Squashed patch incorporating all previous patches (there is no functional
change compared to the previous version of this patch, this patch merely
squashes the original patch and follow-up, and rebases on latest master).
*** Installation ***
1. Run installer/data/mysql/atomicupdate/bug_7284_authority_linking_pt1
and installer/data/mysql/atomicupdate/bug_7284_authority_linking_pt2
2. Make sure you copy the following files from kohaclone to koha-dev:
etc/zebradb/marc_defs/marc21/authorities/koha-indexdefs-to-zebra.xsl, and
3. Run misc/migration_tools/rebuild_zebra.pl -a -r
*** New sysprefs ***
* AutoCreateAuthorities
* CatalogModuleRelink
* LinkerModule
* LinkerOptions
* LinkerRelink
* LinkerKeepStale
*** Important notes ***
You must have rebuild_zebra processing the zebraqueue for bibs when testing this
*** Cataloging module ***
* Added an additional box to the authority finder plugin for "Heading match,"
which consults not just the main entry but also See-from and See-also-from
* With this patch, the automatic authority linking will actually work properly
in the cataloging module. As Owen pointed out while testing the patch,
though, longtime users of Koha will not be expecting that. In keeping with
the principles of least surprise and maximum configurability, a new syspref,
CatalogModuleRelink makes it possible to disable authority relinking in the
cataloging module only (i.e. leaving it enabled for future runs of
link_bibs_to_authorities.pl). Note that though the default behavior matches
the current behavior of Koha, it does not match the intended behavior.
Libraries that want the intended behavior rather than the current behavior
will need to adjust the CatalogModuleRelink syspref.
*** misc/link_bibs_to_authorities.pl ***
Added the following options to the misc/link_bibs_to_authorities.pl script:
--auth-limit Only process those headings that match the authorities
matching the user-specified WHERE clause.
--bib-limit Only process those bib records that match the
user-specified WHERE clause.
--commit Commit the results to the database after every N records
are processed.
--link-report Display a report of all the headings that were processed.
Converted misc/link_bibs_to_authorities.pl to use POD.
Added a detailed report of headings that linked, did not link, and linked
in a "fuzzy" fashion (the exact semantics of fuzzy are up to the individual
linker modules) during the run.
*** C4::Linker ***
Implemented new C4::Linker functionality to make it possible to easily add
custom authority linker algorithms. Currently available linker options are:
* Default: retains the current behavior of only creating links when there is
an exact match to one and only one authority record; if the 'broader_headings'
option is enabled, it will try to link to headings to authority records for
broader headings by removing subfields from the end of the heading (NOTE:
test the results before enabling broader_headings in a production system
because its usefulness is very much dependent on individual sites' authority
* First Match: based on Default, creates a link to the *first* authority
record that matches a given heading, even if there is more than one
authority record that matches
* Last Match: based on Default, creates a link to the *last* authority
record that matches a given heading, even if there is more than one record
that matches
The API for linker modules is very simple. All modules should implement the
following two functions:
<get_link ($field)> - return the authid for the authority that should be
linked to the provided MARC::Field object, and a boolean to indicate whether
the match is "fuzzy" (the semantics of "fuzzy" are up to the individual plugin).
In order to handle authority limits, get_link should always end with:
return $self->SUPER::_handle_auth_limit($authid), $fuzzy;
<flip_heading ($field)> - return a MARC::Field object with the heading flipped
to the preferred form. At present this routine is not used, and can be a stub.
Made the linking functionality use the SearchAuthorities in C4::AuthoritiesMarc
rather than SimpleSearch in C4::Search. Once C4::Search has been refactored,
SearchAuthorities should be rewritten to simply call into C4::Search. However,
at this time C4::Search cannot handle authority searching. Also fixed numerous
performance issues in SearchAuthorities and the Linker script:
* Correctly destroy ZOOM recordsets in SearchAuthorities when finished. If left
undestroyed, efficiency appears to approach O(log n^n)
* Add an optional $skipmetadata flag to SearchAuthorities that can be used to
avoid additional calls into Zebra when all that is wanted are authority
records and not statistics about their use
*** New sysprefs ***
* AutoCreateAuthorities - When this and BiblioAddsAuthorities are both turned
on, automatically create authority records for headings that don't have
any authority link when cataloging. When BiblioAddsAuthorities is on and
AutoCreateAuthorities is turned off, do not automatically generate authority
records, but allow the user to enter headings that don't match an existing
authority. When BiblioAddsAuthorities is off, this has no effect.
