local LC call number as used at many North American academic libraries.
Correcting authoritytypecode values where my typo used the number '0' as
part of the value in one table and the letter 'O' in another table.
Improved seealso column indexing values.
Signed-off-by: Chris Cormack <crc@liblime.com>
part of the value in one table and the letter 'O' in another table.
Improved seealso column indexing values.
Signed-off-by: Chris Cormack <crc@liblime.com>
The kohaversion is in the code directory (in /kohaversion.pl)
C4::Context now has a new method C4::Context->KOHAVERSION
that returns the koha code version.
The systempreference Version contains the database version.
If the 2 are differents, when the user log in, he is redirected to web installer (new behaviour : before this commit, the check was done on everypage, it's too CPU costly I think)
In the web installer, we check now if we do a new setup or an upgrade and show only the appropriate link.
The updatedatabase contains a lot of new things :
* SetVersion($kohaversion), that set the kohaversion after each update
* TransformToNum($kohaversion) that returns a number (3.0000001 from for example) for a given koha version
* DropAllForeignKeys($table) that does what is written : drop all foreign keys. A shame it's not possible directly in mySQL...
* for each database update, just :
add the following lines :
Describe what it does for other developpers
$DBversion = "your.koha.version.dbnumber";
if (C4::Context->preference("Version") < TransformToNum($DBversion)) {
print "Upgrade to $DBversion done (specify what it does if you want)\n";
SetVersion ($DBversion);
in koha 2.2, a new install was done through installing a 2.2.0 database, then updating it to the installed version.
in Koha 3.0, /installer/kohaversion.sql MUST contain an uptodate version, as the installer set the DB version to kohaversion after uploading kohaversion.sql. It does NOT run updatedatabase.
The update from Koha 2.2 to Koha 3.0 must NOT be done through the webinstaller : updatedatabase is very very long to run and you'll reach Apache timeout for sure. See http://wiki.koha.org/doku.php?id=22_to_30 that contains my notes for upgrading (with some/few UNIMARC specific stuff)
Note For RM, please eyeball this change
Signed-off-by: Chris Cormack <crc@liblime.com>
No longer need all the extra columns, its stored in the a_session, and with CGI::Session
you get back a session object which you can do things like
my $userid = $session->param('userid');
Signed-off-by: kados <jmf@liblime.com>
It is to be mentioned that error came from the use of DBI.
Indeed, we read sql file OK.
But the last command came with no order => error.
Next time we should be more careful.
[Mon Jul 02 20:37:14 2007] [error] [client] DBD::mysql::db do failed: Query was empty at /koha/production/intranet/cgi-bin/installer/install.pl line 340, <INPUT> line 1775., referer: http://intranet/cgi-bin/koha/installer/install.pl?step=3
So this implies quite a change for files.
Sorry about conflicts which will be caused.
directory Interface::CGI should now be dropped.
I noticed that many scripts (reports ones, but also some circ/stats.pl or opac-topissues) still use Date::Manip.
skips third party software check and mysql check to go to updatedatabase.
Adding similar check to intranet and opac.
BEWARE !!!!!
You may be linked to install if you donot have Version variable set in your systempreferences table.
If so, simply updatedatabase OR add Version 3.0 record to your systempreferences table.
cvs -z3 -d:ext:kados@cvs.savannah.nongnu.org:/sources/koha co -P koha
find koha.precrash -type d -name "CVS" -exec rm -v {} \;
cp -r koha.precrash/* koha/
cd koha/
cvs commit
This should in theory put us right back where we were before the crash