Commit graph

20 commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
Michael Hafen
Bug 32730: Add Patron Lists tab to patron details and circulation pages
Test Plan:
1. Apply patch
2. create a patron list if there aren't any
3. search for a patron
4. observe the "Patron lists" tab showing the list that the patron is not in
5. try adding the patron to the list and removing them from the list to
   be sure the feature has full operation
6. click "Check Out" on the side bar menu to navigate to the circulation
   page for this patron
7. observe the "Patron lists" tab, and verify it operates as it did on the
   patron details page

Bug 32730: (follow-up) Minor corrections
   by Owen Leonard

This patch corrects an instance of an incorrect capital letter
("Patron Lists" -> "Patron lists") and makes minor tweaks to

Signed-off-by: Stina Hallin <>
Signed-off-by: Kyle M Hall <>

Edit: (tcohen) new files should be run through perltidy ALWAYS. Did it
and squashed it here.

Signed-off-by: Tomas Cohen Arazi <>
2023-11-01 17:23:09 -03:00
Bug 34115: Use a global tab select function for activating Bootstrap tabs based on location hash
This patch fixes automatic tab selection by location.hash in the MARC
subfield editor. This allows links which target a specific subfield to
open the page with the subfield tab selected.

I've put this into a global function since it can be reused in multiple
places: The about page and the checkout page have variations of this
functionality which can be replaced with this function.

The patch also corrects two links in Koha pointing to the About
page which included the wrong location hash (changed in the switch to
Bootstrap tab wrappers).

To test, apply the patch and go to Adminstration -> Bibliographic

- View the MARC structure for any framework.
  - In the "Search for tag" input field, submit a tag and subfield which
    will be found in that framework, e.g. "245$a"
  - When you submit the form you should be sent to the MARC subfield
   structure page for that tag with the subfield tab automatically
- View the MARC subfield structure for any framework.
  - In the table of subfields, click the subfield link in the first
    column. You should be taken to the edit form with the corresponding
    tab selected.
- Go to Circulation and check out to a patron. Append a tab anchor to
  the URL, e.g. "#holds_panel" and submit. You may have to shift-reload
  the page to see the change. (As far as I know no links in Koha take
  advantage of this)
- Perform the same test on the patron detail page
- Go to the About page and perform the same test with a tab anchor like
  "#team_panel" or "#sysinfo_panel"

Signed-off-by: Sam Lau <>
Signed-off-by: Katrin Fischer <>
Signed-off-by: Tomas Cohen Arazi <>
2023-08-30 10:07:06 -03:00
Bug 33528: (follow-up) Correct selector for event handler
The event handler for restriction deletion needs to be adjusted
according to the new container ID. Without this change the JavaScript
confirmation message didn't appear and restrictions were deleted without

Signed-off-by: Tomas Cohen Arazi <>
2023-06-14 09:22:02 -03:00
Bug 33528: Use template wrapper for tabs: Patron details page
This patch updates the checkout and patron details templates so
that they use the new WRAPPER directive to build tabbed navigation.

The markup for the tab navigation and tab panels is moved into its own
include file since the templates were duplicating essentially the same

To fully test you should have patrons with checkouts, fines, holds,
recalls, and article requests.

Apply the patch and go to the checkout page in the staff interface. With
each tab, test as much functionality as you can within that tab.

- Checkouts
- Holds
- Recalls (with UseRecalls enabled)
- Claims (with a LOST value defined in ClaimReturnedLostValue)
- Restrictions
- Article Requests (with ArticleRequests preference enabled)
- Clubs (with at least one club defined)
- Relatives' checkouts (patron must have a guarantee linked to their

Perform the same tests on the patron details page. Note that the
"Charges" tab is shown on the patron details page but not the checkout
page. This is not a change made by this patch.

Signed-off-by: Sam Lau <>
Signed-off-by: Katrin Fischer <>
Signed-off-by: Tomas Cohen Arazi <>
2023-06-14 09:22:02 -03:00
Bug 30487: Convert checkout and patron details page tabs to Bootstrap
This patch updates the checkout and patron details pages, updating
jQueryUI tabs to Bootstrap tabs.

