#!/usr/bin/perl # script to administer the systempref table # written 20/02/2002 by paul.poulain@free.fr # This software is placed under the gnu General Public License, v2 (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html) # Copyright 2000-2002 Katipo Communications # # This file is part of Koha. # # Koha is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it # under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # Koha is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Koha; if not, see . =head1 systempreferences.pl ALSO : this script use an $op to know what to do. if $op is empty or none of the above values, - the default screen is build (with all records, or filtered datas). - the user can clic on add, modify or delete record. if $op=add_form - if primkey exists, this is a modification,so we read the $primkey record - builds the add/modify form if $op=add_validate - the user has just send datas, so we create/modify the record if $op=delete_form - we show the record having primkey=$primkey and ask for deletion validation form if $op=delete_confirm - we delete the record having primkey=$primkey =cut use Modern::Perl; use CGI qw ( -utf8 ); use MIME::Base64 qw( encode_base64 ); use C4::Auth qw( get_template_and_user ); use C4::Context; use C4::Koha qw( getallthemes ); use C4::Languages qw( getTranslatedLanguages ); use C4::ClassSource qw( GetClassSources GetClassSource ); use C4::Output qw( output_html_with_http_headers output_and_exit_if_error ); use YAML::XS; my %tabsysprefs; #we do no longer need to keep track of a tab per pref (yaml) sub StringSearch { my ( $searchstring, $tab ) = @_; return ( 0, [] ) if $tab ne 'local_use'; my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh; $searchstring =~ s/\'/\\\'/g; my @data = split( ' ', $searchstring ); my $count = @data; my @results; my $cnt = 0; my $sth; my $strsth = "Select variable,value,explanation,type,options from systempreferences where variable in ("; my $first = 1; my @sql_bind; for my $name ( get_local_prefs() ) { $strsth .= ',' unless $first; $strsth .= "?"; push( @sql_bind, $name ); $first = 0; } $strsth .= ") order by variable"; $sth = $dbh->prepare($strsth); $sth->execute(@sql_bind); while ( my $data = $sth->fetchrow_hashref ) { unless ( defined $data->{value} ) { $data->{value} = ""; } $data->{shortvalue} = $data->{value}; $data->{shortvalue} = substr( $data->{value}, 0, 60 ) . "..." if length( $data->{value} ) > 60; push( @results, $data ); $cnt++; } return ( $cnt, \@results ); } sub GetPrefParams { my $data = shift; my $params = $data; my @options; if ( defined $data->{'options'} ) { foreach my $option ( split( /\|/, $data->{'options'} ) ) { my $selected = '0'; defined( $data->{'value'} ) and $option eq $data->{'value'} and $selected = 1; push @options, { option => $option, selected => $selected }; } } $params->{'prefoptions'} = $data->{'options'}; if ( not defined( $data->{'type'} ) ) { $params->{'type_free'} = 1; $params->{'fieldlength'} = ( defined( $data->{'options'} ) and $data->{'options'} and $data->{'options'} > 0 ); } elsif ( $data->{'type'} eq 'cud-Upload' ) { $params->{'type_upload'} = 1; } elsif ( $data->{'type'} eq 'Choice' ) { $params->{'type_choice'} = 1; } elsif ( $data->{'type'} eq 'YesNo' ) { $params->{'type_yesno'} = 1; $data->{'value'} = C4::Context->preference( $data->{'variable'} ); if ( defined( $data->{'value'} ) and $data->{'value'} eq '1' ) { $params->{'value_yes'} = 1; } else { $params->{'value_no'} = 1; } } elsif ( $data->{'type'} eq 'Integer' || $data->{'type'} eq 'Float' ) { $params->{'type_free'} = 1; $params->{'fieldlength'} = ( defined( $data->{'options'} ) and $data->{'options'} and $data->{'options'} > 0 ) ? $data->{'options'} : 10; } elsif ( $data->{'type'} eq 'Textarea' ) { $params->{'type_textarea'} = 1; $data->{options} =~ /(.*)\|(.*)/; $params->{'cols'} = $1; $params->{'rows'} = $2; } elsif ( $data->{'type'} eq 'Htmlarea' ) { $params->{'type_htmlarea'} = 1; $data->{options} =~ /(.*)\|(.