* moving all styles to common-style.css sheet. The styles specifics to a topic (the parameter button in parameters-top.inc is the only one defined in parameters-top.inc, he overwrittes the common-style definition)
* changing from <TMPL_INCLUDE> to <link rel=stylesheet> the *-top. This way, the style sheet is sent only once, then found in the cache of the navigator. A few kb to avoid transmitting.
* In some menus, adding a 2nd menu line. It contains some shorcuts for quick access. Like "quick search" and "MARC search". This way, the librarian can access the search he prefers in 1 clic.
* removing MARC topic in menu.
* managing correctly simple marc & non-marc acquisition system.
* changing from <TMPL_INCLUDE> to <link rel=stylesheet> the *-top. This way, the style sheet is sent only once, then found in the cache of the navigator. A few kb to avoid transmitting.
* In some menus, adding a 2nd menu line. It contains some shorcuts for quick access. Like "quick search" and "MARC search". This way, the librarian can access the search he prefers in 1 clic.
* removing MARC topic in menu.
* managing correctly simple marc & non-marc acquisition system.
It loads an iso2709 file into the ACTIVE Database. My 1st tests on sample files shows it works quite fine.
Feel free to try it.
How it works ? enter ./bulkmarcimport in a console, and look.
Note : i'm proud, because it's less than 100 lines long => 99 lines !!!
This supports is only for MARC <-> OLD-DB link. It worked previously, but values entered as MARC were not reported to OLD-DB, neither values entered as OLD-DB were reported to MARC.
Note that some OLD-DB subs are strange (dummy ?) see OLDmodsubject, OLDmodsubtitle, OLDmodaddiauthor in C4/Biblio.pm
For example it seems impossible to have more that 1 addi author and 1 subtitle. In MARC it's not the case. So, if you enter more than one, I'm afraid only the LAST will be stored.