* fixed documentation in C4/Auth_with_ldap.pm
* updated ILSDI/Utility.pm to work with debarred being a date
* updated Members.pm/patronflags to work with debarred being a date (copy/paste of BibLibre code that had not been backported)
* fixed opac-reserve to check correctly for debarred status
I also have removed a duplicate line on circulation.pl when the patron was restricted = the information was displayed twice
Display links to parent biblios, show linked items in holdings, allow holds on
linked items. This uses MARC to maintain relationships.
Sponsored by the Mississippi Department of Archives and History and RapidRadio
Solution. Originally developed by Savitra Sirohi and Amit Gupta at OSSLabs, with
UNIMARC support added by Zeno Tajoli. Commits squashed and merge conflicts
resolved by Chris Cormack from Catalyst. Respect for NORMARC and some small
framework portability fixes made by Jared Camins-Esakov of C & P Bibliography
IMPORTANT NOTE: A bug in the 773 coding for MARC21 was corrected from the
original OSS Labs code. The 773s generated by the pre-release code did not have
the first indicator set to '0', which means that they were not supposed to
display. Going forward, the first indicator will be set correctly, but existing
records created with this code will no longer appear (they appeared before only
due to another bug). To correct this, you could globally (or, to make sure you
only modify records created with the Analytics tool, for records with 773$0)
change the first indicator of the 773 from blank to '0'.
== Background ==
An analytic record for an item is a more detailed, monographic biblio for an
item attached to a serial record . This is often used for special issues of a
journal that are released as books on their own (assigned an ISBN, as well as an
ISSN/volume/issue). It is important for researchers to be able to search for
these items both as issues of the serial, and as monographs. It is equally
important for the library to not have duplicate item records for the item in
question to have to keep synchronized.
== Establishing relationships ==
Analytical records are connected to items belonging to parent or host
bibliographic records. This can be accomplished by:
* From an analytical bibliographic record linking to an host item by providing
the item barcode as input
* From a host item by using option "analyze", this creates a new empty
bibliographic record with field 773 (MARC21) populated
* Running a new CLI script that establishes a relationship between the
analytical record and the host item identified by the barcode in the
analytical record's 773$o (MARC21)
== Connecting Records ==
The relationships are maintained in the MARC records, we have not used database
tables at all.
== MARC Representation ==
In MARC21/NORMARC we have used:
* 773$9 to store the Koha item number of the host item
* 773$0 to store the Koha biblio number of the host bibliographic record
The above fields are used to display the relationships in various screens in the
OPAC and the staff interface. Additionally, when populating field 773 with host
item's details, we have used following MARC 21 mapping:
* 'a' <= 100/110/111 $a (author main)
* 'b' <= 250$a (edition)
* 'd' <= 260$a, 260$b, 260$c (place, publisher, year)
* 'o' <= barcode
* 't' <= 245$a (title)
* 'w' <= (003)001 --> if no 001 is available, we can populate biblionumber
* 'x' <= 022$a (issn)
* 'z' <= 020$a (isbn)
In UNIMARC, this code uses:
* 461$9 to store the Koha item number of the host item
* 461$0 to store the Koha biblio number of the host bibliographic record
When populating field 461 in UNIMARC, the following mapping is used:
* 't' <= 200$a (title)
== Treatment of Holds ==
A key requirement was to allow holds to be placed on host items from the
analytical record. We have accomplished this by allowing holds on specific
copies only. Biblio level holds are not allowed. This ensures that holds are
placed on specific items that are relevant to the analytical record.
== Deleting host items with linked analytical records ==
As we have not used database tables to maintain relationships, we had to use
search to find out if any linked analytical records are present. If 1 or more
analytical are present, we do not allow deletion of items. This is similar to
what we see when we try to delete authority records.
== Importing analytical records ==
Analytical records can be imported using bulkmarcimport or the GUI tools. The
new CLI script can be executed after the import to establish relationships with
host items. The script will establish relationships using the host item's
barcode, the barcode must be present in 773$o of the analytical record.