*)/; $params->{'cols'} = $1; $params->{'rows'} = $2; } elsif ( $data->{'type'} eq 'Themes' ) { $params->{'type_choice'} = 1; my $type = ''; ( $data->{'variable'} =~ m#opac#i ) ? ( $type = 'opac' ) : ( $type = 'intranet' ); @options = (); my $currently_selected_themes; my $counter = 0; foreach my $theme ( split /\s+/, $data->{'value'} ) { push @options, { option => $theme, counter => $counter }; $currently_selected_themes->{$theme} = 1; $counter++; } foreach my $theme ( getallthemes($type) ) { my $selected = '0'; next if $currently_selected_themes->{$theme}; push @options, { option => $theme, counter => $counter }; $counter++; } } elsif ( $data->{'type'} eq 'ClassSources' ) { $params->{'type_choice'} = 1; my $type = ''; @options = (); my $sources = GetClassSources(); my $counter = 0; foreach my $cn_source ( sort keys %$sources ) { if ( $cn_source eq $data->{'value'} ) { push @options, { option => $cn_source, counter => $counter, selected => 1 }; } else { push @options, { option => $cn_source, counter => $counter }; } $counter++; } } elsif ( $data->{'type'} eq 'Languages' ) { my $currently_selected_languages; foreach my $language ( split /\s+/, $data->{'value'} ) { $currently_selected_languages->{$language} = 1; } # current language my $lang = $params->{'lang'}; my $theme; my $interface; if ( $data->{'variable'} =~ /opac/ ) { # this is the OPAC $interface = 'opac'; $theme = C4::Context->preference('opacthemes'); } else { # this is the staff interface $interface = 'intranet'; $theme = C4::Context->preference('template'); } my $languages_loop = getTranslatedLanguages( $interface, $theme, $lang ); $params->{'languages_loop'} = $languages_loop; $params->{'type_langselector'} = 1; } else { $params->{'type_free'} = 1; $params->{'fieldlength'} = ( defined( $data->{'options'} ) and $data->{'options'} and $data->{'options'} > 0 ) ? $data->{'options'} : 30; } if ( $params->{'type_choice'} || $params->{'type_free'} || $params->{'type_yesno'} ) { $params->{'oneline'} = 1; } $params->{'preftype'} = $data->{'type'}; $params->{'options'} = \@options; return $params; } my $input = CGI->new; my $searchfield = $input->param('searchfield') || ''; my $Tvalue = $input->param('Tvalue'); my $offset = $input->param('offset') || 0; my $script_name = "/cgi-bin/koha/admin/systempreferences.pl"; my ( $template, $borrowernumber, $cookie ) = get_template_and_user( { template_name => "admin/systempreferences.tt", query => $input, type => "intranet", flagsrequired => { parameters => 'manage_sysprefs' }, } ); my $pagesize = 100; my $op = $input->param('op') || ''; $searchfield =~ s/\,//g; if ($op) { $template->param( $op => 1 ); # we show only the TMPL_VAR names $op } else { $template->param( else => 1 ); # we show only the TMPL_VAR names $op } if ( $op eq 'update_and_reedit' ) { output_and_exit_if_error( $input, $cookie, $template, { check => 'csrf_token' } ); foreach ( $input->param ) { } my $value = ''; if ( my $currentorder = $input->param('currentorder') ) { my @currentorder = split /\|/, $currentorder; my $orderchanged = 0; foreach my $param ( $input->param ) { if ( $param =~ m#up-(\d+).x# ) { my $temp = $currentorder[$1]; $currentorder[$1] = $currentorder[ $1 - 1 ]; $currentorder[ $1 - 1 ] = $temp; $orderchanged = 1; last; } elsif ( $param =~ m#down-(\d+).x# ) { my $temp = $currentorder[$1]; $currentorder[$1] = $currentorder[ $1 + 1 ]; $currentorder[ $1 + 1 ] = $temp; $orderchanged = 1; last; } } $value = join ' ', @currentorder; if ($orderchanged) { $op = 'add_form'; $template->param( $op => 1 ); # we show only the TMPL_VAR names $op } else { $op = ''; $searchfield = ''; $template->param( else => 1 ); # we show only the TMPL_VAR names $op } } my $variable = $input->param('variable'); C4::Context->set_preference( $variable, $value ); } ################## ADD_FORM ################################## # called by default. Used to create form to add or modify a record if ( $op eq 'add_form' ) { #---- if primkey exists, it's a modify action, so read values to modify... my $data; if ($searchfield) { my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh; my $sth = $dbh->prepare("select variable,value,explanation,type,options from systempreferences where variable=?"); $sth->execute($searchfield); $data = $sth->fetchrow_hashref; $template->param( modify => 1 ); # save tab to return to if user cancels edit $template->param( return_tab => $tabsysprefs{$searchfield} ); } $data->{'lang'} = $template->param('lang'); my $prefparams = GetPrefParams($data); $template->param(%$prefparams); $template->param( searchfield => $searchfield ); ################## ADD_VALIDATE ################################## # called by add_form, used to insert/modify data in DB } elsif ( $op eq 'cud-add_validate' ) { output_and_exit_if_error( $input, $cookie, $template, { check => 'csrf_token' } ); # to handle multiple values my $value; my $variable = $input->param('variable'); my $expl = $input->param('explanation'); my $type = $input->param('preftype'); my $options = $input->param('prefoptions'); # handle multiple value strings (separated by ',') my $params = $input->Vars; if ( defined $params->{'value'} ) { my @values = (); @values = split( "\0", $params->{'value'} ) if defined( $params->{'value'} ); if (@values) { $value = ""; for my $vl (@values) { $value .