for sure. See http://wiki.koha.org/doku.php?id=22_to_30 that contains my notes for upgrading (with some/few UNIMARC specific stuff)
Note For RM, please eyeball this change
Signed-off-by: Chris Cormack <crc@liblime.com>
* adding 3 subs in Biblio.pm
- GetNoZebraIndexes, that get the index structure in a new systempreference (added with this commit)
- _DelBiblioNoZebra, that retrieve all index entries for a biblio and remove in a variable the biblio reference
- _AddBiblioNoZebra, that add index entries for a biblio.
Note that the 2 _Add and _Del subs work only in a hash variable, to speed up things in case of a modif (ie : delete+add). The effective SQL update is done in the ModZebra sub (that existed before, and dealed with zebra index).
I think the code has to be more deeply tested, but it works at least partially.
cvs -z3 -d:ext:kados@cvs.savannah.nongnu.org:/sources/koha co -P koha
find koha.precrash -type d -name "CVS" -exec rm -v {} \;
cp -r koha.precrash/* koha/
cd koha/
cvs commit
This should in theory put us right back where we were before the crash
if this prefence is switched on: the document returned in another library than homebranch, the system automaticly transfer the document to his homebranch (with notification for librarian in returns.tmpl) .
switch off : the document stay in the holdingbranch ...
correcting bugs :
- comment C4::acquisition (not using in request.pl).
- correcting date in request.pl
-add the new call of function getbranches in request.pl
Adding new system pref where one can still retrieve a correct reading
record history if one has moved older data from issues to oldissues table
to speed up issues speed
Authority tables are modified to be compatible with new MARC frameworks. This change is part of Authority Linking & Zebra authorities. Requires change in Mysql database. It will break head unless all changes regarding this is implemented. This warning will take place on all commits regarding this
- new feature ip and printer management
adding two fields in branches table (branchip,branchprinter)
- waiting date : adding one field in reserves table(waiting date) to calculate the Maximum delay to pick up a reserved document when it's available
new system preference :
- ReservesMaxPickUpDelay : Maximum delay to pick up a reserved document
TransfersMaxDaysWarning : Max delay before considering the transfer as potentialy a problem
* introducing a category_type into categories. It can be A (adult), C (children), P (Professionnal), I (institution/organisation).
* each category_type has it's own forms to create members.
* the borrowers table has been heavily modified (many fields changed), to get something more logic & readable
* reintroducing guarantor/guanrantee system that is now independant from hardcoded C/A for categories
* updating templates to fit template rules
(see mail feb, 17 on koha-devel "new features for borrowers" for more details)
the system preference prefered date format.
improvement: book fund list and budget list screen redesigned. Filters on
each field. Columns are not sortable yet. Using DHTML Calendar to fill date
fields instead of manual filling. Pagination system. From the book fund
list, you can reach the budget list, filtered on a book fund, or not. A
budget can be added only from book fund list screen.
bug fixed: branchcode was missing in table aqbudget.
bug fixed: when setting a branchcode to a book fund, all associated budgets
move to this branchcode.
modification: when adding/modifying budget/fund, MySQL specific "REPLACE..."
statements replaced by standard SQL compliant statement.
bug fixed: when adding/modifying a budget, if the book fund is associated to
a branch, the branch selection is disabled and set to the book fund branch.
Contrib from Tümer Garip (from Turkey) :
* holiday :
in /tools/ the holiday.pl script let you define holidays (days where the library is closed), branch by branch. You can define 3 types of holidays :
- single day : only this day is closed
- repet weekly (like "sunday") : the day is holiday every week
- repet yearly (like "July, 4") : this day is closed every year.
You can also put exception :
- sunday is holiday, but "2006 March, 5th" the library will be open
The holidays are used for return date calculation : the return date is set to the next date where the library is open. A systempreference (useDaysMode) set ON (Calendar) or OFF (Normal) the calendar calculation.
* removing useless tables
* adding useful indexes
* altering some columns definitions
* The goal being to have updater working fine for foreign keys.
For me it's done, let me know if it works for you. You can see an updated schema of the DB (with constraints) on the wiki