› Tools
Write news for the OPAC and staff interfaces.
Label creator
Create printable labels and barcodes from catalog data.
Define holidays (days where the library is closed)
Manage OPAC reviews
Define notices (print and email notification messages for overdues, etc.)
Overdue notice/status triggers
Set notice/status triggers for overdue items
Log viewer
Browse the system logs
Perform inventory (stocktaking) of your catalogue
Stage MARC Records For Import
Stage MARC records into the reservoir.
Manage Staged MARC Records
Managed staged MARC records, including completing and reversing imports.
Export bibliographic and holdings
Export bibliographic and holdings data
Import patrons
Import patron data.
Patrons (anonomize, bulk-delete)
Delete old borrowers and anonymize circulation history (deletes borrower reading history)
Task Scheduler
Schedule tasks to run
Moderate reviews
Moderate reviews submitted by patrons