To test, apply the patch and rebuild the staff interface CSS

Go to Circulation -> Check out and load a patron record for checkout.
Ideally the patron record should have a variet of data associated with

 - Checkouts
 - Relative's checkouts (if patron is a guarantor or guarantee to
   another patron with checkouts)
 - Holds
 - Article requests
 - Claims
 - Restrictions
 - Clubs

On the patron's checkout page, test the various tabs corresponding to
the features listed above. Having data to display in those tabs helps
confirm that any table functionality triggered by the tab activation is
working correctly.

The checkouts tab should work correctly whether you have "Always show
checkouts immediately" checked or not.

Test that you can pre-select any tab by appending its anchor to the URL,


Perform the same checks on the patron details page.

Signed-off-by: Lucas Gass <>
Signed-off-by: Martin Renvoize <>
Signed-off-by: Tomas Cohen Arazi <>
2022-10-17 08:06:34 -03:00
Bug 30718: Fix time display
Especifically when timeformat=12h

Signed-off-by: Victor Grousset/tuxayo <>

Signed-off-by: Marcel de Rooy <>
Signed-off-by: Tomas Cohen Arazi <>
2022-08-19 08:26:38 -03:00
24cb4f71f4 Bug 29155: (follow-up) Work around change to jQueryUI tab API
For some reason, with the combination of jQuery 3.6.0 and jQueryUI
1.13.1, the way to access the current active tab's link has changed.
Previously the tab activate event would provide information about the
link as "ui.newTab.context." It appears that "context" is no longer

This patch updates the two instances in Koha where this process is

To test, apply the patch and check out to a patron with holds on their

- When the checkout page loads, confirm that each tab loads its contents
  correctly when clicked.
- Check that the correct tab is activated when you append the tab link
  to the page url, e.g.


  ...which should select the "Restrictions" tab for you. You may need to
  try this in a new tab or shift-reload to get the browser to look for
  the hash.

- Perform the same tests on the patron details page.

Signed-off-by: David Cook <>

Signed-off-by: Jonathan Druart <>
Signed-off-by: Fridolin Somers <>
2022-04-25 10:00:22 -10:00
5b5b443d6c Bug 29459: Replace some missed datetimepickers in circulation templates with Flatpickr
This patch updates a few more instances of jQueryUI datepickers which
were missed initially, replacing them with Flatpickr widgets.

Also changed: A few datetime input fields are updated to have a size of
20, consistent with other datetime input fields.

To test, apply the patch and go to Circulation.

Check in:

- With the 'SpecifyReturnDate' system preference enabled, go to Check
- Click the "Checkin settings" link.
- Test the "Specify return date" field. Clicking it should trigger a
  Flatpickr widget with a time picker. It should limit your selection to
  dates in the past.
- Check the "Remember return date" checkbox and confirm that the date is
  preserved over page reloads.
- Check and uncheck the "Box drop mode" checkbox to confirm that the
  return date field is disabled and enabled correctly.

Check out:

- With the 'AllowRenewalOnHoldOverride' preference enabled, check out to
  a patron who has a checkout which is on hold for another patron.
- At the bottom of the table of checkouts, click the "Override renewal
  restrictions" checkbox.
- The on-hold checkouts should now have a checkbox in the "Renew"
  column. Check one or more of these checkboxes.
- In the table footer you should now see two date inputs, "Renewal due
  date" and "On hold due date." These should both trigger Flatpickr
  widgets with time pickers.
- Confirm that your date selections are submitted correctly when you
  renew items.

ILL checkout:

- Create a new ILL request with the type "book," filling in at least
  title, patron, and destination library.
- On the "Manage ILL request" page, click "Confirm request" and "Confirm
  request" on the next confirmation page.
- There should now be a "Check out" button in the "Manage ILL request"
  toolbar. Click it.
- Test the "Due date" field. It should trigger a Flatpickr widget with a
  time picker.

Signed-off-by: Martin Renvoize <>

Signed-off-by: Jonathan Druart <>
2021-11-15 12:38:39 +01:00
e5f1ada249 Bug 28937: Use Flatpickr on circulation and patron pages
This patch replaces the use of jQueryUI's datepicker on circulation and
patron-related pages.

The patch modifies Flatpickr's default configuration (in
so that it has the following features:

 - A Flatpickr input with a "futuredate" class will require that the
   selected date be after today.
 - The Flatpickr input field will be wrapped in a container to
   facilitate better CSS styling.
 - Generic handling of paired date fields is enabled using
   ".flatpickrfrom" and ".flatpickrto" field classes. This mimics the
   same feature we have for jQueryUI datepickers using ".datepickerfrom"
   and ".datepickerto".