* CatalogModuleRelink - when turned on, the automatic linker will relink
headings when a record is saved in the cataloging module when LinkerRelink
is turned on, even if the headings were manually linked to a different
authority by the cataloger. When turned off (the default), the automatic
linker will not relink any headings that have already been linked when a
record is saved.
* LinkerModule - Chooses which linker module to use for matching headings
(current options are as described above in the section on linker options:
"Default," "FirstMatch," and "LastMatch")
* LinkerOptions - A pipe-separated list of options to set for the authority
linker (at the moment, the only option available is "broader_headings," which
is described below)
* LinkerRelink - When turned on, the linker will confirm the links for headings
that have previously been linked to an authority record when it runs. When
turned off, any heading with an existing link will be ignored.
* LinkerKeepStale - When turned on, the linker will never *delete* a link to an
authority record, though, depending on the value of LinkerRelink, it may
change the link.
*** Other changes ***
* Cleaned up authorities code by removing unused functions and adding
unimplemented functions and added some unit tests.
* This patch also modifies the authority indexing to remove trailing punctuation
from Match indexes.
* Replace the old BiblioAddAuthorities subroutines with calls into the new
C4::Linker routines.
* Add a simple implementation for C4::Heading::UNIMARC. (With thanks to F.
Demians, 2011.01.09) Correct C4::Heading::UNIMARC class loading. Create
biblio tag to authority types data structure at initialization rather than
querying DB.
* Ran perltidy on all changed code.
*** Linker Options ***
Enter "broader_headings" in LinkerOptions. With this option, the linker will
try to match the following heading as follows:
=600 10$aCamins-Esakov, Jared$xCoin collections$vCatalogs$vEarly works to
First: Camins-Esakov, Jared--Coin collections--Catalogs--Early works to 1800
Next: Camins-Esakov, Jared--Coin collections--Catalogs
Next: Camins-Esakov, Jared--Coin collections
Next: Camins-Esakov, Jared (matches! if a previous attempt had matched, it
would not have tried this)
This is probably relevant only to MARC21 and LCSH, but could potentially be of
great use to libraries that make heavy use of floating subdivisions.
Note: all of these tests require that you have some authority records,
preferably for headings that actually appear in your bibliographic data. At
least one authority record must contain a "see from" reference (remember which
one contains this, as you'll need it for some of the tests). The number shown
in the "Used in" column in the authority module is populated using Zebra
searches of the bibliographic database, so you *must* have
rebuild_zebra.pl -b -z [-x] running in cron, or manually run it after running
the linker.
*** Testing the Heading match in the cataloging plugin ***
1. Create a new record, and open the cataloging plugin for an
authority-controlled field.
2. Search for an authority by entering the "see from" term in the Heading Match
3. Confirm that the appropriate heading shows up
4. Search for an authority by entering the preferred heading into the Main
entry or Main entry ($a only) box (i.e., repeat the procedure you usually
use for cataloging, whatever that may be)
5. Confirm that the appropriate heading shows up
*** Testing the cataloging interface ***
6. Turn off BiblioAddsAuthorities
7. Confirm that you cannot enter text directly in an authority-controlled field
8. Confirm that if you search for a heading using the authority control plugin
the heading is inserted (note, however, that this patch does not AND IS NOT
INTENDED TO fix the bugs in the authority plugin with duplicate subfields;
those are wholly out of scope- this check is for regressions)
9. Turn on BiblioAddsAuthorities and AutoCreateAuthorities
10. Confirm that you can enter text directly into an authority-controlled field,
and if you enter a heading that doesn't currently have an authority record,
an authority record stub is automatically created, and the heading you
entered linked
11. Confirm that if you enter a heading with only a subfield $a that fully
*matches* an existing heading (i.e. the existing heading has only
subfield $a populated), the authid for that heading is inserted into
subfield $9
12. Confirm that if you enter a heading with multiple subfields that *matches*
an existing heading, the authid for that heading is inserted into
subfield $9
13. Turn on BiblioAddsAuthorities and turn off AutoCreateAuthorities
14. Confirm that you can enter text directly into an authority-controlled field,
and if you enter a heading that doesn't currently have an authority record,
an authority record stub is *not* created
15. Confirm that if you enter a heading with only a subfield $a that *matches*
an existing heading, the authid for that heading is inserted into
subfield $9
16. Confirm that if you enter a heading with multiple subfields that *matches*
an existing heading, the authid for that heading is inserted into
subfield $9
17. Create a record and link an authority record to an authorized field using
the authority plugin.