== What if there are two or more copies of the host item? ==
The current design will require that there be two host (773) fields, one for
each copy.
== What if there is no barcode available for the host item? ==
It is still possible to establish a relationship, by populating 773$9 with the
host's item number. However the CLI script uses barcode in 773$o to establish
relationships so it won't work where barcodes are unavailable. Also from an
analytical record, it is possible to establish a relationship to a host item by
providing the barcode as input, this option will not be available as well.
Commits that added the following features were squashed by Chris Cormack (this
is not a list of every commit):
* Display links to host records from biblio detail screens
* Support for UNIMARC, respecting the system preference 'marcflavor'
* Support holds from the OPAC
* Ability to link to items belong to host records from a analytical record
* Display items belonging to host records in the moredetail page
* Ability to edit items belonging to host records, also ability to delink from
* Move get host items code into a C4 routine, also calling the new routine in
related perl scripts
* Move host field population to a C4 routine, all changes in pl files to call
new routine
* Allow only specific copy holds for analytical records plus changes to use new
C4 routines
* Support for holds on items linked via host records
* Storing bibnumber and itemnumber in subfields 0 and 9, plus other mapping
* New command line script that establishes relationships between analytical
records and host items and bibs. The script looks for host field (MARC21 773)
in records, and based on barcode in subfield 'o' populates host bibnumber in
subfield '0' and host itemnumber in subfield '9'. The script can be run after
an import of analytical records, it can also be run in the crontab to maintain
the relationships
* Ability to create analytical records from items, to view linked analytics, and
prevent deletion of items that have linked analytics
* New template for catalogue/detail.pl (NOTE: not a new template file, just a
new way of displaying analytics), template displays linked analytics and
allows creation of analytical records
* New zebra index for item number in host fields. This index will be used to
display links to analytical records from host records
* Display title of host record instead of the phrase host record
* Using detail.tmpl for analytics tab instead of a new template file
* Improved qualification info prepration in Prephostmarcfield
* Check for linked analytics before deleting item
* Display link to host record and more meaningful anchor text for edit item link
* Analytical record: Unimarc index in record.abs and help in
* Adding a sys pref that controls display of options to create analytical
* Add host entry in XSLT stylesheet in staff item detail
* Added host record support to OPAC detail XSLT
* Adding 773$0 and 773$9 to all frameworks
* Adding 773 subfields 0 and 9 to default marc framework via updatedatabase.pl
* Display create analytics and used in links in catalog detail
* Fixed problem where analytical records not showing in OPAC search results
because GetMarcBiblio now needs a flag to add item records
* Fixed problem where analytics count was set to 1 for all records, not just
those with analytics
* Fixed catalogue detail page not to show analytics counts if count is 0
Co-author: Savitra Sirohi <savitra.sirohi@osslabs.biz>
Co-author: Zeno Tajoli <tajoli@cilea.it>
Signed-off-by: Jared Camins-Esakov <jcamins@cpbibliography.com>
Signed-off-by: Ian Walls <ian.walls@bywatersolutions.com>
Signed-off-by: Chris Cormack <chrisc@catalyst.net.nz>
If a user is placing a reserve on the OPAC, this'll let them know that
it's going to cost them.
Author: Chris Cormack <chrisc@catalyst.net.nz>
Signed-off-by: Nicole C. Engard <nengard@bywatersolutions.com>
Signed-off-by: Chris Cormack <chrisc@catalyst.net.nz>
Edits by Owen:
- More variable scope corrections
- Minor markup and style tweak
- Table column span correction
Signed-off-by: Katrin Fischer <Katrin.Fischer.83@web.de>
- Item level holds can be placed and hold saved
- Table and layout are ok now
Signed-off-by: Chris Cormack <chrisc@catalyst.net.nz>
Previous commit modified checks for the item-level_itypes preference
to look for a different variable name but didn't update where that
variable is set in Auth.pm.
Other scripts perform a direct check of item-level_itypes and must
continue to use the name of the variable in the database.
