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4 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
Pedro Amorim b88d364018 Bug 33282: Feed an array of titles so that no dialog message appears 1 year ago
Pedro Amorim f718fe6a0a Bug 33282: Move get_title to index.js to be invoked by different specs 1 year ago
Pedro Amorim a56cbc6d47 Bug 33282: Remove useless intercept 1 year ago
Pedro Amorim 7c5d0a208d Bug 33282: Rename Dialog.spec.ts to Dialog_spec.ts 1 year ago
  1. 10
  2. 66
  3. 49

t/cypress/integration/Dialog.spec.ts → t/cypress/integration/Dialog_spec.ts

@ -88,7 +88,15 @@ describe("Dialog operations", () => {
cy.get("main div[class='dialog message']").contains("Package created");
cy.get("main div[class='dialog message']").should("have.length", 1);
cy.intercept("GET", "/api/v1/erm/eholdings/local/titles*", {
statusCode: 200,
body: [cy.get_title()],
headers: {
"X-Base-Total-Count": "1",
"X-Total-Count": "1",
// Info messages should be cleared when view is changed
cy.get("main div[class='dialog message']").should("not.exist");


@ -2,55 +2,6 @@ import { mount } from "@cypress/vue";
const dayjs = require("dayjs"); /* Cannot use our calendar JS code, it's in an include file (!)
Also note that moment.js is deprecated */
function get_title() {
return {
access_type: "access type",
biblio_id: null,
coverage_depth: "coverage depth",
date_first_issue_online: "date first",
date_last_issue_online: "date last",
date_monograph_published_online: "date mono online",
date_monograph_published_print: "date mono print",
embargo_info: "embargo info",
external_id: "",
first_author: "first author",
first_editor: "first editor",
monograph_edition: "monograph edition",
monograph_volume: "monograph volume",
notes: "notes",
num_first_issue_online: "num first issue",
num_first_vol_online: "num first vol",
num_last_issue_online: "num last issue",
num_last_vol_online: "num last vol",
online_identifier: "online identifier",
parent_publication_title_id: "parent id",
preceeding_publication_title_id: "preceeding id",
print_identifier: "print identifier",
publication_title: "publication title",
publication_type: "journal",
publisher_name: "publication name",
resources: [
ended_on: null,
package: {
content_type: "",
package_id: 1,
name: "first package name"
package_id: 1,
resource_id: 2,
title: {
biblio_id: 439,
title_id: 1,
title_id: 1
title_id: 1,
title_url: "title url"
function get_packages_to_relate() {
return [
@ -82,7 +33,7 @@ describe("Title CRUD operations", () => {
it("Import titles", () => {
let erm_title = get_title();
let erm_title = cy.get_title();
let resource = erm_title.resources[0];
// Create a list in case none exists
@ -146,7 +97,7 @@ describe("Title CRUD operations", () => {
cy.get("#titles_list").contains("There are no titles defined");
// GET titles returns something
let erm_title = get_title();
let erm_title = cy.get_title();
let titles = [erm_title];
cy.intercept("GET", "/api/v1/erm/eholdings/local/titles*", {
@ -157,11 +108,6 @@ describe("Title CRUD operations", () => {
"X-Total-Count": "1",
cy.get("#titles_list").contains("Showing 1 to 1 of 1 entries");
@ -184,7 +130,7 @@ describe("Title CRUD operations", () => {
cy.get("#titles_add h2").contains("New title");
// Fill in the form for normal attributes
let erm_title = get_title();
let erm_title = cy.get_title();
@ -257,7 +203,7 @@ describe("Title CRUD operations", () => {
it("Edit title", () => {
let erm_title = get_title();
let erm_title = cy.get_title();
let titles = [erm_title];
// Click the 'Edit' button from the list
cy.intercept("GET", "/api/v1/erm/eholdings/local/titles*", {
@ -334,7 +280,7 @@ describe("Title CRUD operations", () => {
it("Show title", () => {
let erm_title = get_title();
let erm_title = cy.get_title();
let titles = [erm_title];
// Click the "name" link from the list
cy.intercept("GET", "/api/v1/erm/eholdings/local/titles*", {
@ -406,7 +352,7 @@ describe("Title CRUD operations", () => {
it("Delete title", () => {
let erm_title = get_title();
let erm_title = cy.get_title();
let titles = [erm_title];
// Click the 'Delete' button from the list


@ -19,6 +19,55 @@ import './commands';
// Alternatively you can use CommonJS syntax:
// require('./commands')
cy.get_title = () => {
return {
access_type: "access type",
biblio_id: null,
coverage_depth: "coverage depth",
date_first_issue_online: "date first",
date_last_issue_online: "date last",
date_monograph_published_online: "date mono online",
date_monograph_published_print: "date mono print",
embargo_info: "embargo info",
external_id: "",
first_author: "first author",
first_editor: "first editor",
monograph_edition: "monograph edition",
monograph_volume: "monograph volume",
notes: "notes",
num_first_issue_online: "num first issue",
num_first_vol_online: "num first vol",
num_last_issue_online: "num last issue",
num_last_vol_online: "num last vol",
online_identifier: "online identifier",
parent_publication_title_id: "parent id",
preceeding_publication_title_id: "preceeding id",
print_identifier: "print identifier",
publication_title: "publication title",
publication_type: "journal",
publisher_name: "publication name",
resources: [
ended_on: null,
package: {
content_type: "",
package_id: 1,
name: "first package name"
package_id: 1,
resource_id: 2,
title: {
biblio_id: 439,
title_id: 1,
title_id: 1
title_id: 1,
title_url: "title url"
cy.get_agreements_to_relate = () => {
return [
