* run updater/updatedatabase to create imageurl field in itemtypes.
* go to Koha >> parameters >> itemtypes >> modify (or add) an itemtype. You will see around 20 nice images to choose between (thanks to owen). If you prefer your own image, you also can type a complete url (http://www.myserver.lib/path/to/my/image.gif)
* go to OPAC, and search something. In the result list, you now have the picture instead of the text itemtype.
* run updater/updatedatabase to create imageurl field in itemtypes.
* go to Koha >> parameters >> itemtypes >> modify (or add) an itemtype. You will see around 20 nice images to choose between (thanks to owen). If you prefer your own image, you also can type a complete url (http://www.myserver.lib/path/to/my/image.gif)
* go to OPAC, and search something. In the result list, you now have the picture instead of the text itemtype.
It provides the user with the list of items that have been ordered for a delay and are NOT yet received.
The user may filter by supplier or branch or delay.
This page is still under developpement.
Goal is to make it ready to print to reorder the books.
2 new functions have been written in Acquisition module :
branches has been modified to manage branch independancy.
Request for comment.
STILL UNDER developpment
don't update your cvs if you want to have a working head...
this commit contains :
* updater/updatedatabase : get rid with marc_* tables, but DON'T remove them. As a lot of things uses them, it would not be a good idea for instance to drop them. If you really want to play, you can rename them to test head without them but being still able to reintroduce them...
* Biblio.pm : modify MARCgetbiblio to find the raw marc record in biblioitems.marc field, not from marc_subfield_table, modify MARCfindframeworkcode to find frameworkcode in biblio.frameworkcode, modify some other subs to use biblio.biblionumber & get rid of bibid.
* other files : get rid of bibid and use biblionumber instead.
What is broken :
* does not do anything on zebra yet.
* if you rename marc_subfield_table, you can't search anymore.
* you can view a biblio & bibliodetails, go to MARC editor, but NOT save any modif.
* don't try to add a biblio, it would add data poorly... (don't try to delete either, it may work, but that would be a surprise ;-) )
IMPORTANT NOTE : you need MARC::XML package (http://search.cpan.org/~esummers/MARC-XML-0.7/lib/MARC/File/XML.pm), that requires a recent version of MARC::Record
Updatedatabase stores the iso2709 data in biblioitems.marc field & an xml version in biblioitems.marcxml Not sure we will keep it when releasing the stable version, but I think it's a good idea to have something readable in sql, at least for development stage.
- a mail is sent everytime an issue if recieved in serial module. The mail is sent to all borrowers that have put an alert on the subscription (remember that you can put an alert only if the librarian have defined a "letter" as mail to send)
- the librarian can see, for a given subscription, who has put an alert.