18. Save the record. Ensure that the heading is linked to the appropriate
19. Open the record. Change the heading manually to something else, leaving
the link. Save the record.
20. Ensure that the heading remains linked to that same authority.
21. Change CatalogModuleRelink to "on."
22. Open the record. Use the authority plugin to link that heading to the
same authority record you did earlier.
23. Save the record. Ensure that the heading is linked to the appropriate
24. Open the record. Change the heading manually to something else, leaving
the link. Save the record.
25. Ensure that the heading is no longer linked to the old authority record.
*** Testing link_bibs_to_authorities.pl ***
26. Set LinkerModule to "Default," turn on LinkerRelink and
BiblioAddsAuthorities, and turn AutoCreateAuthorities and
LinkerKeepStale off
27. Edit one bib record so that an authority controlled field that has already
been linked (i.e. has data in $9) has a heading that does not match any
authority record in your database
28. Run misc/link_bibs_to_authorities.pl --link-report --verbose --test (you may
want to pipe the output into less or a file, as the result is quite a lot of
29. Look over the report to see if the headings that you have authority records
for report being matched, that the heading you modified in step 2 is
reported as "unlinked," and confirm that no changes were actually made to
the database (to check this, look at the bib record you edited earlier, and
check that the authid in the field you edited hasn't changed)
30. Run misc/link_bibs_to_authorities.pl --link-report --verbose (you may want
to pipe the output into less or a file, as the result is quite a lot of
31. Check that the heading you modified has been unlinked
32. Change the modified heading back to whatever it was, but don't use the
authority control plugin to populate $9
33. Run misc/link_bibs_to_authorities.pl --link-report --verbose
--bib-limit="biblionumber=${BIB}" (replacing ${BIB} with the biblionumber
of the record you've been editing)
34. Confirm that the heading has been linked to the correct authority record
35. Turn LinkerKeepStale on
36. Change that heading to something else
37. Run misc/link_bibs_to_authorities.pl --link-report --verbose
--bib-limit="biblionumber=${BIB}" (replacing ${BIB} with the biblionumber
of the record you've been editing)
38. Confirm that the $9 has not changed
39. Turn LinkerKeepStale off
40. Create two authorities with the same heading
41. Run misc/migration_tools/rebuild_zebra.pl -a -z
42. Enter that heading into the bibliographic record you are working with
43. Run misc/link_bibs_to_authorities.pl --link-report --verbose
--bib-limit="biblionumber=${BIB}" (replacing ${BIB} with the biblionumber
of the record you've been editing)
44. Confirm that the heading has not been linked
45. Change LinkerModule to "FirstMatch"
46. Run misc/link_bibs_to_authorities.pl --link-report --verbose
--bib-limit="biblionumber=${BIB}" (replacing ${BIB} with the biblionumber
of the record you've been editing)
47. Confirm that the heading has been linked to the first authority record it
48. Change LinkerModule to "LastMatch"
49. Run misc/link_bibs_to_authorities.pl --link-report --verbose
--bib-limit="biblionumber=${BIB}" (replacing ${BIB} with the biblionumber
of the record you've been editing)
50. Confirm that the heading has been linked to the second authority record it
51. Run misc/link_bibs_to_authorities.pl --link-report --verbose
--auth-limit="authid=${AUTH}" (replacing ${AUTH} with an authid)
52. Confirm that only that heading is displayed in the report, and only those
bibs with that heading have been changed
If all those things worked, good news! You're ready to sign off on the patch
for bug 7284.
Signed-off-by: Jared Camins-Esakov <jcamins@cpbibliography.com>
Rebased on latest master and squashed follow-up, 16 February 2012
Signed-off-by: Jared Camins-Esakov <jcamins@cpbibliography.com>
Rebased on latest master, 21 February 2012
Signed-off-by: schuster <dschust1@gmail.com>
Adds a new placeholder {ISSN} to the system preference SearchForTitleIn.
For a record with multiple ISSNs only the first ISSN will be used.
Addition: Makes a small change to GetMarcControlnumber so that it checks for
NORMARC too. If you set your system preference to NORMARC, it should output
{CONTROLNUMBER} correctly now.
