
: [ ] / ;

700 Main Author 710 Corporate Author (Main) 701 Coauthor 702 Secondary Author 711 Corporate Author (Coauthor) 712 Corporate Author (Secondary)
  • Language: of intermediate text, of original work, of summary, of contents page, of title page, of title proper, of libretto, of accompanying material, of subtitles, n> . ;
  • Country: . ,
  • Tag 009:
  • ISBN: . ;
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  • 225 Series
  • Dewey: , , ;
  • Classification: , , ;
  • Contents note: abcdjpvxyz jpxyz --
  • Abstract: . ;
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  • Bibliography: .;
  • Thesis: .;
  • Audience: .;
  • SUDOC serial history: : .;
  • 600 Subject - Personal Name 601 Subject - Corporate Author 602 Subject - Family 604 Subject - Author/Title 606 Subject - Topical Name 607 Subject - Geographical Name 608 Subject - Form 610 Subject 615 Subject Category 616 Trademark
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