Signed-off-by: Ian Walls <ian.walls@bywatersolutions.com>
Signed-off-by: Chris Cormack <chrisc@catalyst.net.nz>
Done within opac and intranet templates, still needs to be done for corresponding scripts.
Signed-off-by: Colin Campbell <colin.campbell@ptfs-europe.com>
- Hiding form controls for titles which can't be placed on hold
- Highlighting hold blocked message for better visibility
- Showing table of blocked holds even if none can be placed on
hold: hiding the table hides the messages explaining why
titles can't be placed on hold
- Removing an unused line from the script which was leaving errors
in the error log
- Consolidating error messages into one box which were displaying
in two.
- Correcting link to unused opac-userdetails.pl
Signed-off-by: Nicole Engard <nengard@bywatersolutions.com>
Signed-off-by: Chris Cormack <chrisc@catalyst.net.nz>
* export C4::Reserves::CancelExpiredReserves
* rename misc/cronjobs/cancel_expired_reserves.pl
to misc/cronjobs/holds/cancel_expired_holds.pl
* added cancel_expired_holds.pl to example crontab
* fix staff crash if AllowHoldDateInFuture is on
* expirationdate is now nullable instead of relying
on 0000-00-00
Signed-off-by: Galen Charlton <gmcharlt@gmail.com>
This is a much improved re-implementation of the reserves updates from dev_week.
Less new code has been added, and more existing functions are used instead of adding new ones.
The 'Lock Hold' function has been removed due to it not working as intended.
[RM note for documentation: this adds the following features:
* ability to specify an expiration date for a hold request
when placing it via the staff interface or OPAC
* daily batch job to cancel expired holds
* nice interface to change the priority of hold
requests for a bib in the staff interface]
Signed-off-by: Galen Charlton <gmcharlt@gmail.com>
When AllowOnShelfHolds is enabled, but maxreserves is NULL, attempting to reserve
an item results in a basically blank page being returned with no error message.
This patch adds a check to see if the check for maxreserves has returned a value and
bypasses the application of it if it has not.
Signed-off-by: Galen Charlton <gmcharlt@gmail.com>
Adding finedays and reservesallowed and renewalsallowed management in smart rules
Adding Clone Rules
Adding CanBookBeReserved and CanItemBeReserved in C4::Reserves
Manage Reservesallowed in opac and staff interface
Manage renewalsallowed in C4/Circulation.pm
Update Database follow
Signed-off-by: Galen Charlton <gmcharlt@gmail.com>
This adds to the interface and code the ability to set the reserve date when
requesting a hold.
Resubmit. Sorry, I formatted it from the wrong branch.
Signed-off-by: Galen Charlton <gmcharlt@gmail.com>
Removed irrelevant and unused variables dealing with branches.
Also pulled default branch from userenv when not specified as a param.
Signed-off-by: Galen Charlton <galen.charlton@liblime.com>
Updated the results, cart, and shelf pages to include a button
or link to initiate a hold request based on checked items.
Updated the request CGI scripts to handle multiple biblio items.
Updated the reserve confirmation page to display multiple items,
with an optional list of copies for each one.
Turned on warnings in opac/opac-reserve.pl and fixed resulting
Signed-off-by: Galen Charlton <galen.charlton@liblime.com>
* use item branch instead of patron's branch to
look up the applicable hold policies - this makes
requesting in the OPAC consistent with the intranet.
* when generating pick list using build_holds_queue.pl, only match items
to patrons if request is allowed.
Signed-off-by: Galen Charlton <galen.charlton@liblime.com>
This adds holds policy creation support to smart rules and read support to
C4/Circulation.pm, and the two reservation pages. It also adds a system
preference, AllowHoldPolicyOverride, to control whether the staff can override
these policies.