= "$vl,"; } $value =~ s/,$//; } else { $value = $params->{'value'}; } } if ( $type eq 'cud-Upload' ) { my $lgtfh = $input->upload('value'); $value = join '', <$lgtfh>; $value = encode_base64($value); } C4::Context->set_preference( $variable, $value, $expl, $type, $options ); print $input->redirect("/cgi-bin/koha/admin/systempreferences.pl?tab="); exit; ################## DELETE_CONFIRM ################################## # called by default form, used to confirm deletion of data in DB } elsif ( $op eq 'delete_confirm' ) { my $value = C4::Context->preference($searchfield); $template->param( searchfield => $searchfield, Tvalue => $value, ); # END $OP eq DELETE_CONFIRM ################## DELETE_CONFIRMED ################################## # called by delete_confirm, used to effectively confirm deletion of data in DB } elsif ( $op eq 'cud-delete_confirmed' ) { output_and_exit_if_error( $input, $cookie, $template, { check => 'csrf_token' } ); C4::Context->delete_preference($searchfield); $template->param( delete_confirmed => 1 ); # END $OP eq DELETE_CONFIRMED ################## DEFAULT ################################## } else { # DEFAULT #Adding tab management for system preferences my $tab = 'local_use'; $template->param( $tab => 1 ); my ( $count, $results ) = StringSearch( $searchfield, $tab ); my @loop_data = (); for ( my $i = $offset ; $i < ( $offset + $pagesize < $count ? $offset + $pagesize : $count ) ; $i++ ) { my $row_data = $results->[$i]; $row_data->{'lang'} = $template->param('lang'); $row_data = GetPrefParams($row_data); # get a fresh hash for the row data $row_data->{edit} = "$script_name?op=add_form&searchfield=" . $results->[$i]{'variable'}; $row_data->{delete} = "$script_name?op=delete_confirm&searchfield=" . $results->[$i]{'variable'}; push( @loop_data, $row_data ); } $template->param( loop => \@loop_data ); if ( $offset > 0 ) { my $prevpage = $offset - $pagesize; $template->param( "' ); } if ( $offset + $pagesize < $count ) { my $nextpage = $offset + $pagesize; $template->param( "a href=$script_name?offset=" . $nextpage . 'Next >>' ); } $template->param( tab => $tab, ); } #---- END $OP eq DEFAULT output_html_with_http_headers $input, $cookie, $template->output; # Return an array containing all preferences defined in current Koha instance # .pref files. sub get_prefs_from_files { my $path_pref_en = C4::Context->config('intrahtdocs') . '/prog/en/modules/admin/preferences'; # Get all .pref file names opendir( my $fh, $path_pref_en ); my @pref_files = grep { /.pref$/ } readdir($fh); close $fh; my @names = (); my $append = sub { my $prefs = shift; for my $pref (@$prefs) { for my $element (@$pref) { if ( ref($element) eq 'HASH' ) { my $name = $element->{pref}; next unless $name; push @names, $name; next; } } } }; for my $file (@pref_files) { my $pref = YAML::XS::LoadFile("$path_pref_en/$file"); for my $tab ( keys %$pref ) { my $content = $pref->{$tab}; if ( ref($content) eq 'ARRAY' ) { $append->($content); next; } for my $section ( keys %$content ) { my $syspref = $content->{$section}; $append->($syspref); } } } return @names; } # Return an array containg all preferences defined in DB sub get_prefs_from_db { my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh; my $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT variable FROM systempreferences"); $sth->execute; my @names = (); while ( ( my $name ) = $sth->fetchrow_array ) { push @names, $name if $name; } return @names; } # Return an array containing all local preferences: those which are defined in # DB and not defined in Koha .pref files. sub get_local_prefs { my @prefs_file = get_prefs_from_files(); my @prefs_db = get_prefs_from_db(); my %prefs_file = map { lc $_ => 1 } @prefs_file; my @names = (); foreach my $name (@prefs_db) { push @names, $name unless $prefs_file{ lc $name }; } return @names; }