This patch also removes an unused function which was repeated in three
templates: validate1.

To test, apply the patch and rebuild the staff interface CSS

- Go to Circulation and check out to a patron.
  - Open the Restrictions tab and click "Add manual restriction."
    - In the "Expiration" field, test that the Flatpickr widget works
      correctly and limits to dates after today.
  - Enable the SpecifyDueDate preference if necessary.
    - Test the behavior of the SpecifyDueDate controls: Setting a date,
      clearing a date, session persistence.
- Enable the SuspendHoldsIntranet system preference if necessary.
  - Check out to a patron with existing holds.
    - Open the Holds tab and click the "Suspend" button for one of the
      - In the modal window which appears, check that the Flatpickr
        widget works correctly and limits to dates after today.
      - At the bottom of the table of holds, test that the "Suspend all
        holds" Flatpickr works correctly and limits to dates after
        - Perform this same test from the patron details page.
- Enable the  BatchCheckouts system preference if necessary.
  - Open a patron record and click "Batch check out" in the left-hand
    sidebar menu.
    - Test that the "Hard due date" Flatpickr works correctly as a date
      and time picker.
- Go to Circulation -> Overdues.
  - Test that the date due filters in the sidebar work correctly and
    are linked, e.g. the "to" field cannot be before the "from" field.
     - Perform the same test here: Circulation -> Holds to pull; and
       here: Circulation -> Hold ratios.
- Enable the  HouseboundModule system preference if necessary.
  - Check out to or view details of a patron.
    - Click "Housebound" in the sidebar menu.
      - Save delivery day and frequency settings for that patron.
      - Click "Add a new delivery."
      - Test that the "Date" Flatpickr widget works correctly.
- Go to Patrons -> A patron record -> Edit.
  - Test that Flatpickr widgets work on the following fields:
    - Date of birth
    - Registration date & Expiration date (linked).
    - Patron restrictions -> Add manual restriction -> Expiration.
- View a bibliographic record and start the process of placing a hold.
  - After selecting a patron, test the "Hold starts on" and "Hold
    expires on" date fields. The fields should be linked and each
    should limit to future dates.
  - Confirm that the dates are saved correctly when you submit the
- Locate a bibliographic record with multiple holds and view the holds.
  - In the table of holds, test each date field: Date, expiration, and
- Test that Flatpickr's static "formatDate" method is working
  - Locate a bibliographic record's item so that there is text in both
    the "Public note" and "Non-public note" field.
  - Check that item out to a patron.
  - After the page reloads the public and non-public notes should be
    shown under the checkout title highlighted in red.
- Check for references to a "validate1" function. There should be none.

Signed-off-by: Lucas Gass <>
Signed-off-by: Martin Renvoize <>

Signed-off-by: Jonathan Druart <>
2021-09-29 12:47:33 +02:00
111b14dc96 Bug 26243: Move translatable strings out of templates and into circulation.js
This patch removes the definition of translatable strings out of
templates and into the corresponding JavaScript file, using the new JS
i81n function.

To test:

- Apply the patch and check out to a patron.
- If there are none on the account, add a new message using the "Add a
  new message" link.
- Click "Delete" for that message.
- You should get a confirmation message, "Are you sure you want to
  delete this message? This cannot be undone."
- If necessary, enable the ExportCircHistory system preference.
- Check out to a patron who has one or more items checked out.
- Wihtout checking any checkboxes, click the "Export" button at the
  bottom of the page.
- You should get an error message, "You must select checkout(s) to
- Add a restriction the patron's account.
- Delete the restriction. You should get a confirmation message, "Remove
- Perform the same tests from the patron detail page.


- Update a translation, e.g. fr-FR:

  > cd misc/translator
  > perl translate update fr-FR

- Open the corresponding .po file for JavaScript strings, e.g.
- Locate strings pulled from
  koha-tmpl/intranet-tmpl/prog/js/pages/circulation.js for translation,

  msgid "You must select checkout(s) to export"
  msgstr ""

- Edit the "msgstr" string however you want (it's just for testing).
- Install the updated translation:

  > perl translate install fr-FR

- Switch to your newly translated language in the staff client
  and repeat the test plan above. The translated strings should

Signed-off-by: David Nind <>

Signed-off-by: Katrin Fischer <>

Signed-off-by: Jonathan Druart <>
2020-09-29 14:28:18 +02:00
Bug 20959: Style checkin form more like the checkout form, with collapsed settings panel
This patch modifies the structure of the checkin form so that settings
(Specify return date, book drop mode, forgive overdue charges) are in a
collapsed panel when inactive. The style of the barcode field and the
mode notification messages has been changed to reduce the vertical
motion of the form when selecting options.