Signed-off-by: Galen Charlton <galen.charlton@liblime.com>
Signed-off-by: Daniel Sweeney <daniel.sweeney@liblime.com>
Signed-off-by: Galen Charlton <galen.charlton@liblime.com>
This patch removes some superfluous logic left over from early Koha
when a multi-step holds process allowed you to limit your choices to
specific biblioitems.itemtype values. Code previously required a value
in biblioitems.itemtype in order to place hold.
Signed-off-by: Galen Charlton <galen.charlton@liblime.com>
This adds a new function, getitemtypeimagelocation, that returns the image
unmodified for absolute urls and returns the proper intranet or opac path
otherwise. It also updates all of the relevant files to use that function.
Signed-off-by: Galen Charlton <galen.charlton@liblime.com>
Changed so that the presence of an on-order item (items.notforloan =- -1)
permits a title-level hold request to be made. Prior to this patch,
if all of the items linked to the bib were on-order, no title-level
request was permitted.
Signed-off-by: Galen Charlton <galen.charlton@liblime.com>
GetMemberDetails() returns only one hashref now,
not two. In all cases where the caller was
expecting two output values, the $flags return
was ignored anyway.
Signed-off-by: Joshua Ferraro <jmf@liblime.com>
Fixed rules for determining whether an item is
available for an item-level hold request. Create a
new function in C4::Reserves, IsAvailableForItemRequest(),
that checks whether an item is potentially available for
an item-level hold request.
An item is considered available if:
* it is not lost AND,
* it is not marked not for loan AND,
* it is not withdrawn AND,
* it is not damaged (unless the AllowHoldsOnDamagedItems syspref is ON), AND
* it is not on loan (unless the AllowOnShelfHolds syspref is ON)
Preventing a hold request on withdrawn items is bug 1739, as is
the new preference on whether to allow holds on damaged items.
Removing the condition that an item cannot be requested if
it has already been requested by another patron is the topic of bug 1710.
Note that this patch does not change the behavior where if
independent branches is on and the canreservefromotherbranches
syspref is off, a staff operator is prevented from placing
an item-level hold request on an item from a different branch.
Signed-off-by: Joshua Ferraro <jmf@liblime.com>
But that is a separate bug from whether they display or not.
Also added basic error handling if biblionumber is not received, or
if biblionumber is bad, since that otherwise crashes the page.
Signed-off-by: Joshua Ferraro <jmf@liblime.com>
The new tables have the same structure and constraints
as the tables they archive with the following exceptions:
* borrowernumber and biblionumber in old_reserves can be
* the FK constraints (e.g., for itemnumber) on old_reserves
set the child column to NULL if the parent row is deleted
instead of deleting the child row.
* there is no FK constraint on old_issues.branchcode, allowing
a branch to be deleted without changing archived requests.
Some miscellaneous cleanup was done as part of this patch:
* GetMemberIssuesAndFines (C4::Members) now uses bind variables
* fixed POD for GetMemberIssuesAndFines
Signed-off-by: Joshua Ferraro <jmf@liblime.com>
SANOP hadn't ported reserve to OPAC yet. that's why opac reserves were no more working.
I've fixed that, but it need more testing...
Signed-off-by: Chris Cormack <crc@liblime.com>
Authority display hierarchy had a problem.
Feature porting :
Adding SearchMyLibraryFirst feature to OPAC
It select the user's library for research by default
So this implies quite a change for files.
Sorry about conflicts which will be caused.
directory Interface::CGI should now be dropped.
I noticed that many scripts (reports ones, but also some circ/stats.pl or opac-topissues) still use Date::Manip.
A few minor bugfixes too in perl code.
NOTE TO ENGLISH "TEMPLATORS" : you should look at this commits, as some ideas are really nice. Thanks to Carole, Wesford School, new Koha user in France :-)
Create output_html_with_http_headers function to contain the "print $query
->header(-type => guesstype...),..." call. This is in preparation for
non-HTML output (e.g., text/xml) and charset conversion before output in
the future.
Created C4/Interface/CGI/Template.pm to hold convenience functions specific
to the CGI interface using HTML::Template
Modified moremembers.pl to make the "sex" field localizable for languages
where M and F doesn't make sense