So this implies quite a change for files.
Sorry about conflicts which will be caused.
directory Interface::CGI should now be dropped.
I noticed that many scripts (reports ones, but also some circ/ or opac-topissues) still use Date::Manip.
Uses a complete new ZEBRA Indexing.
ZEBRA is now XML and comprises of a KOHA meta record. Explanatory notes will be on koha-devel
Fixes UTF8 problems
Fixes bug with authorities
SQL database major changes.
Separate biblioograaphic and holdings records. Biblioitems table depreceated
etc. etc.
Wait for explanatory document on koha-devel
improved: C4::Output::pagination_bar builds an HTML pagination bar with no
language dependency. This function hugely simplifies templates and offers a
standard pagination method. This function also improves preformances.
if this parameter is defined, the url is used instead of the default one.
So, you can have your own stylesheet somewhere, and use it instead of the official Koha one.
If checkauth() detects a permission problem (e.g., in untemplated scripts),
this is necessary for the code (that displays the error message) to run
(otherwise Perl dies with a very cryptic, confusing error message)
auto-replaces theme and lang template variable.
This is useful if you have images in your template :
<img src="/<TMPL_VAR name="theme">/<TMPL_VAR name="lang">/images/picture.gif>
<img src="/<TMPL_VAR name="theme">/images/picture.gif>
in the case of a non-language dependant image.
Before this fix, gettemplate only replaced a variable called themelang, which was useful for language dependant images, but didn't work with theme-only images.
Note the previous behaviour is still activated (ie : themelang still works)
the api in has "type => 'opac' "parameter.
If called from intranet, should be type => 'intranet'. checked for type existed, and not it's value. Now, Output compares checks for type value.
If type='intranet', then the intranet template is called, else it's an opac template.
Finlay, please validate this commit. and are almost not modified (var test...) is almost completly rewritten.
WHAT DOES IT ??? ==> END of Hitchcock suspens
1st, it does... nothing...
Every old API should be there. So if MARC-stuff is not done, the behaviour is EXACTLY the same (if there is no added bug, of course). So, if you use normal acquisition, you won't find anything new neither on screen or old-DB tables ...
All old-API functions have been cloned. for example, the "newbiblio" sub, now has become :
* a "newbiblio" sub, with the same parameters. It just call a sub named OLDnewbiblio
* a "OLDnewbiblio" sub, which is a copy/paste of the previous newbiblio sub. Then, when you want to add the MARC-DB stuff, you can modify the newbiblio sub without modifying the OLDnewbiblio one. If we correct a bug in 1.2 in newbiblio, we can do the same in main branch by correcting OLDnewbiblio.
* The MARC stuff is usually done through a sub named MARCxxx where xxx is the same as OLDxxx. For example, newbiblio calls MARCnewbiblio. the MARCxxx subs use a MARC::Record as parameter.
The last thing to solve was to manage biblios through real MARC import : they must populate the old-db, but must populate the MARC-DB too, without loosing information (if we go from MARC::Record to old-data then back to MARC::Record, we loose A LOT OF ROWS). To do this, there are subs beginning by "ALLxxx" : they manage datas with MARC::Record datas. they call OLDxxx sub too (to populate old-DB), but MARCxxx subs too, with a complete MARC::Record ;-)
In, there are some subs that permits to build a old-style record from a MARC::Record, and the opposite. There is also a sub finding a MARC-bibid from a old-biblionumber and the opposite too.
Note we have decided with steve that a old-biblio <=> a MARC-Biblio.
Changed the look of to the green/yellow colours
Note: Steve, i added another variable $backgroundimage that sets the background image for the main tables, so it should be straightforward to change the look back to the colours you had if you want to