Some class names have been changed in and circulation.js
to make them appropriate for use on both forms.

To test, apply the patch and rebuild the staff client CSS
Clear your browser cache if necessary.

 - View the checkin page. The "checkin settings" panel should be
   collapsed by default.
 - Confirm that the settings panel collapses and expands as it should.
 - Confirm that selecting "Forgive overdue charges" or "Book drop mode"
   trigger the display of the correct message and that the style of the
   barcode field is changed.
 - Confirm that after submitting a barcode for check-in, the
   settings panel stays open and your selected settings are still
 - Confirm that specifying a due date and selecting "remember" shows
   a new message with the selected date.
   - Confirm that unchecking "remember" hides the message.
   - Confirm that date settings are remembered and the correct message
     displayed (or not) during check-in.
 - Test with CircSidebar enabled and disabled.

Signed-off-by: Arthur Bousquet <>
Signed-off-by: Katrin Fischer <>
Signed-off-by: Martin Renvoize <>
2019-07-02 09:17:36 +01:00
Andrew Isherwood
c48af49ded Bug 7088: Allow renew on hold items with due date
This patch adds the ability for items that are on hold to be renewed with a due date specfied by the user. It is enabled by the new "AllowRenewalOnHoldOverride" syspref. It is manifested in two locations:

1. In the "Checkouts" table on the Patron Details screen. It is now possible to select on loan items that would otherwise fulfil a hold request to be renewed. When such an item is selected, an additional date selection box is displayed to allow the user to specify the due date for all on hold items that are to be renewed.

2. In the Circulation > Renew alert screen. When a barcode of an on loan item that would ordinarily fulfil a hold request is entered, the usual alert is displayed indicating that the item is on hold, it is still possible to override this, and renew, however it is now also possible to specify a due date.

Test plan:

- Go to the Patron Details page for a patron who has an item on loan that would fulfil an outstanding loan request.
- TEST: Observe that it is NOT possible to select this item
- Enable the "AllowRenewalOnHoldOverride" syspref
- Return to the Patron Details page for a patron who has an item on loan that would fulfil an outstanding loan request.
- TEST: Observe that it IS possible to select this item
- Select the item
- TEST: Observe that an additional "On hold due date" input box is displayed
- De-select the item
- TEST: Observe that an additional "On hold due date" input box is hidden
- Select the item
- In the "On hold due date" input box, select a due date for the item
- Click "Renew or check in selected items"
- TEST: Observe that the item is renewed as usual
- In the "Renewal due date" input box, select a due date
- Remove the contents of the "On hold due date" input box
- Click "Renew or check in selected items"
- TEST: Observe that the item is renewed by falling back to the "Renewal due date" value if a value is not specified in the "On hold due date" input box
- Remove the contents of the "Renewal due date" input box
- Click "Renew or check in selected items"
- TEST: Observe that the standard loan period is used for the renewal period if no due date is specified in either box
- In the "On hold due date" input box, select a due date for the item
- In the "Renewal due date" input box, select a different due date
- Click "Renew all"
- TEST: Observe that all non on hold items are renewed using the value in "Renewal due date" and on hold items are renewed using the value in "On hold due date"
- From the main staff client from page, choose "Circulation", then choose "Renew"
- Enter the barcode of an item that you know to be on hold and submit
- TEST: In the alert box that appears, observe that a date picker is
- Choose a due date for this item, then click "Override and renew"
- TEST: In the "Item renewed" box, observe that the item has been
renewed to the date specified

Sponsored-by: Cheshire Libraries Shared Services
Sponsored-by: Halton Borough Council
Sponsored-by: Sefton Council

Signed-off-by: Andrew Farthing <>

Signed-off-by: Liz Rea <>

Signed-off-by: Katrin Fischer <>

Signed-off-by: Nick Clemens <>
2019-05-09 14:40:49 +00:00
047ca33a93 Bug 19641: Move patron templates to the footer
This patch modifies the staff client patron module templates so that
JavaScript is included in the footer instead of the header.

This patch touches a lot of files because the changes are all
interdependent, affecting a couple of module-wide include files.

