cvs -z3 co -P koha
find koha.precrash -type d -name "CVS" -exec rm -v {} \;
cp -r koha.precrash/* koha/
cd koha/
cvs commit
This should in theory put us right back where we were before the crash
previously, it wasn't possible to insert anything into the <head> on
an individual template unless it was the title of the page. Now, the
structure is a bit more flexible to allow additional head elements to
be included.
memberentryC and P : add error message ERROR_age_limitations : replace sql request by function getborrowercategory for return upperagelimit and dateofbirthrequired modify call to function getborrowercategory
* introducing a category_type into categories. It can be A (adult), C (children), P (Professionnal), I (institution/organisation).
* each category_type has it's own forms to create members.
* the borrowers table has been heavily modified (many fields changed), to get something more logic & readable
* reintroducing guarantor/guanrantee system that is now independant from hardcoded C/A for categories
* updating templates to fit template rules
(see mail feb, 17 on koha-devel "new features for borrowers" for more details)