The 3 problem from yesterday are fixed :
* cc the + to each tab (for instance, only in tab 0)
* doing the french template
* fixing an annoying bug : everything is stored in the same field :
200$a$b$c$a$b$c and not
as expected.
100% FUNCTIONNAL (at least I expect !)
ALL subfields from a field MUST be in the same tab. Otherwise, Koha can't magically find how to group subfields in case of repeted fields.
I'll add a check in checkmarc immediatly.
That's not a "bug" in Koha. That's mandatory because of MARC structure.
* fix : the marc subfield was called "tag" in the template. was working nice, but tricky.
* improvment : on each MARC value is now a little finder. If you click on the finder, it will auto-search all biblios with the corresponding value. Very useful to find everything written by an author, or every books from a collection.
* moving all styles to common-style.css sheet. The styles specifics to a topic (the parameter button in is the only one defined in, he overwrittes the common-style definition)
* changing from <TMPL_INCLUDE> to <link rel=stylesheet> the *-top. This way, the style sheet is sent only once, then found in the cache of the navigator. A few kb to avoid transmitting.
* In some menus, adding a 2nd menu line. It contains some shorcuts for quick access. Like "quick search" and "MARC search". This way, the librarian can access the search he prefers in 1 clic.
* removing MARC topic in menu.
* managing correctly simple marc & non-marc acquisition system.
The $loggedinuser in Koha is the CODE of the logged user (result of get_user_and_template subroutine).
BTW, in get_user_and_template subroutine, the TMPL_VAR loggedinuser is replaced by the NAME of the user.
This is troubleshooting.
so, I replace the name by the "loggedinusername" template variable.
If you want to add the username somewhere, just add <TMPL_VAR name="loggedinusername"> in the template.
Fixes bug #401