Users can search using more than 3 criterias (criterias are now added dynamically)
Results can be displayed using 20,50 or 100 results per page.
Added arrows and numbers to walk through the results (as in OPAC)
Before this fix :
* was harcoded to 12,5%
* some bugs in template parameters prevented the javascript to work.
* some bugs prevented some calculations to be done properly.
The 3 problem from yesterday are fixed :
* cc the + to each tab (for instance, only in tab 0)
* doing the french template
* fixing an annoying bug : everything is stored in the same field :
200$a$b$c$a$b$c and not
as expected.
100% FUNCTIONNAL (at least I expect !)
ALL subfields from a field MUST be in the same tab. Otherwise, Koha can't magically find how to group subfields in case of repeted fields.
I'll add a check in checkmarc immediatly.
That's not a "bug" in Koha. That's mandatory because of MARC structure.
Near each field is a +
If you click on it, it's duplicated.
* cc the + to each tab (for instance, only in tab 0)
* doing the french template
* fixing an annoying bug : everything is stored in the same field :
200$a$b$c$a$b$c and not
as expected.
* fix : the marc subfield was called "tag" in the template. was working nice, but tricky.
* improvment : on each MARC value is now a little finder. If you click on the finder, it will auto-search all biblios with the corresponding value. Very useful to find everything written by an author, or every books from a collection.
* changing from <TMPL_INCLUDE> to <link rel=stylesheet> the *-top. This way, the style sheet is sent only once, then found in the cache of the navigator. A few kb to avoid transmitting.
* In some menus, adding a 2nd menu line. It contains some shorcuts for quick access. Like "quick search" and "MARC search". This way, the librarian can access the search he prefers in 1 clic.
* removing MARC topic in menu.
* managing correctly simple marc & non-marc acquisition system.