the intranet. The development was made on branch 2.2 by Arnaud Laurin from
Ouest Provence and integrated on HEAD by Pierrick Le Gall from INEO media
New page reserve/ taking a biblionumber as entry point.
New functions:
- C4::Biblio::get_iteminfos_of retrieves item informations for a list of
- C4::Biblio::get_biblioiteminfos_of retrieves biblioitem informations for a
list of biblioitemnumbers
- C4::Biblio::get_itemnumbers_of retrieve the list of itemnumbers related to
each biblionumber given in argument.
- C4::Circulation::Circ2::get_return_date_of retrieves return date for a
list of itemnumbers.
- C4::Koha::get_itemtypeinfos_of retrieves the informations related to a
list of itemtypes.
- C4::Koha::get_branchinfos_of retrieves the informations related to a list
of branchcodes.
- C4::Koha::get_notforloan_label_of retrives the list of status/label for
the authorised_values related to notforloan.
- C4::Koha::get_infos_of is the generic function used by all get_*infos_of.
- C4::Reserves2::GetNumberReservesFromBorrower
- C4::Reserves2::GetFirstReserveDateFromItem
Modified functions:
- C4::Reserves2::FindReserves was simplified to be more readable.
The reservation page is reserve/ and is linked from nowhere as
long as zebra is not stable yet on HEAD.
template guideline compliance: on circulation template, selected status of
each option in date options (day/month/year) is managed by a
TMPL_IF/TMPL_ELSE outside the <option>.
bug fixed: on circulation template, today issues could not be renewed with
new reserve/ items list coming from HTTP request.
bug fixed: on return template, included template to close the <head> was
bug fixed: on member/moremember template, renew items comply with new
simplification: deletion of useless input param look-up table in
reserve/, direct use of CGI method.
read. HTML output uses fieldset, it should be cleaner, feedback welcomed.
improvement: simplified by using named submit buttons
(renew_all and renew_checked), and by using arrays in HTTP query for items.