For testing add following code to the system preference and check output
of SearchForTitleIn for different records in your OPAC and all 3 available
views (normal, MARC and ISBD):
<li>ISSN: {ISSN}</li>
<li>ISBN: {ISBN}</li>
<li>001: {CONTROLNUMBER}</li>
Patch also includes some unit tests:
perl t/db_dependent/Biblio.t
Signed-off-by: Magnus Enger <magnus@enger.priv.no>
Tested with marcflavour = NORMARC, on one book and one periodical record.
* Book
- Before the patch:
ISBN: 0375726446
- After the patch:
ISBN: 0375726446
001: 022976914
* Journal
- Before the patch:
- After the patch:
ISSN: 1890-6931
001: 080721370
Looks good in all 3 views! Thanks for fixing the 001 thing for NORMARC!
Also tested with marcflavour = MARC21, on the same records with the same good
results. Signing off!
Signed-off-by: Paul Poulain <paul.poulain@biblibre.com>
Tested marcflavour= UNIMARC, works fine too
C4::Biblio is used in many many places. The goal of this cleaning is to do from C4::Biblio a package with as many dependancies as possible.
* C4::Heading is called only in 1 place, highly rarely used (only in 1 misc/link_bibs_to_authorities.pl), moving to require
* PrepareItemrecordDisplay is a sub that is more related to Items, moving it here. It means some scripts that used this sub must be checked against use C4::Items
* C4::Items is needed in EmbedItemsInMarcBiblio, moving it only in this sub, and switching to require
* 2 subs are totally useless z3950_extended_services and set_service_options, removing them
Signed-off-by: Marcel de Rooy <m.de.rooy@rijksmuseum.nl>
No test plan included, but tested some opac and cataloging functions.
Code looks good. Marked as Passed QA.
Display suggestion info in acquisition module:
To Test:
Create a suggestion and accept it.
Create a new order from this suggestion
Receive this order
For each step, check if suggestion info are visible.
Signed-off-by: Katrin Fischer <Katrin.Fischer.83@web.de>
Test provides more unit tests, all complete successfully.
perl t/db_dependent/Suggestions.t
Note: test case should be cleaned up after running tests.
Display changes are consistent and information about the suggestion
is shown on every important screen now.
I created an order from a suggestion and one from an existing record.
No problems found.
use encoding(UTF-8) rather than utf-8 for stricter
Marking output as ':utf8' only flags the data as utf8
using :encoding(UTF-8) also checks it as valid utf-8
see binmode in perlfunc for more details
In accordance with the robustness principle input
filehandles have not been changed as code may make
the undocumented assumption that invalid utf-8 is present
in the imput
Fixes errors reported by t/00-testcritic.t
Where feasable some filehandles have been made lexical rather than
reusing global filehandle vars
Signed-off-by: Jonathan Druart <jonathan.druart@biblibre.com>
Signed-off-by: Paul Poulain <paul.poulain@biblibre.com>
Signed-off-by: Katrin Fischer <Katrin.Fischer.83@web.de>
perl t/db_dependent/BackgroundJob.t
All tests complete successfully.
Note: Test 11 does not tell what it's about, but it has been there before.
Patch changes the French string (with French stopwords) to an English string with English stopwords, as only English stopwords are installed in the default data.
This patch will allow Search.t to run on the database attached to this bug.
Signed-off-by: Chris Cormack <chrisc@catalyst.net.nz>
Signed-off-by: Paul Poulain <paul.poulain@biblibre.com>
To test:
Create 4 holds on a bib, for patrons A, B, C, and D,
Check in the item to mark hold as waiting for patron A
Check out the item to patron B -> reserve for patron B should be removed
Check in the item to mark hold as waiting for patron A
Check out the item to Patron A, hold should complete normally
Check in the item to mark hold as waiting for patron C
Check out the item to patron D -> reserve for patron D should be removed.
Check in the item to mark hold as waiting for patron C
Check out the item to patron C, hold should complete normally
Check in the item -> there should be no more reserves.
We also tested:
Created 4 holds on a bib with two items, for patrons A, B, C, and D
All worked as expected.
Signed-off-by: Liz Rea <wizzyrea@gmail.com>
Signed-off-by: Paul Poulain <paul.poulain@biblibre.com>
Signed-off-by: Katrin Fischer <Katrin.Fischer.83@web.de>
Test requires a database installed using the sample data.
All tests pass.
Signed-off-by: Paul Poulain <paul.poulain@biblibre.com>
To test:
Create a fresh koha db with all of the sample data (if you have one that has the sample branches in it, that will work too)
run the test: prove t/db_dependent/Members.t
All subtests should complete.