To test, apply the patch and test the JavaScript-driven features of the
modified templates: All button controls, DataTables functionality, tabs,

Patrons -> Patrons home, patron search results
  -> Manage pending modification requests
  -> Patron detail page
    -> Edit patron
      -> Set guarantor
    -> Fines
       -> Account, Pay fines, Create manual invoice, Create manual
       -> Print receipts for different kinds of charges
    -> Routing lists
    -> Circulation history
    -> Holds history
    -> Notices
    -> Statistics
    -> Files
    -> Purchase suggestions
    -> Discharges
    -> Housebound
    -> Set permissions
    -> Change password
    -> Print summary, slips, and overdues
    -> Update child to adult patron type

Patron toolbar and patron search bar operations should work correctly on
all pages.

This patch also updates the template for searching the Norwegian
national patron database, but it has NOT been tested.

Signed-off-by: Claire Gravely <>

Signed-off-by: Zoe Bennett <>

Signed-off-by: Josef Moravec <>

Signed-off-by: Jonathan Druart <>
2018-02-15 13:30:23 -03:00
ecf6ca5d6e Bug 18708 [Revised] Show itemBarcodeFallbackSearch results in a modal window
This patch modifies the circulation template so that
itemBarcodeFallbackSearch results show in a modal window.

To test, enable the itemBarcodeFallbackSearch system preference and open
a patron's account in circulation.

- Submit a string which will return search results. When the page
  reloads a modal should display showing a table of title search
  - Test the "Check out" button and confirm that the correct item is
  - Test closing the modal and re-displaying it using the new "Show
    matching titles" button.
  - Confirm that the "Add record using fast cataloging" button still
    works correctly.
- Submit a string which will return no results. No modal window should
  display, and only the "Add record" button should appear.
- Confirm that normal checkout works correctly.
- Test with itemBarcodeFallbackSearch disabled, and with a user who
  lacks Fast Cataloging permission.

Revision removes a heading which was made redundant by the modal markup.

Signed-off-by: Josef Moravec <>

Signed-off-by: Katrin Fischer <>

Signed-off-by: Kyle M Hall <>

Signed-off-by: Jonathan Druart <>
2017-09-01 17:07:22 -03:00
d16bcb70e7 Bug 17812 - Return focus to barcode field after toggling on-site checkouts
This patch changes the behavior of the checkout form so that after
checking boxes in the "checkout settings" panel the cursor focus is
automatically moved to the barcode field.

To test, apply the patch and enable OnSiteCheckouts and
decreaseLoanHighHolds system preferences.

- Open any patron account in circulation.
- Expand the "Checkout settings" panel.
- Click the label or checkbox for "Automatic renewal", "Don't
  decrease checkout length based on holds" and "On-site checkout"
- Confirm that the focus has moved to the barcode field.

Works as advertised.
Signed-off-by: Marc Véron <>

Signed-off-by: Marjorie Barry-Vila <>

Signed-off-by: Nick Clemens <>

Signed-off-by: Kyle M Hall <>
2017-05-08 09:17:38 -04:00
2b54196b72 Bug 17394 - exporting checkouts with items selects without items in combo-box
In checkouts table, the is an export form (when some exports syspref are enabled).
When selecting some checkouts and selecting "ISO2709 with items" in export format combo-box, clicking on "Export" will select "ISO2709 without items" in the export format combo-box.
This is quite strange.
Its because the form as 2 inputs with same name and id "output_format" : an hidden input (the wanted arg for tools/ and a select (the export format combo-box).
So an action meant on the hidden input impacts the select.

This patch corrects by changing id and name of the export format combo-box : issues-table-output-format

TEST plan :
- Enable checkouts exports by setting syspref ExportWithCsvProfile with a profile
- Go to circ page of a patron with checkouts : /cgi-bin/koha/circ/
- Show checkouts table
- Select some checkboxes in "Export" column
- Select "ISO2709 with items" in export format combo-box
- Click on "Export"
=> Without patch, the export format combo-box changes to "ISO2709 without items"
=> With patch, the export format combo-box does not changes
- Check the export file contains the items
- Check exports "ISO2709 without items" and "CSV" are OK

Signed-off-by: Jesse Maseto <>

Signed-off-by: Katrin Fischer  <>

Signed-off-by: Kyle M Hall <>
2016-11-07 16:43:51 +00:00
363e45a5eb Bug 14060: Force the input to contain a valid date
Before this patch, the user was still allowed to enter a valid date.
Now, if the date is not valid, the input is emptied.