Signed-off-by: Katrin Fischer <Katrin.Fischer.83@web.de>
All tests complete successfully with my database created from
sample data and with the database provided on the bug.
Signed-off-by: Paul Poulain <paul.poulain@biblibre.com>
* correctly indenting with tab the debarrcomment field
* setdebar.pl is called without status parameter, thus it is not working anymore. It's fixed & some dead code has been removed. To test : debar someone, then go to patron detail page and click "lift debarment"
* the test function had not been updated. The fix define a debarment date of 2099-12-31 (no limit)
Removed SearchMembers() and replaced with more generic Search()
Amended Search() to try cardnumber first
Replaced SearchMembers() calls with Search()
Replaced SELECT with Search() where appropriate
- added support for '' key for search filter.
- when passing an array to filter, join with OR (rather than AND)
- added support for key => [val1, val2] in filter
- did not document - there was no input documentation to start with,
and SQLHelper should be replaced with something better anyway
Signed-off-by: Liz Rea <lrea@nekls.org>
(again - testing merge issue)
The functionality of the patch seems to be maintained with Biblibre's changes.
I tested the following:
Extended attribute searching: works
3 part name searching: works
2 part name searching: works
1 part name searching: works
Patron search limited by branch: Works
Patron search limited by patron category: works
Ordering by cardnumber instead of surname: works
The "Check Out" field in the masthead.
Circ Autocomplete is not reliably functional at this time, but the problem appears to predate this patch.
Signed-off-by: Ian Walls <ian.walls@bywatersolutions.com>
Signed-off-by: Chris Cormack <chrisc@catalyst.net.nz>
use C4::Koha was loaded only to call C4::Koha::get_infos_of in get_branchinfos_of
the sub get_branchinfos_of was used nowhere
(checked with "grep -R get_branchinfos_of *")
only one reference was made to get_branchinfos_of, in reserve/request.pl, but the sub was not used in fact (maybe removed previously & silently)
This patch removes sub get_branchinfos_of and use C4::Koha in C4::Branch, as well as the reference in request.pl and the t test
The patch doesn't remove use C4::Branch in reserve/request.pl, as it's still used for other subroutines.
Signed-off-by: Ian Walls <ian.walls@bywatersolutions.com>
Signed-off-by: Chris Cormack <chrisc@catalyst.net.nz>
Call LostItem() whenever item is lost.
LostItem() new arg - mark returned.
Disabled Lost Status on catalogue item edit.
Signed-off-by: Nicole C. Engard <nengard@bywatersolutions.com>
For follow up we need to explain how to hide the 952$1 (lost) from
the framework by putting it in the 'ignore' tab.
Signed-off-by: Ian Walls <ian.walls@bywatersolutions.com>
Signed-off-by: Chris Cormack <chrisc@catalyst.net.nz>
Add some test cases and fix a bug in C4::Log found by in review.
Thanks-to: Katrin Fischer.
Signed-off-by: Liz Rea <lrea@nekls.org>
Passes test, interface works as expected.
Signed-off-by: Liz Rea <lrea@nekls.org>
Signed-off-by: Chris Cormack <chrisc@catalyst.net.nz>
This allows a basket to be searched for by name or invoice number from
anywhere in the acquisitions system. It is accessible by clicking on
"orders search", clicking the '[+]' and filling in the basket or invoice
no. fields.
Author: Srdjan Jankovic <srdjan@catalyst.net.nz>
Author: Robin Sheat <robin@catalyst.net.nz>
Signed-off-by: Nicole C. Engard <nengard@bywatersolutions.com>
Signed-off-by: Ian Walls <ian.walls@bywatersolutions.com>
Signed-off-by: Chris Cormack <chrisc@catalyst.net.nz>
Signed-off-by: Jared Camins-Esakov <jcamins@bywatersolutions.com>
Signed-off-by: Chris Cormack <chrisc@catalyst.net.nz>
Signed-off-by: Ian Walls <ian.walls@bywatersolutions.com>
Remove some unnecessary checks when check of error is
sufficient. Make the order in some cases more logical
Should remove some possibilities of runtime warning noise.
Although some calls belong to the 'Nothing could
ever go wrong' school have added some warnings
Signed-off-by: Christophe Croullebois <christophe.croullebois@biblibre.com>
Signed-off-by: Chris Cormack <chrisc@catalyst.net.nz>