Signed-off-by: Owen Leonard <>

Signed-off-by: Nick Clemens <>

Signed-off-by: Kyle M Hall <>
2016-09-08 12:04:20 +00:00
Jonathan Druart
f91ed3d8bf Bug 14060: Remove readonly attributes on date inputs
In order to remove accessibility issues due to the readonly attributes
on date inputs, this patch will remove them and introduce a javascript
validation on them.

This patch is not perfect for some reason:
I didn't manage to force the user to select a valid date. One solution
would be to reopen the datepicker plugin until a valid date is inserted.
But it could be annoying for users (and for me: I did not manage to
implement this solution).
You will note that input is emptied if the date is not valid. This is a
quick and efficient solution to prevent submitting invalid date and make
Koha explodes. A proper solution would be to implement the check server
side send a friendly message to the user.

Test plan:
For all inputs, try an invalid and a valid date.
 1/ Debar a patron
 2/ On the checkout tables (circulation and moremember), add a renewal
due date (at the bottom of the tables)
 3/ On the checkout page, specify a due date
 4/ On the return page, specify a return date
 5/ On the invoice page (acquisition module), enter a shipment and
billing date
 6/ On the invoice search page ( use filters shipment and
billing dates
 7/ On the offline circ page, specify a due date
 8/ On the edit patron page (memberentry), add a debarment
 9/ On the reserve page (reserve/, use the date inputs to
suspend until a defined date
10/ Edit patrons in a batch (tools/ and use the
registration and expiry date inputs

Signed-off-by: Owen Leonard <>

Signed-off-by: Nick Clemens <>

Signed-off-by: Kyle M Hall <>
2016-09-08 12:04:19 +00:00
573f1ac474 Bug 3669: Moving 'Add a new message' into a pop up box and adding to patron toolbar
This patch moves all the code into an include which can be accessed from the 'Add a new message' link or the patron toolbar.

EDIT: Ensuring modal opens on all pages
EDIT2: Once the form has been submitted the page will redirect to where you submitted the form from.
EDIT3: Fixing indentation of
       Ensuring messages save on every page
       Fill branch
       Ensure predefined notes appear
       Form redirects to where it was submitted from, or just the circulation page.
EDIT4: Removing the new include file and moving it all into the modal in the toolbar
EDIT5: Removing swp file and unnecessary code duplication by utilising plugins
EDIT6: Batch checkout fixes
EDIT7: Ensure you do not get JS error from Comment 24 (Batch checkout syspref must be turned on)

To test:
1) Go to a patron circ page (circ/
2) Click 'Add a new message' under Messages
3) Confirm this brings up the modal to add a message. Confirm clicking Save saves your message. If it is an OPAC message (for the user), confirm it shows as expected on the OPAC.
4) Click Cancel. Confirm this closes the modal.
5) Click 'Add message' button in toolbar. Complete steps 3 and 4.
6) Confirm the modal opens from all other pages with the members toolbar. Confirm predefined notes shows.
        turn on BatchCheckouts syspref and put in appropriate patron category
7) Confirm that the page redirects to where you submitted the form from once you have submitted it.
8) Go to Check Out tab and confirm your message saved (or OPAC, wherever you saved it)

Sponsored-by: Catalyst IT

Followed test plan, works as expected. (Re-tested for comment #24)
Signed-off-by: Marc Véron <>

Signed-off-by: Jonathan Druart <>

Signed-off-by: Kyle M Hall <>
2016-06-24 13:20:13 +00:00
5e1bcc4aa7 Bug 16242 - Move staff client JavaScript out of language directory
This patch moves the JavaScript files in prog/en/js to prog/js.
JavaScript files do not need to be in the directory which is processed
by the translator.

To test, apply the patch and visit various pages in the staff client to
confirm that JavaScript files are still loading correctly.

Revised: I intended for this to be built on top of Bug 15883 as well as
Bug 16242. Now it is.

Signed-off-by: Bernardo Gonzalez Kriegel <>
On top of 15883 and 16241
All seems to work, js files pulled from new dir.
No errors

Signed-off-by: Katrin Fischer <>

Signed-off-by: Kyle M Hall <>
2016-04-29 14:32:42 +00:00
Renamed from koha-tmpl/intranet-tmpl/prog/en/js/pages/circulation.js (Browse further)